HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/1962A regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, February 19th, 1962, with H-is Worship Mayor I. Hobbs in the Chair. Present: Reeve S. Little, Dep-Reeve Stever_s, Councillors Nichols, Brough, Oke, Hughes , Hooper. ADOPTION OF MINUTES. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the minutes of the meeting held on February 5th, 19b2, be received and adopted. carried. Mrs. Robert Gill appeared before Council in support of the following petition: ~'In accordance with Section 3, Sub-section of the Lords Day Alliance (Ont.) Act, 1960-61, we, the undersigned, do respectfully request Mayor and Council for the-Town of Bowmanville to submit the following questions to the electors of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville as soon as is possible: 1. Are you in favor of moving pictures, concerts and lectures after 1:30 oTclock in the afternoon of the Lords Day to be regulated by P•Zunicipal by-law under the authority of the Lords Day (Ont.) Act, 1960-61? 2. Are you in favor of public games and sports for gain after 1=30 o~clock ir~ the afternoon of the LordTs Day to be regulated by municipal by-law under the authority of the Lordis Day (Ont.) Act, 1960-61? In view of the fact that both Sunday movies and Sunday sports have been accepted and are available as nearby as the City of Oshawa, it is imperative and in the best interest of all the tax payers of Bowmanville that these same privileges be provided here. We trust that we may have the full support of Town Council in our attempt to serve this Community better.n Moved by Con. Brough and Hooper: That the Clerk be instructed to have prepared a by-law to submit the questions of Sunday sports and Sunday movies to be electors of Bowmanville and that this by-law ;be sub- mitted for three readings at the next regular session of Council. carried. COMMUNICATIONS 1- A letter was received from The Railway Association of Canada advising that the Spring and Summer train. schedules of Canadian Railways during 1962 would become effective at 12:01 Sunday, April 29th, until 12:01 a.mo October 2$th, 196z. This communication asked that the Town of Bowmanville adopt Daylight Saving Time of 1962 in accordance with the train schedules. Moved by rsan, Hughes and Oke: That Daylight Saving Time be observed in the Town of Bowmanville from 12:01 a.m. SunaQvt April 29th, until 12:01 a.m. Sunday, October 2$th, 1962.it carr~Qd. - 2 - 2. A resolution was uishene, Ontario, record in support covering work by they receive from received from the Town of Penetang- advising of their decision to go on of the abrogation of regulations relief -recipients for the assistance the Municipality .. Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the resolution sponsored by the Town. of Penetanguishene respecting welfare be endorsed. carried. 3. Ontario Municipal Board Order No. P.F.E. $~9$-62 was brought to the attention of Town Council with respect to the"Appointment for Hearing'r in regard to the Town's application for approval of the construction of sewer, water works and bridge to service the base line proposed industrial area. This hearing is to be held Tuesday, March 20th, 1962, at 10:00 in the fore noon in the Town Hall Auditorium. Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little: That Order of the Ontario Municipal Board No. F.F.E. $79~-62 re 1TAppoiritment of Hearing's be received and filed. 1,.. Frank E.. Calver . ~'`rdhen I was appointed Fire Chief for Bowmanville, January 1st, 1961, I was advised retirement age for firemen would be 65 years. On July 1st, 1962, I will have served L~0 years on Bowmanville Fire Dept. and I also will have reached 65 years of age. Please accept my resignation as Fire Chief to be effective June 30/62.. I wish to thank all of Town Council, Town Clerk and Police Dept.. of their co-operation over the past 1~0 years.'t Moved by Con. Nichols and Dep-Reeve Stevens:. That we accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Frank Calver as Bowmanville~s Fire Chief effective June 30th, 1962. The following motion to refer this matter took precedence under Council's procedure.. Moved by Con. Brough and Hooper: That the letter of resignation submitted by Fire Chief Frank Calver be referred back to the Fire Comm- ittee for consideration and report. carried. REPORTS Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the report of the Police Committee for the month of Jarnaary 1962, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authorit dated Jan~xary 30th, 19 2, be received and filed. carried. - 3 - Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Brought That the report of the County Health Unit for January 1962, be received and filedi carried, REPORTS OF COP~ZNII TTEES . Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: 1. That the report of the Finance Committee dated Monday, February 12th, 1952, be amended by deleting Item No. 4 and that the report as amended be received and adopted. carried. 2• The minutes of the Traffic Advisory Board dated January 25th, 1962, were presented to members of Council following which it was: Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Board be re- ferred to Board of Works Committee for consideration and a further report to Council. carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. Annual Petition for Hi hways Grant.. Moved by Con. Nichols and Reeve Little: That we authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the annual petition for the statutory grant under the prov- isions of the Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the year 1961. carried. 2. Signing Officers of the Corporation. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That the necessary resolution be prepared authorizing the Corporation's signing officers as followsa Mayor Ivan h'I. Hobbs, Reeve S. Little, Clerk J:L~Reidy Assessor C. S. Oke. carried. 3. Sub-Division Agreement. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That we advise the sub-divider that the proposed new standard form of sub-division agreement will be presented for Council°s consideration at the Board of Works Committee meeting to be held Tuesday, February 27th, follawing which arrangements will be made to meet with him for purposes of negotiating an agreement on his proposed sub-division, carried. - 4 - 1;.. Roads and Streets Tenders. Moved by Con. Nichols and Reeve Little: That the Roads and Streets Committee be authorized to call Tenders for the following: 1. Supplying and application of approximately 55,000 gal. M.C. 3. 2. Crushing approximately 5000 yds. more or less to pass through 5/$ screen. 3. Stock piling gravel off lake shore, Bowmanville Beach with Crawler scraper.. Said Tenders to be submitted not later than 1:00 p.m. Friday, March 2nd,- 1962, and to be opened at a meeting of the Roads and Streets Committee. carried. - 5• Scrap Yards. Moved by Con. Hooper and Oke: That the by-law governing and regularing scrap dealers be considered at the February 27th, session of Board of Works. carried. 6~. Snow Removal Equipment. Councillor Hooper introduced the fact that certain snow removal equipment had been used on Town Employees drive- ways and commended to the Roads and Streets Committee the suggestion that this arrangement be terminated. _ 7. Sidewalk Snow Removal. The Clerk was requested to provide all members of Council with a copy of the current snow removal by-law as it per- tains to sidewalks. This matter is to be considered by the Board of Works Committee at their next regular session. $. Snow Blower. Councillor Brough suggested to the Roads and Streets Comm- ittee that consideration be given to the purchase of a snow blower when they are considering their 1962 Budget.. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That we do now adjourn at $:1~0 p.m. carried. ................................ Mhairman.