HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/1972 -. . .. . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL - July lOth. 1972 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Fred Couch, Keith Barr, Bre~ton Rickard and Frank Hoar. Res. 162 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Counciller Couch that minutes ef mee~ings held June 12th, and 19th be adopted as printed.Carried. Res. 16) Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Clerk be instructed to contact E. R. Lovekin to determine the ownership of land adjacent to the northern boundary of the 401 highway, east of Beaver Street South. Carried. Res. 164 Moved by ~ouncillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that Mr. Henry Jose's application to ~parate 6.10 acres of land in part of Twp. lot 27, Concession 1, in the Village of Newcastle, be approved subject to Mr. Jose having access to his farm land by way of a road allowance adjacent to the northern boundary of Highway 401, and subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs." Carried. Res. 165 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-~w No. 72-12, being a by-law to appoint an inspector to enforce the Trench Excavators' Protection Act in the Village of Newcastle be read a first time. Carried. Res. 166 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that By-Law No. 72-12 be read a second time. Carried. This By-Law will not receive the third reading until consulting with the Clerk of the United Counties. The Clerk was instructed to reply te Mr. McLelland of Frank Cowan Company Limited suggesting July 18th, 19th or 20th as possible dates for a meeting with Council to review the Insurance Portfolio. Res. 167 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that accounts amounting to $44,766.16 be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 168 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that the reports of the Fire Department, Building Department and the Chairman of the Sidewalk Committee be accepted. Carried. Res. 169 Moved by Councillor Barr, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Building Permit #7902 to Peter Louws be approved. Carried. Res. 170 Moved by Councillor Couc~, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Sierd DeJong's application for Building Inspector be accepted and that he be advised to meet with Council to discuss his duties. Carried. Res. 171 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by CounCillor Couch that $50.00 be granted to the Planning Board for petty cash from the Planning budget. Carried. Res. 172 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that the Clerk contact the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education requesting a meeting to discuss the pessibility of a NeWCastle Park area adjoining Public School grounds. Carried. Res. 173 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Reeve _AfAxd ,,,f? .~ar ;; :0~4////-~yh Clerk JUNE ACCOUNTS PAID Reeve & Councillors Salaries - 6 months Roy J. Hopkins - Caretakers Salary . Jean McCullough - Clerks Salary Gertrude Gray - Office Salary ~ Receiver-General - Employee Deductions H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Mervin Allison - Building Permits Jean McCullough (Petty Cash) Mprthumberland-Durham County Ed. of Education Pet-Viet. North Durhuma Roman Catholic S.S. Board Totten, Sims Hubicki Easoc. Ltd. - Planning Newcastle Lions Club - Donation Newcastle Community Hall Board - Grant Newcastle Horticultural Society - 1972 Grant Bell Canada - Purchase of land re Fire Hall Library Board - 1972 Municipal Grant Parker Farm Service Ltd. - Property Kurt Swinghammer - Roads Newcastle RePorter - Advertising A. H. Sturrock & Son Ltd. - Property Newcastle Fire Department -Misc. &NPAID Office Toms & Sons ~d. Bell Canada Grand & Toj; Municipal World Ltd. Fire Department Bell Canada Bell Canada P.U.C. Glamville Store R. B. Rickard Plumbing & Heating Ltd. . Roads Harnden & King Construction W. B. Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd. Bathe & McLellan Building Materials Ltd. Pedlar People Limited Harold Couch William Couch Property Gary Barchard Walter Bryant Harold Couch William Couch - Garbage Sidewalks Harold Couch P.U.C. Traffic Lights Street Lights - June Street Light Maintenance Animal Control - Town of Bowmanville . $ 2,350.00 459.60 415.92 260.95 273.71 200.00 18.00 17.55 28,634.00 125.00 500.00 100.00 840.00 50.00 5,215.95 2,000.00 551. 25 15.00 62.00 24.11 15.00 $ 4.54 26.69 6.89 2.81 $ 51. 83 6.27 6.00 11.30 54.65 $ 170.00 14.30 157.50 663.13 177.00 52.50 $ 250.00 215.00 21. 00 10.80 10.00 7.84 212.17 325.90 TOTAL ACCOUNTS $42,128.04 $ 40.93 $ 130.05 $1234.43 $ 496,80 10.00 $ 545.91 $ 180.00 $ 2.638.12 $44.766.16