HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 HAl'1PTON, D"(;';;~T;;\ 17, 1971. D:lrlington To',lns'1ip Cr-,llDCi lmpt in the Municipal n'l:ildinZ on t.!rls date, all h8mh0rq present, Reev~ Down pr?sidtng. 71-12'1-1 I-loved by Councillors Tink p.nd Baker th'lt thp minutes of the meeting held December 3, 1971, he approved as re~d. 71_}2 ,_,) Nov',:n b;,' Councillors Dal1as'lnd Tink th'lt PCCC1\1nts for the> 1!10nth of Novemher 1971, as listed herewith, he paid: Sell'? ri es it ::'1 ::/ ':?2 :;;; 2,256.17 2,8'78.28 ''17 ?)7 47 ---, ,....... .. . 6,0%.08 <.2'16.'10 a 017.30 Gene!'2.l Roads Roads Po.y List 11' :/1 7P 22 TOTJ.T, 3 371c,R91.80 71-123-3 110v"d by Councillors Tink -'lnd Bo.ker thAt "- letter frOM the C:wo.di'tD !<lent'll He'llth AS.s'Jciation be rw~eived "no filed. 71_122_L, Hovpi!. hy Deput;;r P'leve Sickld A.nn Council1.o::, Dul1'ls that the 8.08.d Sup8ri.n-:endent ls 8.11t.hQrized to h"1.ve noti.c,c.s puhltsl1eil, in what ff)rr: he o.r=.>sms n0csr~s,~r:!, 1,,,r;,rninc r)1':ne':,s 0:' 8.I~t,,)r1r)bj18,s .'1E:8inst p3.rktne: on ro~::ls 011 "r"'lnr': the> sn'l','J-Dlr)'.I,Ttnn' SP~lS'Tri.. 71-1213-5 Hoved by Councillors Tink .c,~n B'lkpr tlnt the Bo':rm"nville Comr11lmttv SDorts C::mtT'P COM','ittp~ b.c nntifiprl th~t this Council is not ;rAp~r8~ to carticinqte in the Com~itt09ts proposal by an~QintinF 3 M0~h~r at this~ti~e, h~w~v~r, as this COlIncil is prAsently~lnvesti~qting nroposal~ f,r pst~~ltshin~ ? soorts ~8ntro in this Townshin, t~0 bom~itt08lS Dr~Er0ss wi]_l_~bn r;llawerl wit:~ th0 ~r09test infcrpst. 7l-1:o"-'O J-lovpr]" by GOlm~i]l0T' Bak~r ano Dep'lty Heeve Hickard th~.t this Council sh~cl] c:rect 9. st~n ::l.t th0 intp7>spr+-,iJ)l1lf~'o:]/~ No.. l'i', ~:-!~~ thr: 3ev0nth Lin9, to com~0m~~~tp the loc3tton oP hi~t~~i.c Jr~rl]_syts Schnnl 0t this stte. 71-!2B-7,B . On ~0tion 3 ~-l~w.~o ~stq~lish spp~~ li~its on ~"rt'lin roads <<9. '.-.'8.S gIven },ts s8v~;r:}1 !'8::tGlneS, slEnerl,s8alp(l R.nd numh~-""A,-1 ?l+S:). 71-Pl-10,1l 9, 1') <-". (.... t 1 .~S On mati:Jn, 8. ')y-la1il to :3esicn=1te a throl1.3:h ~~:~~\vay '.J~lS 5iven several re3.dincs, si:=ned, s'~::J.1Ac .!l.nn numbered r .-6, . J-loved by GOlJn~ill()rs ::Jakel' 'lnd D'll12s th3.t this m 8ting a~jo\1T'n. 71-1? 1-13 . A)'/~! /',' . ti/Z'p/ --:;:';,;'rc--/ L......-;...:........... .'.......... RE;~V.E .. . . .o:?t!. ~ ~:~/.~ . . . ~Li~RK. ... . . . .f! ~ . ,j HAi~PTON, D~CE)VLY~H 3, 1971. 71-12-1 Darlington T01.Jnship Council met in the Eunicip3.1 l~lilr1ine on this d3.te, all Hemb"rs pr8s8nt, Reeve Do"\m presiding. Hoved by Councillors Da.lla,s & Tink tint th9 minu te s of " the meeting held November 19, 1971, he adopted as read. Hoved by Deputy Re8ve HL)kard 8.nd Councillor Dallas the.t this Council su(;gests to Plannin;~ Bonr:" th9.t the) Bo,'1.rd study , lng th,~ Zonine 3y-la'f.tl 'i,vi th 9. Vi8~<J to r(~com~lend~ ~hQnees if considered nscess9.ry. 71-12-2 71-12.3 Hoved by Counet Hor Baker and Deputy Heeve Rickard tha.t Roa.d Aeco'mts for the month of November, 1971, in the amount of 012359.88, as approved by the R03.d CO~Tittee, be paid. Hoved by C'mncil1ors Tink :met .hker th3t Allen Canfield be hired 9.5 f'oreffio.n for ths 'lfinter~mp1oyment Project; at ~2.50 per hour pblS .10 per mile for the use of his t~lck, his hours of '/mr1.; to be 40 hO'Irs per ,,,eek. 71-12-4 71-12-5 Moved by Councillors Tink 3.nd 3aker that tllis me8ting adj :Jurn. / ~., ~ /. / / . ; , / j c ce . / 'c. /2 <:< /~?/L./ .c:::;........~.~(. RF:j~VE '4~1 ....4:-.~~~. CL":';':\E. ij^VD'I'Oi'J -".!rf'''''/''Tl' lCJ Ie! 71 L L~ll-~ .., 1 ~ . _...11."),.).' / , . . Darlington Tmmship Coun0.il met in the Hunicipa1 Building on this date, all Hemhers present, Reeve D01lm presidi.ng. 71-11B-l Hoved hy Councillors Tink and Jaker that the minutes of the meeting held November 5, 1971, be adopted as read. 71-11-:::' Hoved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of October 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries rf 19 # 20 $ 2,686.99 3,237.15 15,730.27 57,651. 58 3,272.03 2,855.48 General Roads ROEtd sPay Li s t # 19 if 20 Greater York Development 146. ')8 Total $ 85.580.08 , 7l-11~-3 Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Iieeve Rickard that Resolution Eo. 71-11-5' be and is h2reby rescinded, Clnd that the Tender of McDonald Ford Ltd. to su?ply a half-ton truck is accepted as tendered. 7l-11B-l+ Moved by Councillors Tink ano Baker that the Treosurer is authorized to make application for approval of a project unde,' the Ylinter 3mployment Incentive Program. 71-113-5' Hoved by CounciJ1ors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is oirected to publish a notice to dog owners warning them of their lio.hiljties and to circulate the noUce by mail to registered O"'!lers of' does. 71-111-6 Moved by D8puty Reev'? Rickard o.nd Councillor Dallas thot a letter be forl;arded to the Minister of V:mds and Forests, stating that this Council ohjects very strongly t, the continuance of hunting in Darlington Provincial Park, as it is the "pinion of this Council, t~,at the safety of residents should be given first consideration, also that other areas are available for huntinr; Ivhere there is less risk of person".l damage. 71-115-7 On motion a 'By-law to authorize' loans und8r the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act, wa s given its thi rd re2.ding, signed, sealed and D1lmb>?red 2482. 71-lF3-8 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that this Council endorses the intention of the AssociEl.tion of j.byors and Reeves to oppose the application of Bell Telephone Co. for rate increases. 71-11 3-9 Moved by Deputy oteeve Hicke.rd and Councillor Baker that this meetine;: adjourn. /, ~71 : , .. /" //' . '/7, / / / (.-(/< . /' ,~~.(.. {./f./ L..4....... .... ............. ~............ ......4~,.e..{?~~-: REF~VE CLEEK. ~ 71-11-1 71-11-2 71-11-3 71-11-4 71-11-5 71-11-6 ... -'. !!. A HAEPTON, NOV:l!,:3',H 5, 1971. Darlincton TOclnship Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor 6aker and J..ieputy .\eeve Rickard that the mim1tes of the meeting held October 15, be approved as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that Road Accounts for the month of October 1971, in the amount of $63,779.19 be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that a Report presented by the 30ad Superintendent, is adopted by this Council as a report on 1971 construction, and as a basis for a 1972 Road program, and that the Hoad Com'nittee is authorized to investigate the proposals for 1972 proj8cts, and prepare such plans and estimates as are considered necessary. Moved by Deputy "ieeve l'.1cka rd and Counci lIar Dallas that Tenders for supply of a half-ton truck be r8ceived and opened at this time. Moved by Deputy l~eve ?.1ckard and Councillor paker that the Tender for supply of a 1972 half-ton truck submitted by Cowan Pontiac-3uiak Ltd., is accepted as tendered, subject to approval of the Ontario Department of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Councillors ~aker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. /I' ci', /'/ /) . . .~~~lf?r~f:'~;::' . . . . ... 4'!~ ~ ~.'::~ .. CLEEK H~EVE HAI1PTOH, OCT03E:t 15, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this dat~,all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 71-103-1 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held October 1, 1971, be adopted as read. 71-10B-2 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of September, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries # 17 $ 2,665.69 # 18 3,387.80 General 188,933.89 Roads 27,689.93 Roads Pay List # 17 3,2~7.55 # 18 3,224.30 Greater York Developments 121.~l._ TOTAL $ 229,270.27_ Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that E.R.Lovekin, Solicitor for E.A.Werry, be notified that in the case to Council's attention, it is the opinion of this Council that the does not justify action by the Township. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Mr. and Mrs. V. White Lot 35, Con. 5, be notified of the report by the Health Unit respecting a complaint of unpleasant o~our from an adjoining property, and advised that in the light of this report, no action can be taken by this Council. 71-10d-5,6 & 7. 71-10B-3 Mr. brought matter 71-10B-4 On motions as filed a By-law to provide for inspection of building lots, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2483. 71-103-8,9 On motion a By-law to provide for the closing and conveying & 10 of part of the original allowance for road between Lots 16 & 17, Con. 8, was given its several readings, si gned, sealed and numbered 2)+84. 71-10B-ll, On motion a rij-law to close and convey part o~ St"tion Stre2t 12 & 13.was given its several readings, signed, and numbered 2485. 71-10B-14 Hoved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker are appointed to attend a meeting in Bowmanville to discuss the Conservation Authorities Act. 71-10B-15 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adjourn. //r; t-....' /' , , v r?/l,,: j:f( .J{/' .I.tA........ ..~.I....".......... REEVE I ., J ,/. 1 . ?:f./ . / -lZ/ ~. -..ZL-~i--.'- t: <: ^--...-~ . . . . . . . . . .. ................ CLSRK. 71-10-1 71-10-2 71-10-3 71-10-4 71-10-5 71-1G...6 & 7. 71-10-8 71-10 -9 71-10-10 71-10-11 71-10-12 HAMPTON, OCTOB8R 1, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this day, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Baker and Ueputy Reeve Rickard that the minutes of the meeting held August 17, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the Health Unit be requested to investigate a reported air pollution problem in Lot 35, Concession 5, and advise Council as to a possible solution. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy rleeve Rickard that By-law 2476 of the Township of Darlington does conform to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area, as amended, and that no amendments which would conflict with the By-law are contemplated. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that, objection to the passing of By-law 2476, filed at this 1971, this Council's position is as follows: 1. The 08jector is the owner of property only in a residential zone, ann the By-law affects only Agricultural Zones. 2. No reason is given for the objection, and it is Council's opinion that the passing of the By-law wmlld not adversely affect this or . any other residential property. ~ Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that an application for ~ a Tile Drain Loan on part of Lot 26, Con. 3, is approved by this Council. On motion a By-law to authorize the borrowing of sums not over $100,000.00 in total, under the Tile Drainage Act 1971, was given its first and second readings and ordered forwarded for approval of the Ontario Munidpal Board. ;(i/Sr;: Cfv{,3 i\?,' N~',; -.j" Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the Treasurer be authorized to delete from the Accounts Payable Account, the accounts amounting to $363.32 as listed on the reverse. Moved by Coundllor Baker and Deputy C\eeve Rickard that the Treasurer be authorized to write off the Warble Fly Accounts as shown on the reverse, amountine to $270.40. It is noted that several bi11,s have been sent and followed up with telephone calls where possible. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that Ontario Hydro be requested to aake a survey of street lightine in and to make recommendations as to enlargine and improving the . . reearding an office on Sept. 14, ~ . Hampton system. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a report presented to this meeting by a Special Committee representing Eowmanville and Darlington, and containing principles to be presented to the Mi.nister of Euni.cipal Affairs, as the recommendation of the Councils of both Municipalities, is adopted by this Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meetine adjourn. t/I' ~.~) . /- / , _.,_ /./ ./_.-_~7/ Ii /. '- id! yC/ . ,,~.t: ; .1../. . . . ~ . .. . . . . , ... .$. f(.{!~.. CLERK. REEVE ~ ,\ ; TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON "'""" by ____ /113 . _ll~==-- -"""'" ..J"_ 7</;:1,,'_<;( Seconded by ______mcM-A~---- , That the Treasurer be authorized to delete from the Accounts Payable Account..the accounts amounting to $~6~.~2 as listed on the reverse. ~ Federation of Agriculture monies booked but not required to be paid ...1966 91.32 . but not required to be paid . ..1967 123.81 . b1Jt not required to be paid .. .1970 68.19 Farmers Union monies booked but not re quired to be paid . ..1968 40. 00 but not required to be paid .. .1969 40 . 00 $ 363032 , TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON )/-( Q~ , ____~Q_2~g_'g~~_;I,__L_~_~~L'_Session 19~Z;I,_" RQ'L<uOnn' , Moved by Seconded by ~c .' ; -- --- :---!_:~~--- , ~ . . ., That the Treasurer be authorized to write-off the Warble Fly accounts as shown on the reverse. amounting to $270.~. It is to be noted that several bills have been sent followed up with telephone calls where possible, \. OO~~~~O~~OOO~~OO~O~~~O~.t OO~~~M~~~~~~~~O~~O~~~~ N . . . . . . . . . . .: - . . . . . . . -. . . . N..:!-ex)'-Oex)..:!- ~ex)'-O N M ~ ~ex) rf)~rf)~~..:!-~~ '-0 N M MMM N ~ M i>-f ...:l rr. "" ...:l II) pc:; .-,: :0< ~ ~~ '0 '0'0 .,; .,;.,; al alrj P. p.p. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Q) Q) Q)S::: Q)~S::: Q)~S::: S:::Q) Q) O~ S:::S:::~O S:::Q)O~'O O~~ S ~Q) S:::alOm ~'Om~~~~~~~ ~ Q)MQ) .,;~Os::: ~Q)Q)S:::S:::Q)als:::mQ)Q)S::: S:::Q) Mm~ p~m";'OQ)O'OQ)";~S:::al~'O~alS:::";~S:::~~~ ~OQ)~S:::O";S:::>~~~~S:::S:::~~al~ alOS:::~ OO~OalO~alalOajQ)~.,;alal~Q)~ IDS:::.,;.,; ~O~PC:;O~~~~PC:;II)II)II)~~II)II)OH~O~~~ ~ i '-0 ~ rl '-0 ~ '-O~ ~~ Mrl ex) '-0 ~ rl ~ '-0 ~ M o ~ ~ M 1- r<i )- ~ Q) ~ '0 M P o ~ m ~~ 0'NN:t- . . . . tt,J"it ~ M Mrf) (I ~ Q.. ~~~ ex) r0'-O ~'-Oex) ~ mN rf) al . '0 m Q) ~ .!<f 0 o 0 o <<: II) ~ M rr. )<. Q) rl ~+'~ fils-8 :0<00 00 mt>t> ~<<:<<: al Q)~~ ~MM rr.rr. ~ OQ)Q) '..-IrlM ~~~ ~ ~ ~ al ctl ~:o<:o< ex) 0'0 '-0 '-0 ~ 0'0'0--. MMrl ~~ .,. Mex)O ~ ~ N ~ ..... ..... 0 Q) ~ '..-1 ~ ;;: 0 ~ ~ 0 Q) ~ :z: ~.. , J " 1- - ( ~ '0 .,; al P. ~ P- O ~ 0 m s::: Q) II) o ~ ~ M HAMPTON. ONTARIO TO~NSHIP OF DARLINGTON. EMPLOYEE YEAR OF __9-0HHENCEMENT OF ~LOYMENT CARL FZRGUSON 19lt5 WILLIAN ASHTON 1955 LORNE ANNIS 1958 DOUGLAS FLETT 1968 - A-1-~f7Y:tsl- ",,'l'\.l.N 1)'f,;4< GLENN SMITH 1965 W.E.RUNDLE 1954 N.L.NIDDERY 1946 H. BflYDEN 1970 NiP.1:: ..h. ".. "lID- ~'3iJ 10:;"" ~~ C.L. illAHHEN 1965 i/7~ '\ tJ!Jl~ r17( j/ ,--"", 71-9B-l 71-913-2 71-9B- 3 71-9B-lt 71-913-5 71-98-6 71-9B-7 71-9 B-8 71-913-9 71-913-10 71-913-11 71-913-12 71-913-13 HAMPTON, September 17, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers on this dat.,Councillors Tink1 Baker and Dallas present. Moved by Gouncillors Baker and Dallas that Councillor Tink, in the absence of Reeve Down, and temporary absence of Deputy Reeve Rickard, preside for the opening of the meeting. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held September 3, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that Mr. E. R. Lovekin be informed that his letter of September 15, 1971, has been received and that the matter is being investigated. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the Township Solicitor be advised that it is the intention of this Council to close the remaining unclosed part of the road allowance between lots 26 & 27, in Concession 5, and that he is instructed to prepare the necessary By-law for this purpose. At this point Deputy Reeve Rickard attended and assumed the Chair. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Town of Whitby be informed that this Council extends sympathy to the residents of that Town who have suffered damage in a rain storm on August 28, 1971, but that it is the decision of Council not to grant assistance at this time. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the usual advertising and participation in connection with Fire Prevention Week, is authorized by this Council. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that correspondence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accounts for the month of August, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries # 15 # 16 $ 2603.00 3263.22 2867.91 3lt99l.50 2910.37 3557.68 lt676.93 General Roads Roads Pay # 15 11 16 Gol.stein Subdivision List TOTAL $ 54-870.61 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Department of Lands and Forests be notified that a pond constructed on part of Lot 10, Con.7, is considered to be a source of possible damage to the Township Road and that it is this Council's opinion that the water level in the pond should be lowered. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this Council petition the Minister of Transportation and Communications for payment of an interim subsidy on expenditure on roads to September 1, 1971. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that Roll # 5-232, Harry Gay 1969 Assessment Roll, 1970':Collector's Roll, taxes in the amount of $36.63 be struck from the Roll, and That Roll # 0001-600-6900-0001, E.J. and L.C. Hughes, 1969 Assessment Roll, 1970 Collector's Roll, taxes in the amount of $255.80, be struck from the Roll. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Mr. E.A.Werry be informed that there are legal methods of establishing boundary lines between private lands, and that it is not the function of this Council to do so. Moved b~' Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. ('~ /) //~ / /cZ/(Y//~t:'(7Z / .. ~'..... -{, . . ./. . . . . . . . . . Reeve i ... ~. r.1k-:<:~:~- Clerk. 11 ,. .. 'C .~.. , HAMPTON, SEPTEMBER 3, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 71-9-1 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held August 20, 1971, be adopted as read. 71-9-2 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Road Accounts for the month of August 1971, in the amount of 141,459.55, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. 71-9-3 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that Tenders for supply of a 5 ton truck be received and opened. 71-9-4,5 & 6. On motions as filed, a BY-law to authorize a special drainage rate was given its several readings, signed sealed and numbered 2479. 71-9-7,8 & 9. On motions as filed a ~-law to authorize an Agreement several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2480. On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize restoration of a Cemetery was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2481. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the Tender for supply of a truck submitted by Northtown Ford Ltd., is accepted as tendered, subject to approval of the Department of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that this Council endorse the proposal to recognize the 100th. birthday of Col. R.S.McLaughlin in the Schools in this Township and that a letter of congratulation be sent to Col. McLaughlin. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that this meeting adjourn. was given its 71-9-10,11 & 12 71-9-13 71-9-14 71-9-15 . .. . . )/'. /!: ~<-<:LJ O::'J/lL,) REEVE 4".1 '"t" A'Q_ p~ ~.. c. y~ ,_~_ c~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. HAMPTON, AUGUST 20, 1971. 71-8C-l Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the minutes of the meetings held August 6, and August 13, be adopted as read. 71-80-2 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of JulY, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 $ 2,703.11 3,314.97 17,658.97 55,496.57 3,216.70 2,921.00 -_.__.,- 85,311. 32 17.38 General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 I Sub-Total Development Greater York TOTAL $ 85,328.70 71-8C-3 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Clerk is instructed to take the necessary steps to prepare for the closing of the unused part of the road allowance between Lots 16 & 17 in . Concession 8. 71-8C-4,5 & 6. On motions as filed a By-law to provide for a supplementary road expenditure was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2478. 71-8c-7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adj ourn. REEVE ......4!.~.?~<-;:. CLERK. , ~, . " 71-8B-l 71-83-2 71-83-3 I "\ ( . ;. , . HAMPTON, AUGUST 13, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in Special Session on this date to consider an application filed by Oshawa Harness Management Ltd., and to transact other business, all Members present except Councillor Baker, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that a proposal submitted by Central Ontario Joint Planning Board Staff to conduct a review of the Township's sign policy at an estimated cost of not over $500.00 is accepted by this Council, as submitted. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that a proposal to establish a race track in part of Lot 26, Broken Front Concession, Darlington Township, presented by Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., on behalf of Oshawa Harness Management Ltd., is approved in principle, and that upon the production of evidence of the approval of all appropriate departments of Federal and Provincial Governments and other agencies, and upon submission of a site plan Agreement satisfactory to this Council, Darlington Planning Board, and Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, the Township will prepare and process the necessary amendments to its Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and submit them for approval, as required. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that this meeting adj ourn. ...k.2;.&~.... CLERK REEVE . - . ..... I-I.'\l."PlfON.. \uc;.n:1T 6, 19?1. 71-8-1 D!lJ:'lln,.:'t"D. TOlITJ1ShiD -;01lnl~i.l m8t tn thJ.~ I"~1.1ni.e:Lnrll '~5nll(jin~'~. ',..' ... . ...- on t.his c18te. 0.11 Lemb~~"'s 1~;)~~ps2nt~ R2Pve DO\-J'n >)resi~Ji.nF. 'i,'IOVAr"1 biT C0un~'iJ~1()rs 'B')J-::r::r ~:nr1 D:}_ll=-~tS thnt= th(~ minnt8s of i~}lP meetinp hpJ.rt o~ ~'lv 16. 1971. be ~rln tp~ ~s re?d. ...... ~ I , ~ l<ov(~c1 bv Dc;rlui-.~} r.~:r'VG RjJ~1c~_'_-'6 :lnd G()lJD~i_l' or B,".1<"pr' t.he,t HO;jJ) .;~CC0'1_i~ltS -;:'0-(' t;_~i~ r"L)i1t:~" of .T'll?; 1971, i_:J ~.he :;ui1i)unt of ~~'~l, {;34.?7, 'he P~) ifl. 71-?-.? 71-8-3 Hov,;::c1 hv GO-I']:18t110'C'8 Tin}\: ~ln_(~ B,~}ker thetq snGct;Jl PF;otiny' ()f Gn:JDr;j_l be c:l118(~" ~,)J t.!':(~ ~:::;~V(~ nni! Cll,"irm'-lr'c nf Pl~lnnt ~ B:);~)r(l, to ~- c , cnnstd(~r \'Jl t..h Pl:J.r;ni. ";o'-"Co t.).1?~ Y1.reY'0~)'11 of 0sh:::q,T,'J H'~.rnpss !'.L'IDc':l ()iTlent Lt<1 ~~J1d n, rennrt on t ~-,ro~;r'J.s'"'l ?T'0l"~,:rec1 Ii:i tLr' ::.~t.'->..f("> ::l'~ (;.::lJ '('ell ".1.L,~ r', n T.-.--i nt~ PIs t-,,-..1 ;,0" T',,~, V.I..l..:.. .... '. ',.J__.', ':".' ......,-'__!.__L...Ll,.> ".'". Nnv(~~cl b'7 Donut'i! Fl(~8VP Hlc;~;:;p(l_ ?nn Gonn~il10:r' Y3:~kpr Tenc"1,~r for ~) (',0\1 t.rn~~lr r0C01v8C"': :)1:1,<':-: hanI' ,,_Dt.,>r the tl:nr~ ,s:~t f:Jr be :-c"'et.u:"nect un.0nt-=:nt~(:::. t.r()~(.?cl }j7 Counei 110"" B~.~':HY' .1no Dr::n::m,tv R(:"F~V8 Riek~J .cd tJ-r:;t tJ-LG Ro;:~:~ Supertntn;li1.c-:nt ;,no Glp.rk?r.? :tn;::t,l""!-lGt(~:d t.,:,\ ":r(~l)~1_re ,slle~if.i~cttton's a.nd t'?nder f;!~"tr<::; ""'8r :::-~l1J)::::]_v or,:: t,-,~l'(~l.-:- r-:"l..-~ to '~>. ~:.t5.s,-~ S~1.r:;0. ,:'( g" On nnt,lnns. r.c;'-' f5.led 8. L:T~11H to'l_ntJloI'i~p thp, ente:r"Lnr~ lnt') ~1.n:~sre0ment. T;!j_ th }1'.'"1 th10(~n V. OsinchllJ::... 1.r:j s ri 1[::;n i t.s sc.::vel....