HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 69-12B-l 69-12B-2 69-12B-3 69-12B-4 HAMPTON DECEMBER 19, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all Members present. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held Dece~ber 5, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of November, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 30 2,286.02 2,746.56 4,046.11 508,494.62 45,136.03 2,998.71 2,818.10 449.92 $ Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 30 Overpaid 1969 taxes & "tefunds re Cj;" Total $ 568,976.07 Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that a letter received from the Council of the City of Oshawa re Pollution Control Plant be received and filed. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that subscriptions for the Municipal World be continued for >Members of the Planning Board for the year 1910. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Amendment to the Zoning By-law for the Township of Clarke, and copies of the Official Plan for the Township of East Whitby be received. 69-12B-6,7 & 8. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize a conveyance to Robert and Marion Hockney was given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2428. 69-123-5 69-12B-9,10 &11 69-12B-12 On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the sale of lands to Her Majesty.the Queen in Hight of Canada was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2429. Moved by Councillor Tink that this meeting adjourn. f:fi." ~- / i / / '. ,t .~/C~C(>)(/ . ~. (( .. ... . , .. , .. . , .. .. . R"EVE .. . ,.-:ft!. .{,1~~;~. CLERK. 69-12-1 69-12-2. 69-12-3 69-12-4- HAHPTON, DEC~HJ3ELl 5, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that the minutes of the meeting held November 21, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts for the month of November, 1969, in the amount of $50,952.84- as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that a Resolution received from the Borough of Etobicoke re Canadian Good Roads Association be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the I.B.M. System of Tax Collection be used in this Township in 1970 and that the Treasurer and Clerk-Administrator are instructed to make the necessary arrangements. 69-12-5,6 & 7. On motions as filed, a BY-law to authorize a contract with Ontario Hydro for street lighting in Enniskillen was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2425. 69-12-8,9 & 10. On motion, a Ey-law to further amend By-law 2111, as amended, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-26. On motion, a By-law to impose a Tile Drain rate on certain lands was given its several readings,signed,sealed and numbered 2427. 69-12-11,12 & 13 69-12-14 69-12-15 Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that a recommendation from Darlington Planning Board at its meeting field November 27, 1969, referring to a proposal for a change in the Zoning Ey-law to permit multiple family housing, is adopted by this Council, and that no such change is contemplated at this time. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adj ourn. fdJi1 -:. /.., .'. .' ./ , ..... ..... /" ;;;::t(/)/V .c. ..4............ REEVE ' r ' /). /' 4. .), . .~.. // / )'-' -. - '-" .//1 ;.!C~), / "~C'f .." \..-"--'\'. .,. - "- . . . . ~ . . . . .. .. ~/..........r.. CLERIC . v HAMPTON, November 21, 1969. 69-113-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held November 7, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of October, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: 69-11H-2 Salaries 1 - 1,5 16 - 31 $ 2,285.53 2,890.72 4,283.51 4,266.59 52,606.70 3,116.99 3,066.03 162.88 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 1969 Tax .~efunds TOTAL $ 72,678.95 69-11 B-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this meeting adjourn. . B:?(4;.~~.... ! ......;/!~~.;(!~ REEVE CLERK. HAMPTON, NOV~MBER 7, 1969. 69-11-11 Darlington Township Comcil met in the Council Chambers on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that road accounts for the month of October 1969, in the amount of $58,789.72 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker t~t a letter be sent to the Board of Education calling attention to diffi~ties being experienced by property owners in the vicinity of Courtice High School. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council suggests that St. Mary's Cement Co. may submit an alternative planting plan for consideration of Council, to provide that the planting on the east boundary of the Company's property and on the east side of Waverly Road may be deferred for five years. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the United Co~nr.rV~s is requested to instal a flashing warning light at the intersection of Old Scugog Road and County Road No. 63 at Enniskillen. 69-11-6,7 & 8. On motions a~s filed a By-law to authorize Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Areal was given its sever.il readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2422. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that this Council hereby gives tentative approval to the proposal presented to this meeting to establish a street lighting area in Enniskillen, and that t~e~Clerk is instructed to prepare all necessary by-laws and other docum~s. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that an application for Tile Drainage Loan submitted by J. Schoonderbeek is approved by this Council, subject to a favourable report by the Tile Drain Inspector. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the proposal of the Board of St. George's Uk rani an Catholic Church to establish a ceme*ery in Lot 33, Concession 1, is approved by this Council. On motions as filed, a By-law to impose a special rate on certain lands was given its several readings, signed, sealed and hUlilbered 2423. 69-11-1 69-11-2 69-11-3 69-11-4 ,. 69-11-5 69-11-9 69-11-10 69-11-12, 13 & 14 69-11-15, 16 & 17. On motion a By-law to impose special rate on certain lands was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2424. Moved by Councillors Baker And Tink that this meeting adjourn. 69-11-18 /." ~..-. /' .. .' /J ii, / /.'/(~-Ci/) Z/ . J.... ~VE.. .-r-.r:... . .. . . .. .. ,LZ) f:' ~ ~~ .. . . . .. . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. 69-10B-l 69-10B-2 69~10B-3 69-10B-lt 69-10B-5 69-10B-6 HM1PTON, October 17, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Deputy Reeve Gibbs presiding, Councillors Tink, Baker and Werry present. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held October 3, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Accounts for the month of September, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid. Salaries 1 - 15 2,191.59 16 - 30 2,995.09 3,7ltl.22 3,2lt5.80 2lt, 729.72 2,651.42 ~,068.60 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 30 Total $ 42,623.l.t4 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is authorized to have a ltOO Watt sentinel light installed at the Disposal Area. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the Clerk is instructed to write to the Northumberland-Durham Board of Education to express Council's reaction to a letter from the Board to the Minister of Education dealing with the payment of levies to the Board. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that the Engineer of the United Counties be asked to investigate the intersection of Scugog Road and County Road No. 63, as it appears to the Council that the recent imprevement to that intersection creates a very dangerous situation to both pedestrianft and vehicular traffic. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adj ourn. /~ ;'. //- /72' " /1 . ( "v ~,' "",/ , (;-t-i/)Z/ ........ .t................ REEVE //} Y // -' c ./{A/ ~, /j' ~..t~ ceJ!...._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, October 3, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 69-10-1 Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held September 19,1969, be adopted as read. 69-10-2 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. 69-10-3, 4 & 5. On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize the works of Central Community Telephone Limited, on Township road allowances, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2421. 69-10-6 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that application be made to the Ontario Department of Highways for payment of interim subsidy. 69-10-7 Moved by Deputy rteeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts for the month of September 1969, in the amount of $30,449.44, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. 69-10-8 Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that this meeting adj ourn. ,", J' I! . '! / ",' " i.i." ,- I ....." .,. ..--? , \~ ..../'C\<--c'" ~/"\. ~_"ti_/\J ',- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . fil ~ /Z~UJA---" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REEVE CLERK. HAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1969. 69-9;~-1 Darlington To,fnship Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the minutes of the meeting held September ), 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of &lgust, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: 69-913-2 Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 4~ 2,3)6.95 2,833.69 3,645.03 251,463.23 30,2)).47 2,521.34 2 , 369 . 