HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 HAl1PTON, DECENBER 17, 1970. 70-l2B-2 Darlington To.nship Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held December 4, 197~ be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of November, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: 70-l2B-l TOTAL " C, \ I' /\ ,,' V. I{ \ ,\ '\ ~ V.l' V, $430,800.46. ~.~ I! -:/ ~\I I~ 2,482.98 2,783.16V 7,79lt.65 368,009.23/' lt4,449.05 I 2,591.29 ". 2,690.10 ~ Salaries 1st - 15th 16th - 30th :1$ ~{elfare General Roads Roads Pay List #21 ti22 Special Account 70-l2B-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Council approves the issuing of a private aerdrome license by the Canadian Department of Transport to Charles Gabourie, Part Lots 31 & 32, Concession 1, T01~ship of Darlington. 70-l2B-4,5&6 On motion as filed, a by-law to provide for the inspection of plumbing and setting fees therefo~ was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2lt60. 70-l2B-8 Moved by Counci]brs Tink and Baker that R. M. Short be paid the SQ~ of $500.00 as compensation for time and expenses during November and December 1970. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. 70-l2B-7 .c~~.-::... REEVE -?J}-yiJ ~ -tX/, .. ,"I ~_(,A__./ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK 70-12-1 70-12-2 70-12-3 I 70-12-4 70-12-5 70-12-6 70-12-7 70-12-8 HAMPTON, D~CEMBER 4, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held November 20, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that road accounts for the month of November, 1970, in the amount of $49,730.44 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Central Ontario Joint Planning Board be advised that this Council supports the Board's proposal plan for the establishment of a University and Medical School in this Planni3g Area. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Invar Consulting Ltd., be informed that the Township will require the undertaking referred to in a previous letter. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Harry McLean is appointed School Crossing Guard, his duties, hours of work and rate of pay to be set from ti~e to time by Council. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Mr. D. R. Bourne and R.M.Short are authorized to prepare a tentative road programme for 1971, as suggested by the Ontario Department of Highways. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this Council now rise to sit in Committee of the Whole. Council resumed at 5.15 P.M. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that this Council adjourn. /.' ~! ' // ,i' /Z 'A~rJ/ ..~..f.............. REEVE dJ'~~ . -, J? _I' ..c:f&'" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. 70-11B-l 70-11B-2 HAMPTON, NOVEMBER 20, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Deputy Reeve Gibbs presiding at the opening, Councillors Baker, Tink and Werry present. Moved by Councillors meeting held November 6, 1970, be Moved by Councillors month of October, 1970, as listed Tink and Ba.ker that adopted as read. Tink and Baker that herewith, be paid: the minutes of the accounts for the Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ 2,499.30 3,020.31 8,404.13 8,012.05 49,726.55 3,013.67 3,755.31 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Total $ 78,411.32. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the Bell Telephone Company be informed that the proposed location of works referred to in the Company's letter of November 16, 1970, have been reported to this Council and, that on the basis of the report of the Road Superintendent, the requested approvals are not being given at this time. At this point Reeve Down attended and assumed the Chair, 70-11B-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to apply to the Department of Highways to have the pavement markings and signs installed at No. 2 Highway and Darlington Boulevard for the purpose of establishing a school crossing at that point. 70-113-5,6 & 7. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the City of Oshawa was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2458. 70-11B-8,9 & 10. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the Release of an Agreement was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2459. 70-11B-ll Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., are appointed special Consultant for this Township.in the matter of a proposal submitted by Invar Consultants Ltd., on behali of Greater York Developments Ltd., and that they are hereby authorized to prepare an amendment to the Official Plan, and to the Zoning By-law and to undertake any other necessary matters, on the condition that Greater York Developments Ltd., shall furnish an undertaking to reimburse the Tmmship for all planning, engineering, and legal costs incurred in relation to this proposal. 70-11B-12 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that, regarding a request for approval of a private aerdrome in Lots 31 and 32, Concession 1, the applicant is requested to furnish lnswers to the following questions: 1. What charges, if any, sre made for the use of the property by users, other than the owner. 2. What services, if any, are supplied and paid for by users of the property. and the Clerk is instructed to circulate a form letter in the community to ask if there are any objections. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. 70-11B-3 J';:'''' (}.t.M.:~11~~ REEVE / //)!'. O-</~~ . . . . ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . CLERK. Darlington To\vnship Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting held October 16, 1970, be approved as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts for the month of October 1970, in the amount of $56,495.53, as approved by the Ro~ds Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Oshawa Public Utilities be notified that this Council feels that since the City of Oshawa proposes to annex the westerly part of the Township in the near future, and as the Darlington residents concerned have not requested street lights, this Council feels that it would be unwise to enter into a street lighting arrangement on the boundary road at this time. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that ~eputy heeve Gibbs is authorized to attend a special purpose meeting in Oshawa on November 19, 1970. 70-11-5,6 & 7. On motions as filed a By-law to impose a special drainage rate on part of Lot 30,Concession 8, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2455. 70-11-8,9 & 10. On motions as filed, a By-law to impose a special drainage rate on part of Lots 26 and 27, ~oncession 8, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2456. 70-11-11,12 & 13. On motions as filed, a 8y-law to provide for the erection of "Stop" signs was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2457. 70-11-1 70-11-2 70-11-2 70-11-4 70-11-14. 70-11-15 HAHPTON, NOVEMBE3. 6, 1970. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council endorses Resolution # C-604, passed by the Council of the Town of Bowmanville, and hereby expresses its opposition to a suggestion made by Hr. Donald Patterson, that the Township of East Whitby be joined to form a borough in the proposed region, and further, this Council agrees with the Council of the Town of Bowmanville that East Whitby should become part of the City of Oshawa. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adj.ourn. ...d/. ~ #~~,z.. ( . (' !J ! .~,_ "~,,'t'~i }-') J.1P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REgVE CLERK. HAMPTON, OCTOBER 16, 1970. 