HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/1973
Res. 320
Res. 322
Res. 323
Res. 324
Res. 325
Res. 326
Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m.
Present were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Keith Barr, Fred Couch,
Frank Hoar and R. B. Rickard.
Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr that the,minutes
of meeting held on February 12, 1973, be adopted as read. Carrled.
Notice of Fire School to be held in Cobourg in September was read. Councilor
Hoar reported the Newcastle Fire Department would be sending representatives
to this School.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Couch that the 1973
levy for the Ganaraska Conservation ~uthority, $2,337. be accepted and
paid in two instalments, one half at the end of June and one half at the
end of December. Carried.
A letter from the Ontario Humane Society regarding a Regional Animal
Shelter in Hamilton Townshipwas read. The clerk was instructed to answer
that Council will give this proposal consideration but do not wish to
appoint a representative at this time.
Letter from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
they will be required to Invoice the Village for $8,929. paid
required for widening #2 Highway within the Connecting link.
invoiced over two years.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Barr that
approach Mr. L. Stephenson regarding purchase of his property
for the Road widening. Barried.
the Reeve
stated that
for property
TIlis can be
Since United Counties requested that each Municipality appoint a Weed
Inppector at this time, if they did not already have one,
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Hoar that an ad be
placed in the Reporter for two consecutive weeks, advertising for a
Weed Inspector and a separate ad be placed for two consecutive weeks,
advertising for a By-Law Officer. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Huar, seconded by Councillor Barr that Councillor
Couch investigate the need for a street light on Boulton street in front
of the property of Mr. R. I. Cartwtight and the area north of the C.P.R.
overpass on North street, and if lights were needed he was to instruct
the P.U.C. to install same. Carried.
Letter from Allan Lawrence, M.P. reporting that the plans for assisting
with the Breakwaters at Newcastle had been shelved by the Federal Government
for1973 Was read.
Moved by Councillor Huar, seconded by Councillor Barr that Council strongly
express their disapproval of the Governments action in this regard since
the delay in putting in these breakwaters is holding back development
in this area. Carried.
A meeting was arranged to gather information to back Councils request
for immediate action on this project.
Ministry of the Environment stated that the estimated date of commencement
of operation of the Water Project 6-0212-70 (New well north of C.P.R. Subway)
was October 1, 1973 and estinated that the amount due from the Village
for 3 months operations would be $3,856.00.
Moved by Councillor Rickard,seconded by Councillor Barr that a meeting
be arranged with Council, the Planning Board and Mr,DCnalgo Kerr. Suggested
dates for the meeting are March 19, and March 20. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to answer letter from the Ministry of the Environment
regarding extension of water Sputh of 401 that the Village is interested in
having the pipe under the 401 Highway, installed at the same time the sewer
tunnel is being put through.
Moved by Councillor Huar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that the members
of the Liason Committee between the Village and the Ministry of the Environment
re the Sewer Project, be Reeve Gray, the Clerk, John Rickard, chairman ~
the Newcastle P.U.C., Murray Paterson and Councillor Keith Barr. Carried.
Letters from the Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario; Association uf Municipal
Clerks and Treasurere; Bell Canada re Gross Receipts; Ministry of the Environment
regarding assistance for Sewage Projects;Ministry of the Environment 1973
Operation Budget for water projects and the Annual report of the Library were
received and filed.
Res. 327 Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Barr that accounts
amounting to $6,292.26 be approved for payment. Carried.
Page 2.
Cont' Ii
Res. 328 Moved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Hoar that reports of
the Health Department, Fire Department and Building Inspector be accepted.
~s. 329 Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by
~ $3.00 fee for permits be retained by the
fee be given to the Building Inspector.
Res. 330
Res. 331
Res. 332
Councillor Hoar
Village and the
that the initial
balance of the
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by CounGillor Hoar that Council
support the Resolution of the Town of Thorold which takes exception
to the Task Force Hydro recommendation concerning the Report #1 on
Hydro in Ontario. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by Councillor Rickard that Bcobks Construction
be granted permission to use Village land North of the fire Hall as access
to their construction shack and office for a period of two months during
their addition to the Bell Canada building, provided the land is returned to
its original condition at the end of that time. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Couch seconded by Councillor Barr that Council approve
Bell Canada plan for house numbering in Newcastle. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to write the Lions Club asking if they are still
interested in supplying and installing nucnbers onthe houses.
Clerk was instructed to wr~ oe Frank Cowan Company asking for a breakdo,..:n
of the commission fees forthe Village Insurance.
Forms were received from the Provincial GoverrulFlOt for the Federal-Provindal
Winter Capital Projects Fund. Mr. Carruthers is to be contacted for further
information regarding projects el:.gible under this Program.
Res. 333 Moved by Councillor Rickard seconded by Councilor Couch that a request
for an advance of $1,000. on the Budget of the Community HallBuard, be
granted. Carried.
Res. 335
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Rickard that a letter be
written to Mr. Roger Truemner, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited indicating
that the Village expects that all planning procedures be completed by June 1,
1973. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rickard, seconded by CounciIbr Couch that Council
accept Res. #52 of the Planning Board "that we recommend to Village Council
that they adopt the Planning Board's proposed L,nd Use Guidlines as tentative
guidelines." Carried and Res. #53 "that we recommend to Village Council that
if the Guidelines are approved by them, as requested, that the said guidelines
be published in the Newc'istle Reporter". Carried. with the amendment that
1. (b) in the Guidelines be changed from 35 - 50 houses to 50 _ 75 houses.
Councillor Couch reported on the progress of the Employement Incentive
Res. 336 M~ved by Councillor Hoar, seconded by CounciIbr Rickard that the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
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Reev~ TO ~-O
Acting Clerk. ~-'-Y7
Prov.- MuD. Incentive Program IlablDur
Joyce Stephenson-Office
G. Gray - Clerks salary
Receiver-General - Postage
H. S. Britton - Pension
Registrar (West) Durham 72-1
Registrar - 7)-1, 7)-2, 7)-)
Receiver-General - Employee deduet.
Municipal World - subscriptions
Fawcett Metal Products - Roads
The Reporter- advertising
Walter Bryant - Property
Newcastle Fire Dept. - Mutual Aid mtg.
Newcastle Fire Dept. - Misc.
Great Pine Ridge - 197) levy
Alfred Gray - Convention
R. B. Rickard - mileage
Alfred Gray - expenses
Bell Canada
Grand & Toy
Singer Business Machines
Municipal World Ltd.
Orono Weekly Times - tax bills
Fire Department
Bell Canada
Bell Canada
Rickards Fuels
Newcastle Garage
Harold Couch
William Couch
~centive Program
Goodes Hdwe.
Newell Lumber
William Couch - Garbage
Barber & Kelly - Legal
Totten, Sims Hubicki - Planning
Ministry of Environment - 6-)8-59
" "" - 6-120-6)
Newcastle Library Board - grant
Newcastle P.U.C. - street ~ights
rt P.U.C. - fire hall
" P.U.C. - traffic lights
$ 782.04
$ 26 . 26
$; 5.78
$ 61.45
21. 00
$ 83.78
Total Unpaid accounts
$ 101. 00
11. 72