00 Welfare General lioads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 TOTAL 4P 29),444.71 69-913-3 Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Resolution 69-9-4 is hereby rescinded and that P. Groenveld be informed that he will be allowed to dump three loads each week at Preston Road dump without charge, and that any loads over that amount will be charged at 4P3.00 per ton or $25.00 per load. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Councillor Baker and Councillor Tink are appointed to attend a meeting with Northumberland-Durham Board of Education to discuss 1970 payments of levy to the Board. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the Building Inspector is authorized to attend the Building Inspector's Conference in Cornwall on October 15,16 & 17, 1969. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Mr. Lane, of Neon rroducts Ltd., be informed that it is not the Council's intention to amend its Zoning By-law regarding the erection of signs. 69-93-4 69-93-) 69-9'3-6 69-913-7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting be adj ourned. (k~~.::d~J ....... ............. It...... . . . . . r!<<.'t: 4~/:-: . . . CLERK. REEVE HAHPTON, SEPT. 5, 1969. 69-9-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Hunicipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Hoved by Councillors l~ker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held August 22, 1969, be approved as read. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts for the month of August 1969, in the amount of $35,145.81 as approved by the Roads Cownittee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and fuker that the Treasurer is directed to pay to the Northumberland-Durham Board of Education , on September 15, a sum of money which included with the payment already made, would equal 50% of the Board's 1969 levy. Moved by Councillors Tink and Jaker that P. Groenveld be notified that on and after September 15, 1969, he will be charged $3.00 per ton to dump garbage on the Township dump, with a minimum payment of $25.00 for each load brought to the dump. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that L.C.Mason be informed that a 13 foot strip of land on the southerly side of Ormistbn Street, was acquired as land for funlre road widening and is considered by this Council to be part of the allowance for road known as Ormiston Street . Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council approves of a Tile Drain Loan to Russell Best, Lot 20 - 21, Con. 5, Darlington, if a suitable plan is submitted, and suuject to the approval of D.H.Bourne, the Township's Tile Drain Inspector. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Property Committee be authorized to proceed with the purchase of a Trailer for use as a utility building at the Township's Disposal Area. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting 69-9-2 69-9-3 69-9-4 69-9-5 69-9-6 69-9-7 69-9-8 adj ourn. .4!.~~~............. REEVE. .....~.~.~..... CLERK. HAlv;PTON, AUGUST 22, 1969. 69-8.3-1 Darlington TovmshipCouncil met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the minutes of the meeting held August 1, 1969, be approved as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of July, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: 69-8.3-2 Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 ~p 2,399.62 2,963.59 3,236.25 110,741.86 34,615.02 2,822.75 _i!.~ltCi!.24_ $ 159,627.33 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Total 69-8B-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that st. Mary's Cement Company be notified that this Council is of the opinion that the tree planting program provided in the Township's Agreement with the Company, should be carried out as agreed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Tenders for Culvert Construction be received and opened. Tenders were submitted as follows: LARSEN-GRILLS CONSTRUCTION LTD. $ 8215.00 GANAfu\SKA BRIDGE CO LTS. 7017.00 MEL-RON CONSTRUCTION 6987.00 W.B.BENNETT PAVING & MATERIALS LTD 6700.95 69-8B-4 69-83-5 Moved by Councillor '/Jerry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Tender submitted by '/J.B.Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd. to supply and place a culvert (Contract 69-775) be accepted as tendered subject , to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Moved by Councillors \-Jerry and Tink that this meeting adjourn. 69-8B-6 /~ ./- /- . . (. . '.~.If. ~1. :: {;.: ~ . : . . . ......4!;:~~..... REEVE CLERX. IDU1PTON, August 1, 1969. 69-8-1 Darlington Township Council met on this date, all members present except presiding. I'loved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held July 18, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the next meeting of Council shall be held on Friday, August 22, at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Resolution 69-5C-3, passed on May 16, 1969 be amended to increase the total by $470.00, and that Resolution 69-6B-2, passed June 20, 1969, be amended to increase the total by $522.45. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that, as this Council is of the opinion that a fixed assessment for a golf course, as provided in the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 23, Section 39, should be applied only in cases \oJhere the establishment of a golf course would fulfil a special need in the community, and as this circumstance is not evident in the Township at present, the application of the owner of Erinli Golf Course, for a fixed assessment is not granted. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting adjourn. in the l1\micipal Councillor Tink, Building Reeve Down 69-8-2 69-8-3 69-8-4 69-8-5 /l 0%. ) (/4'>21:~ W/(/U/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REEVE ..g!.~.4~~...... CLERK 69-7B-l 69-7B-2 69-7B-3,4 & 5 69-7B-6 69-7B-7 69-7B-8 HAMPTON, July 18, 1969 Darlington Township Council met in the MuniCipal Building on this date, all members present, Reeve DOi~ presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the minutes of the meeting held July 4, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of June, 1969 as listed herewith, be paid: :$ 2,227.80 2,728.42 3,333.95 12,703.10 22,552.99 List 1st - 15th 2,618.10 16th - 30th 2,863.69 Special Account #4 10,388.82 Total ~9,4l6.87 On motions, as filed, a by-law to authorize the signing of a sub-division plan, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2420. Hove. by Councillors Tink and Baker that the TOi~ship will accept a conveyance from M. Vetzal of the westerly 33 feet of the north half of lot 27 on the fifth concession, and will agree to close and convey to Hr. Vetzal that part of the original allowance for road lying between lots 26 and 27 on the fifth concession within Hr. Vetzal's lands on the condition that Mr. Thomas, solicitor for lf~. Vetzal, will give written assurance to Council that his client will pay the costs involvea. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that with respect to the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study, the Council of the Township of Darlington endorses the following cost-sharing arrangement: 1. That the cost of the study be $850,750.00, as set out in the Final Appraisal; . 2. That the Province agree to pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the Regional Government Review component, namely, $110,000.00' 3. That the Province agree to pay seventy-five per cent (75%5 of the development component of the study, namely, seventy-five per cent (75%) of $740,750.00, and to defer all costs to the municipalities until the end of month 12 of the study; 4. That the municipalities in the basic study area, namely, the Ci ty of Oshaiva Town of Whitby Township of East Whitby Township of Darlington Town of Bowmanville Township of Pickering Village of Pickering Town of Aj ax Township of Clarke Village of Newcastle be responsible for twenty-five per cent (25%) of the development component of the study, namely 2~; of $740,750.0~ on a per capita basis, as they are billed following the twelfth (12th) month of the study; 5. Any added expenditure would be shared on the same basis, subject to agreement, in writing, of the parties to t he agreement. Salaries 1st - 15th 16th - 30th vlelfare General Roads Roads Pay Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that this meeting adjourn. .. .a?~~c::........... REEVE /tl /) , ;' A.v if.x- .-<.'..~d:...l~ ........... .;J.................... CLERK HAMPTON, JULY ~, 1969. 69-7-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held June 20th. be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry Accounts in the amount of $28,034.78, as approved by the be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that a meeting of Representatives of Darlington and Bowmanville with James MacLaren Ltd. be arranged, preferably after the summer season. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Appointee and any other Councillor who wishes to to the Ontario Municipal Convention. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that J. Van Herwerden and C. Van Wees be informed that before their application for a tile drainage loan is approved a drainage plan, including suitable provision for outlet, prepared by a competent authority, must be submitted. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Ontario Hydro is requested to restore service to Zion Community Park on condition that the Park Board shall deposit with Hydro the sum of $100.00, and shall pay the Hydro bills promptly when submitted. Moved by Councillor Werry and Ueputy Reeve Gibbs that, effective July 15, Township's Disposal Areas shall be open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. until further notice, and that notice of this regulation be given in Oshawa and Bowmanville papers. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that a report Committee of the Whole Council, dated June 27th,1969, is adopted. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this meeting adjourn. 69-7-2 tha t Road Roads Committee , 69-7-3 69-7-~ the Reeve or his attend, be delegates 69-7-5 69-7-6 69-7-8 69-7-9 of the hereby 69-7-10 .. .a~if*/.~::.. REEVE /1 ~) :! ~j ~ L . . . " . . '. : ; . " " . ;-::~- ~-.t:...:. " . " . " . CLERK Hampton, June 27, 1969. Darlington Township Council met as Committee of the Whole on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that Mr. J. Liptay is advised to apply to Planning Board for an amendment to the Zoning B,y-Iaw to permit his proposed residence in Haydon. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the Clerk is instructed to prepare a sufficient quantity of the Township's "Position Paper" as amended by this meeting to circulate same as directed in Section ~ of the Paper. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this meeting adj ourn. ...(}1~t~..... Reeve .. .. . :1?~. ~. ~~~!7 .. .. Clerk. HAMPTON, June 20, 1969. 69-613-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present Reeve Down presiding. ~~ Moved by Councillor fink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held June 6, and June 10, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Bouncillor Tink and Councillor Baker that accounts for the month of May 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: 69-6B-2 69-6.8-4. $ 2,233.93 2,861.15 3,501. 88 47,047.77 18,547.78 1 - 15 2,779.55 16 - 31 2,968.75 Total r-79 91+0:81 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be notified that this Township will pay its share of the levy for the Lynbrook Acquisition from Current revenue. Moved by Councillors rink and Werry that a letter and resolution from the City of Belleville regarding elementary school grants be received and filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Durham Central Agricultural Society be informed that this Council does not make a practise of declaring public holidays. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council will investigate the proposal submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Willis and will, if found practicable accede to their request. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council concurs with the re~ommendation of the Executive Committee of the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study, as set out ih a letter from the Committee's Executive Secretary dated June 18, 1969. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Northumberland- Durham Health Unit is requested to advise this Council as to the advisability,of amending the Township's By-laws to permit residential development on Waldron Street, in Hampton. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Resolution 69-6-3 passed June 6, 1969, be and is hereby rescinded and that the following changes be made in the Township's Insurance Coverage: 1. Councillor's accident to be increased to $100.00 per week from $50.00 per week. Automobile liability to include $5000.00 payment for fatal accident and $35.00 per week for injury payment. Fire protection on Township Office Building and Community Centre increased from $65,250.00 to $80,000.00 and the Garage from $36,000.00 to $40,000.00 Moved by Councillors "Baker and Tink that Mr. Harold Potter be informed that this Council feels that his land is not suitable for further residential development at this tmme, but, that, if he cares to submit a complete drainage plan for that area, prepared by a competent authority, Council will be willing to consider the matter on the basis of that report. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the week of July 5-13 be proclaimed Conservation Weekdn Darlington Township. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the next Session of Council be held on July 4, 1969, at 7.30 P.M. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Peter McCormick be notified that his services are no longer required at Tyrone dump and will not be required at Preston Road ~mp after June 30~ 1969. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that Arthur namilton be engaged as Supervisor of Township Dumps, his duties to be defined by Council and to commence on July 1, 1959. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting adjourn. ... a!{,401-.~'"" REEVE (":1f Salaries May 1 - 15 16 - 31 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 69-613-3 69-613-5 69-6i3-6 69-613-7 69-613-8 69-6B-9 2. 3. 69-6B-IO 69-6B-ll 69-6.8-12 69-6B-13 69-6B-14 69-6.8-15 ...... .!<< .(. .~~t.'--. .. ... CLERK. HAMPTON, JUNE 10, 1969. 69-6-14,15 & D. Selby fullding 16. Darlington the adjourned Session Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Grant, dated March 28, 1969, to is accepted as tendered. On motions as filed a By-law to further amend By-law 2111 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2417. On motions as filed a By-law to further amend By-law 2111 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2418. On motions as filed, a By-law to further amend By-law 2282 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2419. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting Township Council met this evening to complete from June 6, 1969, all Members present, Reeve 69-6-13 Baker that the offer of re-roof the Township Office 69-6-17,18 & 19 . 69-20,21 & 22. 69-6-23 adjourn. //./ t J//'/. . .. . ,4r ly/'('{.//Z/ . . . . ; . . . . . . .1-. . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve AI. ,?:. /~cL.f~ ..... .... .. :\'. .. . .. . . . .... . Clerk. Hampton, June 6, 1969. 69-6-1 69-6-2 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meetings held on May 16th. and May 23rd. 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road accounts for the month of May 1969, in the amount of $2~,296.08 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this Township's Insurance coverage be continued as at present with the following additions: 1. Councillors accident to be increased to $100.00 per week from $50.00 per week. 2. Automobile liability to include $5000.00 payment for fatal accident & $35.00 per week injury payment. Air receiver and pressure boiler in Township garage to be covered. Fire protection on Township Office and Community Centre increase. from $65,250.00 to $75,000.00 and garage from 36,000.00 to $~5,000.00 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that Tenders for Bridge Construction be received and opened. The following Tenders were received: Larsen-Grills Construction Port Hope, Ontario $33,96~.00 Mel-Ron ConstructioQ. F:O.Box 297, Whitby $35,355.00 Marston Construction Port Hope, Ontario. $3~,662.00 Ganaraska Brid~e Co. Port Hope, Ontario. $29,196.00 Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Tenders received for Bridge Construction be referred to the Road Superintendent and Consultant for report. Moved by Councillor Tink and Councillor Baker that the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit be asked to investigate a complaint presented by Harold Potter. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Township's Auditor DePoitte,Plender,Haskins & Sells, are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Municipal Affairs for permission to use the test audit system in this Township. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the contract for the construction of Halls West Culvert located in Lot 15, between Concessions 6 and 7, and the Farewell Bridge located in Lot 32 between Concessions 3 and ~, being Contract 69-689 be awarded to Ganaraska Bridge Co., Port Hope, as per the unit prices tendered and subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council accepts maintenan!)e costs of protection at the crossing of the C.N.R. and the Service Road south of Highway ~Ol in Lot 301 Broken Front Concession, Darlington TownShip, (Railway Board Order 10~'(9). Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this Council accepts- the estimate of $12,125.00 for provision of automatic protection at the crossing of the C.P.R. and the road between Lots 18 & 19, Concession 1, Darlington,as~well as the estimated annual maintenance figure $635.00. (Mile 165.98 /-,elleville Sub-division). Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that this Council now rise to sit in Committee of the Whole. Council resumed Session at 6.10 P.M. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council adopts a report of the Committee of the Whole Council dated June 6, 1969. Reeve Down adjourned the meeting until Tuesday June 10, 1969, at 7030 P.M. /Lf/./Lj{,' ..I{. / 1/[("( :x //"~-Lj '/- /" . . . I. . .. :. r. . . ."1-~ .t.. ~,'...... Reeve 3. 4. 69-6-3 69-6-4 69-6-5 69-6-6 69-6-7 69-6-8 69-6-9 69-6-10 69-6-11 69-6-12 4/. r; /J ~"- ". {) .. . . . . . . . .. ~-~.. . . .~. Clerk. ,. ~ D..IB PBEIlUt:R"I"1W.I COll:l'()MrIOll or 'l'.IlI '1'OWJlSIIIP or D~wi1 IdurWle lev1ev . l~ COUIiCILtOllS' 1Cc~" COMPAIY JOLlCY 10. LDI1'P TBllM l'DIItJl ~a;8 p-OWIED ~JlJ COMPIft JOLlcY .,. x.:om 'l'DI PlIIImII ~6 ~~ C(J(p I.II JOLIet Ill. LDI1T '1'IIIl ftlIMIlPI 011.-.... _ The Qeneral .Acc1deu .....urlll1C8 CciIIpdY ot cu..u - 671 - 729 - $ 10,000.00 - 111M 5, 1969 to .TurMl 5, 1970 _ $ 100.00 _ Thi8 policy :tuurU the 1M", ))epllty-BHft u4 tlIree CouIlC111ol'll of the TolIulUp tor 1aJlloI"1 or ace14mal o.en~ vllUe ___ v1t1a1a1lhe eeope of tMlr Autl.., iulu41as ell trmIl11IIc retiuire4. tlw'eb;y. Benetlte p8)'8'ble we .. toUOUl Pr1nc1pal 8lla Weekly -r....."'r>ity - total Die.bil1t)' WeeJ!4 'I)od._ity - Partial Dieabllity B3 ."".10 MlMUcal _1I*11l'lI_U . 