HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 72-123-1 72-12B-2 72-12B-3 72-12B-4 72-123-5 72-12"3-6 HAMPTON, December 15, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, All Hembers present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held December 1, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink $hat accounts for the month of November, 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries # 21 2410.04 # 22 3074.37 General 413270.70 16889.30 3478.41 3276.03. Roads Roads Pay List if 21 'if 22 $ 442,398.85 Moved by Deputy Reeve Hickard and Councillor Baker that Tenders for wiring and heating the Disposal Building are referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Moved by Councillors Dallas and baker that an application for amendment to the Zoning BY-law, filed by E. Whiting, part of Lot 35, Concession 2, be referred back to the applicant, and that he be asked to submit a site plan outlining all proposed uses of the property in detail. Hoved by CouncLllor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Clerk is authorized to give notice that appointments to Planning 30ard, Committee of Adjustment, Conservation Authority and other Boards vlill be consIdered early in 1973, and advi sing that appli ca tions from interested persons will be received until January 17, 1973. Moved by Deputy Heeve Rickard ,~nrj Councillor Tink that this Council goes on record in expressing its ap.'1reciation and gr3.ti tude to Reeve Carl Down for his services and his unselfish devotion to duty as Reeve, Deputy Heeve and Councillor for the past ten years. The Reeve adj ourned the meeting at :3.40 P.H. c~~~~ .A1.'f.€:.~~. Reeve Clerk. Hffi!.PTON, D888xBER 1, 1972. 72-l?-1 Darlington Township Council met this day in the Council Chamber, Reeve DOIm presiding, Councillors Tink, Baker and Dallas present. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held November 17, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that road acc,)Unts for the month of November 1972, in the amount of $16,889.30, as approved by the Roads COffiQittee, be paid. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that t:le resignation of Ralph Hills from the GOrJ:nittee of Adjustment is accepted with regret, and that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Hills. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that this meeting adjourn. 72-12-2 72-12-3 72-l2-l, , If" //'" , ..,/ /'''' . l/ CC'[ '/>~;:;;1'l// ..........~...... REEVE ...~.~:~~~...... G L~~PJ(. 72-11B-l 72-11B-2 72-11B-3 72-1113-4 72-113-5 72-11B-6 HAMPTON, NOV~MBER 17, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the minutes of the meeting held November 3, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve for the month of October 1972, as listed herewith, be Rickard paid: that accounts Salaries # 19 it 20 $ 2,386.23 3,218.49 23,232.00 40,704.04 3,805.21 4,02S.9L ill 77,374.S8 General Roads Roads Pay List ff 19 # 20 Total Hoved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that thi.s Council approves the request of the Tyrone Community Centre Board for a grant of $33,415.20 under the Local Incentives Program 1972- 1973. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve llickard that, referring to a proposed plan of sub-division in the City of Oshawa, and forwarded to this Council as File lST-23392, the comment of this Council is that, as the access to the proposed subdivision is from a Boundary Road which is financed by a 50% contribution from this Township, and as the present condition of the road surface appears to be unsatisfactory for the increased volume of traffic whihh would result from the development of the proposed subdivision, it is suggested that a subdivision agreement should be executed which would require the sub-divider to @@mpensate this Township for the extra cost involved. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that a letter of congratulation be sent to w. Yellowlees on having won the World Championship on Oats at the Royal Winter Fair. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. (<~1/2A/-~~/ /~' / ____ blt/... '} "._/" ....... .. .4~U....... REEVE '1 ..;:J, .. . .4(: . ~ ~I.~t;-f.~--./. . . . . . CLERK HM1PTON, NOVEMBER 3, 1972. 72-11-3 Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, All Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meetings held October 20 and October 2~, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that Road Accounts for the month of October 1972, in the amount of ~O,704.04, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that this meeting adjourn. 72-11-1 72-11-2 /? ~ $.. . .L/~?/ r<<(;'):z:!. ... REEVE I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK HAMPTON, OCTOBER 24, 1972. date all Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting of October 20, 1972, Members present, Reeve Down presiding. 72-10 -2 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker WHEREAS THE Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham requested the Councils of the Townships of Darlington and Clarke, the Village of Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanville to meet for the purpose of suggesting names of persons to be appointed to an advisory Committee on Planning matters; And Whereas such a meeting was subsequently called and was attended by Members of the Councils of the Township of Darlington and Clarke and the Village of Newcastle, and, having suggested names to the Counties Council as requested, continued to meet from time to time; THEREFORE, as a result of discussions on planning which have taken place at these joint Sessions, and having regard to a decision made at those Sessions, it is hereby resolved by the Council of the Township of Darlington: That this Council petition the Honourable Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs to establish a Joint Planning Area eonsisting of the Town of Bowmanville, the Village of Newcastle and the Townships of Clarke and Darlington. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that this meeting adjourn. 72-10 -1 ~ /;: r;')' /', .' ' '?Z .' ../ //~/' /' . ~ : ....; . ",/..;;-(t..'?t.. . . . RE:VE !(.~~ ~ ." LJ. 'L....a- . . . . ~ .. ... . ..wek<-.--; CLERK. HAMPTON, October 20, 1972. 72-10B- 72-10B- Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held October 6, be approved as read. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that accounts for the month of September 1972, as listed herewith, be paid; Salaries # 17 $ 2,822.76 i/18 3,580.44 General 4,628.04 Roads 75,914.79 Roads :pay List it 17 4,085.16 # 18 3,612.39 72-108- Total $ 94,643.58 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the Building Inspector is instructed to obtain legal advice as to the matter brought to this meeting by J. Guest Jr. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas t~t a Resolution forwarded by the Town of Whitby concerning a request ~ Provincial Assistance for the repair and construction of arenas, is endorsed by this Council. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Tenders for supply of snow plow, wing and harness, also for a sander, be received and opened at this time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that it is recomEended that a used power shovel be purchased at $4000.00. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard'and Councillor Dallas that a public meeting of the Ratepayers of this Township shall be called for Monday, November 13, 1972, at 8 P.M. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that a Tender for supply of a snow plow and wing complete as submitted by American Coleman of Canada is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that', in the matter of tenders submitted for the supply of a sander and salt spreader, no tender is accepted and the bidders shall be so advised. On motion, a BY-law to authorize a vote on a question at the Municipal Election, was given its several readings, passed and numbered 2504. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting now adjourn to Tuesday, October 24,1972, at 9 A.M. 72-10B- 72-10B- 72-10B- 72-10B- 72-10B- 72-10B- 72-103- 0, 11 & 12 72-103- 3 ~ lie 7- J ./ 'l'>"', . , / ,u[_4~__<' --(.t~7/ ~'. . . . . t(. . . .~. .t; . . . . . . . . . REEVE / . . ..d~ .t .(Z:~:-f?!?Y, . . . CLERK . HAMPTON, OCTOBi:H 6, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers on this date, Deputy Reeve Rickard presiding, Councillors Tink, Baker and Dallas present. 72-10 1 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held September 15, 1972, be adopted as read. 72-10 2 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that Road Accounts for the month of September, 1972, in the amount of $75,914.79, as approved by the Roads Cownittee, be paid. 72-10 3 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that a request presented to this meeting by John Oudyk be further considered and that Council's findings be reported to him when prepared. 72-10 4 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that an increase in the cost of the Davey Culvert, Project # 72-82, from $10,688.00 to $11,009.00, is authorized by this Council. 72-10 5 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council does not feel able to grant the request of Mr. John Oudyk to have improvement made to Simpson Ave., until such time as it is found practica tle to prepare a drainage system for the north part of Hampton. 72-10 6 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council arrange a meeting with the Council of the Township of Cartwright to discuss arrangements for the maintenance of the Darlington-Cartwright boundary road. 72-10 7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this Council shall petition the Ministry of Transport and Communications for payment of an interim subsidy. 72-10 8 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. ., A-~' . / " ./ , ; /2: "~L'OC1>~'1/ . .l......,... .~. ~ . -/"................. REEVE .... ..41. ;(~~" ::-:~ .. CLERK. 72-9 -1 72-91-2 72-93 3 72-93 4 72-9B 5 HAHPTON, SEPTEHBER 15, 1972. Darlineton Tmmship Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the minutes of the meeting held September 1, 1972, be adopted as read. Noved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of August 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries # 15 # 16 $ 2954.78 3662.46 212130.22 10125.54 3573.49 4271. 24 General Roads Roads Pay List if 15 1t 16 TOTAL $ 236,717.73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that a Tender submitted by G. Gerrits for the construction of a storage buildine at $7329.00, be accepted as tendered. Moved by Cmlncillors Dallas and Baker that it is the decision of thts Council that an extension of Fourth Avenue in Plan 675, as proposed by E. Pollard, in an application to the Committee of Adjustment for Darlington Townshi.p, will not be accepted as a public street by this Council. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adj ou rn. ......:.,L~~.. ....41..~ ~~'::~........ ::t. m::i~VE CLi~R1C . 72-9-1 72-9-2 72-9-3 72-9-1+ 72-9-/ 72-9- HJ "PTO!' ~"'''Tn'''3nl' 1 l~ 72 .....l~l ~, V i~ ~ .b~'L r~ t , 'j . Darlington Tmillship Counr:il met in the Coundl Chambers on thi s date, all Members present, Reeve DOvffi presiding. Moved by Counr:illors 3aker and Tink that the minutes of the meetinG held AUGust 18, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that Road Accounts for the month of AUGust, 1972, in the amount of $10,125. yt, as approved by the Hoads Committee, be paid. Hoved by COimcillors Tink and Dallas that a letter and Resolution from Erie Economic Counr:il be received and filed. Hoved by Coundllor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rid\:ard tha t Building Inspector itlarren is BJl thori zed to 8. t tend the Onta ria Building Offi cials Association in Thunder ~ay in October. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Inspection ~eport on the Polak drain system is adopted, and that the owner is directed to ditch away from the outfall of the System on his property as suggested in the Report. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. I Je:{) -[/YL----/ ......... . a / ., /, '~ ,.. / '", .. '; ~ h ;X~~.cf~ , CL8RK. R3.:8VE . 72-83- 72-8,3- 72-813- 72-83- 72-83- 72-8B- 72-8:3-, HAHPfON, AUGUST If., 1972. Darlincton Township Council met in the Municipal Bui_lding on thi,s date, all Members present, Reeve Down presidinc. Hoved by Coundllors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held August 4, 1972, be corrected to note the absence of Councillor Dallas, and adopted as corrected and read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of July, 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries $ 2,770.58 3,507.71 25,863.60 ll, 571. 76 3,496.03 3,557.33 12 13 General Roa d s Roads Pay List 12 13 TOTAL 50,767. 01 t~ Moved by CouncilJor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a letter from Riznek Construction Ltd., be received and forwarded to Municipal Ple.ndng Consultants Ltd. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to execute the documents as suggested in a submission from Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd., dated August 9, 1972. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and CouncilJor DallHs that, for the purpose of future consideration, plans and estimates of cost of erection of sports centre shall be sought by this Council. Moved by Counci,llors Dallas and Tink that, having considered tenders suomi tted for a builr:ing on thehe\v di sposal si te, Council's deci sion is that no award will be made at this time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that this meeting adjourn. "%'-- /- ~'",' L -er~-~/-t'J ..;....... .?tc .'7. (.F... R,NE .....