HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-05 Minutes Hampton, January 5, 1973,
Darlington Township Council met i . Inaugural Session in the
Municipal Building on this day.
All. Members having subscribed to the Statuatory Oath of Office
Reeve Rickard introduced Rev. Mr. Johnson of Hampton who addressed Council
and offered prayer.
Deputy Reeve Tink expressed Council ' s appreciation to Mr. Johnson.
Council com*°.enced its January 5th. , 1973 Session, Reeve Rickard
presiding , all. "embers present.
73-1- -1 Moved by Councillors Dallas and 3aker that the minutes of the
meeting held December 15, 1972, be adopted as read.
7'3-1,_-2 Moved by Deputy Reeve Tink and Councillor Baker that Standing
Committees of Council for 1973 shall be:
Legislation _?c By-laws -- Tink, Dallas.
Finance -- Dallas , Tink.
Prop e�ty -- Wearn Baker
Roads -- Baker, Wearn.
The Reeve to sit ex officio on all Committees.
73-1A-3 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that Reeve Rickard is
appointed to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board.
73-1A-4A Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that all Boards of
Management for Community Centres in Darlington be asked to submit the
names of the persons that they would like to have appointed to their
73-1A-4B Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that payment
for 1973 wages and salaries shall, be made on Friday , January 5, 19735
for the period up to and including Wednesday) January 3, 1973, and on
every second Friday thereafter for the two-week period ending on the
viednesday preceeding such day, and that the Reeve and Treasurer are
authorized to issue cheques in payment of such wages and salaries , on
the days as set out above , at the rates set by Council for 1973, for Road
Accounts when approved by the 'oads Committee, and for other accounts
when due , provided that such accounts have been authorized by Council.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Tink and Councillor 'viearn that a By-law
be prepared for consideration at the next meeting of this Council
to set the time of future meetings of Council.
73-1A-6 A 'Iesolution was duly passed that the Reeve and Treasurer are
authorized to sign all. cheques on behalf of the Township of Darlington,
drawn on the General Account of the Township.
7'-1A-7 Moved by Deputy reeve Tink and Councillor Hearn that a
drainage problem brought before this meeting by Mrs. Sol, Part of Lot 2.1,
Concession 2 , be submitted to the Township' s Solicitor for advice, and
that hors. Sol will. be advised of Council ' s Decision.
73-1A-8 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the Council adopt
the recommednation of the Road Superintendents of Cartwright and
Darlington Townships re the Cartwright-Darlington Boundary.
73-11"i-9 Moved by Councillors -)'aker and Wearn that Mr. McAfee be informed
that Council has discussed his request and has decided that this is
a matter concerning him and the By-law Enforcement Officer,
73-14-10 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that Road Accounts for the
month of December 1972 , i"_ the amount of yl , 505.6 , as approved by the
Roads Committee, be paid.
73-1A-117 12 13. On motion a Ban-. By-law t- authorize the borrowing for current
e,:penditures was given its several read_ngs , signed , sealed and
numbered 2506.
73-1A-14 Moved by Deputy Reeve Tink and Councillor Wearn that subscriptions
to the Municipal 'dorld be ordered for iiembers of Planning Board ,
Committee of Adjustment , Council and for the Clerk, Treasurer,
Road Superintendent and 3uilding Inspector.
73-1 :-15 Moved. by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Tink that this
meeting adjourn.