10,000.00 SO.OO 25.00 1,000.00 _ We rec~n4 that CouDcll OOMu.r 1aerMII1as tM WftklJ 'rM-ity to . 100.00 tor tot.al D1Rb1l1t1 _.50.00 toP Part1al DtNb1l1t1 tor v)aloll 10be 1IlI41t10Aal .-~t' coat would be . 8.00 peP CoWMl11101'. _ OIR 'J'el Acc1dent M8uraIlCe lWlIIp.", of ~...11 - 861m . * 1,000,000.00 In/'],..1... Jo4~ IAJury ,04 I'ropart7 J) v - lUll. 5, 1969 to Juae 5, 19'10 - . 125.00 _ Th1I poliCl protecte tM lepl l1ab1l1 ty ot tM Tow..tl1p tor cle1ml 11'181118 cut Of acc1481lte 1.IlW1TtDg vehiclea not OllIled by the ~utdp Ht lMiq opemed 0l'1 it. l>ehalt. The policy 1a exte\ll\"" to protect the lAlpll1ab1l1ty of the 'lowutdp for pb;yalcal .,...... to h1recl, llouOll$! or e'~ .....rect ....hie1... .ldtJect to . l1ait of * 1.0,000.00 1/1th ell Col.llslon c1.eiu beTilaS . . 1.00.00 deductible. Leued yeh1e1... IIIIIY be cave... at the 1'1'-.. applicable to 10be vehicle but we ree~d thet the eOVl1'86e be proYided I.ln4I1' llI1 OWnr' a J'ol'll. _ QeDlnl Acc1deat A1IIur8DCe ~ of CaDada - 8-173727 _ . 1,000,000.00 IAc1.W11.. JikxJt)y IAJury .. Property DMaae _ Juae 5th, 15/69 to .lUll' 5, 1970 - $ 1.,156.00 _ 1'lilUIllOllcy 1U11l'lI8 the tolJ.Qwiq veb1e1... tor Colli,tOG with' 1.00.00 deductible aad CGII,pfttIllI1Il" wlth . 25.00 4<<lac1Illt1e. IIe41cal ~ COWl". agpll" OIl III VllhiclU lit t~ rRe of . 2,000.00 pl1' per80l'1. Guarenteed .Aa::lUDt. CooditloQII apPlY on III it... (111 c... of loa. no deductiOll tor deprec1atl011) ~ It. 1Io.~. It. 110. 5 0IILt 1. 1U1U'eIl 011 . V.1.WIIi lIlril., which .... , Y, PItge 2. g)ltFolA!l.'1'o. 0'1 - ~ 0'1 D~ ;ru~ ltev1.., - J.96Q ~.1'1! (CoIlt11lQe4) JlOID.G!l~4I! CCIIPAIt 1'Or..:rer 10. J:.tMno . aac Illi:NIlII ~ IV - that 1A · ....4tI . fthto.le 1. <<-1'G78C Cll' (\1-- ..i,.e4 io . point 1IheJ'e re.Pa1n wOUl4 eqQJ. or exceed I 1t1Palate4 8IIOUI1t which rePrelents the coat pr:tc. to the i'owUb1p of the vehicle, settl8lllllllt w111 be _a OIl aueh eon PIt. 'Without dedaetlOl1 ~ dep:ee1atlOll. Itelll Vehicle ~ 1. 1963 lI1ternatlODel. Truck . 13,700.03 Plow 4,441.~ 2. 1906 Mercl.lt'y Truck ~,352.63 3. 1967 I'or4 n.uqp 12,.1.39.00 4. 1~ Merel.lt'y ~ 12,495.80 Plow . WIlli 4, '/'80.00 5. 1947 J'.W.D. !.':ruck 3,000.00 J'r1nk 8now Plow . "'ill<< 1,000.00 6. 1967 lI1te1'1UltlODel. Pickup 2,800.00 - AU or the lI18l1h11ce Cn.llP.....'1t. 1;1... TlCt1Aa ~ 1A Caaedl, .xclu41n1 Quebec end 1l'1t1lh Col_1a, hIrN ecreed wIth the ~ of ~e tel P1'OY1de U41t4aJat :l.l1IUrIlllO. henat:l." Which t\tra1ah ~1ete o..h ,pa,.. In the .YeI:lt ot death or cUI.un.., or S1tJwr . oac.,.. 01' the "Iehlcle 01' an 1II.1urec .P8deatr1. or "1~11at re1ult:t.na t:roa an autcmobUe SccldeQt. The ......i "'VII bellet:l. ta are: Accl4etll1 Death tiMltly In48a'l:1t7 . ',000.00\ 35.00 AU WlU'8l1Ca COlllPII:l1" hne been requeate4 to lQeourlp all lX>l1cyh0J.4el'l to c8l'l'y thi. connrp 1Q o.t<<er tAat 1i IIIlIY cut bn 4el8,y 111 aettl_t Of "lai.,. IIId n4w::s t.lIe c.... 01' huUJup v.b1ch ottaa t'o.UOII 1~ tmltaU..U.. IIId cUlIplltaa .. to l:l.lbWty. The COVerage allo P1'O'I14q cOU14SralJ1a a4d1ti0lll1 lasuranoe protectlQQ. Your PO:Ucy :l.ncludq thta cover.e, the portIon ot )'OUr PJ'ellllwa appl;y1ng u.nder thil Section betnc . 42.00. - 1'he Oeaeral Accident Aa1urllCcs Co. ot ClUI84e - 41-1882 - $ 10,000.00 1U."It.t PositlQQ Jloa4 with 15,000.00 Exces. on rrequrer - $ 2,000.00 - loal lhl1de the Prea1... 2,000.00 - I.oas CXlt.lde the Prea1... - June 5th, 1967 to JUDe 5th, 1970 . .p 208.47 - .AnnWll lI1ata1..llent - The Ileaket Pos1t1QQ Jfon4 COftr. svery _lo,yee 01' the 1'ow1ll.b1p end 11M been ext.lIlle4 to CClftl' the tollCIW1ns: Dar11agton i'owaahip lfeJJ. Board. Sol1ne en.-.ntty Jrallloard 'l'yrone Cnt-1'tl ty JfalJ. Board '-'Yro.ne Recreation Part lIoerd Zloo. en.-''1ity Park Ioard 1'he 1Ioad ta elldoreecl to cll1T;y 4; 15,000.00 E.la:... In4ema1t1' 00. the 1're..urer. The 1lond 1s extended to cover Members of Council. - A Jl1Anll9t PoIlt100. I0Il4 tllllW... aU ~ ertouUeallT "1U'IUeIa or 1Iho they __ lie Cll' the P081tlOQ v.b1ch 'llAe,y Pege 3. , , COlU'O:FU\'J!XOB 07 THE 1'OWI'IRRTP 07 D.ARIJ:JIJ'.l'O! InaUl'llnee Rev1ev - 1969 llOND ~ JIQff;,lrAt (Contim&e4) II8Y ocll\Wy. !he:re1'Oft, 1t i. not 11110."81")' to notify the CClIlpsny 01' any change in peraOllll.e1 or pQaltion. It manket JoIl4 alao enable. tile '1'cwllllh1p to colleet t01f . lOll vi thout P1'OY1n8 Who the apecific defaulter 1. _ ~ thllt . dilhoceat U1plo7ee _ ClUed the loIN. .. 1'0 lncre... the load PeDalty to . 25,000.00 on all ~ lIOuld raq\l1re l1li lI441t1oDal -.....1 luW'-"t; 01' . 81.1+0. - !!.'he belary lection 01' thil J\)Uc;r i. . Jb.'QlId :Form Mon1U Folley which inlure. the 10ls ot fUDIa tnIII ho14l1.p, Ate 'bIl1'Clar1, II;YlJteriou diaeppearllllee, roItbe~:t, t!left, le"8T, pilt'erage, fira, flood, 8:11p101ion, w1ll4, vater dlllll88l, riot end eccident. - The tunda era c<mlX'ed for twell.ty-f'olU' hoQn . Q;y llIll1 protectioll ia exteJl ded to iulU'e the t\mde wbU. beJ.as cOnYteyed to and from the bllllk. IA 1IddIt1Qft, t.h1a fom 01' pollcy pays tor l!IelIge to the premis.. c_eel by b~ or IIttempt thereat. - We ree~.,,, the present Money CO'nll". be rev1C1fed to el1lllU'e that 8Uf:r1ei.nt Protection ia pronded by th1ll Polley . Fonew IA t1M. whan cr1me 10811.. are 1IIOUllt1.ng protection tor the lIIUl1icipelity Cl(J8il1llt lou tram torpry bec~ 1At:na1fl81T 1mportant. This ccmJrqe IIIIIY be 1Jlcluded in the IIIUl1cl- pelity'l lll8Ul'lIIIee progr_ at l1li lmJluel 1lW~llt P1'elll1111l of $ 32.61 tor Protection to . l1Ja1t ot . 10,000.00. _9PAL ~ ClllPm lOLlCf JD. LDO:T BIle PIIImII - General Acc1dent AltalU'8l1ce COIIpllllYot Celled. - )(.99-1332 .. . 1,000,000.00 InclWl1ve Bod1l;r IAJury end Property Demqe - 1,000,000.00 Peraol1ll1 IAJIU'Y - JUl1II 5, 1969 to JUl1II 5th, 1970 - . 2,629.11 - Th1. policy PJ'Otecte the lepl Uability of the IIIUl1cipalltJ for cuiD beC:8WIe ot bodil;r 111.Jur,y or accidentel death occlUT1ng Ol.lt of tIM operatioD 01' the Iaaured end tor damage to or deatruct10n 01' property caWled 'by en .ccldent. Thia cover... 1a .uI:I,)ect to tee exc::1Wl10D cont.1oed in the polley. ClUh....6 The policy 1. utended to include al AdcU.t1onal Jluecl Aas\U'eds all Boucle 8114 C~..ione W1d.er tee Jurlad1ction of the Towll8h1p and eaploye.. while acting within the scope of their duties. Per'llonal InJury Thl. polley i. alao extended to provide cover..e for Per'llonel IAJury. TIll. exten.IOll protect. ...inlt libel, .leader, de1'8IUtion of cher.cter, lIlIlic10ua prosecutloR, 1avulon ot pr1 vae;)', w.l'Ollll1'l.ll evict10n or wroJlStu,l ell.try. This n:tena1on do.. not IJIPl;r to Ill.Jury eWlt.1Aed by any per'llOll who i. an ellplo)'.. 01' tu i'owulUp at the 101M of tu onaaca ClWltac tAa U1Jur,y. , MUNICIPAL LUBILD'I _I t!T.Tt~ COMPABY lOLIet 10. LDm '1'QN ... - I~~ CQlI fl I'WD GLASS C(J(p AllY lOLlCIIO. IlISU1UI:D '1'EJII PRDa1II C(JfW" ~ I l.D!. OlH>AH ... ~...., U. PRDmII CCJ*~JII~' PagE 4. CORPORM'IOIf OJ!' THE 'l."OWISHIP OF DARLOO'l'OJI Insurance Review - 1969 - 91ould)'Our lIIW11cipel.1ty couider enter1A8 into en qre....t with other put1ee BllCh Ba the Dep81'tllleftt of JUahw811l. a Corporation or an iDd1v1dU8l. to a..WIIII 1181>111t)', YllIll ahould 1=ediately not1t;r your Insurers or our omee. lit the 88111e time forwerd1118 8 copy ot the qre_nt .. yoIU' Liabil1 ty Contract muat be endorsed to include protectiOll to you tor the 11.bilit7 ...WIed. - Oenerlll Accident A8Iurenoe CoIIpany ot C8lllda - L.90-3904 - $ 30,000.00 - .JW1e 5th, 1969 to .JW1e 5th, 1910 - * 195.00 - f'l8 policy cover. the lesel. 11ability ot the Towubip for 1IodilJ' InJury IUId Property Deuce cJAa. ariliA8 out ot epre;yiaa opentioll8 up to . l1a1t ot . 30.000.00 par .prayiA8 day. - General Accid811t Aelurence CoIw8llY ot Ceu4. - P.G. 178rr - Plate. aa ll8ted below - .JW18 5th, 1969 to June 5th, 1910 - $ 45.04 - l'hi8 pOlicy ill8urae the Plate Gl... at the Mwtlc1pal Ottical and Hall 81 tollowll 2 3 1 74" x 128" 78" x 32" 14" x 68" hem" ~Pl.in Platel Door. Plein 'lAte 'l'raneoa Plain Plate - Var10U1 - $ 105,750.00 - One-third ot' Schedule il 4ue elch Y1llll' - . 248.85 - Annual - Thia policy il1lurea the tollowinc ..ainet the perila ot J!'ire. Extended Cover.... POl'll "1{". and MelicioWl Act.1 .!i!!! Property Jlaount 1. Towneh1p attice8 . 65.250.00 2. MuniCipal Equip_nt Depot 3.500.00 3. Mu,ntcipel. C'lerese and Ottice 36.000.00 4. Perk 1b11dill8 1,000.00 . 105.750.00 Replacement Colt Condi tiona IUId thl ~ Co-Insurenae CleWlI apply to It_ 1 end 3 ONLY in the above Schedule. - 180..... or tIHt COGt:Lrtu1111 ri" in caaat:rw:ttoa. COR.. "1 recOllllll8l1d that the 'rownahip rut." ita CCMfnse to amaure that 'ufflci_ protection 11 bl:lq clll'r1ed. Pep 5. co~ OJ' TBll'I)loIlltIW.I" OF ~ r"''''"lIl1CI &v1ew - ~~ E1Dl:P'ellJJl;J COMPA\IY POLICY JK). LIMIT 'fElt( PRIiJUtIl COMMIl:If'lS - Gel1era~ Accident Aa8uraDOI ro...owaD1 of ('...N - 2l~~ - $ 25,000.00 - June 5th, 1967 to Jt.UUI 5th, 191'0 - $ 157.20 - '1'h1a policy covera \be Bollen lIIIl1 hea.un Ve..eu at the )hmicipel Building 011 I Broed. 11'0:1'1II, lubJect to BeplIir or Replacement, up tc . 11II1t of $ 25,000.00 e.IlT OIl' accident. - Our Boiler Ioapect,or report. thet the follov:l..Q& equ1pMQt 1a loceted at the Tovnab.ip Gents_I #1 Air Receinr 20" x 48" #1 Portable Ite. BoUer Theee itellllll 8~101Ud be 1AlI1Il'84 lS8iMt explo.iOl1 or ecci_., bre8kdown end could be included in this policy tor thl blllll1ce 01' the term for epprox1mately $ 20.00. MpHXCIPAI. ~ FLO.mB COMPANY - General Accident AalSlD'8llCllt CoIIpeuy of C..."", POLICY 10. - MP 312371 LDm' - $ 101,880.00 'fEB( - June 5th, 1969 to Juae 5th, 191'0 PREMXtIl - ~ 843.80 CQ6MIl:IffS - The following equlpDI8At 11 luU'\ld egaiQ8t AU .RiIlII of direct pbylliclll 10" or ~e lubJect to the uclue10caa conta1ned in the poliC)'1 1. 