HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1962A regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened
at $:00 p.m. on March 5th, 1962, with His ti~Torship Mayor
Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members were present.
Moved by Con. Brough and Oke:
That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, February
19th, 1962] be received and adopted. carried.
(a) A letter was received from the Department of Commerce
& Development advising that having carried out a survey
to determine the need and demand for a rental housing
project, they found no need and consequer_tly could not
enter the Federal-Provincial Partnership in this respect.
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the letter and report received from the Ontario
Department of Commerce and Development respecting a rental
housing project be received and filed for information.
(b) A letter was received from the Canadian Owners and Pilots
Association inviting members of Town Council to a meeting
of their association being held March 14th/b2.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That the letter from Canadian Owners and Pilots Assoc,
dated February 19th/62, be received and filed.
(c) A letter was received from the Department of Lands and
Forests bringing to Councilps attention the possibility
of flooding conditions during the rapid runoff during
Spring, and advised of the firms in Toronto where sand
bags could be obtained if required.
Mo?~ed by Con. Brough and Hooper:
That the letter from the Department of Lands and Forests
dated February 2bth, 1962, be received and referred to the
Roads & Streets Committee for their information.
(d) A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs advising
that the Municipal Assessment Branch were holding several
two-day schools for the benefit of local assessors..
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That C. S. Oke, Town Assessor, be authorized to attend
at the Corporationfs expense the forthcoming Municipal Assess-
ment School conducted by the Assessment Branch of the Depart-
ment of Municipal Affairs. carried.
- 2 -
(e} Durham County District High School Board.
~ePlease find attached the High School Budget for 1962.
The levy is up this year on account of more students
and new school and also because the levy last year was
set too low and resulted in a deficit of over ~1~5,000.
Last Yearts levy was X365,000. and should have been
about ~~.10,000. Mr. den Symons will be sending you the
details of the High School Debentures.ll
Moved by Con. Fice and Hughes:
That the requisition received from the Durham County
District High School Board for 1962 be received and re-
ferred to the Finance Committee for their consideration
in Budget Session. carried.
(f) Bowmanville Public School Board.
11The Bowmanville Public School Board held its Budget
Meeting last night. We will require the following amounts
from the Town to meet our expenditures for the year 1962:
1. Debenture Payments - ~ b3,0~.2.25
2. Other Expenses - ~ 12$,903;.02
Total Public School Levy - ~ 191,945.27
We had hoped to ask for a smaller amount this year, but
just yesterday we were advised that a major expense is
required at the Central Public School to put the elect-
rical system in safe condition. Our grants from the
Province are up considerably from last year, and~we had
a substantial surplus at the end of 1961 due to increase
grants over the anticipated amounts in year 1961.11
Moved by Con. Brough and Hughes:
- That the requisition received from the Bowmanville Public
School Board dated PJZarch 2nd, 19b2, be received and referr-
ed to the Finance Committee for their consideration in
Budget Session. carried.
(g) Canadian Cancer Society.
1PAgain this year, the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society would like to obtain permission to hold a
one hour blitz to distribute educational leaflets and re-
ceive contributions to further our work in research, educ-
ation and Woments Services. We are planning our blitz for
Monday evening, April 30th, 1962, from 7:00 P.M. to $:00 P.M.
Would you please present this petition to Council at your
next meeting, requesting their permission for this blitz.
Trusting that we may have your favourable reply, I remaintl
Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper:
That permission be granted the Canadian Cancer Society
to hold their annual blitz on Monday evening, April 30th,
1962, from 7:00 P.M. to $:00 F.I~'I. in accordance with their
request dated February 27th, 1962.
- 3 -
(a) Moved by Con. Oke and Brought
That the report of the Welfare Department for the month
of February, 19b2, be received and adopted.
(b} Moved by Can. Brough and Oke:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of February, 1962, 'oe received and adopted.