70-10C-2 Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all Members present except Councillor Werry. m Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meetings held October 2, and October 9, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillor Tink and Councillor Baker that accounts for the month of September, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: 70-10C-l Total $ 2,120.14- 2,568. 58 6,166.00 205,4-73.84- 39,238.11 2,94-3.98 ---2,n:2-..23- $ 261.4-70. ~ Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 30 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 30 70-10C-4- Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Daker that this Council endorses a l~solution of the Town of Bowmanville regarding "Rock Festivals" and that the Attorney-General's Department be advised of this action. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Daker that the street between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 5, be named McCallum Street. 70-10C-3 70-10C-8 On motions as Board Elections numbered 24-54. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting filed a By-law to provide for Municipal was given its several readings, signed, 70-l0C-5,6 & ~. and School sealed and adjourn. /7.. ;/~0j~! . .[A(C.1~ . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . REEVE , %~4-.~ . . .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, OCTOBER 9, 1970. 70-l0B-l Darlington Township CoUncil met date to open Tenders and applications and to Reeve Down presiding, all Members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink tenders for Multiplate be received and opened at this time. Tenders were received as follows: "flV'i,YC- W.B.Bennet"& Materials Larsen-Grills Construction Harnden & King in Special Session on this transact other business, that the 1. $ 8161.00 7708.00 8911.00 2i 3. 70-l0B-2 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the tender for construction of a multiplate culvert, Contract 879, submitted by Larsen-Grills Construction, be accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. 70-10B-3 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. .o.~~~. REEVE . . . .~/. f:.'.6.~~~:c:~ . . . CLERK [' HAMPTON, October ~, 1970. 70-10-11,12 & 13 Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers this day, Reeve Down presidieng, all Members present. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the , ,jO minutes of the meeting held September 18;Abe adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that Road Accounts for the month of September 1970, in the amount of $~5,1~1.82 as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that a grant of $150.00 be made to the Hampton Park Board. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that Totten,Sims,Hubicki and Associates are hereby authorized to prepare plans for four structures to be constructed in future years. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that this Township petition the Department of Highways for payment of an interim subsidy. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the salary of the Township Treasurer be set at $9000.00 per annum. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy deeve Gibbs that R.C.B~yden, Treasurer, is hereby authorized to sign cheques on all bank accounts of this Township, and to sign all documents requiring the signature of the Township Treasurer. 70-10-8,9 & 10. On motions as filed a By-law to impose a special drainage rate was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2~52. On motions as filed a By-law to further amend By-law 2111, as amended, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-53. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy deeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. 70:"10-2 70-10-1 70-10-3 70-1O-~ 70-10-5 70-10-6 70-10-7 70-10-1~ .~~~~.. REEVE /'7 .. .&: .~.1~-~~~~... CLERK 70-9C-l 70-9C-2 70-9C-3 70-9C-4, 5 & 6. 70-9C-7,8 & 9. 70-9c-IO,n & 12. 70-9C-13,14 & 15 70-9C-16 70-9C-17 70-9C-18 70-9C-19 70-9C-20 70-9C-21 70-9C-22 HAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 18, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, Deputy Reeve Gibbs in the Chair, Councillors Tink, Baker abd Werry present. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held September 4, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of August, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ 2,444.18 2,996.51 6,516.36 1,048.85 24, 55lt. 05 2,481.17 2,951.57 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Reeve Down took the chair at this point. $ 41,002.69 Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that a contribution of $100.00 be made to the Sudbury Area Disaster relief fund. On motions as filed, a By-law to impose a special drainage rate on the south half of Lots 3 and 4, Con. 6, was given its several readings, signed,sealed and numbered 2448. On motions as filed a By-law to appoint a Treasurer for the Township of Darlington was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2449. On motions as filed a By-law to regulate the setting of fires etc., was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2450. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the purchase of land was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2451. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the resignation of R.M.Short, Road Superintendent, is accepted with regret. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Heeve Gibbs that the Department of Highways is requested to approve the transfer of amounts in the 1970 road program, BY-law 2435, as follows: The sum of $10J666.66 to Dickie Multiplate Culvert, Lot 20, Concession 7, ob No. 70-76, from Job 70-B-26, Guideboard Bridge, Lot 20, between Concessions 6 and 7; $5,000.00 and from Job 70-72, Jones culvert, Lots 12 & 13, Concession 7, $3,000.00 and from Niscella.neous Cul"v'8rts ,Joh 70-.35 ~ ~2 OC().OO~ Tot,il ' $10,060.00. Moved by Councillors Tink and Daker that the Township's Solicitor is instructed to arrange the conveyance of the lands formerly used as a dump in Lot 10, Con. 7, to W.A.Thiesberger. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Building Inspector is authorized to attend the Annual meeting of the Ontario Building Officials Association inHamilton, October 14,15 and 16, 1970. Moved by Deputy heeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that a Report of the Committee of the Whole dated September 9, 1970, is adopted. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed to advertise in the Daily Commercial News and in local papers for Applications for the position of Road Superintendent of this TOlmship. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting adjourn. /~/! d&;;) -; b '/ ct:U/~ ~. ,........... REEVE . ../1) ( ~<~/. cd- .. . . . 'I. . . . . . t1.~~ . . . . . . . . 'I. . CLERK. HAMPTON, September 9, 1970. 70-8c-l Darlington Township Council met in session as Committee of the Whole this dat"all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is instructed to contact Mr. Robt. Bryden on Thursday, September 10, 1970, to inform him that he is being offered the position of Treasurer of this Township at $9000.00 per annum. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this meeting adjourn. 70-8C-2 .~(J10-/ REEVE . 4/ ~ -<~d- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 4, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the minutes of the meetings held August 23rd. and Sept. 1st. 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Road Accounts in the amount of $29,996.79, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. 70-9B-3 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Sunnydene Estates Ltd. be informed that, having considered the matters referred to in the Company's letter of August 26, 1970, and in view of the many similar requests that have been made, this Council does not find it advisable to amend the Zoning B,y-law, as requested. 