2. 1968 3. 1965 4. ,. 6. Cetarllillllr ~ Doser 2,000.00 Jd.ems Mnilltll1aer, Plow 32,260.00 Cb.aIqpion CIra4er 20,000.00 Trojan Tractor Shovel 8,000.00 J4alabury ate. Cleaner 1,000.00 1I'ordaon !Jut" ~ 1,500.00 Power Mower 300.00 1'o8t Hole >>igger 200.00 King Seegrnw &I1t . Sarld Sprea4er 2,000.00 King SellUllft ..It . SIrI4 $pneder 2,000.00 7. 8. (A) Non,b1e property of othera which tbe Insured 18 under (llo.HptlO1l to 1l1eun or for which the iluIlIn4 1. or IllY 1M rellpOll8ib1e 25,000.00 (:B) .!load Department mace" ""'IOUI tools, equiplllllnt, met.rials ... '\lPPlie. 1,600.00 $ 10l.,eao.00 The .Replacement Coat Claue lIppliel to ItClil Ne. 2 OILY. - It' the Tovll8hip hes plD'ChUe4 or acquirec1. aD1 edd1tlOlU11. Equipment or Miscen~ 'I!ool8, meter1ala or INPPUe., the VlIlue of theee 1\.. .bouJ.d be added to th1e pOlic)'. - It tbt 'fovl1llh1p hu .ny flood lighting installrtlOl1, or Radio Antennae, Ba.. Stat-ione or Receivers, the "f8lue ot this equipment aboul4 1M .... to tbt pOlicy othenIUe, 1Q the ennt o~ 10BII or demege the7 voul4 bImt tlO protectlO1l. .... 6. .2WIQ: ~ J'tOA!l'ER CQlpAlr - General Accident ilBsllr8l:lce ~"'V or C...... l<lLtcr 1<<>. MP 301516 lQl ~ - $ 19,000.00 fE.lN - JUI1e 5th, 1967 to June 5th, 1970 ~ $ 231.20 C<Hl.&:r.Im - This All Risks Floater pollcT 1naure8 the Of:t'ice ConteGte of' the Tovnahip 01'tic. lUIll Bell 111 the ~ or . 9,000.00 8ubJect to Replacemellt Cut CoadtUOIUI C1A the h8t1t or 10.. no deduction tor dll!Jlr'e01at1on. ) ~O"-~Q1PD~ In.lI1'al1c. J!ev1ew - 196c< An III R11ikt Floeter Policy provides Protection "1ft" the perils of' Fire, L16htl11ns, Windatorlll....u, IiII.ct lty .A1rerat'l; or Vehicle, Hellcioua kta, VaalIalu., lb;lJ.olJ101l (other then >>Oiler e~toA), A\rc.lary, fhet't, J':1.ood, lI'eter DeIIIege, dlllllage to YalWlble 8qu1p111e4t -.1, 113 hot, practically llny eC"ideatal "-~l:.J. Ia addition to tnaurilre 100 or 4aaaage \0 CanteGte, the POlicy will pey 1'01' A-,_ to Prea1e.. oauea 1ty ~ or lit tell\Pt thereet. V.IUllble Pavers Ia the event ot'loa. or ,,-- ,. to 1tooU Of aeCCWat, !ex lblle, 8urveYl!, bluep1'1rlta or other vllll.l8b1e P8Jlft'a, t_ POlicy will PlY 1'01' the cOlt Of ~uc1.lts or "traIUI. crib1ng '\lch papers - veJJ. .. tor the c08t o~ ltlank !toou etc., - Cost. have risen lIubstal1t1alJy ia the Past rev yeara 8Jl4 we WOuld :n!COllllleQd the t'ovaRip reView the "unt Of coverage under thi8 .POl1cy \0 enaure thst ht.t'1elell'l; Protectton i8 being P.t'OY14ed. ~ LIrE ~ ~..'l:l - See letter attached. 1'aIS IS A ~ RIi:PORl' OF llX1R INst11WIcE~. JDJ!HIJQ HE_ oAr'" fIB 1'B:IlMS, COID1!I:'I0lm AJlI) mrcwsIOJlS COlf.rAINED IN TB.Ii: "",_. _I' lISUlWlcE MWJtAC!'. Hey 23/fI:; XL "i ;-; . FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED ~-rl "m/ d'ekl.Ji':.JiU"'- ~..,ptM TELEPHONE 519 4!S8-4331 PRINCETON. .oNTARIO PLEASE ADORESS REPLY TO: Re: Group Life Insurance for Municipal Employees Although most organizations have a Group Life Insurance Programme this type of protection has not been available to most Towns, Villages and Townships because Insurance Companies have usually established a minimum requirement of at least fifteen (15) employees in order to qualify as a Group. This has been of concern to uS because we realize that this minimum requirement makes it impossible for small municipalities to offer their employees this simple method of obtaining low cost life insurance protection. In order that the smaller municipalities may offer their officials and employees benefits similar to those available to municipalities with large groups, we have designed a Group Life Insurance Plan with a minimum requirement of as few as four (4) eligible employees. If your Council is interested we would be pleased to provide you with full details. Yours sincerely, FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED Hampton, June 6, 1969. Darlington Township Council met as Committee of the Whole, all hembers present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Tink and Councillor Baker that Lloyd Peterson be informed that Council will not hold him to the two- year set out in previous Resolution. Meeting adjourned. f(id '7.~, '?/r0 "l'~' .. ............ Reeve . fi) 't' /(2<.~i!./e"- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. Hampton, May 23, 1969. 69-5C-2 Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all Members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that a Tender for supply of a 5 ton truck submitted by Drew Ford Co. of Ajax at $lO,652.25,be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Higl~ays. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is instructed to reply to a letter from Northumberland-Durham Health Unit advising that steps are being taken to correct the situation at Preston Road dump as suggested in their letter. On motion this meeting adjourned. 69-5C-l a j!/!:' ....~..~~v..... REEVE 4;. 2-?,-<'-C~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. 69-5C-l 69-5c-2 69-5C-3 69-5c-lt 69-5C-5 69-5C-6 69-5C-7 69-5C-8 69-5C-9 69-5C-10 69-5C-ll 69-5C-12,13 69-5C-15 HAMPTON, MAY 16, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date,Councillors Baker, Tink and Werry present, Deputy Reeve Gibbs presiding at the opening of the Session. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meetings held May 2nd. and May 9th., be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this Council will agree to conditions and terms set out by the Department of Lands & Forests for hunting in the 1969 season, on the understanding that the Township's recommendation will be considered for next season. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of April, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 ;;, 15 16 - 30 $ 2,283.76 2,750.32 3, 57lt.73 8,097.lt2 3,629.96 2,8lt7.ltl 2,92lt.10 $ 26,107.70 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List ~../ 1 - 15 16 - 30 Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue permits to responsible persons or groups for the conduct ofa display of fireworks in specified locations. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Road luperintend- ent is authorized to place direction sign. at the intersection of Scugog and Taunton Roads. Moved by Counci~lors Tink and Werry that a Tender for supply of a truck submitted by J-Mar Equipment, having heen received after the hour set for closing, will not be considered and will be returned to the Bic:lder. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Tenders for supply of a truck be rec6ived and opened. Reeve Down assumed the Chair at this time. Moved by Deputy heeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that fenders re~eived for supply of a 5 ton truck be referred to the Road Supt. for analysis, and report to next meeting of Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that a letter from Mr. and Mrs. S. Morton referring to dust control be received and filed. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Road Superintendent 1s authorized to make the necessary repairs to the road surface over the mill gates at Hampton Mill. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that H.J.Gascoigne Ltd. be requested to investigate the condition of the roof of the Municipal Building and to give an estimate of cost of re-roofing. & Ilt. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize an agreement with the Town of Bowmanville was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2lt16P, Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. /l d:(V) . L!( 4. .1t:o;(C;~/.. . . . . REEVE ....-4!.:.~~.~... CLERK. HAMPTON, May 9, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, in Special Session to consider 1969 estimates , all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 69-5B-l,2 & 3. On motions as filed a By-law to adopt estimates for 1969, and to set rates of taxation therefor, was given its several readings signed, sealed and numbered 2~16. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. !~Lc k<"v<) /C", <l. ( i.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl/ '-' 4~-c--- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REEVE. CLERK. _ '::IIi. -------- HAMPTON, MAY 2, 1969. . ~'..., ~ -J Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Buil.in~ on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presidin~. 69-5-1 Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the minutes of the meetin~ of April 18, 1969, be adopted as read. 69-5-2 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts for the month of April 1969, in the amount of $9,401.47 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. 69-5-3 Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that, havin~ discussed the proposal to collect taxes at the Treasurers' Office and because of the extra staff required, and the costly equipment that would be required, this Council has decided that current taxes in 1969, will be collected at the Bank of Montreal in Bowmanville or Oshawa. 69-5-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council agrees to sell to the Department of Public Works for the purpose of a Post Office buil.in~, a property on Temperance Street in Hampton, known as Lots 59 & 60 and that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an offer to sell the property as above at $5000.00, such offer to be in the form attached, which shall form part of this Resolution. 