(c) Moved by Con. Nichols and Brough:
That the report of the ti'~Torks Department for the month of
January, 1962, be received and adopted.
(d) Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the report of the Police Department dated March
-~ 4th, 1962, be received and adopted carried.
(e) Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper:
That the report of the Fire Committee dated March 5th,
1952, be received and adopted. carried
Moved by Con. Stevens and Nichols:
That the report of the Board of Works Committee dated
February 2~th, 1962, be received and adopted.
- carried.
Moved by Conm Fice and Hooper:
That the accounts of the Doi Control in the total amount
of X5.33 be and are hereby pa~sedfor payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That the accounts of the Fire Department in the total
amount of X9.25 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in the
total amount of X15.45 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Nichols:
That the accounts of the Finance Department in the total
amount of x$502.96 be and are hereby passed for payment.
- 4 -
Moved by Con. Hooper and Fice:
That the accounts of the Police Department in the
total arizount of ~1~.~.:67 be and are hereby passed for
payment. carried.
Moved by Con: Brough and Nichols:
That the accounts of the Public Propert in the total
amount of 111.52 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Oke and Brough:
That the accounts of the Welfare Department in the
total amount of x,!'731.93 be and are hereby passed for
payment. carried.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Nichols:
That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior in the
- total amount of ~$7, $11~. 50 be and are hereby passed for
payment, carried.
Moved by Con. Nichols and Stevens:
That the accounts of the Roads 8c Streets in the total
amount of ~3,6b9:$1 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little:
That leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws:
1. A By-Law to appoint a Weed Inspector to,enforce the
provisions of the Weed Control Act within the bound-
aries of the Town of Bowmanville.
2. A By-Law to provide for certain exemptions for lands
assessed in parcels of not less than five acres as pro-
vided in Section 37, of The Assessment Actj Chapter 23,
R.S.O. , 1960.
3. A By-Law to compel persons to remove snow a.nd ice from
sidewalksa carriedd
Moved by Con. Brough and Oke:
That the By-Laws be read a first time, referred to
Council in Committee of the T~~Thole and read a second time
Mayor in the Chair. carried.
Moved by Ctn. Hughes and Hooper:
That we rise and report the successful second reading
of the By-Laws in Committee of the Whole.
- 5 -
Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes:
That the report of the Committee of the Whole on the
successful second readings of the By-Laws be received and
adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and nambered as
1. A By-Law to Appoint a ti'deed Inspector to Enforce the
Provisions of the Weed Control Act within the bound-
aries of The Town of Bowmanville..........8/L 1$37.
2. A By-Law to provide for certain exemptions for lands
assessed in parcels of not less than five acres, as
provided in Section 37 of The Assessment Act, Chapter
23, R.S.O., 1960... .......................B/L 1$3$.
3. A By-Law to Compel Persons to Remove Snow and Ice
from Sidewalks ... ........................B/L 1$39.
-~ ~ carried.
(a) Frank Street Road Allowance - Nothing further to report
in this respect.
{b} Sub-Division Agreement is being considered by Council at
their next regular session.
(c) Sunday Movie Referendum
Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper:
That a date for submissions for the questions of
Sunday Movies and Sunday Sports be established at the
next regular session of Council to be held on Monday,
March 19th, 1962.. carried.
(d} Fire Chief - The letter of resignation submitted by Chief
Frank L. Calver received by Council at their February 19th,
meetir_g had been referred to the Fire Committee for their
consideration and report. Con. Fice, Chairman of .the Fire
Committee advised that the Fire Committee agreed to the
resignation dated February 17th/62, of Chief Calver, and
accordingly it was:
I~loved by Gon. Fice and Hooper:
That we accept with regret the resignation of Frank
Calver, effective June 30th, 1962, in accordance with his
letter dated February 17th/62. carried:
Moved by Reeve Little ar~d Con.- Oke:
That we do now adjourn at $:~.5 p.m.
CLERK: - ~ MAyOR.~