70-9B-4 Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that a letter from the Association of Mayors and Reeves be received and filed. 70-9B-5,6 & 7. On motion a B,y-law to impose a special Tile Drain rate on the south half of Lot 17, Concession 7, was given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2447. 70-9B-8 Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting 70-9B-l 70-9B-2 adjourn. ~'-r~) ~;.Jt' . . . ~'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-'" .....A!.'!:~~... RE8VE CLERK. HAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 1, 1970. 70-9-1 Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Ltd., are instructed to make application to the Department of Energy and Resources Management on behalf of this Township, for approva11site selection and operation management plans for the proposed Long Sault Disposal Area. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this meeting 70-9-2 adjourn. ... ~P~::!........ REEVE 4J. 7 (2h<-<:e~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, AUGUST 21, 1970. 70-BB-l Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meeting held August 7, 1970, be adopted as read. cO.llf oj }/o rs Moved bYll:r IlK and Baker that accounts f'or the month of' July, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: 70-8B-2 Salaries 1st - 15th 16th - 31st $ 2,513.39 3,084.09 5,315.51 11,409.15 40,917.35 3,075.39 3,147.44- 69,462.32 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List #13 #14 TOTAL $ 70-BB-3 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the resignation of Lloyd Peterson, Treasurer of this Township, is accepted with regret. 70-BB-4,5 &6 On motion as filed, a by-law to authorize a bOundary road agreement with the City of Oshawa was given its several readings, signed, sealed, and numbered 2446. 70-8B-7 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that W. E. Rundle, as Deputy-Treasurer of this Township is hereby authorized to sign cheques as Treasurer, drawn on all Township accounts at the Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville and to act as Treasurer in all matters, as required, pending the appointment of a Treasurer. 70-8B-8 Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this med1ng adjourn. .. .....~f!!~.... REEVE n<J c 7- -~ 7' c..-1~d--<:::'- .............................. . CLERK. 'I",7T",r~r:",- ''\P"GTT,Crr '7 .1 .<-:0; ..t _'- '_'~', _~U UV~_ (, 1970. 70-8-1 Darlinc::ton To~,'r:_'"l_~)hip Coune:i.l met it; Co'_)nc~_l Gh,,-;_chers on this d te '-"1 l'i~::":l",h""''''''c: p"'~n<:,,";nt KC:>"Trp DOT.;,.... DY'c...,-.-j (J"l" n~~ a , ~<.-L__. lJt..Lj,..-'~,.. __ ~.'.:)c- .L " ,",___r_.1, ~ .,.1.-"- ..)y_'-...-0~ ,', "'0" Hove5 b~_r Councillor Tin1-:: 2nd Deputy ?oeve Gibbs that the minutes of the !TCCti:lg>!F.?ld .July 17 ttncl Jul:;?' 23 be adopted uS reD.d. l'-_CovC(~ b~r DGputy ::1eeve G~bbs and CotJ_nc:tl1or ;'.J;~rr7 that road aceounts for tt18mnnth of .Jl~ly 1)70 in tLe 3.r10nnt of $1~6-i-2.7.g8, as approved t~e 200d Consittec, be paid. I-loved by Counc5_11ors Bater c2tld to notify o~rne~s o~ p GTties a;j=~8nt Con. 1.. nOT..! o\/rne6 h',- t~li:? TU:,,-Jcshi r:, -C}"F'_ +. the saie of the lan~~ ~ lvioved :)y Councillors Tink and 13aker th'l t the Tre:?:i surer is rtuthorj.zed to tssue a.. cheque ir1 the nmo'Jnt of $.9407.67 to '~o[.tth ~} nl("'r\nne11 ...,~ r''''''''':''l<:lr<--:' ""'\Y']',..,r:- nP lr;rJr-1.-. J oJ~..-... ~l ........1_ '--"._' l)d.--,-v~ .,_..~)\; 1-'-'<' _,--,'n' jL ....~ ,?~). Novcd b;y- Connci 110r "-'~"'Y 2,n() D'sput~r - C:V2 Gibbs t.La t the Centr::.} L'J.ke: Cntario ConS'3_rva tion ~;~u-'::,~-}orj ty b2 ir:.fcr1T;8c_ t.l:_c1t thi s TO\'lt1ship h['J..:- no obj cction tc the opening 0"'--' 0. gr2vel pit in. Lot l?, 8oncession 9. l:!oved by Ds'put.y -,ceve Gl bh3 ,~!.nd Councillor ','Jerry that Tot ten, Sims, ~{ubic}:J. s: ~_ssociates aT'e ir:.structed t:-- pre~.~re ,'2n .':lD'~lic-3.tion to t:12 ,:~(l_il!:,rD.y Trans[:ort 8o:1~::t ttee for -3. contrj. hutic,n frOY0_'" the Gr3.oe ('1y.......Q""'-inr:- H"'lnc1 +-(-,1,~r,'Y'>'::! -1mn"'o"e.mentc tn +-1--;~ (' P cJ :"t_,,()C'(:o-ina r;-Lc Tn.J-c~ l~) .':.- l' ......""'u.-",':)_~_ S _l ~ ---""..j,-,_-'-l.' ..;..i1"'-'-I v I. L"-....- ~-... 'j_-''-' -'.~. ............., .->d..._.O ,_--, . ..I...J"",-",_ --'-,. ,,". j, in Concessi_cn lO~ Hovcd by Connc5~11ors Tin}~ ,':.no J.J.Y.:sr thD.t 1970 taxes on t.ho .,....,:"'('nc.ll..t....~ <:1CCC".c>,...~~!! +'0'" lC')'! t~,-"p"", +~ 1"01,.;] ,'VP"'Y ~~ )011 :c/" 1(_')1 J ;"_'--'._'<::,~-..::; ~'-"'.Jv,,,....c::_~l--'- ~ ,,'J ''-''-J~_.,') </" __ -,--'..' _~ '...~_ .'-"'~ l.....-,_ /I " '-_-'~ ;;:~~;;~~;~?~p~rJ~(~;r~~~?:~~l;;" ~~r i;~~;; ~~,' \~~l~~,~S; lc:rpret ~ :~j,:h, ...L::__,_oln :.:...v'C:.ry '-i(1..-'7~6,), J,-.L:8..., ''-, -'-u;-"re~, ,--,m..:...t~. '{,'.;6.~,1, an", Tr<::,,;,s~rer is directed tc ~ak8 ths n8cess2ry ch~n2es in the 1970 8olJ.0ctor's Roll. Havoc by COlinctl1ors BaJ:t=~!' ?~nd Tim: tI:~at an 3.';)nlic,::Jticn for 2 TiJ.8 Dr~in on P~]'~ of Lot 30, Con. R, D~rlingto~~ is approved, tc tt_8 Itntt, '~.2-:'provC'd "::,y Farm Grer-"lj.t ::;orforaticn. Hoved by Deputy Ti.ecve Gib1Js a.nd CO':_lnci,llor Ide~:"ry tbc"t Inv2.r Gonsultants LtC.. be in.formed tt:at, suhject to complete o.pprovals from all Departmc:;nts of Gove~nment, Healtt:. Authorities, G'2ntral Ont::::.rio Joj~nt Planning Boccrc. and Darlin::;ton Plannj~r:.c Board, t!:is Council \-Till consider granting tentative 2pprov~1 of a ZonirG a~e~dnent to permit tt.e Shopping Centre proposal subr::i tt.ec-; by :::iznek Construction Lt6.. ~'~oved by COl1neillors ~3al:::er and ~~'(~rI'Y that thls mesttng Tink t_bat the Clerk is instructed t~ a p?rcol of land in Lot 29, TouDshlr is considering 70-8-~ '7(1_R_~ i'- '- -' '7(1-R-1;- r - -' 70-P..-5 7C':-P-6 '7,,.-, P r-; ( '''''-''n'-( 70-:'-8 70....8-9 70-8-10. adjourn. ~ p:~~/ ) ....... ?1:~ .1f.t~};'~~-:....... RE::E:VE .....-:~}.~~..... CLE~~-~K H'lfD'l'O" nUL'" 23 10'70 .:.1. ~"'..i.- 1\, V" _... , ;; { . Darl inston T01Insh1.p Council met in Special Session this e-,rening, Reeve DOlin presiding, Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillors Tink and Baker present. 70-7C-l Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs 3.nd Councillor Tink that this Council approve the action of the Council of the Tmm of Bovmnnville in accepting the tender of King-Seagrave Ltd., for supply of a new pumper truck for the Fire Department. 70-7C-2 lloved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Reeve Dovm is au thori zed to speak for thi. s Council in the matter of engaging a consultcwt to present the viewll01nt of' this TO\Inship, in conjunction '.-Ii th the Tmm of B01ilmanville. Mov'cd by Councillors Ba};er and Tin1: that this meet~nG 70-7C-3 adj ou rn. (7 (70C' " ,;;'../ //",. "7 ",/~~ "_ /'/ /<({f '-L /{'tt, t ......... .............. Reeve ~/lJ. ;;- ~-,/-ce fEL ..... .................. ... Clerk. .. HAlIiPTON, .JULY, 17, 1970. 70-7B-l Do_rli.ngton TO\mship Council met in the Hunicipal Ih;ilcJng on this date, all !Cembers present, Eeeve DO\m presiding. Noved by Deputy Heeve Gibbs and Councillor ',Jerry that the minutes of the meeting h~10 July 3rd.~ be adopted uS co~rected by changing F:esolu tion # 7('-7...';) to read "7th. line T;[8Stt1. Hoved by Couw,illors Time and Baker that accounts for the month of .June 1970, as listed he"Bwith, be paid: Saldries 1 - 15 7C~-7 13-2 Q7 .;;> 2,507.66 ? "9? "? ..), '" '--.<,~ 16 - 30 itlelfo..re r::c '<24 "1 j, '-' ~'. . L.."., 219.068.22 , 57,070.82 3,346.24 3,126.79 Gener_'Cl Roads RO.::1ds PelY List if 11 " 12 Totol ...., ~~ -.Sl-45.l2.16 70-7~~-3 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and is hereby ce::tified that p.y-la,,! 