~.f;4(-...~~... CLERK . J.-F-I HA~:PTON, AUGUST 4, 1972. 72-8-1 72-8-2 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Hembers presentf"'Reeve Down presiding. J(~ ~ -ta-f'.bu Cvl'{l Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the m!nutes of the meeting held July 21, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that an application for approval of Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan for Darlington Township Planning ",rea be withdrawn and that the appropriate authority be so advised. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that ''epresentatives of Oshawa Harness Management Ltd., be asked to inform Council of the Company's intentions regarding a proposed race track in Darlington Township. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that, having considered objections to the approval of By-law 2501, as filed at the Township office, this Council expresses its opinion thereof as follows: OBJECTIONS 1, 2 and 5: It is not expected that the proposed amendment would result in serious increase in traffic volume. 72-8-3 72-8-4 OBJI~CTION 3: The Health Unit has approved the plans for sanitation and water supply. OBJECTION 4. The increasingly commercial nature of development along Highway No. 2 would appear to have the effect of increasing property values in the area. OillGCTION 6: It is suggested that this type of convenience store is serving a useful purpose in the community where they are nOvl located, and that the proposed use would be compa ti ble vii th the uses of nearby properties. OillSCTION 7: It is noted that the proposed amendment does not change the zoning of the property to Com"lercial but limits the use to the retail store described. It would appear that the proposal would not greatly affect the quiet enjoYlllBnt of a residence on a heavily travelled highway. 72-8-5 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that it is certifi.ed tha t By-law 2501 of the Township of Darlington conforms to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that Road Accounts for the month of July 1972, as approved by the Roads Committee be paid. ($11571.76). Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Hickard that a report dealing with future construction of Ormiston Street presented to this meeting by J.C.Dunham, Road Superintendent, be received and filed for future Consideration by the Roads Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve llickard and Councillor ~aker that this Council agrees to accept those portions of the road between Lots 16 and 17, Concession 1, shown on a plan submitted to this meeting, from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, on completion of reconst 1"11 cti Cln. On !llotions as filed, a By-law to amend By-law 2194 was given :j.ts several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2503. Moved by Councillors Tink and baker that an application for a loan under the Tile Drainage Act submitted by Wm. Polak, is approved, subject to the approval of the Roads Committee as to the outfall of the drain system. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the Treasurer and the Clerk-Administrator are authorized to attend a Conference at Gravenhurst on September 27~ 1972. Moved by Councillors 'L'ink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. . . C!:trt/!..t': ~;;~(;~ . . . . REEVE 72-8-6 72-8-7 72-8-8 9 72-6.,.1 & 11 72 - 8 12 72-8-1 2 ., 7 -,:,-1 . . . .41. 4.4;'-!!-#.-:. . . . CLERK a~MPTON, JULY 21, 1972. Darlington TO\mship Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, all Members present, Reeve DOvm presiding. 72- Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held July 7, 1972, be adopted as read. 72- Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of June, 1972, as listed herewith be paid: Salaries 11 $ 3,082.21 12 3 , 717. 46 General 40,408.38 Roads 5l" 022.48 Roads Pay List 11 3,963.42 12 3,797.34 _._...__._- TOTAL $ 108,991. 29 72-,8-3 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Ontario Hydro is instructed to supply and operate 82 street lights at rates and locations as set out in letters dated October 29, 1971, January 18,1972, and June 14, 1972; th'?t the syitem shall be operated on "Hydro Capital" and that the new lights shall be in operation on a date as near November 1, 1972, as possible. 72- 8-4 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this Tmmship shall contribute an amount equal to 3/4 of one cent per capita to the Association of Ontario ~]nicipalities to help defray the costs of opposition to the 8ell Canada application. 72- B-5,6 & 7. A By-law to appoint an Inspector to enforce the Trench Excavators Protection Act in the Township of Darlington was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2502. 72- B-8 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the Firms who offered their services in preparing an evaluation study be informed that Council has decided not to undertake the project at this time, and that Council thanks them for the presentations submitted. 72- B-9 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Mr. DeCoe be sent a letter expressing Council's thanks for his services in assisting the Building Inspector's Department durinG the absence of Mr. Warren. 72- :3-10 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adj ourn. /'1-1 Ai ' I ,,- ,__ /-'/1/ , ,/, . / . /- /(.~- /~/ .(,A.(Z.' '7. ...t<.l~..... Reeve ;7/) v f./J ? 'I ,tv-? ~"',u%_ . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. ............. Clerk. HAMPTON, Ju17 7, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, De)uty Reeve Rickard, Councillors Tink and Dallas present. 72-7- Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the minutes of the meetings held June 17, and June 23, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that road accounts for June 1972, in the amount of $?4022.48, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the ~reasurer's Interim Report be received and filed. Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Treasurer is authorized to attend the Conference of the Tax Collectors Association in September. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy heeve Rickard that it is the position of this Council that an agreement respecting the opening of Hillside Drive through Registered Plan 680, affects only the lands of the owner outside the limits of the Plan. 72-7- Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that the Board of Management for Zion Community Park for 1972 shall be: B. Huxter, Mr. Grant, Mrs.Gotthelf, Mrs. Lavender, Mr. F. Anderson, Mr. Kowalski, C. Down and T. Baker. 72-7- ,8 & 9. On motion, a By-law to further amend By-law 2111, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2)01. 72-7- 0 Moved by Deputy neeve Rickard and Council~or Tink that this meeting adjourn. .