HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/1972 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL December 11, 1972 . Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Pr~sent were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors K. Barr, F. Couch, F. Hoar and R.B.Rickard. Res. 242 Moved by Counciller Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that minutes of the meeting held November l)th be adopted as printed. Carried. Mr. stan Pewell spoke to Council on behalf of the United Church Board regarding the drain from the church which was broken when town water was installed on Church Street some eleven years ago. Res. 24) Moved by Counciller Hoar, Seconded by Coun~i~lor R~ckard that we assist the United Church in the cost of repalrlng thlS drain on Church and Emily Streets on a cost sharing basis of 50-50 up to $100.00. Carried. E. R. Lovekin requested separation of a parcel of land owned by Seldon Parker on the south side of King Street West. Council referred this to the Planning Board for their meeting of December 14th. An answer will be given Mr. Lovekin prior to December 20th. A letter from Marjoirie Pascoe requested severance of a parcel of land faoing Robert Street. This was referred to the Planning Board meeting of December 14th. Mr. Lovekin requested severance on behalf of Newton Selby and Scott Fennell for two separate parcels respectively. These were also referred to the Planning Board meeting of December 14th. J!.verett Jenkins, Manager of the P.U.C. requested a metion of Council for the submission of a request to Ontario Hydro to the issuance of $10,000 in debentures. Res. 244 Moved by Councillor Ceuch, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that in accordance with the Power Commission Act, Chapter )00, R.S.O. 1960, Section 98, this the Ceuncil of the Municipality of The Village of Newcastle request the assent of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario to the issuance of $10,000 in debentures to be used by the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission for financ- ing expenditures as outlined by them and with which we are in agreement. Carried. . . Res. 245 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Clerk centact the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as to the posSbility of having a cross-walk sign installed on Hyway 2 at Arthur Street, also recommending the speed limit in this area be reduced to a )0 mile limit. Carried. Res. 246 Moved by Councillor Barr, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the letter from Windsor re Flood Relief be filed. Carried. Res. 247 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Council look further into the development of a new Park in conjunction with and in co-operation with the Northumberland-Durham County Board of Education. A recorded vote was requested on this mot ion by Councillor Barr. Councillor Rickard Councillor Barr - Councillor Hoar - Councillor Couch - Reeve Gray - Yes Ne Yes Yes Yes The metion was carried. . Res. 248 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that accounts amounting to $84,905.89 be accepted for payment. Carried. Hes. 249 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that the reports of the Fire Department be accepted. Carried. Res. 250 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that the Clerk reply to the applicants for a Clerk-Treasurer, acknowledl ing their applications, but not accented with the exception of one which is being considered prior to arrangements for an interview. - Res. 251 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. . Reeve .~JuJ2 ',L~4 . J ~4-,plh~' J/ Clerk." - -~- ~ . . NOVEMBER ACCOUNTS - 1972 PAID . Jean McCullough - Clerk's salary $415.9;:) Gertrude Gray - Office salary 260.95 Roy Hopkins - Caretakers salary 459.60 H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension 200.00 Receiver-General - Deductions 223.41 C. N. Express 6.75 Receiver-General - Postage 8.00 Totten Sims Hubicki & Assoc. - Planning 500.00 United Counties North-Durham - County Rate 31,108.27 Coupon & Deb. Account - Bylaw 818 1,950.00 Newcastle Fire Dept. - Wages 4,100.00 Sierd deJong - Building Permits 10.00 Coupon & Deb.Account - ~av 775 5,932.50 Newcastle Fire Dept. - Roads 15.00 Newcastle Fire Dept. - Misc. 15.00 Newcastle Fire Dept. - POlicing 50.00 . UNPAID Office Reeve & Councillors Salaries Bell Canada Cook's Office Equipment Ltd. Municipal World Ltd. - Advertising $2,350.00 32.27 32.55 90.00 Elections Orono Weekly Times MUnicipal World Ltd. D.R.O's & Poll Clerks 52.55 83.04 200.00 Fire Department Arends Electric Motors Bell Canada Bell Canada Rickards Fuels Newcastle Garage 133.35 50.09 5.73 11.93 9.35 .. Roads Domtrec Sales Limited Newcastle P.U.C. Harold Couch William Couch Goode's Hardware Merrill D. Brown Ltd. - new Constr. Robert Muir T~cking Newcastle Garage Domtar Chemicals Ltd. Fawcett Metal Products Lela:1d Payne 357.53 7.00 360.00 :138.75 5.78 26.60 65.00 173.36 362.91 208.80 322.00 Property Harold Couch William Couch 20.00 10.00 Garbage William Couch Harold Couch :13.20 300.00 . Miscellaneous Ministry of the Environment 6-38-59 Ministry of the Environment 6-120-63 Newcastle P.U.C. Street Lights Frank Cowan Ltd. - Ins. Ncrth-Durh. County Bd. of Ed. - Requis. V-P, N-D, Cnty R.C. SeP.Schl. Bd. Ganaraska Conservation Authority 3,009.00 320.00 222.46 8.25 29,378.00 125.94 1.165.00 Total Unpaid TOTAL ACCOUNTS $45,255.40 $2,504.82 335.59 210.50 $2,027.73 30.00 313.20 34.228.M $39.650.49 $84.905.89