24112 of the in confoY'r.1i ty 1,1i th the Orfi c-l.c:l Plan for Councillor Wer~r that it Township of Jarlington i C! -" the Dc.rli.ngton Plenning Area, and that no proposals for a change tn the Official Plan ~re under consideration. 70-7B-4 Hoved by COlJncillors Tink e.nd Baker that it is hereby . certified that 3y-l&,,! 2445 of the TO'.mship of Darlington conforms to the Offici_al Plan of the Darlington Planning !.rea and that no proposals ':'or ch:mge in the Officiol Pl".n is under consideration. Moved by Cmlncillor Verry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Ontario Dep:.Irtment of Hi ghways be requested to approve the transfer of $10,000.00 fro:n gravel pit purchase, Lot 23, Con. 3, to road construction between Lots 10 and 11, Concession9, in this Township's 1970 Road Programme. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Mr. Kelly, Solicitor for Hr. & Hrs. Hatthews, be informed that Council is of the opinion that it 1ifoulc be umvise to close the ro,,-d al101mnce refer-red to, in vie\v of probable fu~,ure d'3';Ielopm,~~nt in that areD. 70-73-7 Haved by Councj_llors T..Jerry and Tink that this meeting 70-7B-5 70-73-6 adj ourn. {7 . // . . . . ./.rt.c.c1:..{~ 1.\ . . . . . . . . . REEVE . (Z , J. ?<? r ~,~-:,/ ,e;.~ ,~-~__~ r:;(./~:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ,. " .. . . . . . . . .. eLf';F:1\.. TT,l """"PT OF "".i...L~J. J. ...-J , July 3, 1970. D'lrlinc-ton To\;nshin Council met in the Hunicin8J. Building> on - (,; .I,; -. - ... 70-7-1 thi~ date, o.lJ_ nembers present, ~eeve D:Y,:,'ll :rresiding. Hovec. "b:'" Councillors ~'inl~ and Eaker that the minutes of the meeting held June 17, 1970, be adopted as read. 70-7-2 Hoved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the structure on the 1th line '.<Test, lmovm as Guideboard ':lest, be named "Guideboard", and the Consultant so notified. 70-7-3,1-:- p- 5 On :::1otion 0. t~;-l3.T;{ to '8stQblish G':. sri(~cd limit on Preston-val'2 no')/l -CT!:'lC 'Yi";7e"~ l' ts ~e1Tc';"'""" ~""'::l,=,(1";.'"1"'~~ s., o-'Y'er! Se!:!lor' a.nr! IJW'lbp.......nd "1ft.', "'-., ,'-A""l 'i.......",., u--~ J.... ......;, ...t;.'l..J,.. -'-'.....<.-l-_l.._'...'b.....' -'-0....1.......' c........__:....L .......~', ~.1.,-, e;;;;, t-'-t. 70-7-6,7 Ec: 3 On 2"Y!otion, a 'D:r-la1I tJ f'rT~~h'3r E'~::lt211d ~:r-la\",~ 2111 'i:las given l.t~ -~eve"'al reacl1'i~lf"C: C"-10'l'"1~i! ce~lerl <:l"r' Y1'1rr1b''':"\Y''e':'[ ?l.fL.~ ........... "^ .. u""'1 .........0.. ""......i ... ,~.... "" v_..._"-<- ~..\,AJ..... '.'.J.. "" ~ '",," 70-7-9 ~,IOV8d >:/ DelJuJ~~,- s'ee'.re 'J-ibbs and Councill.Jr '..~crrJr that the 70-7-10 r02.:1 allo~'l,'J.;:lce bet-vIseD Concessions 4 &. 5 in Lot 1, 1\>ill be retained by the TO\.11Ship, and thDt the 011ne~r~2 ,)f abuttine lands be sa notified" Hoved by Councillors Tinl{ and Balcer that the Clerlr is instructed to talce all steps Eecessnry for the closing and disposal of the Haydon d~~? site. i:1o'\Tod by CO"JDcillors Tink and Bar-cor that the ClerIc is authorized to tal:e all necessar/ steps to acquire a c)roperty in Lot 10, 70-7-11 Conces3ion 9.. 70-7-12 l'loved by Del~uty Heeve Gi 1:bs and COlmcillor '.Ierr;,' that road accounts for the :rronth of June, 1')70, as ap;Jroved by the roads ConmJi ttee be paid. C:;63,5'1.13.85) :':1oiJed b"v' Councillor :'/err't ,q'nd 2)e':lu+'r 'Qne,TP G1' "be- +- h",,+ r1'"1n+" t""'" " -.... .......... :i: v.., ~k'-' '" k...... v~...u v """-u Sims, Ilubiccd and j\s socio.tes are requested t::l undertal:e the preparation of a plan for the Developement of the Long Sault Disposal Site, and to malee applicati'::ln to tile Depart:nent of Energ;y and Resources 11anagement for approval thereof. Hoved by Councillors iierry and Tink that this meeting adjourn. 70-7-13 70-7-11+ .;;r) c~ . ..c< c . 2. ':..eM<..t':tJ!_ C~?- ct. " II;> K HAEPTOlJ, JUNE 19. 1970. 70-613-2 for Bridge Darlington Tmmship Council met in the Municipal Buildinr; on all Members present,Reeve Down presiding. Hoved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Heeve Gibbs that the the meeting held June 5, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor herry that Tenders and Culvert construction be received and opened. Tenders were received as follows: 70-613-1 this date, Hinutes of E.F.Harston Canst. Port Hope, Onto GUl U8130:,.v :,\Jest JONES CUL V;~RT TOTAL BID Bridge -.---.-- - $ 39,670.00 $ 12,005.00 $ 51,675.00 41,237.00 10,180.60 51,417.60 38,Lc15.00 9,706.00 48,121. 00 38,032.00 10,921.00 48,953.00 CONTL\CT03 Kngineer's Estimate Ganaraska Dridge Port Hope, Ont L':\.')lSEN-GHILLS Canst. Cobourg, Onto W.G.Kelly Canst. Ltd. P.O.Box 4?, Sebringville, Onto 49,490.00 8,798.00 58,288.00 70-63-6 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tender for Bridge & Culvert Construction submitted by Construction, be accepted at uni t pri.ces as tendered, approval of the Ontario lJepartment of Highways. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Tyrone disposal be closed as of July 11, 1970, due to hazardous conditions, and the public be advised, by advertising in the Canadian Statesman all garbage must be delivered to the disposal area on Preston (Lot 20- Con 3.) Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Robert Adams is hereby given permission to use an entrance from the Township Parking Lot on the easterly side of Scugog Street for the year 1970, upon payment, in advance, of the sum of $5.00, and is permitted to remove one post for that purpose, always provided that such access will not be available \,hen the parking lot is occupied by the public. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of May, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 \'ierry that the Larsen-Grills subject to the 70-613-3 70-613-4 area that that Road 70-613-5 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ 2,543.45 3,140.08 5,187.59 39,100.11 15,439.07 3,323.66 _~..Q90.89 70-613-7 TOTAL $ 71,424.85 Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that tentative approval is given to a proposal for sharing boundary road costs submitted to this meeting 'Jy the City of Oshawa. Hoved by Councillors Tink. and Baker that Mr. J.M.Pickell of Pickell Holdings Ltd. be advised that Council has no jurisdiction in the matter referred to in his letter of June 3, 1970. Hoved by Councillor Werry and Deputy c~eve Gibbs that the Treasurer is instructed to forward 50% of the 1970 levy to the Peterboro- Victoria- Northumberland and Durham Homan Catholic Separate School Board. 70-68-8 70-613-9 June 19, 1970. Darlington Tovmship Council. Continued. 70-6B-11 Moved by Councillorj Tir~ and Baker that Robert James be notified t.hat this Council has consi.dered his proposal to re-zone a property at the south part of Hampton, and has decided not to undertake the Zoning amendment. Moved by Deputy Reeye Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Ontario Federation of Agriculture be informed that this Council feels that it can not support the Federation's request regarding collection of taxes. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning By-law to change the designation of Green Hoad to "Improved." Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that Councillor Baker be appointed to represent this Council on a Committee from the City of Oshawa to promote the Canada Games in Oshawa in 1973. 70-613-10 70-613-12 70-613-13 70-613-11", 15 & 16. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize an agreement was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2443. 70-6B-17 Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this meeting adjourn. ~~~,t<k/& ....... .r~i....... ...... REEVE V /7 .." .... .' A .' .... A_'~'7"/_4~'/e.