~~.... R~EVE ..4!.?:~~.. CLERK. HAhPTON, JUNE 23, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date to receive presentations from three Management Consultants, and to transact other business, Deputy Reeve Rickard in the Chair, Councillors Tink, Baker and Dallas present. 72-6c 1 Moved by Councillors Tink and 3aker that it is confirmed that that By-law 2499 conforms to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area. 72-6C 2 Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. ~). '~~' L::<<:r:ty. ~~ REEVE /) . AJ T ;f~~-<-/ . . . " . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . " . . CL:cRK HAMPTON, JUNE 16, 1972. 72- B-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held June 2, 1972, be approved as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that accounts for the month of May, 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries # 9 # 10 $ 2,598.58 3,4-05.4-3 219,777.96 20,4-61.15 3,831.83 4-,386.4-1 General Roadis Roads Pay List # 9 # 10 Total $ 254-,4-61. 36 72- B-3 Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy neeve Rickard that the that the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission be advised that this Township does not object to the proposed location of a watermain on Townline Road, as outlined in a letter dated June 6, 1972, provided that it is understood that this Township will not be responsible for any construction costs which may result from the proposed instala tion. 72- 13-4-,5 & 6. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the execution of a contract with Ontario Hydro for extending the Hampton Street Lighting Area was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2500. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting 72- 13-7 adjourn. ~J. ?-. f~~d-<-- . '" "',; '" '" '" '" '" '" .~~. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" REEVE CL<!:RK. 72-6-1 72-6-2 72-6-3 72-6- 72-6- Hampton, June 2, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held May 19, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that the Township Solicitor be requested to advise the Township as to a method of dealing with a complaint of a dog nuisance. Moved by Deputy rteeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board be advised that, before commencing detailed work on the Waterfront Plan, as it applies to Darlington Township, this Council would like to discuss the project with Staff Members. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve ,~ckard that Mr. E.J.Pinto be advised that his letter has been received and that Council is making every effort to maintain all roads to an acceptable standard, insofar as available funds will allow. Moved by Councillor Baker and 0eputy Reeve Rickard that Tenders for supply and installation of Davey Culvert be received and opened at this time. Moved by Deputy ~eeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the Tender submitted by R.E.Brohm for supply and installation of Davey culvert, Contract No. 806, is accepted at unit prices as tendered subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that road accounts for the month of lfuy 1972, in the amount of $20,461.15, as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a By-law to amend By-law 2111, be given its Third reading, signed, sealed and numbered 2499. Moved by Councillors Baker and Ti~~ that, subject to the submission of evidence of approval from all concerned authorities, the Clerk is instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning ;~-law, as requested by R. stevens for Dairy Barn Stores, and as recommended by Darlington Planning Board. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. /' ..J I "f;/ ,,;' ((,.<:: ,-//o'Cr..';~/ .\...... ..1........... REEVE eu ,1 eeL ..::.. .". ~-~:'..... CLERK 72-6- 72-6- 72-6-8 72-6-9 72-6-10 H''^D'"OI" "~,, In l07~ .i.. ~il.':~ . - " l.vlLo..i )' , ,I::::' ... 72 5}J-l Darlington T01.mship Coundl met in th', Municipal luilding on this date, all Ivlembers present, Rec~ve :JoHn presj(3j_ne. Moved by Councillors DalJ2.s 2.no "ale'?r th3.t the minutes of the neeting held Hay 5, 1972, be adopted ?s read. Hoyed by Gounci llors Galle sand Tink that Accounts for the month of 72-5B-2 . '1 .H.prl , 1972, 2.S listed herewith, be paid: Sale. ri e s j;= 7 " JY 8 2,592.47 Gene rOll Roads -ioacs Pay Ltst 7 ,t 8 3 , 208 1> 5'7 6,920.lj9 38,377.77 Cl Clb 0 9 '< .....,- '--- ...... 2 :)<n r" ._, /',") ( .)0 1,742.82 ~ 11~52- Emp. In~0ntive Pr~[ 'am Pay Expenses Tote.l ';;1) 59,165.14 72-513-3 Hoved by Deputy Feeve icka d and C;ouncilJ 0'" 3~.ker that Hr. and H-,"s. ~fj.. Hood be info'-'med of' th~ 3.0.ViC9 fY'om the Salicdtor dated May 12, 1972. 72-53-1+ I.loved hy CouncilJ O""S 3ake'c< and Tink that thi s meetinG adjou'"'n. (//C(}~/,~ /. ~?'~~il'? / ~. . . . ,,;~~ oL. . . . ('~ Reeve ,dJ~ .L/) '.l~ .........~.......... Clerk. 72-5- "'", ,..... .~ i / -)-, 7~ - \:.!-)- -, ~ 72-)-'1,) 72-5- 72-5-0 72-5-9 72-5-10 72-5-11 - 72-5-12,13 7" c l~ ,~-)- ') 72- 5-15 HAHPTON, MAY 5, 1972. Darlinston Tmmship Conncil met in the Huni c'Lpal Bu'LldinC on t _is date, all l1embers present, RSGve DQ\m presidi.ng. Moved by Councillors Time and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held April 21, 1972, he adopted as read. I'loved by Dey,uty Reeve ",ickard and Councillor Baker that Road Accoc:nts for the month of April, 1972, in the amount of ,);;38,377.77, as approved by the ,'loads Conmi t tee, be paid. Hoved by Deputy Reeve iiicleard and Councillor Dallas, that the matter of i.ssuin::; a builc1ing permit to Austin Wood is referred to the 3uilrHng Inspector wi th authori ty to seele legal advice if found advisable. ~ 6. On motion a By-law to set rates of taxation in 1972 was given its several readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2497. Hoved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the following persons are appointed to the Board 0-' lIanagement for Base Line Com"luni ty Centre: Neil BrOlmell, Jack Horton, Alvin Hetcalf, Don Ila tc"-lf Fred -,'JriEht. Hoved by Councillor Dallas ::tnd Deputy Reeve Hickard that the Board of Han3.gement for Solin3. Comrmni ty Centre for 1972 shall be composed of the following: -",esley Hills, HI'S. ~'lm. Ashton, Clarence 'lray, Glenn \{cerry, Hoss Kossatz, Thos. :.la_ker, H. Bruce Tinl,. Hoved by C~JUncillor Dallas and Deputy Heeve ;:uckard that a propos3.l of Municipal Plan~ing Consultants Ltc., to conduct a Review of thj.s Township's Offidal Plan and Zoning 3y-law is accepted as outlined in a proposal from th3.t Conpany dated April 25, 1972. Jvlov",,(j by Couw~illors Tink and Baker that 3.pprov3.1 is hereby Eiven to James Coombes to establish a Camp according to a plan of the nroQertv submitted. . . . l':oved by Councillors Delllas 3.nd B3.ker that in the matter of a proposed plan of sub-division on the property of De3.n urills, part Lot 27, Con. 2, the Hinister 0" HuniciDal Aff.t'_irs :)e advised that the TO\"nshiu sUEgests that the ovmer be reqllired to COt:Je to agreement with the '. TOvInship to provide too t a sui t'lble d recine-cge ple.n be prep3. red by the Township's ~ngineers and sul)mitted to Council for approval, and ttnt the O\mer 3.grees to pay the TQ\mship' s legal and engineering costs in preparing the said plan and agreement. S: 111. On motion a 'y-len., to autho:-ize the conveyance of 13:1d was given its several readings and ordered sizned, sealed and numhered 21+98. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the second meeting 0:' each of the months of June, July, AUGust and September be held at 7 ~n p ., .:;. ,.' . v.... !,loved by Councillors Baker and 'rink this m-:eting adjourn. /; /' . /- . //,,?!.:.. . .'. / , /OL-C;. 7'" G,.t:{;-J{/ .L.. ~ .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ~:~v~ fl!.' /7~" . .. .. .. : .. ./; .2f.'.).~.. .. .. .. .. ./~. .. .. .. :.;LSF{[. HAMPTON, APRIL 21, 1972. 72-4'-1 Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers on t:lis date, all Hembers present, Reeve Dmm presiding. !-Joved b~' Council] ors Tink and Dallas that the minutes of the mEletings held April 7, and April 14, 1972, be adopted as read. l<loved by Council] ors Dallas and Tink tba t accounts for the month of Narch, 1972, as listed herevli tb, be pai.d: Salaries " 5 7r 6 72-1+ '-2 ;~ 2885.88 5279.47 1835'+ 3.45 16993.69 3709.60 5614.30 2561.86 110.1'5 General Roads ?Loads Pay List 'if 5 11 6 Program Pay ;~xpenses Spec. Acct. 2mply. Incentiv8 TOTAL _2;:;0698.~0 ;~j 72-4- -3 Hoved by Councillor Jak8r and Deputy {;,eeve Rickard that Totten,Sims,Hubicki Associates Ltd., are retained as ConsultinG 3ngineer for the Township for the year 1972. Hoved by Councillors Haker and Tink tba t the Hoae Superintendent is au tbori zed to proceed wi tL the purchase of land for road wi.e.ening purposes at the price of $750.00 per acrel Hovc"d by Councillor DS.llas and Deputy Reeve Rielmrd that the :'\oae Superintendent is authorized to purchase a Honarch Hodel 17 M.6 pump at $760.75. Hoved by C'mnci11ors Dcl]8s and Tink that the Road Committee ane the Road Superintendent are a 'pointed a Comcittee to study the status o~ the north part of KinG street, Ha:;;pton, as it is affected by the Zoning By-law. Hoved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the follm.ring are appointed to the Board of !"anagement for Tyrone ComIuni ty Centre and for Tyrone Community Park: 3ernhard Heming, Grenville 3yam, Leslie Goble, Terry Clifton, Alf KnO\vlton~, .nva Byam, John 'dood, ;'Jalter Park, Ralph Jovrers, Nurr'ay 1.eo, G.B.3ickard and Graham Dallas. Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to execute a release from the Agreement with the o,mers of the Gold stein Sub-di vi s ten. !.loved by Deputy !\eev8 ;lickard and Councillor JakeI' that Russell De Cae is appointed Consultant to the BuildinG Inspector's Department, wi th a;~ thori ty t::J issue all permi ts now being issued by the 3uilding Inspector, and to make inspections and carry out all duties now being carried out by the duilding Inspector. Hoved by Councillors dal:er and Tink that thi..s reeeting . 72-lt'-L. 72-4 -5 72_1c -6 7:-1, -7 72-4, -8 72-1+, -9 72-4(-10 adjourn. / I / '- t{?,{_ " ~~i)L / . .~~ . .. '-I'.. .. . . . . . . . .. . R~..;t~VE /il fI ~ . . .. ~/. . . . ~~.. .. . . . . . . CLERK. HAliPTON, APRIL 14, 1972. Darlington Tm-/nshi.p Coundl met in the Coundl Chambers this eveninE:,Deputy Reeve Rickard presi.ding, Councillors Tink, Baker and Dallas present. 72-1 1 Hoved b:,' Councillors Tink and 3alrer tho. t the Department of Lands and Forests be requested to inspect the Township's Tollgate Hill Forest to see if improvements should be made. 72-1~ 2,3 & 4. On motions as filed a ,~-law to amend 5f-law 2111 and to repeal Jy-law 2471 was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2495. 72-L! 5,6 & 7. On motions as filed a Jy-lo.vr to amend Jy-lavT 2282 was ,'iven its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2496. 72-1I-J 8 Noved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that a proposal for a new street lighting system for Hampton, be presented to the public at a time to be arranged by the Reeve and Clerk. 72-113 9 Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that l1unicipal Planning Consultants Ltd. be requested to prepare a proposal for review of the Township's Official Plan and Zoning Jy-law. 72-IB 10 Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that all correspondence not otherwise dealt wit-Ii be received and filed. 72-15 11 Moved by CouncillorJIBaker and Dallas that this meeting adj ourn . AI F' . c#' ,:/// ~... .c:... ~./:~/ R,~EVE 7' ~'4 p/ ,', ., /// ':t ~j A,d_J::.~ '.' _~., . ,/..J ... ....~...... ''f~.......... CLERK Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, a+1 Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that the minutes of the meeting held Harch 17, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and l~ker that Road Accounts for Harch, 1972, in the amount of $16,993.69, as approved by the Road Comrnittee, be paid. Hoved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a Tender submitted by Harnden and Kine Construction Ltd., for supply and application of D.H.a.Prime, supply and application of sand, supply and appli ca tion of liqui.d petroleum asphalt '1.;3.1 K, and su;'ply, spread and roll 3/8 chips, is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subject to the approval of the Jepartment of Transportation and Communications. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that, in the matter of tenders submitted for supply of a power loader, it is the opinion of this Council that the tender submitted by Equipment Sales and Service (1968) Ltd., is the lowest tender that meets Tovmship speCifications, therefore the tender to supply a Trojan Loader Model 1700 at $22,105.00, submitted by Equipment Sales and Service(1968) Ltd., is accepted as tendered, subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and CorF:uni ca ti ons. Moved by Councillors Ti~~ and Baker that approval is hereby given to the Local :3ranch of the Canadian Cancer Society to conduct a canvass in this Township during the month of April 1972. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Darlington Park is hereby authorized to use the Township Disposal Area in 1972 at a fee of $200.00 per year. 72-4- Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that a .Lesolution of Darlington Planning Board dated March 23, 1972, is received and that James Coombes be notified that upon submission of a suitable site plan the requested approval will be forthcomi.ng. 72_L_ &9 On motion as filed, a :3y-law to amend By-law 2111 was rea~ a first and second time and referred to Council's next m()eting for final consideration. 