HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/1973
Res. 432
Res. 433
HEs. 434
Res. 435
Res. 436
Res. 437
Res. 438
Res. 439
Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m.
Present were Reeve Gray, Cuuncillors Keith Barr, Fred Couch,
Frank Har and R. B. Rickard.
Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr that the minutes
of meeting of July 9 and July 12 be approved as read. Carried.
Douglas Walton approached Council on behalf of the Newca~tle Cenotaph
Committee stating that they wished to turn over to the Vlllage the
stone, flagpole, sidewalk etc., but that the Committee would continue
to maintain it.
Moved by Councillor Hear, seconded by C~uncillor Couch that the Cenotaph
be recognized as Village Property. Carried.
Mrs. Guy Dallaire spoke to Cuuncil regarding the permanent trailers
in Waltona Park.
The following letters were received and filed:
Tnank you from R. B. Rickard; Ministry of Transportation and Communications
advising that interim subsidy on roads would be received; Ministry of
Treasury, Economics and Intergovennmental Affairs advising that Mr.
Scott Sommerville had resigned as Municipal Financial Advisor for this
area and would be replaced by Mr. Paul Spears and Mr. Wm Tumasz of
the Orillia Office; W rkmens Compensation Board --re additional
coverage available; Ontario Hydro, Lennox-Oshawa study area enclosing
map of the route of the corridors; Association of Municipalities
of Ontario re conference Tvronto Aug. 19 to 22; Association of Ontario
Housing Authorities conference Ottawa October 21-23; Ontario Municipal
Board to Ministry of the Environment (copy:- granting approval of
amendment to July 14 1971 order, reducing the sewage sur~charge from
295% to 210%; Ministry of the Environment re water works Programme
#b-0212-70 - contract for well construction; copy of letter from Ministry
of Environment to Ontario Municipal Board requesting ~uthorization
for the Village to enter intoa final agreement covering Contract #1
for Water Project at an estimated final cost of $17,810.; Kilborn
Engineering re Planning Study;
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Cuuncillor Barr that the
account from Kilborn Engineering $4,000. , for the Water Feasibility
Report, be sent to Mr. Donald Kerr, President of Mississauga City
Real Estate Limited. in accordance with Res. 345 Carried.
Moved by Cvuncillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr tbat
accounts amounting to $47,845.91 be approved for payment. Carried
Moved by Councillor Hvar, seconded by Councillor Barr that the
Reports of the Fire Department, Building Inspector -- 8 permits
total value, $160,954 - and the Report of the District Health
Unit be accepted. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by C.uncillor Hoar that
taxes amounting to $340.09 business tax arrears from 1967 on
Roll 335 - Woodland Products - be cancelled as uncollectible Carried.
The United Counties Buidelines concerning Development Adjacent to
County Road was received and a copy referred to the Planning Dept
Ques~ionnaires f:om the Northumberland-Durham County Land Division
Comllllttee regardlng separations of property for Don Lake. Shoreline
Properties and Grant Cooper were completed.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the
C~e:k and Councillor Barr investigate what action can be taken
to lmpose a lot levy on new lots created when separation occurs. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Hoar that Council
approve Ruby Brunt's application for severance of her property on Church
Street as described in Resolution #97 of the Planning Board. Carried.
Res. 440
Res. 441
Res. 442
~. 443
Res. 444
Res. 445
Res. 447
Res. 448
Res. 449
Res. 450
Page 2.
M,ved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Counci~~or Couch that Resolution
#$93 of the Planning Board for separation of 75' frontage x 525' depth
from the property of Mr. H. Jose, for sale to en~~rge the property of
Newell Lumber to 2 acres, on King St. E. be given favourable consideration
Res. 94 that the Council complete questionnaire from the Ministry of the
Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re Shorelin~ Properties
Limited was not approved pending the passing of the Zoning by-law.
Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr that Res. 95
of the Planning Board that they not approve a building permit for
Mr. L. Ownsworth until such time as he has had the necesary extension
of Beaver St. constructed as a road to the specification of the Department
of Transportation and Communications, including ditches, and has had
installed full services, water and sewers to his property, all the
foregoing antirely at his expense and the proper agreement in writing,
be affirmed. Carried
M,)ved by CQuncillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor HJar that Res. 96
of the Planning Board that the Subdivision Agreement be amended to
include the legal changes indicated by our Solicitor M. Kelly and D Barber
and that copies be printed with one printed copy to be sent to Mr. P. Roussell
at the Ministry for perusal and comment, be approved Carried
Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that Res. 101
of the Planning Board that Council give favourable consideration to
Mr. Wood's request for a lot separation on his property at the N.E
corner of Emily and Baldwin. The lot to be separated is at the nortn
end of the property and the size would be 66' x 99'. This is subject
to Mr. Wood providing Village Council with all the necessary documents,
lot plans etc. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that Res. 102
of the Planning Board that favourable consideration be given to granting
Mr. Hill's request for a building permit for a permanent home at
his property on Lakeshore Road. This matter is subject to the provision
that Mr. Hill have the necessary documents completed by the Health Dept.
and that he supply the requirements of the Building Inspector. The house size
is to be not less than 1500 square feet ground floor area. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by CounciIbr Hoar that Planning
Board Res. 103 that Council immediately amend the Building By-law to
show the minimum floor area increased from 1000 to 1200 square feet,
be approved. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to draw up a by-law to this effect.
Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that Council
adopt the amendments made to the restriced area by-+aw made by the
Planning Board as Res. #105. Carried.
Letter from McComiskey & Atkinson re Milani & Milani Was received and
Moved by Councillor HGar, seconded by Councillor Barr that Council
attend a joint meeting of Council and Planning Board to be held August
23, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Couch that the lease
for the Fire Hall be renewed with Bell Canada for $1.00. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk
write to Gulf Oil re extending the oil contract from Sept. 1, 1973 to
1974, Sep-t. 1. """~~"<l}.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hoar that trailer
by-law 799 be enforced and the Clerk write to Mrs. Dallaire that
the permanent trailers in the Trailer Park, Waltona, be removed.
Mr. H. Bouwhuis and Mrs. H Mercer spoke to Council regarding the
separation of a lot at the rear of the property of Mr. Harry Mercer
on Church st. Council concurred with Planning Board's recommendations
on this matter.
Res. 451
.es. 452
Res. 453
Res. 454
Page 3.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that
Councillor Barr be appointed to replace Reeve Gray on the Steering
Committee for R~gional Government. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the
Parking section of traffic By-I'M 803 be amended to eliminate
angle parking on King and Mill and Church Sts. Carried.
Clerk was instructed on motion of Councillor Rickard, seconded by
Councillor Hoar to write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce giving
permission for a Beer Garden on the West Side of the Community Hall
on September 15, 1973. Carried.
Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Stan Gujda regarding the tenants
in his property on King St. East.
Letter to be written to Allan Lawrence, M.P. that no action has
yet been begun on the Breakwaters at Newcastle harbour. Also
that Newcastle wishes to be included in a federal program of
dredging of small boat harbours.
Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that
the meeting adjourn. Carried.
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Re~;~c"'~' .~
Joyce Stephenson - Office Salary
Gertrude Gray - Clerks Salary
J. L. Stephenson - Weed Insp. By-law Off.
S. DeJong - Building Inspector
H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension
Receiver-General Deductions
Coupon & Debenture Account - By-law 682
Can. Imp. Bank of Comm. - Certificates
Newcastle Recreation Committee
Alfred Gray - Expenses re Meeting
Frank Hoar - Mileage
Gerorude Gray - Mileage
Ganaraska Conservation Authority
Last P,st Fund
$ 33.63
141. 80
Bell Canada
Singer - Machine Rental
Harold Couch
William Couch
C. N. R. - Maintenance
Harnden & King
Fawcett Metal Products
42.80 $ 55.51
8.50 $ 207.32
1,522..lJ 2,617.24
24.GO 350.00
13.20 13.20
269.76 515.18
Fire Department
Bell Canada
Bell Canada June & July
Glanvilles Store
Newcastle Garage
Newcastle Fire Dept. June & July
Albert Naylor - Mileage
Dick Biersteker - Mileage
The G. B. Co. - equipment
Jim Stephenson - weed cutting
Wm. Couch
Garbage - Wm. Couch
Street Lights
July P.U.C.
P.U.C. Maintenance June & July
Bowmanville - Dog Control
Frank Cowan Limited - Arena Ins.
$ 4,008.77