HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/09/1973 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 9. 1973. Meeting was held in the Council Chamber at 8 P.M. ... Ifes. 343 Present were Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Keith Barr, Fred Cou~~, Frank Hoar and R. Brenton Rickard. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the minutes of meetings held March 12, 15, 19 and April 3 be adopted as read. Carried. Letters were read from Allan Lawrence, M.P., J. J. Maingot for the Minister of Public Works and Norm Ca:ik, M.P. for Ontario Riding, acknowledging the Village letters re Breakwaters. Letter from the Lions Club confirming that the Lions would assist with the house numbering plan in Newcastle. Resources Canada advised that there were now new regulations for purchasing fireworks. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy to the Lions Club stating that they supported their fireworks display and advising them of the new regulations. The Requisition from the Northumberlawi and Durham County Board of Education for $112,138 for 1973 was received and noted. -. The Clerk waa instructed to write the Ministry of Treasury, ~onomics and Intergovernmental affairs that because of a lack of sewers and water being available to the property, the Plan, their file #17T-23530 (Strathben Investments Ltd.) be withheld from circulation at this time. A letter from the C.N.R. acknowledged Councils request for action to improve the C.N.R. Overpass on Mill St. S. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. W. R. Rodgers, Archives of Ontario, that Council suggests a free standing plaque (historical) to commemorate the late Juseph Atkinson, and that the date of unveiling be Sunday, August 5, 1973. Res. 344 Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Barr that the Canadian Cancer 60ciety be authorized to canvass in the Village of Newcastle during the month of April. Carried. Department of Transportation and Communications advised that they were unable to approve the request for a Crossover at the corner of Arthur St. and #2 Highway. They felt that the traffic volume did not warrant a pedestrian crossover at this point. .. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advised that they will now accept and pay invoices for services rendered by Fire Departments on their right~-way or property. The designation of the Village under the Equalization of Industrial Opportunity Program of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism was extended to June 30, 1973. Acopy of a letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services stating that the restriction limiting grants under the Community Centres Act to Municipalities under 25,000 population is to be sent to the Community Hall BOdrd. Res. 345 Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that Council authorize Kilborn Engineering to conduct a feasibility study for a water supply system in Newcastle at the expense of Donald Kerr, President of Mississauga City Real Estate Limited, the cost not to exceed $4,000. Carried. Res.346 Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that accounts amolnting to $60,877.69 be approved. Carried. ,I Res. 347 Letters from Ministry of Natural Resources, Associations of Municipalities of Ontario and Milani & Milani Holdings Limited, were received and filed. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Counci]nr Hoar that reports of the Fire Department and Building Inspector be accepted. Carried. ea. 348 Res. 349 Res. 350 Res. 351 ~. 352 Res. 353 Res. 354 Res. 355 ..356 II !- MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD APRIL 9. 1973 Page 2. A yritten complant yas received regarding building permits for renovations to the property of Thos. J. Huzar and Stanley Gujda at the corner )f King and Mill St. Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Barr that an ad be placed in th.,) Neycastle Reporter noting that By-lay 72-14 requires a building permit for neY buildings, re-erection of old buildings, accessory buildings, garages and alterations and (or) additions to existing buildings on all commercial industrial and residential properties. That on v,;,,,lation of the Building By-lay penalties yill be imposed. This motion yas defeated. Moved by Councillor Rickard seconded by Councillor Hoar that James L. Stephenson be hired as By-lay Officer and Weed Inspector for the balance of 1973 at a salary of $70.00 a month. Carried. Councillor Barr declared his conflict of interest in the matter of Insurance Commissions and left the room. Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that Frank Coyan Co. Ltd. be advised that the commission on the Village Insurance be distributed as folloys: Keith Barr 70%, Nelson Osborne 30%. Carried. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that Councillors Barr and Hoar look into the possibility of building a fire hall and call a meeting to discuss same. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Treasurer be authorized to invest the perpetual care funds from Bond Head Cemetery, $6,040., yiththe Public Trustee. Carried. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Barr that Council approves of the purchase of the R. L. and B. M. Stephenson property for a price of $875. for road purposes and that the Village solicitor dray up the deed for same. Carried. Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that Council adopt the statement of proposed expenditures, $6,003. for Road Construction and request a supplementary subsidy on this amount. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr that the Chamber o~ Commerce be. authorized to negotiate for an ill~inated sign in the Vlllage. Carrled. The Clerk Yas.instructed to yrite to Mr. Reg. LeGresley advising him that som~ act70n must be taken to clean up his property on Boulton Street, lmmedlately. If no action is taken by April 30th the Health A~thorities yill be notified. ' Moved hy Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ~~,R..~ Ree~ - - --'--6 IA ,/', . -, - )(._/ v-x."r " ' " , .r..{,-:4~-h""'f~T-.'{"'-~, ....... Clerk /7 i/ MARCH ACCOUNTS - 1973 PAID ACCOUNTS .. Prov.- Municipal Incenttve Program Joyce Stephenson - Office Gertrude Gray - Clerk's Salary H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Sierd deJong - Building Permits Receiver-General - Deductions K. Gorman Sheriff - Tax registrations Registrar - Tax Registr&tions CAn. Imp. Bank of Commerce - Inv. Cert. Receiver-General - Postage North- Durham Bd. of Ed. - Requistion Coupon & Debenture Acct. - By-law 733 P.U.C. - Maintenance UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Grand & Toy Bell Canada Cooks Office Equip. service contnact . Fire Department Bell Canada Rickards Fuels Roads Leland Payne William Couch Harcld Couch Bennett Paving Ci ty of Oshawa Property Newell Lumber Newcastle Cement Block Harold Couch William Couch Garbage William Couch Harold Couch - maintenance of dump . Incentive Program - Goodes Hdwe Sidewalks - Peter deJong Legal - Barber & Kell y Street Light Maintenance - P.U.C. Local Grants - Memorial Library . ~, $1,200.71 103.50 492.18 200.00 63.00 375.35 2.25 26.00 25,000.00 22.96 28,034.50 1,720.00 483.68 $ 3.40 18.43 69.58 $ 49.48 20.58 $897.75 201. 00 354.00 83.74 22.37 9.07 15.60 30.00 18.00 16.50 400.00 $57,724.13 $ 91.41 70.06 $1,558.86 72.67 416.50 16.48 25.00 75.00 127.58 700.00 Unpaid accounts $ 3.153.56 $60.877.69 TOTAL ACCOUNTS -