72_1+ 1 72-4 2 72-4 3 72 _1, 4 72-1,- 0 HAMPTON, APRIL 7, 1972. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adjourn. c~' , I " /. / / ~ ~.< / ...... ..-;/~(~.. hEEVE / - - J!! '~ - ,.. . /,/ . I , L). 7;.. {~~}L'lL--- ........... ...,... ......... CLERK HAHPTON, MARCH 17, 1972. 72-33 1 72-3 2 DarlinEton Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all nembers present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held P~rch 3, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that accounts for the month of February, 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 'il 3 #4- $ 24-56.06 3182.37 15761. 97 774-3.56 4-083.80 4-063.25 1786 .]0 _9.5._9L 39177.97 General Road s Roads Pay # 3 'if 4- t'rogram Payroll Expenses List i Incentive -- 72-3B-2 TOlAL Hoved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that a Hepprt of a Committee of the Whole Council dated FebruB.ry 19, 1972, is adopted by this Council. (See Attached.) Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that Hr. John Liptay Jr. be advised that the ComrILi.ttee of Adjustment is the only body thB.t has authority to consent to the division of land. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that the Clerk is instructed to appeB.r at a HearinE of the Ontario Municipal Board on April 4-, 1972, to represent this Township in the matter of an appeal by the Township of Cavan against the 1970 Squalized Assessment. Hoved by Councillor Jaker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Tenders for gravel crushing in 1972 be received and opened. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that .lenders for the supply of a Power Loader be received and opened. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a Tender for supply of a 4 wheel drive loader received after the closing date, be returned, unopened. Moved by Deputy heeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the tender for gravel crushing submitted by Robert Young is accepted at unit prices as tendered, subj ect to the approval of the Departm,mt of Transportation and Com71unications. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that a decision on the tenders submitted for supply of '1 nrj',Js'" l~~r1er, be deferred pending consultation with the Dept. of Transportation and Comounications. Moved by Deputy Heeve Rickard and Councillor ~aker that the attached statement of proposed addi tiemal roads expenditure is hereby adopted by this Council. - Moved by Councillor 3a!:er and fleputy Reeve Rickard that the Road Superintendent is authorized to purchase a mower from Morrow Farm Equipment Ltd., at $945.00. , 14- On motLms as filed a BY-la\. tr) amend BY-law 2194- ;las given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-91. ,17 & 18. On motions as filed, a "Jy-law to appoint a Weed Inspector was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2492. 72-3B-l , 20 & 21. On moti-Jns as filed a BY-law to authprize the closing and conveyance to abutting owners of a forced road was given its several readings, Signed, sealed and numbered 24-93. 72-33-2 ,23 & 24- On motions as filed a BY-law to authorize the closing and sale to abutting owners of a forced road was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 24-94. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this meeting adjourn. 72-3B- 72 - 3 3- $ 72-33- 72-3B- 72-33- 72-33-:. 72-33- 72-33-10 72-33-1 72-3B-l 72-33-1 & 15 72-33-1 -e /' ~' / I i / , 7. /, __ / L .. rt:.z,-: ';'/' : d-:<a<---:-; . REEVE '7 ~/'C /- / _ P{/, "'. .J' ::::-..x, "e'- ccv,_- ... ~~(......~(... ........-. CLERK. A. L. BLANCHARD RE:EYE W. E. RUNDLE CLEFiK-TREASURER TELEPHONE 263-2231 If7L F, N 4", t: E ((0 M. J<1 ~~. ~.,... HAMPTON, ONTARIO ~'Nurc{ hA~,U 1~7~ ( IN Rh/'C') " UL--~ . e ",,& ~-, -~- TOWNSHIP OR DARLINGTON FEBRUARY 19. 1972. REPOET OF COWHTTEE OF THE HEOlE The Committee of The Viho1e is pleased to present the following: 1. 'That the members of Council attending Special Da~' meetings be paid an allowance of $25.00 per day and $0.10 per mile. 2. Member of council delegated to attend Conventions, when authorized by ./ Council be paid f,'.25.00'per day plus $0.10 per mile (round trip) Registration Fee, Meals and Hotel or Motel expenses. 3. Each Member of the Committee of Adjustment for Darlington Township be paid $150.00 per year. 4. The normal retirement age for employees of the Twonship shall be 65 years, provided that Council may direct that exemption be made to this rule, deemed expedient. 5. Salaries as per attached Schedules "A" & "B". . 6. That hourly rated personnel be paid time and one-half for hours worked in excess of 45 hours per week in winter months (November to April inclusive) and 50 hours per week in summer months (May to October inclusive). 7. Employees shall be entitled to the following VaGtion Time: 2 weeks after 1 year service 3 weeks after 10 years service 4 weeks after 20 years service 8. Accumulative Sick leave increased to a maxL~um of 200 days. 9. 50% of Fringe Benefits paid by the Township. 10. Employees to be given (8) Eight Statutory !~lidays per year. These days .T are as follows: 1. Few Years Day 2. Good Friday 3. Victoria Day 4. Dominion Day 5. Givic Holiday 6. Labour Day 7. Thanksgiving Day 8. Christmas Day /~ \ (<'.:JA.IC"I"~ .. C;j,/-,j. /173) ~.. ....-,.",y-:...".:;--.- .. .. SCHEDULE ~ February 19, 1972. Report of Committee of The Whole for Salary of Township Staff Clerk/A~T.inistrator $11,600.00 Treasurer 10,400.00 6,600.00 Deputy Dlerk . Building Inspector & By-Law Enforcement Officer 8,800.00 Clerk/Typist. 4,500.00 Cp~irman of theGPmwittee H. Bruce Tink < ~. !-~...-;. --.-'~.- ^ .t "SCFEDULE "A" --- FebrUary 19, 1972. Report of Committee of the l'ihole for l'iage Schedule for Road Department Road Superintendant $11,600.00 per year Foreman 3.40 per hour . Operators 3.15 per hour Labourers 2.50 per hour .:-- Part Time 2.35 per hour Chairman of the Committee H. Bruce Tink FORM OB-MR-28 THE CORPORA nON OF THE 017 DAtUl, GTOl'l TO,:JWHIP STA TEMENT OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC TRANSPOR TA TION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 19 72 (A) ROADS AND STREETS TOTAL ESTIMATED COST SUBSIDY 1. CONSTRUCTION LOCA TION Lots 21&22 Cone. Lots 1 -20, Cone 2 72- Lots 9 & 10 Cone 3 72-27S Lots 18&19 Cone.2 72-235 Lots 30&31, Cone 4 72-214 Lots 24&25, Cone 6 NA TURE OF WORK ,'e-Construct Re-Construct Re-Construct S'Jrfaee Trwitoent 2 coats Land Acquisition, Cls2ring Surtaee Trfc',tment SUB-TOTAL (A) e 000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 8,000.00 ,+00.00 , 00.00 36,800.00 (B) STRUCTURES LOCA TION TYPE OF STRUCTURE Counties - List Bridges not on County Roads on Reverse Side of Form. SUB- TOTAL (B) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCnOK 000.00 000.00 47,800.00 Z. MAINTENANCE (A) Roadside Maintenance (B) Hard Top Maintenance (C) Loose Top Maintenance (D) Winter Control (E) Safety Devices SUB-TOTAL (A) TO (E) (F) Bridge and Culvert Maintenance (G) County Contributions to Urban Improvement (Counties only) (H) Overhead (Maximum 7% in Urban Municipalities) II (I) Public Transportation --~ TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE 4 000.00 2, 00.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 2,700.00 2,200.00 18,400.00 000.00 1 00.00 23,900.00 GRAND TOTALS 147,800.00123,900.001 I hereby certify that the above statement of proposed expenditures has been adopted by resolution of the Council of the CorpoJ;Q.tiqp of the Township of lJar.l.lngton Ma.cb 17th., 1972 Date .4/ ;.{' ;{3-,..~~--& Clerk of the Municipality NOTES: (1) Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that the total of Items I(A) to I(C) inclusive bears to the total of Items Z(a) to Z(G) inclusive. 7% Overhead does not apply to Item Z(1) Public Transporta tion. (Z) If insufficient room use reverse side of form. Form No. OD-MB-27 THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCA TION OF SUBSIDY MONEYS FOR THE YEAR 19 72 Pursuant to The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the rJ~"lil, whIr ~.:i. ....., =~J';'J 01\' of hereby requests a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for work On roads and bridges under its jurisdiction as follows: $ 23,900.00 for Construction, and $ for Maintenance, in the Total Amount of $ 23,90:).00 The said moneys shall be expended On work performed in accordance with The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. A detailed statement of proposed expenditures is attached hereto. This request for a supplementary application of subsidy moneys has been authorized by Resolution of the Municipal Council of TO\olnship of Darlington under date of March 17th., 19 72 / (SEAL) {! <{ ?I;~~;'h/ (MA YOR OR REEVE) '/1 ~ (l'J,~/.{ -<~~C{('{C -~- (CLERK) HAHPTON, !>LUGH 3, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Baker, Tink and Dallas present. 72-3-1 Hoved by Councillors Tink and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held February 18, 1972, be adopted as read. 72-3-1. Hoved by Councillors Baker and Tink t:~: j road accounts for the month of February, 1972, in the amount of $774 3. 5'b'~s:,{ approved by the Hoads Committee be paid. 72-3-3 Hoved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this m'eting adjourn. .~ ' !. "0, / ;' / / . /1/.] / ,/ /' ,"c:. ,~:~-:.~ c<< :: . REEVE ... .~<<-t;~.~~ CLERK. 72-2-1 72-2-2 72-2-3 72-2-1.,,5 72-2-7 72-2-8 72-2-9 72-2-10 72-2-11 72-2-12 72-2-13 72-2-14 72-2-15 72-2-16 .. r~ ." !' " HA:,PTON, F:;;:lHUA3Y 18, 1972. _ " l, j... " DarlinGton Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Down presiding, all Members present. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held January 21, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that accounts for the month of January 1972, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries $ 2436.06 3099.33 5489.90 8716.88 3656.20 3306.90 2054.70 15:8.82 289l..B....Z't # 1 # 2 General Roads Roads Pay List # 1 # 2 Program " Payroll Expenses Special-- Incentive " $ that the forced road Lot 13, Concession 10, TOTAL Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink described as Part 2, R.D.plan 56, being part of be closed and conveyed to abutting owners. & 6. On motions as filed a By-law to provide for licensing and registration of dogs and for regulating the running at large of animals was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2490. Moved by Deputy Reeve rtickard and Councillor Baker that this Council petition the Ontario Department of Transportation and Coomunications for payment of the balance of 1971 sUbsidy. Moved by Deputy J{eeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the Road Superintendent is hereby authorized to prepare specifications and tender forms and to advertise for tenders for items provided for in the 1972 Road program. The Reeve appointed Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas a Committee to investigate all matters pertaining to the possible construction of an arena. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that a grant be made to South Ontario Agricultural Society of $25.00. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the Reeve or his Appointee and the Deputy Reeve are appoiQted to attend the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Convention ~t Ottawa, June 18-21, 1972. Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Rickard that a matter referred to Council by Mr. J. Coombes, is referred to Darlington Planning Board for a recommendation. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard, that Municipal Planning Consultants be asked to have a representative present at a joint meeting of Planning 30ard and Council to discuss a general review of the Township's Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that according to a request from the United Counties dated January 25, 1972, this Council shall call a meeting of the Council of Newcastle, Clarke, Bowmanville and Darlington at Darlington Council Chamber on March 15, 1972, at 7.30 P.M. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve rtickard that the attached statement of proposed expenditure is hereby adopted by thie Council. Moved by CounCillors Tink and Baker that all correspondence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adj ourn. /? f;" Jc,..- . h//' .' .... ..~z:-..;~~L~~...... REEVE 7-.C:: ". //} ", . . . !f:i. . C!. ~:':~!~'---' CLERK. ~\-:.~ ... ,~ ~ ~ '" "',J; ,.. J ~ FORM OB-MR-26 THE CORPORATION OF THE 'lV,i.i>i.lr' OF jii.nLI ,lJ~U.~ STATEMENT OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 19 72 1. CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED COST (A) ROADS AND STREETS TOTAL SUBSIDY LOCA TION NA TURE OF WORK 10 A1J''':0;;A'~I:= SIG..,~.L P:.V:;: OTI;,: RE_C(j!'SThCC'.2 LAI;lJ ACQUISITIO!i, CL':"i.I!J}, :-T :Ci . J ),000.00 ;:>, 00.00 SUB- TOTAL (A) 97,400.00 48,700.00 (B) STRUCTURES LOCA TION TYPE OF STRUCTURE CULVEi,TS HUL'l'IP~i,l'E I,ll', , he:, Llu;: Cl:L'/[).'i 16 000.00 12 800.00 1 00:.00 1;:> 000.00 ;:>0 OOi).OO 16 000.00 Counties - List Bridges not on County Roads on Reverse Side of Form. 51,000.0040,800.00 SUB-TOTAL (B) r~ TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 8 400.00 10 COO.OO Z. MAINTENANCE . (A) Roadside Maintenance (B) Hard Top Maintenance (C) Loose Top Maintenance (D) Winter Control (E) Safety Devices SUB-TOTAL (A) TO (E) (F) Brid e and Culvert Maintenance (G) Count Contributions to Urban Improvement (Colmties only) (H) Overhead (Maximum 7% in Urban Municipalities) 10 (I) Public Transportation TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTALS ~39,100.0~85,000.0~ I hereby certify that the above statement of proposed expenditures has been adopted by resolutio of the uncil of the Corpor'}pipn oj ~ the of ~9 'Ir>':> . 