HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/1973 . Res. 499 Res. 500 . Res. 501 . Res. 502 Res. 503 Res. 504 . ._~ #/1 MINUrES OF REGULAR OOUNCIL MEETING OCTOBERJ.1973. Meeting wafr held in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m. Present were Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Fred Couch, Frank Hoar and R. B. Rickard. minutes be Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the of meetings held on September 10, September 17 and October 2nd, approved as read. Carried. The By-law Officer is to be requested to make a report on the trailers in the Village. Mr. Lionel OwnsNorth of Peterborough, approached Council to rescind ~~eir motion concerning his property on the extension of Beaver St. This request was denied. In reply to two letters from E. R. Lovekin, re unopened street allowance adjacent to the property of Mr. & Mrs. E. Sutton, the Clerk was instr.cted to write to Mr. Lovekin that no property in that area is assessed to the Village of Newcastle. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Village make an application through the Canada Manpower Centre for a project ,under the Federal Local Initiatives Program, 1973-1974. Carried. Ontario Hydro advised that further meetings for discussion of the Le'lllox-Oshawa transmission line corridors would be held Oct. 9 at M. J. Hobbs Sr. Public School Hampton, October 10, Clarke High School and October 11 in Kendal Public School. Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs advised that the Resource Equalization grant for Newcastle would be $14,398.00 and the General Support payment would be $4,590.00 with an interim payment of $9,494.00 to be forwarded immediately. Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that a cost be obtained from the C.N.R. for installing properosignals on the crossing on Toronto St. Carried. Tne Clerk was instructed to answer Mrs. Fennell's letter to this effect. Letter from the Ministry of the Environment advised that the effective da te of the Agreement with the Village for Water Works proj ect #6-0212- 70 (Contract #1) would be October 1, 1973. Letter from Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re Consents Policy Rural Areas was referred to the Planning Board. Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs advised that Project No. CP-0145 - Firehall, under the Winter Capital Projects Fund was not approved. A request from the Newcastle Memorial Library for permission to use the space now occupied by the Municipal Office, if it is vacated, was referred to the new Regional Government. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the balance of the grant for the Community Hall Board, $4,520., be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. M. Brereton. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Rickard that the balance of the grant for the Newcastle Recreation Committee, $3,173.48, be sent to the Committee. Carried. Ministry of Community and Social Services advised that a grant of $4,250. had been authorized for the Newcastle Hall Community Centre for their project of an addition to the Hall. This letter and the attached forms were turned over to the Hall Board for completion. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hoar that accounts amounting to $40,495.45 be approved for payment. Carried. - Res. 505 . Res. 506 Res. 507 Res. 508 Res. 509 . Res. 510 Res. 511 . . MINUTES OF REGULAR COm~CIL MEETING OCTOBER 9. 1973 Page 2. Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Couch that the report of the Building Inspector, 5 permits for $52,925. for the month of September be received. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Clerk be authorized to apply for interim payment of the Road Subsidy for 1973, on a total expenditure of $16,959.03. Carried. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with Totten, Sims, Hubicki associates Limited, for updating and revising the Planning Study and Official Plan for the Village of Newcastle. Carried. Clerk was instructed to advertise that the Village would revert to Eastern Standard time on October 27th. Movod by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the request for the closure of the road allowance between lots 24 and 25 Village and the Township of Clarke, from Jack JJacobsen Construction Limited be denied. Carried. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that Mrs. Joyce Stephensons request for an increase to $2.65 per hour be granted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that the Village purchase a wreath to be placed at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Carried. Clerk was instructed to place an advertisement in the local paper concerning the Remembrance Day service in the Village. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ... ~..<</w.d. .tf'.~~ ~1 / Reeve!" <.~.7 ';;;/-2 ~ . cI:;;~-:\-' ~.~~ .- Hj;" ~/ 8IPTEMBER ACCOUNTS 1973 . PAID Newcastle Fire Dept. (Fire school) Newcastle Bowling Committee (advance North-Durham Cnty Bd. of Ed. (Requ.) PV-:ND R.C. Sep!trate School Bd. II J. L. Stephenson - By-law Off. Joyce Stephenson - Office Gertrude Gray - Clerk'sSalary H. S. Britton - Pension Receiver-General - Deductions S. DeJong - Bldg. Inspector G. Gray, Petty Cash Newcastle P.D.C. -street lights Newcastle Garage - Fire Dept. Bastmans Gulf - Fire Dept. Safety Supply Co. - Fire Dept. Newcastle Fire Dept. - Misc. G. Gray - Mileage $ 500.00 1600.00 28034.50 458.00 69.64 90.25 503.28 200.00 147.14 73.00 19.86 245.42 9.90 10.03 10.00 15.00 3.~8 $31,994.8) UNPAID ACCOUNTS . Office Bell Canada Cooks Office Equipment The Reporter Fire Depart ment Bell Canoaa Bell Canada King Seagrave Lts. Roads Harnden & King Property Wal ter Bryant Newcastle P.U.C. - street light maintenance August & September $ )).14 5.77 6.00 $ 44.91 $ 5.99 52.38 32.47 $ 90.84 $7198.49 155.00 332.68 TOTAL UNPAID ACCOUNTS TOTAL ACCOUNTS $ 7.821.92 $39.816.75 -. Additional Accounts Roads - H. Couch W. Couch $128.50 **"2.00 170.50 Property - H. Couch W. Couch $156.00 39.00 195.00 Garbage - H. Couch maintaining dump 300.00 W. Couch 13.20 313.20 678.70 $40.495.45