HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1972 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING OF COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD - Dec. 14. 1972 ,'_ Meeting . Present WaS held in the Council Chambers at 7.30 p.m. were: Ceuncil - Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors F. Couch, R.B.Rickard, F. Hoar and K. Barr Planning Board - Chairman Roger Yates, Members D.J.Cunningham, L. Swinghaw~er, Reeve Gray, K. Barr & F. Hoar Planning Consultant - Roger Treumner Chairman Reger Yates called the meeting to erder and the minutes of the last Planning Board meeting were read by Secretary Keith Barr and approved. Mrs. Marjorie Pascee's application fer separation of a lot was recommended by the Planning Board for Council's approval, subject to a sketch of the property in question drawn to scale being provided before submission to the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental affairs for approval. Planning Board correspondence was read by Keith Barr. Mr. E. R. Lovekin, on behalf of Seldon Parker, requested separation of a house .il and lot on King Street West. A mo.tion was passed that the Planning Board ~.... reeommend to Council that this separation be granted. Mr. Jacobsen spoke to the joint meeting regarding land he has purchased from William Lake and presented a draft plan of subdivision. No decision was given. E. R. Lovekin representing Newton Selby requested separation of land owned by Mr. Selby and Scott Fennell in Part of Township Lot 29, Broken Front and No.1 Concessions. The Planning Board subsequently recommended that Council approve these separations. Roger Treumner, Planning Consultant displayed maps showing proposed zening areas in the Village of Newcastle for the Planning Board and Council's consideration for the Official Plan. The meeting adjourned. A~,;/--P. -!{A( - Reeve . ~: :?;>>~.:/~t'5' -::r'/ Cler . . Jean McCullough Gertrude Gray Roy Hopkins Receiver-General of Can - Daduotions H. S. Britton Sierd DeJong - Bldg. Inspector Town of Bowmanville - Animal Control Bell Canada - Lease for Fire Hall Reoeiver-General - Box Rent Registry Office - Cemetery Deed Newoastle Community Hall- Bal of Grant Newcastle Recreation committ. Bal of Grant Valley Blades Limited - Roads Newoastle P.U.C. - Maint. St. Lgts. Newoastle Fire Department PAID ACCOUNTS DECEMBER ACCOUNTS - 1972 $583.67 412.61 344.70 360.59 200.00 6.00 180.00 1.00 10.00 13.00 921. 50 3,000.00 146.77 88.49 15.00 $6,283.33