~,4- re~?dIn0's, siEned, se~:119d ~~nc1 nU]111-.1 "rptl 21!-77. ; ,~ '-' t t. ,q c10sinr? .. ""; '71 _e_l" "I Q "" (- -'...'-) 71-~~-i;. 7 . , 71-F::.-9 'l,llt~~10.T>lzed hn.s CGIJ1pli l--'Hn.i s t.e.-r' s };love0. by Conncj_llors n~'I.kp,r'lnd Tin1\: thnt tli8 C12!'k is to tnforrn th~3 l~inisteI' 0(' !<unic.1.1J31 ~\,f'~,~i rs tlv)t K. O:-;inehuk !';ri ti: '~.ll. r8(ll1j_ rern"nts nf tj-~p Tl~\oJnshj_p ,') s set ,-:111 t in the 1,~t.t.QL'" of .Jun::~ -:-O~ 1971" -- J -. t,Ioved 1)y Dr;out.v n'~sve :qi.cl:r-irc ~:_\l,d C0',1nci llor- Tj.nk trlY!t this Council "H>~8ptS ~.n invit.;t-t;n of' th,\-; Dt'-rlr~nl '::lu1:; of T~r()nto to :,_tt(~D-,1 ,~. li1l?etinE: of' th~:lt 81nb 0n Octol){y~-' 'J?, 1971. Noved hy Council1o!'s D-~.}:r::c> ':\nCl D::\ll~.s th.? t t.hj_ s me8ttng 7I-0,-ln 71->':-11 q (:J j fll1.rn. .~~~ ... ..Ll~-.t,t(~~~l...... R':.:.--~VE ~ T)~ '~-:;~~~ . 7l-7H-l 71-7 ~-~ 71-7 \-3 71-7!J-4 71-7,1-5 71-73-6 71-7J-7 HALPTCG'J i ,T1l1:\?' l,(), 1971. Dp.rlin:=ton TO\.vDSh.:tp ~'~oun:;il met in the GOD.nc~il d,.,tl'?'j nIl l'lembers prpsent, Hppvl!:.! l)Oi..JD presidin,S.. Hovpr1 :::y GCY'IDcj.Jlors Tink 'In.fJ T\'ll{(~r th~1t tl-18 n;'inut(~s nf the ;'~h~\tyl bp r on t hi s mp?ting held July 2.. lCJ7J. :)8 , " -, '":\j()~ltp.d ns Y'p,~1c1.. Nove,-1 by Co,'ncil1ors Dal1" s "nd Tin), th? t"lccmmts for the month oft: June, 1971, ns 11f;tp,cl hf~rFnlith~ 'j2 I1nicJ.: 8'11n ries /39=1.0] 1st 1st. 11 ':9.10 * ?,()CP.78 , 35'84.13 1 c;"th 1 S"tf; lleS.ls'* 4282.93 18 ')'897.32 LfOLflf 1.62 G?rlP r:~_l RORds RORds Pay List 1st l)'th Great8.Y' York D!?vplopments 3173.35 2977.7'5 328.07 . Incentivp ProEP'1m * Tot?l ,- iP ?4068'5.17 Noved bi C(:f,.J.n,.~j llors D2.11~ s "nd n"ker th"t th" Trp~surpr is ,-=l.S thr-::; ~0c;h v.':\ll.li? of 5:::b of t.he l~.tnas instructed to ,~lccent ~t~~',r;"()('J.()O "-- ... " ~nntntned in the Csinehuk sub-divistnn. th~t Moved by GOllnctl1ors Tink "D" ]3:\lc?r th~t it is hereby certifi pc "lv-lAW ?471 Q~ the TnwnshiD nf j)~rlin7ton rioes cnn~orm to the " ' ~ - . ... ' - .. -.- - . OfT'iciRl Pl~,n for rhY'ltnzton Pl"nntw' ;,re') "~IS "mended. Hoved by Coun:;il1or Tink .';nrl D"ruty Reeve Rick:'lrd t.hat the Glerlc is In,st.ructp0. tt) p rp'p:~ f'p' thr=> n~ceSS;:.l ry hy_l<3'f;\T nY1(~ to c,~~.rry nut the r-?!:utr-ec1 8,r'1verti.sin=: f'OT' the I1llr9()sr~, .....f' 01.n~in~~n(' c.~nvayin~ th,~ llnusp.d p~rt o~ thp Township Rnq~ 81low~ncp hptw:~pn Lots 16 ?nd 17 in the Concpssln.n 8, tIle ~'')sts of tJh~ :;'~:'IOV'~~ pro~t~c~dings to b8 p'").i(") by the ?pp]jc3.nt. !:ov8fl b'l GOilncil1!):,s Tink ';nd :J'lker th'1t R t)roQ!)s~l to pst.nhlish ~ - ~ ~ .- n r~:tce trR~k. in D~lrlinr~ton TOHDshtp IJr8sentp.n to tJ:ds meetinc on behn,lf of Osh;':4wa H:1.rn'9ss [.'>'naC8mpnt Ltd., be rGcej_ver ~l.nc1 forH::Jrderl tr) the TO':1nship's Legn 10 a-l. Pl::-nr1i n::: <~ ,:-~vi S()t'S for s tlJel Y'ln(l ()I~inion... l<overl hy C~')uncl_11ors trinJ( aRri 3'J.ker th'~ t t11i s meeti.:1g :i,d.j ourn. .. A!. r.~.~f.,/d;/..... ,.. R,::,~VF: ~;L,-~ll'\ .. HAEP'_,'O;J, ,TULY 2, 1971. Darlinr!t0n TOT,vnshi D Coun~~il rle1-, in thp COl'tn8i 1 Gh,?mber on tbi s w .. . - L '- 71-7-1 date, all E8mbers prenent, Reeve D011n prestd1ng. Hoved by COllnci11ol' n'lkel'~nd Deputy Reeve Ricyo.rrl tfwt th8 minutes of the meetin[; held June 18, 1971, be RdoIJted~s re~d. 71-7-0,3 4 On motions 'IS fUed a by-l?\v to further R.mend By-la\ol 2111, os ,'Jmended; vr~"s ctvPD its sev81',9_J. re,q0tngs, sie;necl, s821ed and numbered. 24-?".~ Hoved by Councillors Be:ker 9.nG Tinl<: the, t the seconn monthly meetinp' of Coun(~il riur'; no the months of ~Tul v ~ i\u~Y"ust ,:}nr Sentembey' ~ be _ - '-' II J '--. - - ...- - I helrl ot '7. ,0 P.V.. 01"1 tiJi? third Fdd9.y of e2eh 0f the ".bove months. , - , 71-7-5' '71-7-h , , -' Novec1 b~( Deputy Reeve Rielnrd ,qnr) Councillor D2lJ28 tlEt proposed Amendm8nt No. 33 to t:-,p Offici ,d Plo.n for the City of Oshq.\,r'l, be J'ptu:'neo to the D0p"3-rtmpnt of llunl cd pal ~~frgi rs T..1i thOll t cOr:l~rtent. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Ei "i"J ,:,cl 'lnd Conncillor Dallas that this meetin~ ;:J,dj onrn. 71-7-7 . . . ~ffi. ~ 4~~~!?-<-;--. . . . RE i:V"~ ~LE~"PJ\ 71-613-1 71-63-2 71-6B-3 71-6'3-4 ?1-6n-5 71-63-6 ?l-6B-? 71-61-8 HAMPTON, JUIffi 18, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chn.moer on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Hoved by CO!1ncillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held June 4, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dnllas and Tink that accounts for the month of May, 1971, as listed here\dth, be paid: ') Sahries 1 - 15 ;iP901.57J'/3P,'J1 1431.14 " , ~. /, ,~. ) 3586.03 ,,:,,-c4C,J , 1470.3_ aj(i' 6(';; (.,3.s .Iln(l V ',f;' 4,v 71 { ,'tji ~ ....,-... 57475.15 19592.68.. 2872.85 2897.90 75.00 e, ~~~:2--:R{);rf oq: $-2-0:,9.:2'-'..64 16 - 31 General Roads RO'lds Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Goldstein Sub-Division TOTo"L Hoved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Da.l1'lS that Harks & HcNeely be advised tInt. Council \-Till study their proposal regarding t.he Trull F:lmi.ly Cemet.ery 'lnd forw'Jrd a dpcision ~s soon as possible. Noved by Councillor Baker and Deputy H.?eve Hickard that the Dept. of Tr.."nsportation 'l.nd Com'mnications is requested to approve the transfer of $18,000.00 from Sqllair Bri.:lge project, Lots 6 ,'t 7, Concession 3, and ::;;3,000.00 from 'doods RO'll project, Lot 7, behTeen Bro),en Front "nd First Concessi.on t.o reconstruction of Guide'oard Hoad, Lots 19 and 20, ~ . ~ ~ 7 vonceSSlons 0 3.DO I. Hovee by Deputy Reeve ,\ickard :?nd Councillor Baker that the Dept. of Tr'lnSDort"tion ~nd Commll1ications be requested to ".Dorove the transfer of . ~. . ::1)000.00 from 'iJoods :{oad project,bs" Line iT'. Lot 7, to Salina Road backfill project, road hetween Lots 24 and 2~ in Concession 6. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Dallas th'lt Ers. Hargw?rite Ellis is :J.ppointeo to the St')ff' of this Townshi.p on a perma.nent basis effective July 15, 1971. I.love:'! by Deputy Heeve G. B. Rickard and Councillor Tink that the Clerk is instructed to prepare an ',menc1ment to the Zoninz By-l~\{ to add "ridine: st'lbles" to the permitted USPs in'cgrteultural Zones. Moved by Gounei llors Daker~nd D'lllas that this meeting adj ourn. Czzg;a~ RI~,wri: 07''t Y. . ./4.~.~~~~~ CL3RK HAHFTCN, JUIl':; 4, 1971. Rqrline;ton Tmmship Council met in the Municipal BuildinE on this d8te, all Hembers present, Reeve Down presidine;. 71-6-1 Moved by Councillors D8l1as and :3aker that. the minutes of the meeting held May 21, 1971, be adopted as reaq. 71-6-2 Hoved by Deputy Heeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that Road Accounts for the month of Hay, 1971, iE the amount of .jp25,363.43, as approved by the Roads ComMittee, he paid. 71-6-3,4 "" 5. On motion a By-law to authorize an Agreement with the Department of Lands & Forests was Ei ven its several readings, siEned, sealed and numbered 2475. ~ 71-6-6 71-6-7 / 8' 71-0- 71-6-9 71-6-10 71-6-11 71-6-1? Hoved by Deputy cleeve Hickard and Councillor Tink thCl tit is sugc:ested to the "entral Lake Ontario Conservation 1\uthori ty that, referrine; to the Authority's letter of .June 1, 1971,(Project S.T,'J.E.E.P.) this Council feels that some To;mship r08.ds are becomi.nr: littered, and that suggested locations would be available from the Council and. Staff of this Township. Noved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Tenders for earth movinE and pavine be received and opened. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Ridard and Councillor Baker that the Tender for earth movine (Contr.3ct No.l?02) submitted by Hi-\vay Constrv.ction Ltd., is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Department of Transport3.tion and Communications. Noved by Councillor Baker arid Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Tender for pavinE (ContrTJct No.l345) submi.tted by W.n.Bennett PavinE and Materials Ltc., is accepted at unt t prices as tendered, subj ect to the approval of the Department of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hickarcl. and Councillor Dallas that a Comrdtt.ee of five persons be 3.ppointed to make a study of the sign policy of the Zoninc; By-la\1. Noved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that the followinE are appointed to a Committee t<J study the siEn policy: Lloyd AYl'e, Bruce Tink, Thos. Baker, Russ. DeCoe, and Harold 3alson, and that Reeve Down shall sit on this Comrdttee in a consultJ.tive capacity, and sha11 call the first meeting of the Comeli ttee. Moved by Deputy Reeve llickard and Councillor Baker that this meeting adjourn. .oj 9' /) .' .... . . . . . . -; ~. . . (;.1 ~-:,,;,,:-:;~!r;-;-:-. . CL8nI( R,'~,~V,E: 71-53-1 71-53-2 71-5B-3 71-53-4- 71-5B-5 71-5B-6 HAMPTON, MAY 21, 1971. DarlIngton Township Council met in the Council Chambers on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Hoved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held on May 7, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accounts for the month of April, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 30 $ 2869.11 3768.76 634-1.4-8 5161. 98 3923.30 3163.4-0 309.16 General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 30 Special -kcount - Greater York Total $ -2223.z..J~._ Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the Reeve, or his Appointee, and the Treasurer, are appointed delegates to the Convention of the Ontario Municipal Association in Toronto, August 22-25. 1971- Moved by Councillors Tink and 13aker that the proposal of the Ontario Hydro to construct a r,enerating station in Lots 18 to 24-, Broken Front Concession, is approved in principle by this Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Delbert Grills is appointed Weed Inspector for the Township of Darlington. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that this meeting adjourn. /--l /" ~- ~ ;/; / . L;?t~q:.~. :.17'4/ REEVE - .../!I.~4.~. C LE Rli.. 71-5-1 71-5-2 71-5-3 71-5-lt- 71-5-5 71-5-6 71-5-7,8 & 9 71- ')-10 71-5-11 71-5-12. 71-5-13 71-5-14 71-5-15 . 71-5-15 ,7 , , . ~/.. } !' HAHPTOIl, MAY 7, 1971. D-:ulineton Tmmship Council met in the Council Chambers on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all hembers present. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the minutes of the meeting held on April 16, 1971, and April 21, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy heeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that the Road Accounts for the month of April 1971 in the amount of $12,248.68, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the invitation extended by the Board of Education for June 16, 1971, is accepted, and that the Board be so advised. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that, subject to the approval of the Treasurer of Ontario, the application for Tile Drain Loan submitted by Calvin 8rago, part of Lot 3, Concession 3, is approved by this Council. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the Department of Highways is requested to make a further study of the Squair 3ridge, and to~ive the Township a recommendation as to possible limittng of weight of vehicles using the structure. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that Council inform Planning Board that a delegation has attended to discuss sign problems, and ask that the Board be prepared to discuss the sign problems with them at their earliest convenience. On motion a BY-law to adopt Amendment No 7 to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2lt-74. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that a Resolution from the City of St. Catherines petitioning the Province of Ontario to withhold implementation of regional government in other partd of the Province until further studies of existing Regional Governments has been satisfactorily completed, is endorsed by this Council. Moved by CounCillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Board of 1>1anagement for Zion Com'nuni ty Park shall be: Mr. Stan Rout, Mrs. May Rout, Mrs. Lorraine Anderson, Mr. Paul KowalSki, Mrs. Eleanor Nicholas, Mr. Bernie Huxter, Mr. Fred Anderson, Mr. Bill Sadler, Mr. Alan Cole, Councillor Baker and Reeve Down. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that the Board of Management for Solina Community Centre shall be the following persons: Fred Watson, Wes. HillS, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Clarence Bray, Glenn Werry, Don. TaYlor, Councillor Baker and Councillor Tink. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the following persons shall form the Board of Management for Tyrone Community Centre: Ralph Bowers, Mrs. Lionel Byam, John Virtue, Murray Yeo, Leslie Goble, Mrs. Ralph Bowers, Mrs. Stanley Goble, Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that ~he fOllowing are appointed to the Board of Managment for Darlington Community Centre: Wesley Yellowlees, T.M.Chant, Orme Robertson, Gordon Beech, Bruce Montgomery, Orville AShton, Councillors Baker and Tink. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker tha~ the fOllowing shall form the Board of Management for Tyrone Community Park: David Johnson, Jerry Taylor, Alfred Knowlton, Terry Clifton, Carl Edgar, John Wood, Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that this meeting adjourn. M{/f/:~;(;.;:<.J /i ...4!!4~c~... CLERK. 7l-4C-l ....,.... . a~MPTON, April 21, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in Special Session this day, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Dallas and Tink present. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that a 'Tender submitted by Harnden and King Construction Ltd, for supply and application of approximately 70,000 gallon of D.H.O.Prime at $0.235 per gallon, supplY and application of approximately 18000 gallons of R.S.l K. asphalt emulsion at $0.264 per gallon, application of approximately 2500 cubic yards of sand at $1.75 per cubic yard and $upplY and application of approximately 1000 tons of 3/8 in. chips at $1.95 per ton, is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the meeting adj ourn. --/0 4. , ( ." . c! . ~ce.-{;:-'- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. ..,c--.4- . 7l-4B-l 7l-4B-2 7l-4B-3 71-48-4 7l-4B-5,6 & 7. 71-4B-8 71-4B-9 7l-4B-10 7l-4B-ll 71-4B-12, 13 & 14. 71-413-15 HAMPTON, April 16, 1971. ~- , Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas tlllit the minutes of the meeting held April 2, 1971 be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accounts for the month of March, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 31 General Roads Roads Pay 2,627.49 4,761.03 188,490.83 9,082.63 3,5'18.26 5,285.88 10.00 __-3.Q.L00 $ List 1 - 15 16 - 31 Goldstein Greater York Special Account Special Account $~1':\,806_.l2 Moved by Deputy Reeve luckard and Councillor Tink that this Council will adopt a new form of agreement with the Department of Lands and Forests for the management of Darlington Forest, and that the Department is requested to prepare an agreement for a twenty year term. Moved by Oouncillors Baker and Tink that Tenders for Gravel Crushing be received and opened at tnis time . On motion a B,1-law to set rates of taxation and to authorize methods of collection was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2472. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the Tender for gravel crushi~g submitted by Fred fielson & Sons Ltd., is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that, in discussion with Fence Viewers, this Council feel they have acjed within the authority of the Line Fences Act. The Clerk shall so advise Mr. M. Panas. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that rates for rentals of equipment as accepted by the United Counties of Northumberland & Durham for 1971, are approved by this Council for projects in this Township's 1971 Roads _ rogram. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that Darlington Provincial Park is hereby given permission to use the Township Disposal Area in 1971, at the same rate as in 1970. On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize an agreement with the City of 6shawa to finance the Township's share of the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2473. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that this meeting adjourn. G~' - ,- --- . co' . /<1/2 - / , ..;.... ...~~....... , ./d5- .-.J) . . . . . . . ; . ." t'!\ ~:--.d}..!.,":: . . REEVE CLERK. Moved by Councillors Dallas & Baker that the rate for Warble Fly Spraying in 1971 shall be 25 6ents per head with a minimum charge of $3.00 per call, and Warble Fly Powder be available to live stock owners at $1.00 per pound. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that approval is hereby given to the Township of Clarke for the expenditure of $2500.00 for priming approximately 2t miles of boundary road, 50% of this amount to be payable by this Township. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the Counties. Welfare Department be informed that since a Welfare account presented to the meeting was not presented during the time that this Township administered welfare, the Council feels that it should be dealt with by the Counties' Welfare Department. 71-4-9,10 & 11 On motions as filed a BY-law to adopt Amendment No.6 to the Official Plan for Darlington 'lanning Area was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2470. On motions as filed a By-law to further amend BY-law No. 2111 as amended was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2471. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that this meeting 71-4-1 71-4-2 71-4-3 .71-4-4 71-4-5 71-4-6 71-4-7 71-4-8 71-4-12,13 & 14. 71-4-15 HAMPTON, APRIL 2, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Baker, Tink and Dallas present. Moved by Councillors Dallas & Baker that the minutes of the meeting held March 19, 1971 be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that a letter from the Principal of Hampton Public School be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the Clerk of the United Counties be informed that this Township wishes to take advantage of the Provincial Municipal Employment Incentive Program, 1971, and that we would use our allotment of $10,000.00. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that Mrs. Marguerite Ellis is appointed to the Township Staff. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Clifford Pethick, Warble Fly Inspector be paid $6.50 per hour to carry out the Warble Fly spraying program, plus .10 per mile for mileage travelled as Inspector. adjourn. /~ t:/:" ... . REE;:: '~('7-::-C~ ?~l.~ . . . . . . . . . .. .... ./<<.~.1l.~~...... CLERK. 71-3C-5,6 & 7. On motions as filed a By-law to provide for Expenditure on roads in the Township of Darlington was readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2~68. 71-3C-8,9 & 10.. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the payment of an annual allowance and expense allowance for Members of Council and to repeal By-law 2349, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2469. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Road SUperintend- ent and Clerk are authorized to advertise for tenders for gravel crushing and for other matters provided for in the 1971 Road Budget. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Daker that the 1970 Financial Statement as presented to this meeting by the Township's Auditors be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council expresses its disapproval of the increase in the proposed 1971 budget of the Central ~ake Ontario Conservation Authority, and requests the Authority to review its estimates with a view to reducing it, if possible. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that a report and recommendation of the Finance Committee presented to this meeting is adopted by this Council. Moved by Councillor Baker and Dallas that this meeting 71-3C-l 71-3C-2 71-3C-3 71-3C-4 71-3C-11 71-3C-12 71-3C-13 71-3C-14 71-3C-15 HAMPTON, March 19, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Baker, Tink and Dallas present. Moved by Co~~cJ~~rs Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meetings held February z;r, and March 5, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accounts for the month of February 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 16 - 28 $ 2,609.14 3,301.18 8,111.32 2,785.65 6,494.83 3,956.21 'i,185.'i8 Total $ 30,443.71 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that Grants be paid to Durham Central, South Ontario and Cartwright Agricultural Societies as in 1970. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that ~arble Fly Powder for the 1971 Program be purchased, and that Cliff Pethick is authorized to purchase 100 feet of hose for the sprayer, and to have the motor tuned. Welfare General Roads Roads Pay List 1 - 15 16 - 28 1971 SUpplement~y given its several adj ourn. '~ / t (7/ / , :4' / -, . /. -" # ' JZi, / ~n(,/)~ >A.. .... .... .:....... ... J REEVE \ .LI :f <<~,-d_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE MARCH 1971. The Finance Committee recOmmends: 1. That Members of Council attending Special Day meetings be paid an allowance of $25.00 per day and $0.10 per mile. 2. Delegates to Conventions, when authorized by Council, be paid $30.00 per day. $0.10 per mile and the cost of Registration. 3. Each Member of the Committee of Adjustment for Darlington Township be paid $150.00 per year, ~. The normal retirement age for employees of the Township shall be 65 years, provided that Council may direct that exemption be made to this rule, if deemed expedient. 5. That wages and salaries for the year 1971 be set as follows: Clerk-.\dministrator. Deputy Clerk Treasurer Building Inspector Road Superintendent Road Foreman Operators Labourers Part time employees $ / /'"r..r (')--<) 1(; ~ l' u . 1:;( {'( C<' tj 7(; c. ',-<0 '?'- C (l C-e' / C If {' ( c<,' 3, Ii' .-<. 7 (' ~'.3:) - ,CR ..to per annum per annum per annum per annum per annum per hour per hour per hour per hour 6. That hourly rated personnel be paid time and one-half for hours worked in excess of ~5 hours per week in winter months (November to April inclusive) and 50 hours per week in summer months(May to October inclusive). The Finance Committee recommends the adoption 4J/~~ W.G.Dallas of this Report 1//1,," \Lj7,) ." ) ." ,/.1. .~y;; , Bruce Tink. Chai rman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Down H~\.I':PTOH, l-:~:~~. 5, 1971. D'~,r~~ncton TO~"Tnsh";_p Counci.l ;net. i.n the 8ol.1,ncil Gh~1.mb8r on t_Olis d.~_tr;, ::111 ~.12!nbe.r:? P_-~C?sent, Rf?p.ve Down pr,?sidinc.. 71-3-1 1-'loved ~y CO:Jnc~_11ors Tinl-\ ::1.n(: 3,~_L};:e~ th:-:::. t t.lle ninu_t.es of the me:?t-tng h?ld F.~b-'--'u~:'.!'y l~), 1 71, r,p ,~.d{}.:.,t(?d as r8::u4. 71-3-2 I!TQv(~d bs~ Deputy :--~J??1le :-d.ck'~~.-.d e"nd CouncilJoY' Tink tha t O:::hC':..1:Jf:' Pnbli ~ Ut~ Jj ti_ 8S he tnfoY>med th:-~ t .r:_ prc.pns::.l t8 1,3.Y a T.r'.... ::"T,_<~-_in on tr-,-~' D.J,:c'~j_::_,'~~--:!n Si::!? of T,)~:Inltnc~ Ho,~',r:'3olJ_th !It',s h'~2n consj.derp.0 by '-;-')l'_rl~iJ_ '..,_:~ th,,-:;i- ;~Y.1.n,c~iJ. is 1Jillin[: to hi:::cuss t.erms ;:_rtcl conni ttnns :~.t Com~issj_on's conV?nieDce.. 