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . ~ . . . . . . . . CLEP.K 70-6-1 70-6-2 70-6-3 70-6-4 70-6-5 70-6-6 70-6-7 70-6-8,9 & 10. 70-6-11 70-6-12 700-6-13 70-6-14 70-6-15 70-6-16 70-6-17 HAMPTON, JUNE 5, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. MOVGd by Councillors Baker and 'rink that the minutes of the meeting held May 15, 1970, be approved as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gi bbs and Councillor \lerry that Road Accounts for the month of May, 1970, in the amount of $21,453.62, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is instructed to inform the Board of Manage!Q..ent of Maranttha Church that it would not be economically feasible to es~ablish a street lighting system in the vicinity of their property, bf,Xt that contract lights, which are available from Ontario Hydro miGht be the ansvrer to their problem. Moved by Councillors Baker and iierry that this Council supports the Conservation Authority in proclaiming the week of June 13 to June 21, 1970, as Conservation Week. Moved bI Councillors Werry and Eaker that Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink.. and any other Hembers of Council who are able, attend the presentation of "Design for Development" at Trinity College, Port Hope,'on Tuesday, June 16,1970. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Reeve Down be authorized to attend the O.H.A. Convention in Ottawa, August 16-19, 1970, with expenses paid. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and CouncUlor iJerry that the Clerk make application in the name of the Tovmship of Darlington, to the ~~ of Transport to consider the traffic problem on Prestonvale Road South and of speeding vehicles on that road. On motions as filed, a By-law to further amend i~-law 2111, was given its several readings, signed,sealed and numbered 2442. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that an application for a Tile Drainage Loan on part of Lot 22, Concession 5, is approved, subject to the approval of the Treasurer and the Mortgager and Tile Drain Inspector. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Resolution # 70-5B-5, passed on May 15, 1970, is hereby rescinded. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that an application for a Tile Drainage Loan in the Niof at of Lot 17, Concession 7, Township of Darlington, is approved, subject to the approval of the Treasurer of Ontario and the Tile Drainage Inspector. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Ontario Hydro is requested to prepare a survey for street lighting in Hampton. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the second monthly meeting of Council in the months of June, JulY,:Augus'taild September, 1970, be held at 7.30 P.M. r Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the Clerk is instructed to send a letter to the O.A.P.A.D.Study Group, stating this Township's firm position that the present boundaries of Darlington should be the boundary of a new local Nunicipality, including Bowmanville. On motion of Councillors Tink and Baker this meeting adjourned. -/ /;fK" " ,II" "i:: ""'0- c:-?t ) U .."-.....-.~~. .. ........... REEVE ,,/d 7-fL"J-- ............. ........ ......... CLERK HAMPTON, MAY 15, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this 70-5B-2 date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the Minutes of the meeting held May 1, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of April, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: 70-53-1 Salaries 1 - 15 $ 2,516.75 16 - 30 2,980.39 ltlelfare 5,268.89 General 7,547.75 Roads 6,577.69 Roads Pay List 1 - 15 3,190.86 16 - 30 -- 2,961.61 TOTAL 11> 31,043.94 70-53-3 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to issue a deposit cheque regarding a proposed land purchase. 70-5B-4 Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that no change be made in Enniskillen Street Lighting A~ea during the rest of the year. 70-53-5 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that an application for a Tile Drain Loan in the amount of $5200.00 filed by J. Van Herwerden and C.J.Wees, is approved by this Council, subject to the approval of the Tile Drain Inspector. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that this Meeting 70-5B-6 adj ourn. > f?;~' .4/J' //h/-_ . . A:://'" :<"/ 04 / .,-.X..? .. ... .(:;U/.. . . R~EVE /-y' .LJ}I.~ . . . 7l.~~./7. ~ . t: .cf-h~/r CLEHl".(o/4) HAMPTON, MAY 1, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 70-5-1 Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the minutes of the meetings held on April 17, and April 23, 1970, be adopted as read. 70-5-2 Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that copies of Correspondence, records and other documents of public record shall be supplied when requested at $1.00 per page. 70-5-3,4 & 5 On motions as filed a BY-law to amend By-law 2438 was ~iven its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2441. 70-5-6 Moved by Councillors baker and Werry that this meeting adjourn. /1 ~ /11 / i....'t, ~~J ....l/?: .t4............ REEVE --d'/ % p... .ak!- . . . . . . . ./~ . . ~l ~:7: . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, APRIL 23, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date to consider Tenders for gravel crushing and to complete unfinished business, Reeve Down presiding, all Members present. 70-4D-l Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Tender of Stewart Construction Co. Ltd., to crush gravel in this Township in 1970, is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario. Moved by Councillor Baker and Veputy Reeve Gibbs that a report of the Committee of the Whole Council, dated April 23, 1970, be adopted. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting 70-4-D-2 70-4D-3 adjourn. &~'" ! V l~ ~4?// ... ..... ?4..... REEVE 7 . ':;. 41",/ /7 (fO C f-oU~-"'- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CLERK. REPOR~OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. APRIL ~1970. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this Committee recommends to the Council of this Township that the Township of Darlington shall join the Town of Bowmanville in the position that the two Municipalities should be merged to form one unit in the proposed Regional Government set-up and that the appropriate parties be so notified. a'/~... / /.. .' e ~<~</ /V -.... ....... ..?~-t'"il.. Reeve -? .--:&' ./ I C""/ -,. ....... .... .ct..(.-:!1~4:X- Clerk. 70-4c-l 70-4c-2 70-4c-3 70-4c-4 70-4c-5 70-4c-6 70-4c-7 70-4c-8 70-4C-9,10 &ll HAMPTON, APRIL 17, 1'70. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the minutes of the meetings held April 3rd. and April 9th. be approved as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of March, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid. Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ 2,268.70 3,689.95 5,267.50 193,852.54 4,880.74 2,950.06 1,916.71 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Total ~ 216,826.20 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this Council approves the proposed specifications for a Fire Department pumper, as submitted with the su~gestion that the mention of specific trade names might be deleted, and that this Council would prefer to have an opportunity of approving the final tender before acceptance. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Resolution '130/70 of Pickering Township Council, as submitted to this meeting is endorsed by this Council, and that copies be forwarded to Federal and Provincial ~~mbers as suggested. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Superintendent at Darlington Provincial Park be given permission to use the Township ~ dump in 1970, on the same terms as in 1969. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that an application for a tile drain loan in the amount of $5000.00 filed by John Zekveld, south half of Lots 3 & 4, Concession 6, is approved by this Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Tenders for gravel crushing be received and opened at this time. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that having considered some suggestions made in regard to the Enniskillen Street Lights System, Council's decision is that Resolution No. 70-4-11 will not be altered at this time, and that it is suggested that the System should operate on this basis for the balance of the year, and if, at that time, the users of the System have suggestions for improvement, a further approach should then be made to Council. On motions as filed a BY-law to further amend BY-law 2111, as amended, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2438. HAMPTON, April 17, 1970. Page 2. 70-4c-18 On motions as filed a By-law to amend By-law 2359 wa~given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2439. On motions as filed a By-law to re-appoint the Imad Superintendent was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2440. Moved by Councillor '/Jerry and Deputy heeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. 70-4C-12, 13 & 14 70-4C-15, 16 & 111> (JI ~~' ~', Ii / / ! t ~ td{jJ .. ./4; . ,6.. . ..U Reeve ' //; '-t' {7/ < / .-(.,A/< '" -;. ~-uft~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. HAMPTON, April 9, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date to consider the adoption of the Township's Budget for 1970, and to adopt estimates and set Mill rates for 1970 taxation, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 70-4B-l,2 & 3. On motions as filed a BY-law to adopt estimates and set tax rates for the year 1970 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2437. 70-4B-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that a Tender submitted by Harnden & King Construction Ltd. for supply and application of 60,000 gal. of D.H.O.Prime at $0.214 per gal., 2500 cuyds. of sand at $1.50 per cuyd., Petroleum Asphalt R.S.l K, approximately 20,000 gal. at $0.228 per gal. and chips approximately 800 tons at $1.45 per ton, be accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. 70-4B-5 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adj ourn. l' /;~ . ;'.. ./.- .' ...:o~..... //z,Cc4t,{. . .u.... . . .. 1........... Reeve ~.~.? '. -c~.? " .?/ .- . C - 'L _-~_,L~ ..- ,- .......'.'.c;~~...... Clerk HAMPTON, APRIL 3, 1970. 70-4-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all members present except Councillor Baker, who was absent due to illness. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held March 20, 1970 be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that road accounts for March 1970 in the amount of $11747.51 as approved by the Roads Committee be paid. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that District Medical Officer of Health be requested to investigate a property in Lot 23, Concession 3, which appears to be in use as a disposal site for waste from septic tanks. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that an agreement for earth removal from Road #4 in Concession 3, Darlington, signed by R. M. Short and James Coombes is authorized and approved by this Council. Moved by Councillors II. Jal' ,! Tink and Werry that the Clerk is instructed to have the Township Solicitor prepare a by-law to re-zone part of the Parks-Byam property in Tyrone from R.3 to Local Commercial. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Mr. Jones, Solicitor for E. Baggs be notified that having considered a proposed road closing, Council has decided to take no action at this time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the application of Delbert Grills for the position of Weed Inspector for the Township of Darlington is accepted. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the tender for fuel supply submitted by Shell Canada Limited is accepted. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that the tender for roof repair by Foran's Roofing & Sheet Metal is accepted as submitted. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed to forward a submission in respect of By-law 2433 according to instruction. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Clerk is instructed to notify Mr. Walters of Ontario Hydro that it has been brought to the attention of Council that two lights in the Enniskillen Street Lighting System have been moved, contrary to the wishes of Council, and without Councils instruction, and that Council feels that the lights should be replaced in their original location without charge to the Township, and further that a copy of this letter be sent to E. R. Lovekin. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that this meeting adjourn. 70-3-2 70-4-3 70-4-4 70-4-5 70-4-6 70-4-7 70-4-8 70-4-9 70-4-10 70-4-11 .. 70-4-12 - /'.' .: {ft" ....... /... / , '('. . .'./ ." i / /c./ .j(:.~?lr../ .....1.,....... ..7........... REEVE i,) <-<: "t., " 2 ,{ :eu~"t~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Uhtil such time as this road's status is changed this Council cannot recommend,! a building permit be issued to Mr. Rossi. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Treasurer be authorized to ap,ortion taxes upon lands severed or separated during the current year, pursuant to Section 568(1) of Bill 222, Amendment to Municipal Act, Chap. 249, R.S.O. 1960. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that the Clerk be directed to draft a letter in answer to Mr. Lovekin's letter presented at this meeting, also to inform him that Councils' decision is that any further problem re the placing of lights in the Enniskillen Street Lighting System in the Village of Enniskillen, should be resolved between the Committee representing the Village of Enniskillen and the Ontario Hydro. ~ Council re-convened, Reeve Down presiding. /' , Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs, seconded by Councillor Baker that ; this Council go into Committee of the Whole to hear report from the \ Chairman of Finance. ~ Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this Council adopts the report of the Finance Committee in the Committee of the Whole. 70-3B-8,9,& On motion as filed, a by-law to authorize the expenditure of 10 $332,000.00 on roads in 1970 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2435. 70-3B-IO,11 & On motion as filed a by-law to authorize a supplementary road 12 expenditure of $~OO.OO was given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2436. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Road Superintendent be authorized to have proper lights installed to light yard at Township garage. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that tenders for supply of fuel be received and open~!h this time. j ~ ~ovedby Councillors Tink and Werry that this meeting adjourn. . RE~~~??(;~<0~~'!1. 70-3B-l 70-3B-2 70-3B-3 70-3B-4 70-3B-5 70-3B-6 70-3B-7 70-3B-13 70-3B-14 70-3B-15 HAMPTON, MARCH 20, 1970 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Baker that the minutes of the meeting held March 6, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of February, 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 15 31 1 16 $ 2,397.18 2,874.51 3,947.61 2,509.69 5,540.99 2,700.88 2,831.81 22,802.67 Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List #3 #4 TOTAL $ '7 ,0.. . rx./ { /'f'7 i 3"./ .\~:ee..~~--t~-,-).(~~- . . . . . . J.,u. .