'f-..eJ, / 8' /'~7 2- I .LV!' ~ Date Clerk of the Municipality NOTES: (1) Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that the total of Items I(A) to I(C) inclusive bears to the total of Items Z(a) to Z(G) inclusive. 7% Overnead does not apply to Item 2(1) Public Transportation. (Z) If insllfficiel1t room use reverse side of form. .-.-..... --.. <17--. ....-.,. l . ..- ......~-..... ~ 10'"' ~~ - -_IlL 1. CONSTRUCTION ESTIMA TED COST . (A) ROADS AND STREETS TOTAL SUBSIDY r LOCA nON . NA TURE OF WORK '72-1 MISCELl,ANEOUS Pl\EPAi'.EliHj PLA;J;,"E;'J'iI:,E,~:1 Uie 7.000 00 < . '100 .oc '72_?':l Lnh: 18-2() Cnr''' ? RE,I;CO;:'~ ;./~RC:';7 <0 000.00 1 '1. 000 . 0( 72-66 Lots 26-28 Conca 6 HE -COh ~ rR1J ,..;T 12.200.00 6. 1 00. OC 72-40 Lots 21-22. CO'lC. 'I HE_CCNS'.'RU::T <1.700.00 1 '1. e '10. OC . .. . . .. , ,- , . .. . . ' : . . . TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD TO PAGE 1 80,900.0C 40,4S0.0C (B) STRUCTURES LOC'A TION TYPE OF STRUCTURE SUB-TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD BRIDGES NOT ON COUNTY ROADS (COUNTIES ONLY) TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD TO PAGE 1 Hampton, January 21, 1972~ 72-1B-l Darlington Township Council met this day in the Municipal Building, Reeve Down presiding, Councillors Baker and Dallas present. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the minutes of the meeting held January 7, 1972, be adopted as read. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that accounts for the month of December, 1971, as listed herewith, be paid: 72-13-2 Salaries # 23 $ 2248.98 ;# 2l+ 3610.62 General 35'773.87 Road s 20917,80 Roads Pay List " 23 2476.41 'if ..j.i. 24 3376.05' rr -,.--. ..-.-- Sub. Total j,; 68403.73 Total 1865'.40 408.5") ~-20677.Q6_ Incentive Program Pay Roll Incentive Program Sxpense 72-13-3 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that a Grant of $15'0.00 be sent to the Salvation Army as in previous years. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adjourn. 72-113-4 ,/ / /:'CZ. ~(ft(/n/' L/:..~~.......... KlEVE ? ~ . ... 4:/o'.~.1 ~~~~~ CLERK. HAMPTON, JA~UAaY 13, 1972. -- Council met in Committee of the Whole on this date, Reeve Down presiding, Deputy Reeve Rickard, Councillors Baker and Dallas present. Mr. D. W. Maddocks, District Consultant, Youth and Recreation Branch, Department of Education, attended to advise the Township as to grants available to assist Recreation programs. Such grants appear to be available up to 25% of approved costs for maintenance, and with varied limits for salary of approved directors. Grants under the Community ventres Act were also discussed. The Clerk was instructed to obtain information 'as to costs etc., from Municipalities who have constructed arenas recently. The meeting adjourned at 9.45 P.M. W.E.Rundle. Clerk. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Reeve Down is appointed to the Central Ontario Joint Planning ~~q foy li~2. 72-1-13 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that Mr. ~ewltn..e4' d Mr. Ralph Hills are re-appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for Darlington Planning Area for a three year term to expire Jan. 1, 1975. 72-1-14 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Dallas that Councillors Tink and Baker are re-appointed to Darlington Planning Board for 1972. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that H.C.Muir, Roy McGill and Harold Balson are appointed to Darlington Planning Board for a three year term to expire Jan. 1, 1975. 72-1-16 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Tink that the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized to issue cheques in payment of wages and salaries on the second and seventeenth of each month at the rates set by Council , for road accounts approved by the Roads Committee, and for other accounts when due, provided that such accou,nts have been authorized by action of Council. 72-1-17 18 & 19 ' On motion a Bank By-law to authorize the borrowing for current expenditures was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2488. 72-1-20,21 On motion a By-law to impose a Tile Drainage rate on part of & 22. Lot 26, Con. 3, was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2489. Moved by Councillors Baker and Tink that this meeting adjourn. 72-1-1 72-1-2 72-1-3 72-1-4 72-1-5 72-1-6 72-1-7 72-1-8 72-1-9 72-1-10 72-1-11 72-1-11A 72-1-12 72-1-15 72-1-23 HAMPTON, JANUARY 7, 1972. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Down presiding. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the minutes of the meeting held December 17, 1971, be adopted as read. ' Moved by Councillors Tink and Dallas that Members of the Road Committee and any other Member of Council who wishes to attend are authorized to attend the Good Roads Seminar on February 21, 1972. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the annual fee of $20.00 to the Ontario Good Roads Association be paid. Moved by Councillors Tink and Baker that this Council endorses the petition of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board to the Province of Ontario for a fifty percent subsidy on the Board's annual budget. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Rickard that annual membership fee of $15.00 be paid to the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities and that the Reeve or his alternative be authorized to attend as a delegate. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Tink that the membership fee of $225.00 be paid to the Association of Ontario Municipalities. Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that correspondence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the abandoned part of forced road allowance that has become unused as a result of the opening of the Guideboard Dridge, be closed and conveyed to the abutting owners. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard and Councillor Baker that the Treasurer is authorized to issue cheques for Road Accounts for December, 1971, in the total amount of $27,422.14. ' Moved by Councillor Tink and Deputy Reeve Rickard that Richard Gibbs and Edgar James are appointed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Mr. Gibbs for a 1 year term, to expire Jan. 1, 1973, and Mr. James for a 2 year term to expire Jan. 1, 1974. Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that H.A.Barron is hereby appointed to the Board of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville~ for 1972. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rickard amd Councillor ~aker that Councillor Tink is hereby appointed to the Durham Coun~y Federation of Agriculture for 1972. {": / /%/; / 'C { ,--::'- . ct-t1./YL- .. ..~~...... .......... REI:SVE / /<::J;/1. ,:IJ/J1.Ut~Aj 2i~i:: &it;~;1!)" . . . . 'U '. .