69-5-5 Moved by Deputy heeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. 69-5-6, 7 & 8. On motions as filed, a By-law to re~late and license second-hand dealers etc., was ~iven its several readin~s, signed, sealed and numbered 2415. 69-5-9 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the second monthly meetin~ of Council in June, July, Au~ust and September, shall be held at 7.30 P.M. on the third Friday of each month. 69-5-10 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meetinc adj ourn. Q~< ~,-,j - (~, ({. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......~.~-.~~~~'-:: REEVE CLERK. ~ " ... l-!t:._, Place I Hampton, Ontario Date I May.< 1969 This Will constitute written confirmation that the undersigned, TO.mSBIP OF DARLIN~TON (I.. 00... (I"" .......... ......... ..... 0 0'. "" .... {>.. .. ...." .. 0.... Northumberland_ in the County of PJ.lor:l1~-tnCl""""" I> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 of the Town of 000000000000000 is prepared to sell, to the Government of Canada, property owned by him, described in Instrument Number """.,....,.,.,....... registered in the Registry Office for County of ~J.P.~1tQI]I'l~~rJ.,a,rJ~;-pJl.~Q~t'\,..... in the Town of ..fl.P.1iI17~p.V,tnfil..,.QlJj;~io said property having a frontage of ........ ,0 CII li3..Fo 0'..... 0 .. 0.... 00 feet mare or Ir' less, by a depth of ......... q , . . . ... feet, more or less, on the ..Q"J'.tJ1 side of OOOOOOt,,~~~}llPo~:t;:~Poco~o.ooo Street in the ~ o'T.:i.1J.M~.oQfo.,ijampton Ontario, free of all encumbrances, for the sum of .r.~y~..t.t);'il\,l~AAQ..... o~CI~~l~roso 0 0 0 o(j~qIQ.PJ{l.... 000 00 0.. 0000 0 0 000 0 I also agree that the Crown may take vacant possession of the property prior to final settlement of purchasing transaction in accordance with foreg~ing terms and amount. In the event that unforeseen difficulties delay final transfer of title, permission is granted for the Crown to .proceed With expropriation action. Asking price and other details, however, are not to be altered. It is understood that this offer does not constitute acceptance by the Crown and may be withdrawn by the owner anytime up to his receipt of written notification from the Crown that his offer has been accepted, P.B.M.T. 34 --r;W IV 'i.-IIIP 1 r- ZJ4 R'JIV(;row /feAR.:. ,o6~N" Signed 0.. Jie IiItJ oIC 0 ~o 00.. Il 0 I) '1.1)1'" 0 ov ... 'c'" IV "x:.c It is understood tha-; there is no known easements, right of way/.! Over the property. This offer is conditional on receiving approval from the Northumberland Durham Health Unit for the installation of a satisfactory sanitary system. 69-48-1 69-4B-~ 69-43-4 69-43-5 69-48-6 69-413-7,8 & 9 69-4B-IO,1l 69-43-13 69-4B-14 69-1"3-1 '5 69-43-16 69-4B-17 69-413-18 HANPTON, April 18, 1969. this date, Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal all Hembers present, Reeve Do\m presiding. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs the meetings held April 3rd. and April Ilth.,1969, that the be adopted Building on minutes of as read. month of Hoved by IYhrch, 1969, Salaries Councillors Tink and Baker that R~ listed herewith, be paid: 1 15 16 - 31 accounts for the Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 16 - $ 1.882.31 3;633.10 3,916.29 4,898.02 6,000.95 15 1,970.23 31 T-~.~~4. TOTAL .;p2o;645~-84 Deputy Reeve Gibbs that use of the Township dump . Moved by Councillor Tink and Darlington Provincial Park is granted the rate of $200.00 for the 1969 S8Rsan. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that repairs to paving in front of the Municipal Building be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Hoved by Councillor werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that: WHEREAS como12ints have been received from citizens of the Townshin of Darlington. and . WHER&~S the followng recommendations of the Darlington Game Gmlmission have been filed \vith the TmVllship: 1. That the season for pheasant hunting in D'lI'lington Township in 1969 shall be from October 4, until November 1, and in any case shall not'exceed one month; 2. That the season for rab~)it hunting, Hungarian pg,rtridge, Ruffed ~rouse, shall open on the same date as pheasant; 3. The hours during 1-lhich hunting is permi.tted shall be from 8 A M. to 5 P.l'!. THEREFORE, tile Hunicipal Council of the Township of Darlington endorses the above recommendations and peti tlons the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests to amend the Regulations as stated herein. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. On motions as filed a By-law to designate "Through Highways" Wl.S given its several readings, signed,sealed and numbered 2413. (Y:. 12. On motions 8.8 f11ed a By-law to authorize the execution of Release of an Agreement was given its several readings,signed,sealed and numbered 2414.A Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and' Councillor \~erry that tile Finance Committee with the Clerk, be a specictl Committee to deal "ith the proposed~~esignation of Plan # 97. Hoved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Road Superintendent is authotized to have a 60 Gal. hot water tank and he'Jter tnstalLed in the Township garage. Moved by CO'lDcillors Tink and ':Jerry that the Enniskillen Community Hall Board is given permission to instal an underground water line along the road allowance from the E:nniskillen Public School to the Go~nunity Hall on condition that an agreement is prepared by the Board and approved by the Tovrnship providing that the Township will not become liable for any dRmage to the line or to the road. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the rates for earth moving submitted by Beaverdale Construction be accepted at untt prices as submitted. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the 1968 Financial Report presented to this meeting by Hr. Riehl of LIleloitte,Plender,Haskins & Sells, be received and filed. Hoved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting at the adj ourn(. // / ' :1 . ,_,. __/ -' , ,,', ? ,,' ",_/ "J..f / - /.- ---,-~.,. ,--/../, (../ ... ,.- / ,- '- v, ' .~.tt.~ .......v............. REEVE J' dJ !' /( ~aj;,- ....o.............. .-........................... CLEdK. 69-4-1 69-4-2 69-4-3 69-l~-4 69-4_'1 /,- ; 6 7 0}-4-- , 69-4-9 69-4-10 ceo 4 ' 1 0')- -J... 69-4-1? HAMPTON, APRIL 3, 1969. this date, minutes of read. Darlington TO\Vllship Council met in the Municipal Building on all ('embers present, Reeve Davin presiding. Hoved by Deputy Heeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the the meetings held March 21 and Harch 25, 1969, be adopted as Moved by Deputy ,(eeve Gii;bs and Councillor ',~erry that Hoad Accounts for the month of March 1969, in the amount of $12,316.12, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Heeve Gibbs that the Treasurer of this Township is hereby authorized, on behalf of Council, to apportion the Tile Drainage R9.tes assessed against the property of Sdward Gibson, pnrt of Lots 25 qnd 26, in the Seventh Concession of Darlington Tmmship, among the presently assessed owners of these lands. Moved by Councillors Jakel' and Tink that a recommendation of a Committee of the Whole Council dated April 3, 1969, is adopted by this Council. Moved by Councillors ;Jaker and Tink that Rule 33 be suspended the duration of this meeting. On motions as filed a By-law to regulate the setting of fires given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2412. Hoved by Councillorvlerry and Deputy Reeve Gi bc,s that Tenders for gravel crushing be received and opened. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibl's and Councillor Werry that the Frank S. Coyle Ltd., to crush gravel be accepted at unit tendered, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of for 8: 8. was Tender of prices as Highways. Moved bv Councillor werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that a Tender submitted by Hiller Paving Co. for supply and application of 60,000 Gal. of D.H.O.prime at :~.192 per gal., and qpplying approximately 1500 yds. sand at ~~l.95 per cuyn., be accepted at uni t prices as tendered subject to approval of Ontario Department of Hi ghwJ,ys . Moved by Councillors Bqker 'Inn 'Jerry that this meeting adj ourn. . {1:z.1! (k1/V:. . R,{;t(C. /) A/' :t' ,,</:' .~ ... . . '. .~ : e . .'~.r-:-::--:-~'~ .J. " CLEEK. HAMPTON, APhIL 3, 1969. Council. Darlington TOvinship Council met as a Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillors B8ker and Tink that Nr. Peterson1s salary be increased to $7300.00, retroactive to Jamtary 1, 1969. . . [a;lf;f!t.1:~(~ . . . . R8EVE I A/. .')~ . '. - .' -,-,-- .-R. . .. . . .( {.:.k. h-K'. 4/ CT.JG.aK. HAHPTON, April 11, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date, all Hembers present except CO'Jncillor Tink, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the following are appointed to the Darlington Community Centre Board of H,'magement: O. :\obertson, W. Yellowlees, T.H.Chant, O. '~shton, G. B~~ech, B. Nontgomery, T. Baker, B. Tink. !>loved by COlJncillors ~Ierry and Jaker that this meeting adjourn. . I ~7;j /1 / 1/... ." . . LirJ./. :/1::r![r.t!. . . . . . . . . REJ:~VE ( . '7 ,/t / , . . .. ~. !. :{~"':~':~-. . . . . . . CLEFJ\.. HilMPTON, March 25, ]969. Dculington TOHnship Council met in Special Session on this oate to consider slpplementary estirn.tes for road purposes, all Nernbers present except Councillor ';Ierry, Heeve D01.m presiding. On motions as filed. a By-la\-' to orovide for , " s'Jpplementary road expenditure of '1368000.00 'tl8.S p;i ven its several readings, signed,sealed and numbered 2412. Noved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. ..lJt:1.f1f~.. Fill L~VE /) , U., I ~ / / , / c/ ~ G. /( ..A?