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .... . . CLERK FORM 1e-5854 "422 THE HIGHWAY '. IMPROVEMENT ACT THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED TO FoH �r DiF _ SIGNIS', ON THE PROPERTY OF 4.IM Bf M1 48,467 $IGN Pm9M{T M[1, r- .- -- 6,ti�L LJ RENEWAL ppEPLACING hERMIT N0. 7 �I f19f PFD_ v CDONTV OR DISTRICT _ CONCESSION TOWNSHIP _ ON Lo? No. — - ` _ �A -- — — AND FACING IN A J ON THE --,_-_-_____ P-0JAC ENT TO HWY. NO. 7F 2 Irvon, soaTR. Easy, wteT smEl DIRECTION. Fray—r-�r'-)r- n - ,uoni neRir, c=.EREV rTC.l CESCRIPTION OF SIGN'. L' _MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM HIGHWAY LIMIT } _HEIGHT 7A ry 18- app-,CATION REFERENCE NO. S— 9 �LUM INDUS C� NOT LUMINOUS q>;IF,CAT ICN _. FEE $ 7iTT K? R ❑AT Lntll- 4G � 1 CDGNT EIi$[G NED ri,I T T it I$ �--�+=�--�--C A Y OF-�--�% E ATED a- _�+✓-'--H ----- THIS PERMIT 155UEO UNDER THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THE MINISTER BY THE HIGHWAY If ROVEMENT K C THE CONDITIONS ON THE �AEK HEREOF. ACT AND -HU REGULATIONS PURSUANT THERETO AND IS SUBJECT T APPLICANT O .J� w T' .eHr U5 .�1�InrN.ta a µ 4 "RES4, .�„ g�:Tt117 N0. '�0.5t0Y.: T,. �".�ti j. �Arip r � �� >`.- •r M �ifil�N'1lYfIDi11 OP"i�M' '15 '..ti` �-a Aatuclk $2er[> i(et�K4m_ FXPI9Y OATfi: Zint'il .;. .:-{'its _ ,. - , •.. .-; f EB �0 UNT£RS ISHED - , 'p'� G GATED AT Port -Hope THIS ,.,,}��j{Y OF '': THIS.PERWT IS ISSUED umon THE AUTHOWIvy V10 T 1Nntl1E NI( 1�T 4 :. AND TN61tEGLL.IT IONS QUpbIiNNT TM[X6* 9I�/�>(', `FACT nts > .J� w T' .eHr U5 .�1�InrN.ta a µ 4 MARCH 20, 1970. DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MET IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE 1969 $9300.00 5700.00 7300.00 6950.00 4400 . 00 9000.00 2.00 Proposed Salaries for 1970 W. E. Rundle $9550.00 Mary Nidd~ry I 5950.00 L. pe~on (~~1J..~\ ~;J' , 7800.00 '\\J~ C. Warren ! \ I 7200.00 Mrs. I. Philip 4650.00 R. M. Short 9250.00 per hour part time Clerk 2.10 per hour ,<',j'} " o,(~.-" ~ ' .fD ;,)'7 ,) " ,",\ '-,Ii ROAD DEPARTMENT $2.65 per hour Foreman $2.75 per hour 2.55 II II Operator 2.65 II " 2.15 II II Labourer 2.25 II II 70-3B-l Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the report of Finance Committee as presented to Committee of the Whole be approved and that it be recommended to Council. /? ~ ,- / /!/' (A/C7/~ //~ /11' .... . . .. .. .. .. ..".~~... .{.-t..l..... .. .. REEVE I '/. . e (:' .-';1/ <or ..-/ J ~V ~ f' . _e~.~..e.-r./ "k- ..... ....... .................... ... CLERK 70-3-1 70-3-2 70-3-3 70-3-4- 70-3-5,6 & 7. HAMPTON, MARCH "0 <', 1970. Darlington Township Council met this day in the Municipal Building, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held February 20, 1970, be approved as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Accounts for the month of February 1970, in the amount as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that the next meeting of Council be held on March 20, 1970. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that in the matter of an App.al by Mrs. Park and Mrs. Byam of Tyrone to the Ontario Municipal Board, this Council has been advised that the owner is now preparing an application for an amendment to theZoning By-law, which, if granted, would re-zone the property to Cl, and that when such an application is received by Darlington Planning Board the Board's recommendation will be considered by this Council. On motions as filed a BY-law to amend By-law 2111 as amended was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-33. On motions as filed a BY-law to amend By-law 2111 as amended was ~iven its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-34-. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Tenders for supply of furnace fuel, deisel fuels and gasoline for Township use be called by advertising in the local press. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Road Superintendent is authorized to have plans and specifications prepared, and to call for tenders on any item of construction or equipment included ~n the 1970 road budget, at such time as he deems it advisable. Werry that Road of $11073.68, 70-3-8,9 & 10. 70-3-11 70-3-12 70-3-13 70-3-14 Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs th~t the proposal of Clarke Township to complete construction of the Clarke- Darlington Boundary road through Concessions three and four at an estimated cost of $4-0,000.00 for road construction and $3000.00 for culvert construction, 50% of this cost to be charged to this TownShip, is approved by this Council. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that this meeting adj ourn. ~._-, 'i. /- ..-A' a.?:<- CLERK. 7~ . Z4.1-.kt ) REEVE HAMPTON, FEBRUARY 20, 1970. 70-2B-l 70-213-2 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Werry, Tink and Baker present, Deputy Reeve Gibbs absent due to illness. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held February 6, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of January 1970, as listed herewith, be paid: 70-2B-9 2,431.43 3,0~;l3.29 4,290.50 28,440.80 6,036.93 2,998.99 __-.:hQ63~~2___ TOTAL $ 50,355.86 70-2B-3,4 & 5. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize a Fire Protection Agreement with the Town of Bowmanville, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2431. 70-2B-6,7 & 8. On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize an interim tax levy was given its several readings, signed sealed,and numbered 2432. Moved bi Councillors Tink and Baker that a detailed grading plan for the proposed Goldstein Sub-division, Lot 18, Con. 5, and adjacent lands, as presented to this meeting by D.R.Bourne, of Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates, is approved and adopted by this Council, and the Township's Solicitor is instructed to amend a draft agreement to include the matters referred to in Mr. Bourne's letter,and to present the amended draft agreement to Mr. Goldstein's Solicitor for approval and execution. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that Mr. John Liptay be informed that this Council will include improvement to part of the road abutting his property in its 1970 road program, and that after the road improvement is completed he may apply to the Building Inspector for a building permit. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this Council requests the Department of Lands & Forests to assist the loQal authorities tOe.' enforce hunting regulations in this Township, by providing additional officers to assist the Game Warden, particularly at the opening of the pneasant season. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that,in the matter of purchase from the Department of Veterans Affairs, in Lot 20, Con. 3, occupied by Ronald Pingle, the Veteran, the Township's Solicitor, A.A.H.Strike, is hereby authorized to execute an offer to purchase, and any other documents pertaining to the matter, on behalf of this Township. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that, as it appears that improvements to the Oshawa-Darlington Boundary Road will be necessary in the near future, and that any buried cable, or other installation on the road allowance would have to be re-located at that time, this Council agrees with the Road Superintendent's decision not to approve a proposed installation by Bell Telephone Company, and further, that, if the Company will provide the Township with an agreement providing for all necessary re-location at the Company's expense, the matter will be again considered. Mowed by Councillors Tink and Baker that Lloyd Peterson, Treasurer, of the Township of Darlington, is hereby declared to be a permanent employee of the Township. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this meeting adjourn. Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 70-2B-IO 70-2B-ll 70-2B-12 70-B2-13 70-B2-14 70-2B-15 /1 ~,/ /' I/'/ AC1c4C ' . -l., . f: . . . . (I; . . h ~ . . . . . . . REEVE / :) ..' _./2/ ,;' /!::f"-'-UCj~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. 70-2-1 70-2-2 70-2-3 70-2-4 70-2-5 70-2-6 70-2-7 70-2-$ 70-2-9 70-2-10 70-2-11 70-2-12 70-2-13 HAMPTON, FEBRUAHY 6, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Tink, Baker and Werry present, Deputy Reeve Gibbs absent due to illness. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held January 16, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Clifford Pethick be paid .10 per mile for mileage on his car when used for Warble Fly Inspection. Moved by Councillors Werry and Tink that W.H.Brown is appointed to Darlington Planning Board for a 3 year term to expire January 1, 1973. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is instructed to advise the Representatives of the National Farmers Union that this Council, having considered a brief containing recommendations re Education taxes, has decided that, as representatives of the people of this Township, it is not prepared to endorse the brief, and that any representation that may be made in this regard will be made either directly, or through a Municipal Organization. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that Road Accounts in the amount of $12,099.87 for the month of January 1970, as approved by the Road Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Baker and Werry that this Council now rise to sit in Committee of the Whole. Council re-convened at 5 P.M. with Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council will meet in Committee of the Whole at a time to be set by the Reeve. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that a letter from Lake Ontario Regional Development Council be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that a grant of $150.00 be made to the Salvation Army. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that grants to local Fair Boards be made in 1970 in the same amounts and to the same Organizations as in 1969. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Board of Management for Haydon Community Centre in 1970 shall be the following: Mrs. Jean Ashton, Mrs. Violet Morrish, Mrs. James Payne, W. Blackburn, A. Garrard, Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor A. Werry. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Board of Management for Base Line Community Centre in 1970 ShAll be as follows: Neil Brownell, Jack Morton, Alvin Metcalf, Don Metcalf, Fred Wright, Councillor Tink and Reeve Down. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that this meeting adjourn. L'~~2J(1(~4~Z// . . . . . . . . . . 'r' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REEVE ,Ii! <2. /~~ '"' /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :~~ :~~ . . . CLERK. 70-13-1 70-1B-2 70-13-3 70-lB-4 70-lB-5 70-13-6 70-1B-7 70-1B-S 70-lB-9 70-13-10 HAMPTON, JANUA~Y 16, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the ~lnicipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that meeting held January 2, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that month of December, 1969, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 .. 15 16 - 31 the minutes of the accounts for the Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List $ 2,293.67 2, 9l,0. 32 l,,210.37 45,025.64 23,966.98 2,776.65 3,132.11 1 - 15 16 - 31 TOTAL $ 84,345.74 Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Treasurer is authorized to sign an IBM Datacentre Service Agreement on behalf of the Township. Moved by Councillors Tink and Werry that a letter from the Association of Mayors and Reeves be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Clifford Pethick be paid for attending fires in 1970 at the following rates: $350.00 standby time, this to include insurance, $8.00 per load of water, and $4.00 per hour for time spent. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that Clifford Pethick is appointed Warble Fly Inspector for 1970 and that he be paid $2.25 per hour, and that he be paid $6.15 per hour for the use of his truck and two men. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this Council gives tentative approval to a draft fire protection agreement submitted to this meeting, subject to an added provision that any new capital expenditure should be approved by this Council before being undertaken. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that the Road SUperint- endent purchase a cab for D 6 at approximately $250.00. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the Clerk is instructed to petition the Ontario Department of Highways for payment of the balance of 1969 subsidy. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that this meeting adjourn. -.- / /- ,4t(-Lf./ ~/'I../ .. . .4 -. .. . .. .. ........... ~ REEVE ...... 4!.( t~;.-::::~. CLERK. 70-1-1 70-1-2 70-1-3 70-1-4,5 & 70-1-7 70-1-8 70-1-9 70-1-10 70-1-11 70-1-12 70-1-13 70-1-14 70-1-15 70-1-16 Hampton, January 2, 1970. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Werry and Baker that, the minutes of the meeting held December 19, 1969, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the annual membership fee be paid to Ontario Good Roads Association. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the annual membership fee be paid to the Association of nural }htnicipalities and that two delegates be authorized to attend. 6. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize borrowing for current expenditures was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2430. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Standing Committees of Council for 1970 shall be the same as in 1969 and that the same Members shall act on those Committees. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that Reeve Carl Down is appointed as this Council's Representative on the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board for the year 1970. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Richard Gibbs and Edgar James are appointed to the Central Lake 6ntario Conservation Authority for 1970. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy Reeve Gibbs that H.A.Barron is appointed to the BOWDlRnville Hospital Board for the year 1970. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Tink that Councillors T.Baker and A.Werry are appointed to Darlington Planning Board for 1970. Moved by Councillor Werry and Deputy rteeve Gibbs R. Clemens is appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for Township for a three year term to expire Jan. 1, 1973. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to issue cheques on the second and seventeenth of each month in payment of wages and salaries at the rates set by CounCil, also for Welfare Accounts as certified by the Welfare Administrator, for Boad Accounts as approved by the Roads Committee, for de~enture payments when due, and for Board of ~ducation payments when authorized. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that the following are appointed to the Board of Management of Darlington Community Centre: Wesley Yellowlees,T.M.Chant, Orme Hobertson, Gordon 3eech,Bruce Montgomery, Thos Baker, Bruce Tink. Moved by Deputy Heeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that H.Bruce Tink is appointed to the Durham County Federation of Agriculture for 1970. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that this meeting adj ourn. . ;.;~:: ?[ /< W.Y.:. . . . tha t Mrs. Darlington / ..~" ~1 /;- /.'... j / ... . . . {(. .~.. tf.~.c;".~- CLERK.