71-~-3 l\:Iove:~~_ bJT D'2PUty -~J:;p,vs' :d.ck,<:'_-~"d?n6 ~ounctllor 3aksr Ln~t '0'71 1"~mbr.::>-y>~h-'1"\ fe.~ nf ;:tl~.n(), f',,_,y> +,;-_i~~ ;...~,.i'-::/_J .l..){do.- r":';:.~,j~J'-'.L.~.i_';__i} -'_ .'___ V_' -,.,. ",I ",-,_ _,_ ',," Ont~1ri() -,j..ssoci:",.tton of HUT"al r.-lun1cip':,_lities be . , p~tl_O.. 71-3-4 Loved by D'3pUt~7 ?,eev(~ cko.riJ D.nd CoaDc~:Ll1or 3:J..ker thet the salary of !:~;l'""r::>""'-; j,+-or,rln:,,4. '-'_1..;:) v ..!..- .',,, _ ""'"~ft"" "_,, _, c" T,-.,,,hn:).,~nh9m 0).-'''1] t,~ !-' \..........~ L .;Ju. l.il...-'.Ll, _J',,_!'_~ _ . J\::' ''''Ir- oc'r no qi' ~_/, 0 ,,). '_ ~ :inc' 1[1, +-h-{" to 'r-r.. ("..lrnll~--,t-'rl f'''nm l.,/',:,-'--''-''n' 1 '971 \_.~L.J_,,::> --,', ..)<"':; '~:__'__J..'",t ,,,,_ /'':;:'~ ~;;". I ,I.",_c:_\,.i _, _L , . per 'I' ~ r:;' -< i -1..-.)- j, '.-' 7. Onr1ctlons ~tS fi_lec1, ;;. .-3y-lE:1H to 21J.thortze tlle sale of land was glven its s0veral rE~dinzs, siCnpd, s8nled and numbered 2466. 71-3-R,9, 10. On motions ,3.S filed a =3Y-l,?'';,'[ to:'urther o.mend By-13.1,1[ "1'1' ven 1 t'" -.~~,~~ ..........] ~er~_rin;c:.c, "".,j p.:n",-,n, s, 0,,",.,. led_ .':'l"n~, '!'ill,ill, be., ',i"'(_'{,', "_/4(,,)7. '::'..L ~Ir',s .~i .-' .:.:..:: :'::::'.: 1;;_;-, _ ,_ _____~ .:.... _'_,-~ _'~ __ ___ _ (I. ~...~" ~'. , 71-.3-11 l'-lovsc1 by DC:QUt."'l F>-~eve =licl-:::~i rc :1n(~ ~ ~ ,. - C01Jn~illor D,'J.ker ths. t thE~ report of the Fin~,ncp Gom;n~L ttee be retu~"ned to them, Qr:d th_8 t '+- '- l~, uG reconsidered on the sis of re-classification o~ the positions. 71-3-l? , meetln[ ad5on:"'n. Moved by Coun~il]_ors D~112s 2ns Daker that this ".....- L,/~zP/J~2c.u/ , L. . . . .... ~. .\.. 9 . .. /' . . . . a _ . ~ " . . . Re"ve I /7/ );d~, /' ......~-?";......,.....~ Clerk lL'J<?TOn, 1i':.3PU \;'" ')r;' " /, 1971. 7' -:->"'-1? J.. '--_." _ Ch,'Ctrlber on t:l~..S d', te p:.Jrsu::.lnt to the=:.dj OLtrnm'?nt of th(~ I:'1c:etin[ helci Fei.:;ru2ry 19, 1971, Reeve Do~'rn presi.dtng, ;:-J.l I-.I",t1bers present. Moved by Deputy RS9ve ~Qckard and Councillor Baker tha t HcDon':lld Ford Ltd. be 2i vs'n 2.D order ''''or 3. Ford pick up truck as tenderc-.:d, plus ,?:..n .~_;JL:litional :,c',28.1f.Q for a 55 amp.31tsrn,;~tor, clnd a standard radio to b~ inst~118d ~t ~eQIGr's cost. On motions as ft10d 2 BY-13W to repeal BY-law 21+40 D~l rl i tot'_ TO")D2.ti.p Council ffipt in ~:h~) Council 71-23-13,li, Y: 15 1:12S c:ivr?:n . ... 103 S8VC7.rtll re,~tdings, signed, serllec mo Df).mb8ren 2)+6~k" '71 ') { -I..--'.~ ;-16,17 , 10, SUper1_ntond2nt ~'r7._2 VS.:1 its sev-2:'"',;.l ~~E:~-:c.i_ncs, >'3isn2~'i, se2.1ed ,':lnd nurr,hered 2L~65. On mottons a.s f11ed ::l :JY-l~1.~'J to 7.LPfoJ:r:t. a. "1o'1,j 71-21-19 mpetins adj0~rn~ Eoved hy GOlJ_nctIJoY'?, IbJ-=~r "~nd 'rink th'J.t t.his ---IV 7 ~Z--~ '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ~ .. . . .. .. R~_~ 1rs ::;I'T.:)~..,- .. 71-23-1 7" 0'0 0 ..;..-~_...U_.::.. 71-2-3-3 71-23-4 71-23-5 71-23-6 71-23-7 71-~ ;-~~ . 71-,23-9 .. 71-23-10 71-23-11 H'VPT(]M ~ h-- 10 1071 ...." - ..11" ... e, .... 1]:1 J... Y ./ , ,. . . U'1r1inston TO':!DShlp :~ouncil mf?t tLis day in the Hunictpal 3utldinE:;, Deputy F,eeve l\tc ::lrd.presidinc;, Councillors Time, 1"lker and Da.llas present. Moved by Councillors D'111as and Ihksr that ths minutes 0:' the meeting held on Fsbruary 5, 1971, be adopted as read. Moved by Cou.ncillors Tink and D?_llo.s t.hat accounts for the month of January, 1971, as Itsted h8rCll.'lith, S:Llaries 1 l~ be p:-;,id: ') ,/-;)_ 0,? '--.,0-,1. 'J, ') ')1:> ?")J -.J ,', .....-'. '.J T Ii) - :;1 Vi 31f,;: re F1 (11 c; 'i'i / , .,'-'-/ . i I 3.' ~Ol 40 ,:.., :;L-.l.... , G8neral Roads 'I. 5.'18 La'i , 0' -.. ( ? 'nt, 58 '- , ':;"j [. , ? QR1 R8 .__,u.-'......._ HO:1d S P~.121 Li s t 1 - 15 1(, - 31 Speci11 ~ccount (Goldst8in) --_?l.2..!..Q<L Tot..,l " " =:0/ "11.,;' 01 " ,....... ;--.\ }'1ovc':d by C()uncl~llo,~s l)~_ll_=1S n:'L~. rink th'lt thts 8()uncil now rise to sit in Committee o~ the Who12. Coundil resumed at 1 P.E., Resve Down in the Chair. l~oved by Councillors D3.11as :wd Tin.l{ that a bill from 8artwright Fire Uepartm8nt b0 paid, and th~t that Department be notified tint in future, no accounts OD this kind \'rill be paid unless the trip is a1.1thorized by Fire 8hi'3.f' H~ym~1.n. Hoved by Councillors Tin}, and 3'lker tha t Jack 0 'Neil be giv2n until M'lY 1, 1971, to remov? his business from Lot 19, Con. 5. Moved by Deputy Reeve 3ick0.2d o.nd Councillor Dallas that Clifford Pethick is appointed vJo.rbl,; :"ly Im.pector for 1971. Moved by Deputy -~-leeve .:,.ick~=-"'d and Counct lIar Baker that tenders for supply 0:' one hc:lf ton t!'ucJ{ be received a.Dd op?ned at t1.1J_ S time. ~{ov2d by Deputy jieeV8 ';:iGk~rd a.:1d:~0:H:r~i11or 32J::r::"?r th.nt t:l(; Tender D:f' I".'=3.~=1C)nc:ld Ford S?.ls3 Ltd., for s.upply o~~ a 1971 half-ton truck is ae~epted as tCl1d'?r2~;;, subj ~;ct to th:?; app:t'ov,:ll of' the Ont'lrio .JsDartment of Htrr01I::l,'.;Ts. " ~ NOVc3d by Coun~i2.1o::'s TipJ\: and 130..1-:81:' tha.t. Er* Ltttle n-P Hllntcipal P10.:1!:ing Consult'lnts Lj:d. is j.n3tructed to pr"lprlre thA necesso.ry amendments to the Official Plan a~d Zoni Jy-lo:;,: as requested 1:")y Greater Yorlc ~evelopmeDts Ltd. ):0'/'20. by Counotllors Do.llo.s ilnd Tink that Central Onto.rio Joint Planning ,30o.rd be notified that this Coundl '"ill 1l.l)prove the B02rd's 1971 estimate only in an a~aunt not over ~lO,170.00, the amOllnt 2{)croved fop 1970. .. ]";o'led by GounGi11ors Tink ':nd jjo.ker tho.t this m'"eting 'lc';.J1'urn~"-. "'h'u.~~"'cy I<'<.""o_y oc; ot 1 )r, P 1'/ ;' C /~-" ~;U"~"' , -'C"'<d '-~, av -'-'" ".AJE ~.ue,~ l' :Jft.~ ........... . . . . . . . . . . . :f4. . . . . . . --" R.~S-'~V,~ I CLEPJ\. "I'~ ~,,~pm .~I,T p~~"~' nu /\:'1 C' l- ...'-il-.. 1. ,j "\, ~ L.. _.J:\ ~:!.._,..l.. j, 1971. D3.r1ineton TO~'r?1Ship '~ounc"Ll met in the ~"Iun_i.cipal Buildi.ne on th~s date, CO~ln,?'llors Tink, Baker and 0'lllas present, Deputy Reeve Rlck2rd presldlnCe 71-2-1 Hoved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meetines held January 5 and January 15, 1971, be adopted 'is read. 1.10ved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Road Accounts for January 1971, in tilP.'lmOunt of $97\+5.13 as approved by the ~oads Com~ittee, he paid. Hoved b' Coundllors Tink and Bilker that the resignation of Mrs... lr2ne' Phtli.p is accepted wt th rf-~gret. Nowd by Councillors Tink ilnd Dallils that 3. gr'mt of $150.00 be made to the SalvCJtion Army in 1971. Hoved by Councillors Bal,er and Tink that all correspondence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed. 71-2-2 71-2-3- '71-2-4 71-2-5 At thi..s time Reeve Down took the Ch9.ir. 71-2-6 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that it is hereby certified th'lt By-law 2462 of the Township of D~rlineton does conform to the Official Plan for Darlineton Planning ~'~rea. Noved by Councillors Tink and Baker that, regardine an objection of 3y-13.\v 2462, filed by Hiss L. Goodman, the posj.tion of this Council is that the obj2ction has no basis in fact, and that the matters referred to in the letter have no r'olation to the effect of the .3y-l3.'..r. 71-2-7 71-2-8,9 & 10. On motions as filed a 13Y-l.aw to 3.uthorize the eX8en~itl]re of $312,500.00 on roads in 1971 was given j.ts several readings, siened, sealed and nu~bered 2463. Noved by Deputy Reeve 3iclmrd and Councillor Baker that tt;5s Council peti tion the Ontario .cepartm(~~nt of :'lighways for payment of the b~lance of 1970 suhsidy. Noved by Councillors Ihker and Dallas that thls 71-2-11 71-2-12 rneettng adjourn. ~/ / " d ._;-;. ;.~~~~;::7 (/j~ R7 '" VE /~ . _ -W~--' l..J Jerk . .12 I' "). . V..J/ . / ..' ~4:':"..-r. " '.'. ''-'~---'''' ,-- .... v.v- c, . .._ . 1t..4.'. . . .._' . .'. .......... ./. \. 0L771O' . f;' '-'"~1' v ~.Ul. ; , .. 