HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/1962The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town~Council convened at $;05 p.m. Monday, February 5th, 1962, with His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. I ADOPTION OF MINUTES Nioved by Reeve Little and Con. Nichols: That the minutes of the meetings held on January 15th, 22nd, and 30th, be received and adopted. carriedz II COMMUNICATIONS 1. H.E`Elborn - Dep: Minister of Education. I - '~I am in receipt of the formation papers with respect to the Roman Catholic School in the Town of Bowmanville and wish to inform you that record is being made in the Department of Education of the establishment of this school. Moved by Coni Hughes and"Oke: That the communication received from Mr. Hs E1 Elborn, Dep. Minister of Education be received and referred to the France Committee for their attention: carried 2b Walter Schleiss -~ General Construction, t1neGently I purchased a subdivision in the Town of Bowman- ville. This is a request to enter into a subdivision agree- went for subdivision X63$ on Liberty Street, North, Concess- ion 2, Lot 11. I am anxious to process this matter as rapidly as possible, but realize there will be delays, Your assistance toward this end will be greatly appreciated. I will look to you for advice on this matter, meanwhile, thank you for your time and trouble.'? Moved by Dep~.ty-Reeve Stevens and Con. Brought That the request from Mr, Walter Schleiss for negotiation of subdivision agreement between the Corporation and himself be received and that we advise him that he will be notified following the next regular meeting of Council as to the re- quirements of subdivision in Bowmanville< carried. 3. A letter was received from The Ontario Traffic Conference requesting this municipality to again accept membership in this organization. Moved by Con. Fice and Hughes;- That we again accept membership in the Ontario Traffic Conference 'and that the membership fee for the amount of 25.00 be forwarded. carried. _ 2 III REPORTS Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the report of the Industrial Chairman be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Brough: That the report of the V~elfare Administrator for the month of January, 1962, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Brough and Oke: That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of January, 19b2, be received and adopted carried;. Moved by Con. Nichols and Brough: That the report of the ti~torks Department for the month of December, 19b1, be received and adopted e. carried Moved. by Con. Hooper and Fice: That the report of the Police Department for the year 1961, be received and adopted: carrieda Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens That the report of~the Northumberland~Durham Health Unit for the month of December, 19 1, be received and adopteda carried. Moved by Cond Fice and Hooper: That the report of the Doi Control Officer for the month of January, 1962, be received and adopted. carriea. IV REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Brough: That the report of the Board of ti~Torks Committee of their meeting held Tuesday,- January 30 2, be received and adopted.. carried. Bowmanville Traffic Advisory.Board. The minutes of the meeting of the Bowmanville Traffic Advisory Board held on Thursday, January 25th, 1962, were presented to Council members. Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That the minutes of the Bowmanville Traffic Advisory Board be considered by Council and that the recommendations contained therein be considered at the next regular meeting® carried. - 3 - V ACCOUNTS Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper-: That the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount of X50.17 be and are ere y passe or payment.. carried: Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols: That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount of ~3, x.77.66 be and arc; ere~y passed for payment. carrieda Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the accounts of the Dog Control in the total amount of X3$.52 be and are hereby passe or payment. carried. Moved by Cond Hooper and Hughes: That the accounts of the rolice Dept. in the total arlou:nt of ~21~3.21~ be and are hereby passed for payments carried.. Moved by Con® Brough and Oke: That the accounts of the Fublic ~'ropertY in the total amount of 572; 5~. be and are hereby passed for p^vmc:nt. carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Brough: That the accounts of the Vyelfare Dept. in the total amount of $~730~1~6 be and hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Con.. Nichols an d Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the accounts of the Roads and Streets in the total amount of ~3, 0$1~. 03 be anal are hereby passed for payment . carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the Accounts Paid rrior in the total amount of `;~17~.,~.73_.07 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. VI NEW & UNFIP•TISHED BUSINESS 1. Frank Street Opening Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Brough: That the committments signed by Dr. J. Hendry respecting Frank Street opening be received and that the Town Solicitor be re- quested to prepare the necessary By-Law to authorize the official opening of a further porition of Frank Street. carried. 2. Sub-Division Agreement. It was reported that the draft form of standard sub-division agreement would be presented at the next regular meeting of Council. - 4 - 3. Dump. Councillor Nichols brought to Council's attention the matter of increased cost for covering the dump between the years 1961 and 1962. Moved by Con. Brough and Reeve Little: That the matter of the dump be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for their investigation9 and report at the next regular Council meeting. carried. 1~.. Farkin~ Meter Collection. Councillor Hooper questioned the matter of Parking Meter Coll- ections being done on Saturday v,rith the result being that an employee had to be paid overtime: Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the collection of funds from Parking Meters be carried out during the normal work-week and that the Department involved be requested to co-operate in this respect. carried. 5. Street Sandin~® The Roads and Streets Committee was requested to give further consideration to increasing the number of sand boxes throughout the Town.® b• Mr: Jim Woodwardy President of the Bov~nanville Legion appeared before Council requesting Council's consideration in negotiating the use of Land immediately behind the~Legion Building, presently owned by the C.NsR. for their parking purposese Moved by Con> Hughes and Oke: That we concur in the request submitted by Mr. Woodward of the Bowmanville Legion, and negoiate the use of the C.N.R. land either from the C.N.R. or any lease holder. If this can be arranged, suitable lighting is to be installed and the land is to be graded and gravelled. The Bovvmanville Legion is to assume any cost involved in this respect. 7. Traffic Controls. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Fice: That the purchase of an additional traffic control box from the Oshawa P.U.C. be taken into consideration during the budget sessions. carried. $. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols: That the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Council of the United Counties of Northurr~berland and Durham to determine the location of the proposed new road extending from Goads corn- ers to VJaverley Road. carried, Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That we do now adjourn. carried. .......... . ~.;lerk. ......... r- ...... layor,