HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1973 . . . . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL - January 8th. 1973 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.lII. Present were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Fred Couch, Keith Barr, Frank Hoar and Brenton Rickard. Res. 258 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that minutes of the meetings held December 11th, 14th and 15th be adopted as printed. Carried. The Clerk was requested to reply to the letter from the Library Board regarding insurance coverage on the contents of the Library, asking for oonfirmation, in writing, of the annual premium on 819,000 coverage from Economical Mutual Insurance Company agent, Mr. Grant Wade. Res. 259 Moved by Counoillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Village support the intervention of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to the increase in rates by Bell Oanada. Carried. Res. 260 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that membership fee of $)0.00 to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be approved for payment. Oarried. Res. 261 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seoonded by Councillor Barr that membership fee of $25.00 to the Ontario Good Roads Association be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 262 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the following letters be filed: Mental Health of Ontario, Ministry of the Environment, Town of Campbellford, Ministry of Industrial & Tourism, & Ken Symons, Carried. Res. 263 Moved by Councillor Barr, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that when the Lions Olub oomplete the proposed swimming pool, the Village will accept and maintain the said swimming pool. Carried. Res. 264 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Oouncillor Barr that accounts amounting to 87,661.)) be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 265 Moved by Oouncillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the reports of the Fire and Bui~ding Departments be accepted. Oarried. The Reeve apJointed the Committees of Council as follows: Roads & Bridges - Alfred Gray and Frank Hoar Sidewalks - Brenton Rickard and Alfred Gray Fire & Police - Frank Hoar and Keith Barr Finance & Industry - Keith Barr and Frank Hoar Property - Fred Couch and Brenton Rickard Council appointments to Local Boards were as follows: Plannin~ Board Res. 26 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Couch that Councillors Barr and Hoar be appointed to the Planning Board. Carried. Res. 267 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Couch that Del Moore be appointed to the Planning Board for a three year term. Carried. Librart Board Res. 2 8 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that Jacob DeJong, Judy Miklos, Joan Hill, Madeline Buckley be reappointed to the Library Board for 1973, one more member to be appointed at a later date. Carried. . . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL-January 8th. 1973-continued Hj11 Board Res. 269 Moved by Councillor Barr, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Pauline Storks, Narda Hoogkamp, Murray Walton and Councillors Fred Couch and Brenton Rickard be re-appointed to the Community Hall Board for 197J. Carried. Arena Manafiement Board Res. 270 oved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Couch that Alec Hendry, John Rickard, William Call and Councillors Frank Hoar and Reeve Alfred Gray be appointed to the Arena Management Board for 197J. Carried. Recreation Committee Res. 271 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that Sam Brereton, Winslow Collier, Edward Dwyer, Kenneth Gray, David Lawrence Evelyn Northrup and Councillors Keith Barr and Brenton Rickard be re-appointed to the Recreation Committee for 1973, one more member to be appointed at a later date. Carried. Bowlin~ Committee Res. 2 2 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that George Kimball, Albert Pearce and Ronald Munro be re-appointed to the Bowling Committee for 197J. Carried. Cemetery Board Res. 273 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Counoillor Barr that Harold Givson, Murray Paterson, Douglas Wright and Reeve Gray and Councillor Fred Couch be re-appointed to the Cemetery Board. Carried. Ganaraska Conservation Authority Res. 274 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Comh that Douglas Cunningham be reappointed to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority for 197J. Carried. Memorial Hospital Board Res. 275 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Counoillor Barr that William Storks be reappointed to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Board effective March 1st, 197J. Carried. Res. 276 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that Insurance coverage on the sporting equipment of the Recreation Committee to the value of $6,200 be included with Frank Cowan Company Limited at an annual premium of $124.00. Carried. Res. 277 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Barr that By-Law 7J-l being a by-law to appoint Mrs. Jean McCullough as Clerk- treasurer and Tax Colleotor be read a first time. Carried. Res. 278 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 7J-l be read a second time. Carried. Res. 279 Moved by Councillor Barr, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that By-Law 7J-l be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Res. 280 Moved by Councillor Riokard, Seconded by Counoillor Barr that the meeting adjourn. Carried. .....~. . ~..R.~_U1U..... Reeve ........7. " 'c~'~""""""