HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1972 (Special)
Meeting was held in the Oouncil Chambers at 7.30 p.m.
Present were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Oouncillors Fred Oouch, Frank Hoar,
Keith Barr and Brenton Rickard.
Mr. Walter Hale and Mr. Harold Couch were invited to attend the
Council Meeting for the purpose of interviewing each with regard
to tenders submitted for Garbage Collection in the Village.
Both Mr. Hale and Mr. Oouch were interviewed separately by
Res. 207 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Oouncillor Oouch
that Harold Oouch's tender for the Collection and Disposal of Garbage
within the Village limits of residential dwellings only at .JO~ per
household per week plus $1200.00 per year for providing and maintaining
a dump, be accepted. Metion Lost.
Res. 208 Moved by Oouncillor Hoar, Seconded by Oouncillor Barr that
neither tender for Garbage Collection be accepted. Motion Lost.
T~e.ReeYe vacated the ohairte make the following motion:
Res. 209 Moved by Reeve Gray, Seoonded by Oouncillor Rickard that
Resolution 208 be rescinded. Oarried.
Res. 210 Moved by Oouncillor Hear, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
neither Walter Hale or Harold Oouch's tenders be accepted. Carried.
Res. 211 Moved by Councillor Oouoh, Seconded by Oouncillor Hoar
that Mrs. McCullough's resignation as Clerk-Treasurer be aocepted
with regret, effective January 1st, 1973. Carried.
Res. 212 Moved by Oouncillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
an advertisement be placed in The Canadian Statesman, The Reporter
and The MuniCipal World for a Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector. Carried.
Proposed plans for the new fire hall were discussed by Oouncil.
Res. 213 Moved by Councillor Riokard, Seconded by Oouncillor Hoar
that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
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