71-1C-l 71-1~-2 71-1C-3 71-1C-4 7l-1C-5 71-1C-6 71-1C-7 7l-1C-8 HANPTON, JANDA ,y 15, 1971. Darlington TOTiinship Council met i.n the Council Chambers on this date, all "'embers present, Rep.ve DOHn presiding. Moved by Councillors Beker and Tink thot Resolution 71-1-18 passed on January 4, 1971 is amended by deleting therefrom the total figure 3[',97.3.85 Clud substituUng the figure $.35,T71.2.3, and that the miI'utes of the meeting held January 1+, 1971, be adopted as amended. Hoved by Councillors Balcer and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held Janunry 5, 1971, be ado;,ted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that "'esolution 70-123-2 passed on December 17, 1970 be amended by changing the item $2783.16 to $2795.76, and that the total of the account for the month of November 1970 be amended to read $430813.06. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accountE for the m.,nth of December 1970 as listed here.;ith, be p!lid: Salaries 1 - 15 $ 16 - 31 Welfare Geilleral 2,41+7.15 3,053.13 7,637.58 24,740.06 "0 "1/ "1 .J ,.J o. i- 2,.388.11 2,646.41 Roads \oads Pay Li s t 1 c; -j 1 16 7'/ 23 31 it 24 Total $ 73,229.15 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Darlineton Planning Board is requested to review the section of the Zoning .3y-law concernine signs at the earliest opportuni ty and to report to Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker tha.t correspondence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed. Moved by Cound 1101'S Tink and Dallas that the members of the Road Comr'i ttee and the [{oeld Superintendent are authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adj ourn. -;/ / .-~ fl2;t1) REEVE _ (b'. '7 ,(;?bZ{d~~ . . . "1O .................................... CLSRK HAHPTON, JANUAHY 5, 1971. 71-113-1 Darlington To\vnship Council met in Special Session on this da te, all "embers pre sent, Reeve DO\vn presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker & Tink that Jack Dunham is appointed Road Superintendent of this TO\mship at a salary of $10800.00 per annum, his duties to commence on or before March 1, 1971, and that Resolution 71-1-29 is hereby rescinded. 7l-1B-2 Noved by Deputy Heeve Ricl,ard and Councillor BaJ1:er that this meeting adjourn. .~4?~:~.... .... ... 4-:-.~(cJ~-:<;~ R:GEVE CLERK .. 71-1-1 71-1-2 71-1-3 71-1-4- 71-1-5 71-1-6 71-1-7 71-1-8 71-1-9 71-1-10 71-1-11 71-1-12 '71-1-13,lG 71-1-16 71-1117 .. 71-1-18 71-1-19,20 71-1-22 71-1-23 HAMPTON, JAl\'UAHY 4-, 1971. Darlington Township Council met in its Inaugural Meeting at the Council Chamber on this datlo; all Hembers present, Reeve DO\m presiding. All Members having subscribed to the statutory Oath of Office, Reeve Bown introduced Rev. Mr. Harris of Courtice, who addressed Council and offered prayer. Moved by Councillors Tink and Balcer that th.i. s Council adj ourn briefly and that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve select members for the standing committees, of Council for 1971-72. Council resumed at 2.10 P.M. Moved by Dep. Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that Standing Committees of Council for 1971-72 shall be as follows: FINANCE & PROPE::lTY--Councillor Tink, Councillor Da.llas and Reeve Dmm. ROADS-- Depu ty Heeve Rickard, Counc.illor Balcer and Reeve DOIm. and that any matter may be referred to a Committee of the Whole, c,y majori ty vote of Council. Moved by Councillors Tink and Balcer that the minutes of the meeting held December 17, 1970, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the 1971 Membership Fee to the Ontario Good Roads Association, be paid. ($15.00). Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the hembership to the Association of Municipal Cle::-ks and Treasurers (;p20.00) be paid. Moved by Councillor Baker and Dep. Reeve Rickard that the annual Membership Fee to the Ontario ~lnicipal Association ($150.00) be paid. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Dep. Reeve Rickard that the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board be notified that the proposed Waterfront Plan is being studied, and that this Council is willing to participate in a joint study o~ the presentation with the Town of 1301VJJlanville. Moved by Dep. Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the matter of a revised Forestry Management Agreement be referred to the Finance and Property Com~ittee for report at its convenience. Moved by Dep. Heeve llickard and CounCillor Dallas tha~ the November 1970 report of the Health Uni t be received and filed.' Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that reports from the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board and from the Central Ontario Conservation Authority be received and filed. Hovej by Dep. Heeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that H.A.Barron is re-o:,ppointed to the Memorial Hospital Board. Moved by Councillors Tillie and Dallas that Reeve Down is re-appointed to the Executive Committee of the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study and that Liep. Reeve Ricleard serve as Mr. DOlm 's alternate. & 15. On motion, a BY-law to authorize borrowing for current expendi ture was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-6l. Moved by CounciLlors Tink and Dallas that cheques be signed by Reeve or Deputy "eeve and countersigned by the Treasurer. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Reeve and Treasurer are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the second and seventeenth of each month in payment of wages and salaries, at rates as set by Council, also for Welfare payments as certified by the Welfare Administrator and in payment of levies to the Board of Education and to the United Counties, at such time as those payments become due, and for Hoad Accounts as approved by the "oads Commi ttee. Moved by Dep. Reeve Hickard and Councillor Baker that Road Accounts for the month of December 1970, in the amount of $34-,973.85, as approved by this Council, be paid. & 21 On motion, a ,~-law to further amend '~-law 2111, as amended, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-62 .(~~!::YC_I Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Reeve Down is appointed to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board for 1971. l10ved by Councillor Dallas and Dep. Reeve Hickard that NT. Har- old inlson is re-appointed to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board for a three year term to expire January 1, 1974-. HAMPTON, JANUA~Y 4, 1971. Continued. Page 2. 71-1-24 Moved bI Councillor Baker and Dep. Reeve Hickard that Hr. Edgar James and Mr. llichard Gibbs are appointed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Moved by Dep. Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that Mr. Lloyd Ayre is appo~nted to Darlington Planning Board for a 3 year term to expire Jan. 1, 1974, and that Councillor Baker and Councillor Tink are appointed to that 30ard for the year 1971. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Mr. Harold Balson is appointed to Darlington Plancling Board to complete the unexpired portion of Mr. Hutton's term, this appointment to expire Jan. 1, 1972. Moved by Councillor Baker and Dep. heeve ,lickard that Councill- or H.B.Tink is appointed to the Durham County Federation of Agriculture for 1971. Moved by Councillors Tiill, and Baker that Mr. S.E.White is appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for a three-year term to expire Jan. 1, 1974. Moved by Councillors Tink and 3aker that the position of Hoai Superintendent of this T01mship be offered to Jack Dunham at $10,000.00 per annum. . Moved by Councillors 3aker and Tink that this Council adjourn. 71-1-25 71-1-26 71-1-27 71-1-28 71-1-29 71-1-30 /) !!P" ., / i /, / c4; // c/)v ." ...?. .~.. ......" REEVE . . . ~:"':.~: <<~,;~f'-- CLERK.