HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1962INAGURAL MEETING The Inagural Meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at $:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 2nd, 1962, with His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs in the Chair. 1. Report by Clerk. Clerk-Treasurer J.L.Reid advised that all members elected to the 19b2-b3 municipal council had taken the declaration of office as required by the provisions of Section 1$1~ of the municipal Act and declared Council properly constituted to proceed with business for the Corporation. 2. ROLL CALL All members present, 3. DIVINE BLESSING, Rev. H. Turner, Minister of St. 1aul1s United Church, presented a Divine Blessing. On motion of Deputy-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hooper, an expression of appreciation was extended to Rev. Turner for his participation in the inagural proceedings. ~-. INAGURAL ADDRESS. 5. His Worship, Mayor Hobbs delivered his inagural address to those present outlining the Town's financial position and submitting recommendations for the consideration of the various committees. AFFOINTD'IENT OF STRIKING COi~~'IITTEE . Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Brought That Mayor I, Hobbs, Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens be appointed 4tStriking CommitteesP to recommend the formation of CouncilTs Committees and appointments to the various public bodies required in 1962, this Committee be requested to report at the January 15th, session of Council. carried. 6. COUNCIL MEETINGS. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes: That the meetings of Council for the 1962-63 trerm be held as follows: 1. Regular Council meeting - lst. Monday of each month at $:p.m. 2. Special Council meeting - 3rd. Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. 3. Board of ~`~orks meeting - Last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. carried. 2 REGUL~~R tROCE~DINGS I:. loved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, Dec- ember 1$th, 1961, be confirmed and adopted. carried, 2. CORRESPONDENCE. A letter was received from the Department of T~lunicipal Affairs advising that they declined the application by County Council to revert from the tax sale procedure of the Department of Municipal Affairs Act to the tax sale procedures contained in the Assessment Act. Moved by Con. Hughes and Dep-Reeve Hobbs: That the communication from the Dept, of Municipal Affairs respecting tax sale procedure be received and filed® carried. betters were received from Mr. C.F.Kitchen, National Union of Public Service Employees representative, advising of the Union's wish to negotiate amendments to the present agreement. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hooper: That the communication received from the N.U.P.S.E. re- specting the agreement between the Corporation and Local ~ 7~., be referred to the wage negotiation committee, when established, for their consideration and report. carried. Correspondence from the Durham County Federation of Agriculture advising that this organization is holding a r~~eeting on January 15th, at the Town Hall, Orono, to deal ~;Jith problems which con- , cern Durham County farmers and property o~-~rners and invited Coun- cil and any officials o_f the Corporation to attend. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Oke: That this communication be received and filed. carried. A letter was received from Hoar Transport Company outlining a storm drainage problem at 15$ King Street, East. Moved by Reeve Little-and Con. Brought That the communication respecting the storm drainage problem at 15$ King Street, E, be referred to the Roads & Streets Committee for their investigation and report. carried. Letters were received from J.A.Barton and P. Koval, Jr., re- specting the division of commissions of the Town's insurances amongst regularly licensed full time agents. These letters indicated that in the past these agents were excluded from this division, Moved by Con, Hughes and Fice: That the communication from Mr. Barton and I~Ir. Koval re- specting insurance commission distribution be referred to the Finance Committee, when appointed, for their consideration and report. carried, - 3 - Letters of resignation were rece 1. W.R.u~alters' resignation from kdjustment. 2. %.E. Greenfield's resignation Museum Board. Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: ived as follows: the Committee of from the Bow_nanville That the resignations submitted by ~~J.R.Z~dalters from the Committee of adjustment and i=.E.Greenfield from the Museum Board be referred to the Striking Committee. Moved in amendment by Con. Brough and Reeve Little:. That the preceeding motion be amended by inserting after the words ''Museum Board" and before the word "referred" the following: "be accepted with regret and that their letters". carried. The original motion was then presented as amended:. That : The resignations submitted by ti~~.R.T~tTalters from the Committee of adjustment and I.E.Greenfield from the Museum Board be accepted with regret, and that their letters be referred to the Striking Committee. carried. Bowmanville iublic Library. - Mrs. Elsie Lunney. "The term of office of Town Council's appointeee, the writer, of this letter to the 1ublic Library Board expires December 31st, 1961. Would you kindly bring this to the attention of Council at its first meeting in January, when we would ask that an appointment to the Library Board be made for a three year term. I have enjoyed serving on the Board, but due to other obligations at this time, I feel unable to accept re- appointment just now. ~PJe believe that Mrs.. R.F.Swann, wife of the Rev. R.F.Swann, of St. ~~~ndrew's Presbyterian Church would make a suitable r_lember of the Board and that she would accept the appointment if Council so desires. Choice of a member is however, entirely open and at the discretion of Council. ti~Then advising the person appointed, would you also please send a copy of the letter to the Li'orary Board fo-r its records?" Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That we accept with regret the resignation of Mrs. E. Lunney from the Bo~manville Library Boar, a.nd that this letter be referred to the Striking Committee. carried. A card of appreciation was received from T~Tr. & T~Trs. Willan for the flowers forwarded by the Corporation on the occasion of their sixtieth Wedding anniversary. Moved by Con. Brough and Fice: That the card from Mr. ~; i~2rs. ti~Jillan be received. and filed, carried. Bowmanville Ratepayers Kssociation - president.. 'ti lease be advised that T~Zr. J.C.Coyle will be the spokesman for the Bowrnanville Ratepayers ~'~ssociation effective January 1st, 1962. - ~. - 3 . REt ORTS . Moved by Con. Oke and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Industrial Commission for December, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the :-'elf are Department for the month of December, 1961, be receiv~:d and adopted. carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of December, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Peeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Works Department for the month of November, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved 'oy Con. Brough and Nichols: That the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the NTonth of November, 19 1, be received and filed for future reference. carried. Moved by Con. Stevens and Peeve Little: That the report of the Assessment Department for the year 1961, be received and acTopted. carried. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the report of the C.L.O.C.A. respecting represent- ation by Bowmanville Town Council be referred to the Striking Committee. carried. ~., ACCOUNTS Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and .Con. Hughes: That the accounts of the t=aid rrior in the total amount of 205,Ob3.$5 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Hughes: That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount of `1006.$0 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. 5 ~°. Moved by Con. Fice and That the accounts amount of o5.6$ be and Moved by Con. Fice and That the accounts of ~10.~9 be and are h Hooper: of the Doi Control Dept. in the total are hereby passed for payment. carried, Hooper: of the Fire Dept. in the total amount ~reby passed for payment, carried. Moved by Con. Oke and Hugbes: That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in the total amount of ~11~$.64 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried, Moved by Dep--Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the I~olice Dept. be and are hereby passed for payment, (195.'7$) carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That the accounts of the Fublic i-roperty Dept. in the total amount of X54.31 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried, Moped by Con. Oke and Hughes: That the accounts of the ti'lelfare Dept. in the total amount of X51'7.23 be and are hereby passed for payment. - carried. Moved by Dep-Peeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the accounts of the Roads 'c Streets in the total amount of ?6,61'7.30 be and are hereby passed for payment, carried. B Y-LAWS . Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That Leave be granted to bring in a By-Law to authorize temporary borrowing for current purposes. carried. Moved by Con. Hooper and Hughes: That the By-Law be read a first time, referred to Council, in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor in the Chair. carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That Council in Committee of the Whole rise and report sucessful second reading of the By-Law. carried. -6- Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-Law be received and adopted the same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed by the liayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: "x By-Law to authorize temporary borrowing for current purposes. ...............B/L 1$31. a. NEW & UNFINIS HED BUSINESS (a) Frank Street Opening. The Clerk reported that the undertaking to be signed by Dr. Hendry in this respect would be presented at the January 15th, session. (b) r'olice Wade Negotiations. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That the request by Bowrnanville I~olice association for negotiation of the 1962 contract be referred to the wage negotiation committee when established. carried. (c) Gentral Turchasin~. The recommendation of 1961 Council respecting Central Turch- asing of the fuel requirements for the various bodies of the Corporation be referred to the Finance Gomrnittee for their. consideration. (d) Drainage - Re: Edmondson lroperty. Moved by Pep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Brought That this matter be referred to the Roads & Streets Corrimittee . carried . (e ) F're-T-ayment of Taxes . Moved by Con. Nichols and Brough: That His Worship the Mayor, the Finance Committee, the Clerk-Treasurer and the Town's Bank T~Ianager, be appointed a Committee to investigate revision of discour_ts applicable to pre-payment of current taxes in an effort to encourage the pre-payment of taxes for the purpose of decreasing the int- erest charges which must be borne by the Corporation on Temporary Borrowings, and that this Committee be requested to submit their recommendations at the February 5th, session of Council. carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That the meeting adjourn at 9;20 p.m. carried. .. .................... ...o......... ............. Clerk. Mayor. Bowmanville Boards, Commissions and Committees - 1962 rPlannin~ Board J. A. Cole ` 1960-61-62 B. Lycett 1962-63-64 :;: J. Brough i' 1962 ~: L. N. C. Mason ~` E. Osborne ~ 1961-62-63 1962-63-64 I. Smith ~` 1961-62-63 Mayor Hobbs - ex-officio Cemetery Board R. Stevens ~`` 1962 ' W. Fice ~ 1962 m A. Sturrock ~' 1961-62-63 Rev . H . Turner ~°` 1961-62 P. Bathgate ~ 1962-63-b1~ r Mayor Hobbs - ex-®ffici• H~~spital Beard G. Hughes ~ 1962 ;: r Memorial Arena ``~ J. Brough°~ '`~ 1962-63 S.. Little ~ N. Osborne ~ 1962_63 .: 1962-63 =;: F. Hooper ~` ` `~ 1962-63 .;: Vvr-. i~~iorri~on ° 1962-63 ry E. Rundle ~ ~ 1962_63 R. Guthrie. 1962-63 ;= Mayor Hobbs - ex-officio / Lib B d rary oar __ G. Vice r 1961-62-63 Mrs. Rev. Swan ~ 1962-63-6~. R. L. Hamlyn ~' 1960-61-62 Recreation Committee ~~ G. Hughes ~' ~ 1962 m K. Hooper ~° 1962 D . Stutt 1962 ~: P . Chant 1962 ~: C~. Kilmer ~° 1962=~ C.. Simi s f 1962 =;: P~liss D. Purdon ~'' 196z Oshawa Regional nlannin~ Board Mayor Hobbs "°'~ 1962 A. J. Cole ~' 1962 ;: ~ Traffic Advisor Bo2_rd /S. Little °-~` 1962 B. Kilpatrick`` 1962 =~ P. Patrick ~' 1962 ^~ D. Kennedy ~ 1962 E. VAT. Carwford ~'' 1962=~ ~ High School Board ,_ r'?~s \~ , ~;; ., ,; L. A. Parker ~ 1961-62-63 A. E. I~1cGregor ~% 1960-61-62 A. Strike ~,,; 196z-63-6t~ =~ Chamber of Commerce A . Oke 1962 ~= Central Lake Conservation Authority G. Hughes 1962=~ Lake Ontario Development Association R. Stevens 1962 =~ _ ommittee of Ad;justrnent B. Vanstone ~ ~ 1961-62-63 ~', T. Rehder 1961-62 ', W. Carruthers ~ 1962-63-6E,. ~~ M B useum oard A . 1~~2. Thompson 1962 =~~ Dr. J . Hendry ~°°" 1962rn W. Bert Syer `~ T~2iss Apha Hudgins "`~ 1962 1962 m Mrs. ~uelville ti'Jiseman~ ` 1962 ~~ r; ~~ Mrs. Elsie Lunney ~°` 1962 =~= ~.1 A. Oke ~` 1962 W. Fice ~' 1962 =~= COI~~iiITTEES OF COUNCIL - 1962 Fire - W. Fice, R, Nichols, A. Oke, mayor ex-off~.ci~. ~~ Finance - R. Steven, R. Nichols, J. Brough, G. Hughes, Mayor ex-officio® '~~ lice - K. Hooper, W. Fice, S. Little, P~Zayor ex-officio ~Publie Property - J. Brough, S. Little, A. Oke, Mayor ex-officio. ~--'' r Rds. & Streets - R. Nichols,. S. Little, J. Brough, Mayor ~° ex-officio. ~''We~lfare & Civic - A. Oke, ti~~i. Fice, K. Hooper, Nlayor ~~{~~ ex-officio. ,~' Board of jdlorks - S. Little and all members of Council ;`~~ ~ Industrial - G. Hu hes, K. Hooper, J. Brough, N. Osborne G. MacNeil, Mayor ex-officio. i`°'Wa~e Neg. - R. Stevens, G. Hughes, Mayor ex-officio. a /Emergency Measures - G. Hughes:y~R. Stevens, Mayor ex-officio.` ~ Dog Control - W. Fice, A. Oke, Mayor ex-officio. ~/ '~'` - '` de~rot~s current appointments.