--L_-v-~Le/........ " " "-;,,, """""" ~ " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " CLEI-{K " i \ ~ ~ ~ ,~ · .;) 1"~~1? . .~.. '<.... J ~.. .,&.. . · ~. ..~ ~r' \'. ~ t\ ( '-. 'J ~ (l- e ~ ~ , ., c "- ~ ~ .1:> ~ ~ t ;V .. ~ f , ~ ,\'J k ~ y '- . ..~~ ~. '" v ""~ " \, ",. ...... .. N () L- Lr ~~ \ - . ~. , ~. '-C:\ ~ >:; . ~ ~ q \. ~ . tr <> <::<0 _\-. 0'-...J6'."- ~"C> '; tJ. ~.--.J ~ ~"' .i..,.~ ~.~. cJ'-i~",-: ~, . t;~~ \ '-.i <::> V\ . . > N ~ ~. a "'" () J. ;.~ ~. '" . v "'~. ~.'-I \ ') ~. ~ ~. ~. ~ -\... 69-33-1 69-3B-2 69-3B-3 69-3B-4 69-3B-5 69-3B-6 69-33-7 69-33-8 69-3B-9 69-33-10 69... 3B-ll, 12 69-33-14. 69-33-15,16 69-33-18,19 69-33-21 69-33-22 Hampton, March 21, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the }mnicipal Building on this date, all Hembers present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held March 7, 1969, be approved as read. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that, the Clerk is instructed to issue a Kennel License to Ross Endicott, rt. Lot 32, Con. 2, Darlington. . Moved by Councillor Werry and ~eputy Reeve Gibbs that a Resolution of the City of Sault Ste Marie, dealing with the operation of Motor Snow Vehicles, is endorsed hy this Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk-Administr- ator is appointed to a Staff Com'ni ttee of the Central Planning Area to consider the Regional Refuse Disposal Study in detail and report to Council. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the rate for Warble Fly spraying shall be .251 per head with a minimum charge of $2.06 per call. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Cliff Pethick is hired as Warble Fly Inspector at $2.25 per hour and that he be paid $6.15 per hour for the use of his truck and two (2) men. ~ Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Clifford ethick be paid at the following rates for standby water truck service: $350.00 per year and $4.00 per trip if no water used and $8.00 per load if water used. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that the administration and capital cost budget of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority submitted to this meeting, showing a 1969 levy on this Township of $4899.00, is adopted by this Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Albert Hills, Adam Sharp and Hoskin Smi th are appointed to the Darlington Cemetery Committee. Hoved by Deputy Heeve Gibbs and Councillor \>Jerry that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. & 13. On motions as filed, a By-law to appoint Fence Viewers for this Township was given its several readings, sigmed,sealed and numbe red 2409. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of FeLruary 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries I-IS 16-28 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay $ 1,885.80 2,322.45 3,'i~7.73 3,007.99 3,895.99 2,000.lI-8 1,952.33 _ __ J,.8-l-3..ilt.5L._ <,/ 37 ,'APt. 32 List 1-15 16-28 # 4. Special Account TOTAL & 17 On motions as filed a By-law to appoint a Road Superintendent for the To\Vnship of Darlington, for the year 1969, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2410~ & 20 On motions as filed a By-law to provide for normal Road Expenditure for the To\Vnship of Darlington, for the year 1969, in the amount of $315,000.00, was given its several readings, signed,sealed ~nd numbered 2~11. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Bell Telephone Company is authorized to place underground service wires on Township road allowances under the terms and subject to the conditions set out in a letter to the Company over the signature of the Road Superintendent R.M.Short, dated March 17, 1969. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. /1 ;;~7 ) .......~ .ct;?l;~".;~4(/;.. Rl~EVE .....('l.r.P~.. CLERK. HAMPTON, MAuCH 7, 1969. 69-3-1 Darlington Township Council met this day in the Municipal Building, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Jaker that the minutes of the meeting held February 21, 1969 be adopted as read. Hoved by Deputy i\eeve Gib]JS and Councillor Werry that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole, dated March 3, 1969, be adopted as amended, to read""with Durham CO-op extended medical plan." Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Hoad Accounts for the month of February, 1969, in the amount of ,/;>3,895.99, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that ~~solution No. 69-28-2 passing accounts for February in the amount of $21,516.90, be passed in the corrected amount of $22,630.95. This is to include Welfare Accounts paid. Hoved r,y Deputy Reeve Gibls and Councillor Tink that Goldstein Investments and Penicka Enterprises Ltd. be informed that . this Council does not approve any change in the Goldstein sub-division agreement. 69-3-2 69-3-3 69-3-4 69-3-5 /9 ' ' o -j-b Hoved by Councillors Werry and Baker that grants to the South Ontario il.f,ricultural Society, Durham Central Agricultural Society and Cartwright Agricultural Society 1:e p<lid ~w1'ieJt requested at the same amounts as paid in 1968. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Council has come to the decision that it is not prepared to re~zone property in Lot 29, Con. 1, Darlington, from Agriculture to Commercial to accomodate an outdoor theatre, at this time, due to potential future development in this area. Recorded Vote: Pro- Werry, Gibbs, Down, Tink, Baker. Con.. 69-3-7 69-3-8 Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Roads Program for 1969 presented by Road Superintendent and Roads Committee be accepted as presented in the Budget amount of $363,000.00. Hoved by Councillors 'rink and .Jaker that the matter of Road drainage on R09d if 11, be referred to Road Superintendent and Road Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibts and Councillor Baker that Road Superintendent 3.nd Clerk be authorized to call Tenders according to Road Program presented to Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that this meeting 69-3-9 69-3-10 69-3-11 adj ourn. /!y:/) -'L - ~- /c-r-{{/)J. .../J. H....-. .............. RE:j'~VE 1 -( 7. ./_/ { c .- ,< . ,_. c -"".. . . . . .'. . . . . . . .,. 0.. ~". . . . ~ ~ . . . . . CLERK. HAHP'EON, MARCH 3, 1969. Darlington Township Council met this date as ComL1ittee of the Whole, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that we recommend to Council that the wage for road staff for 1969 and 1970 be: FOREMAN OPERA TO tiS 0.15 increase 0.15 adjustment to 0.15 increase 0.15 adjustment to 6.15 increase to ,,800.00 increase $200.00 adjustment to salary plus .10 a mile. $2.65 per hr. ",2.55 per hr. ;$2.15 per hr. $9000.00 LA30UHERS M. SHORT Time and one half to be paid over 50 hour week. i-:::AJ"r.;."OGo.. ~ With Durham Co-oPKmedical plan. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that we recommend to Council that the salaries for the years 1969 and 1970 be W Rundle $9300.00 M. Niddery -;,;5700.00 L. Peterson $7200.00 C. 'darren $6950.00 plus .10 per mile Mrs. Philip $4400.00 Part time clerks $2.00 per hour f I;. Tr:dDf; 0- With Durham Co-op^medical Plan. Uti ~~'. d1l~V' .......i-f.;............ R3.....~V8 . . ..e:. :::1l :", ,~~. . CLEEK. f ~ 69-2b-l 6')-23-2 69-23-3 ?" 213' L '::>')- -'t 69-213-5 69-213-6 69-20-7 . HAHPTON, F,;J;:;Uj\;{Y 21, 1969. regular session in the Tink, Baker and Werry present, Darlington Township Council met in Hunicipal Building on this date, Councillors Deputy Reeve GH)'s presiding at the opening. MoiJed by Councillors B:1.ker and Tink that the minutes of February 7, 1969, be adopted as read. Hoved by Councillors Tink and .3aker that accounts for the month of January 1969, as Ii sted herewi th, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 . "p 2,007.68 2 , 542. 9Y- 3,575.00 3,301.46 ), 8~o "c' 'T, ~ .fJ~ 2,691. 54 g,5n.Q.L. Welfare General Roads Hoads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 3+ T.JTAL 21,516.90 Carl Down the t::entral :? Hoved by Councillors '.>Jerry and Tink that Heeve is hereby appointed as this Council's Representative on Ontario Joint Planning Board for the year 1969. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Highways is requested to approve transfers in the 1968 as follows: By-la',{ 2382 Department of Roads Program ,p6699.73 from ,'\oads Construction to Roads Haintenance. ,P82.5o from Jridges and Culverts Construction to Joads Maintenance. Reeve Down assumed the Chair at 2 P.H. Mr. Jones and hr. Dempsey addressed Council in regard to the proposed Goldstein sub-division agreement. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Reeve, Chairman of Finance and Clerk make an appointment to meet representatives of 130wmanville Council to discuss costs of Fire protection. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Orval Grills is appointed Weed Inspector for 1969. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry tlmt this meeting adjourn. iJJr:~f7~/ .. R~J~VE ....~./..~~~.. tiiRK. . . . . . .C'. 69-2-1 69-2-2 69-2-3 69-2-4 69-2-5 69-2-6 /' ') 7 8 o':3-~- , 69-2-10 69-2-11 69-2-12 69-2-13 69-2-1;' /(' " 15 OJ-c::.-- 69-2-16 69-2-17 Hampton, February 7, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Members all present, Reeve Do~n presiding. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held January 16, 1969, be adopted as read. Hoved by Councillor Tink and Deputy "eeve Gibbs that a Resolution from the Town of Cobourg respecting benefits to dependents of employees is endorsed by this Council. Hoved by Councillors Baker and vverry that this Conncil endorses and supports action by the Ontario Hunicipal Association, opposing rate increases for the Bell Telephone Company. Hoved by Councillors 'rink and ,'Ierry that the 1969 estimates of the Central OntClrio Joint Planning Board as submitted to this Council dated January 29, 1969, are approved by this Council. Noved by Deputy ,{eve Gibbs and Councillor '<erry that Road Accounts for the month of January 1969, in the amount of $10089.82 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Noved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Counc.illor Baker that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. & 9. On motions as filed a oy-law to set times for meetings of Council was given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered ~07. Moved by Deputy rteeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Board of ~~nagement for Tyrone Community Centre for the year 1969 shall be composed of the following persons: k'~' R. Bowers, Hrs. ~lva Bvam,M. Yeo, J. Virtue, Leslie Goble. Hoved by Councillors Tink and ';Jerry that a new adding machine be purchased at approximately $140.00. Hoved by Councillors Tink and j3aker that the Bell Telephone Company be informed that its proposal for Township consent to underground installations, is approved in principle Ly this Council, and that an agreement to provide for tile future works is !',eing prepared and will be submitted to the Company for consideration. Hoved by Councillor ,verry and Deputy heeve GiL"s that the Township of Clarke be informed that their proposal for construction on the Darlington Clark8 boundary at a cost of $14000.00 to this TOImshi,p, is approved. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for payment of the balance of 1968 road subsidy. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gi bis and Councillor Iverry that a grant of $150.00 be made to the Salvation Army~ in 1969. Moved by Counctllors Tink and Baker that the rate to be paid to livestock Valuers shall be ~ilO.OO per call, this to include mileage. Hoved ty Councillors TilL!\: and Werry that this meeting adj onrn. ..~W..b.~~h. .(( /\ -' - {. <. (".- , . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. REEVE CL~HK. 69-13-1 69-lB-2 69-13-3 69-liJ-4 69-ld-5,6 & 69-1]3-8,9 & 10 67-13-11,12 & 13 69-lB-l'+,15 & 16 69-13-17 69-13-18 HAMPTON, JAlWARY 16, 1969. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held January 2, 1969, be approved as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of December, 1968, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 1,653.83 2,185.44 5,200.32 Lfl,289.36... 16,319.72- 2,24-4-.63_ 3,010.08 372.97 !o <11> Welfare General Roads Roads Pay 1968 Tax List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Overpayments Total ----r- $ 72,270.35 Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to issue cheques for 1969 Memberships and dues as follows: Ontario Good Roads Association $ 20.00 Ontario Association of Tax Collectors 10.00 Bntario Municioal Clerks & Treasurers 20.00 -- Ontario Association of Building Officials 10.00 and that the annual Hembership fee for the Ontario Hunicipal Association be paid when an invoice is received. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibi".s and Councillor Tink that Rule suspended for the duration of this meeting. On motions as filed, a By-law to establish a Community Centre at ,nse Line was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-03. On motions as Centre at Haydon was given numbered 24-04-. 33 be 7. fi 1 ed, a By -la" to e s ta Lli sh a Communi ty its several readings, signed, sealed and On motions as filed a .3y-law to establish a Community Centre at Solina was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2405. On motions as filed a By-l.:nl to prohibit dumping refuse on road allowances was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2406. Hoved by Deputy Reeve GibLs and Councillor .werry that the Board of ~~nagement for Solina Community Centre for 1969 shall be composed of the following persons: Larry Spires, Doug. Flett, Fred Watson, Wes. Hills, HI'S. Wm. Ashton. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the ;~ard of Hanagement for Solina Community Athletic Field for 1969 shall be composed of the following persons: Percy ,Jestlake, Ed. tlerry, Don Taylor, Murray Vice. Cont. Page 2. Hampton, January 16, 1969. Board of composed Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Management for Base Line Community Centre for 1969 shall be of the following persons: Neil Brownell, _~vin hetca1f ,Jack Horton, Fred 'vlright, '>E<: Don Metcalf. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that for Haydon Community Ventre for 1969 shall the Board of be composed of the 69-113-19 69-13-20 Hanagement following persons: Shirley Pollard, Mary Topple, Wilbur Blackburn, Alf Garrard, Nrs. oLalJ.J2.L P"yne. ~/, Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the following persons are appointed to the Board of Hanagement of Hampton Park: Mrs. E. Dewell, A, Blanchard, Ron Clemens, Fred Payne, Ron Luke. 69-13-21 69-13-22 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adj Durn. ./J.. ~~~.!?M~:... RE:!3VE ~r'<':<: I . /,' / / /' "// . ~ - /7 ;~I..{.: \;.' i . . .." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. TIAHPTON, TA\TUAEY 2, 1969 The Inaugural l1eetj.ng of Darlington T01mship Council was held in the Council Chamber, on this date all members present, Reeve Down presiding. 69-1-1 Reeve Down called on Reverend D. Northey who read a passage from scripture and offered Prayer. Hr. Northey was thanked by Deputy-]'\eeve Gibbs. Moved by DeputY-heeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the minutes'of the meeting held December 19,1968, be adopted as read. I,loved by Councillors 'Jerry and Tink that this Council adjourn briefly. Reeve Down called Council to order at 2:10 p.m. 69-1-2 69-1-3 loved by l:Jeputy-Reeve Gibbs and Councillor ,ferry that standing COID"ittees of Council for 1969 and 1970 shall be as follows: Roads: Deputy-Reeve Gibbs Councillor Clerry Reeve Down Finance and Property: Councillor Tink Councillor Baker Heeve Down and that matters not coming ul1der these headings shall be dealt with by Council in Committee of the Whole. j"loved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Richard Gibbs and Gdgar James be appointed to the Central L~~e Ontario Conservation Authority for 1969. 69-1-lf 69-1-5 Hoved by COUl1cillor Baker "'ld Deputy-I\eeve Gibbs that COUl1cillor Tink be appointed to represent this Council on the Board of the Durham Coun~ty Federation of Agriculture. 69-1-6 110ved by COUl1cilloI!3 'derry and Baker tha t this Township will not renew its membership in the Lake Ontario Regional Developement Council in 1969. 69-1-7 . Hoved by Concillors Tink and Baker that Reeve Down is appointed to represent this Township in the Central Ontario Joint Pla'lIling Board. 69-1-8 ~oved by Deputy-Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that T. C. Hutton and Roy 11cGill and Hr. H. C. Huir, are appointed to Darlington Planning BOdrd for a three year term to expire January 1, 1972, and that COUl1cillor T. C. Baker and Councillor A. J. \verry, are appointed to Darlington Planning Board for the year 1969. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that H. A. Barron is appointed to the Board of llemorial Hospital for 1969. 69-1-9 Hoved by Councillor '4erry and Deputy-Reeve Gibbs that Russell DeCoe and ~. Harold vlatson are appointed to the Committee of Ad,iustment for Darlington Tmmship for a three year term to expire January 1, 1972. 69-1-11 Loved by Deputy-Heeve Gibbs and Courlcillor 'i!erry that rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. h9-1-12,13,14 On motion a by-law to authorize current borrowings from the Bank of Nontreal in amoli."lts not to exceed,J;600,ooo.OO, \vas given its several readings signed sealed and nu~berad 2402. 69-1-15 Hoved by COUl1cillors Baker and '/Jerry that cheques be signed by the Reeve or Deputy-Reeve, and cOli."ltersigned by the Treasurer. - 2 - 69-1-16 Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to issue che!,\ues ort the second and seventeenth of each month in payment of wages and sala~ies at rates, as set by Council als'~ for ,'Jelfare Accounts as cert~fied by the c'ielfare Administrator, for road accounts as approved by the Road Committee, for debenture payments when due, and for school pa~nents when properly authorized. 69-1-17 Noved by C01l.'1cillors 'rink and Baker that TIeeve Down be this Council's appointee to the Oshawa Area Planning and Developement Study. 69-l-18 Moved by Deputy-Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council approves the appointment of Consultants as set out in a letter from Oshawa Area Planning and Developement Study's Co-Ordinating Committee dated December 19, 1968. ;:Ioved by Councillors Baker and TifLl{ that Deputy-Reeve Gibbs and the Clerk attend a Planning Heeting to be held in Cobourg on January 13, 1]69. 69-1-19 69-1-20 19-1-22 !loved by C')uncillorIerry and Deputy-Reeve Gibbs that 1969 membership fee be paid to the Association of Rural l'Iunicipalities. IIoved by Councillors ':'ink and Baker that the offer of ~echa~ical A~vertising Limited to instal letters on the Municipal 13uild~ng a tiS]4-2. 90 be accepted as quoted. Hoved by Counc illor 'de rry and De pu ty-Hee'le Gibbs tha t no staff banquet be held this season. Moved by Councillors 'rink and i/Jerry that this meeting adjourn. 69-1-21 69-1-23 fl. ;//U . C .4% ~!iq:z/. . ./:V;.e~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk