HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/1972
The meeting was held in the Council Chambers at a p.m.
~resent were: Reeve Alfred Gray, Councillors Fred Couch, Frank Hoar,
Brenton Rickard and Keith Barr, and Reverend Robert Hayne.
Reverend Hayne opened the meeting with prayer for the newly elected
officials of Council.
Reeve Gray, on behalf of the Council, thanked Reverend Hayne for ~eing
present at the inaugunal meeting to offer prayer to the new Counc11.
Mr. Gray wlecomed the two new members to Council as well as those who
had served on Council in previous years.
The Clerk gave a short report advising that all newly elected officials
had taken their Oath of Office previous to the meeting and signed the
required forms. The meeting continued with the reading of the minutes
of the last meeting.
Res. 1 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch tha~ the
minutes of meeting held December 13th be adopted as printed. Carr1ed.
The striking of the Committees of Council was dealt with by Reeve Gray.
These were as follows:
Roads and Bridges - Alfred Gray and Frank Hoar
Sidewalks - Brenton Rickard and Alfred Gray
Fire & Police - Frank Hoar and Keith Barr
Finance & Industrial - Keith Barr and Frank Hoar
Property - Fred Couch and Brenton Rickard
Council appointments to local Boards were as follows:
Res. 2 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
the following members be appointed to the Library Board: C.i.Carveth,
Jacob DeJong, Jack Nesbitt, Mrs. 11adeline Buckley, Mrs. Judy Miklos,
and Mrs. Joan Hill. Carried.
Res. 3 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that
the following members be appointed to the Community Hall Boards Fred Couch
Brenton Rickard, ~frs. Pauline Storks and Murray Walton, one more member
to be appointed at a later date. Carried.
Res. 4 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
the following members be appointed to the Arena Management Board: Alec
Hendry, John Rickard, William Call, Frank Hoar a nd Alfred Gray. Carried.
Res. 4A Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that
the following members be appointed to the Recreation Committee: Sam
Brereton, Charles Aquilina, Winslow Collier, Roy Hopkins, Robert Shearer,
Mrs. Evelyn Northrup, Keith Barr and Brenton Rickard. Carried.
Res. 5 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Barr that the
following members be appointed to the Cemetery Board: Harold Gibson,
Murray Paterson, Douglas Wright, Alfred Gray and Fred Couch. Carried.
Res. 6 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the
following members be appointed to the Bowling Committee: George Kimball,
Albert Pearce and Ronald Munro. Carried.
The appointment of a representative to the Ganaraska Conservation Authorit;
will be dealt with at a later date.
The appointment of a representative to the Memorial Hospital Board will
be dealt with prior to the first week in March, when the present term
Res. 7 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that the
Marching Mothers be granted permission to canvass the Village for funds
in January for the Ability Fund. Carried.
A peti~ion was received and read to Council signed by 24 interest persons
regard1ng the construction of an overhead bridge, or signal li~hts on the
C.N.R. crossing on Metcalfe Street. 0
Res.8 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the
Clerk be instructed to write the C.N.R. advising them of the petition and
requesting information on the type of overhead bridge that would be
required at this lOCation and the approximate cost of such a project, also
the cost of signal lights for this crossing. The clerk was also in-
structed to reply to the petition advising of Council's action. Carried.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of Council - January lOth, 1972-continued
Res. 9 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
Merril Henry's resignation as By-Law Officer and Weed Inspector be
accepted and that an ad be placed in the local newspaper for this
position, applications to be received not later than February 11th,
1972. Carried.
Res. 10 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Couch that
the resignation of ~Yeret Vierhout as Building Inspector be accepted
the Clerk to write Mr. Vierhout advising him that Council accept his
offer to carryon his duties until a replacement is hired. An ad is to
be placed in the local newspaper for this position, applications to be
received not later than February 11th, 1972. Carried.
Res. 11 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that
the Clerk reapply for additional funds under the Provincial-Municipal-
Incentive Program. Carried.
Res. 12 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that
the membership fee of $15.00 be paid to the Ontario Good Roads Association
and that any member wishingt~g ~6~~Ht~8nallowed to do so. Carried.
Res. 13 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that
the membership fee of $)0.00 be paid to the Association of Municipalities
of Ontario. Carried.
Res. 14 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Barr that a
donation of $10.00 be sent to St. John's Ambulance. Carried.
Tb e Clerk was instructed to file a letter from the Canadian Mental
Health Association.
A letter from members of the Cenotaph Committee regarding the removal
of snow from the Cenotaph was referred to the Community Hall Board:
A letter from the Counties Engineer and Road Superintendent, Robert A.
Edmunds enclosing an Agreement between the Village and the United
Counties for the 1.0 mile of the County Road System within the Village,
was held over for further study.
A letter from the Counties Engineer advised Council that the Counties
had denied permission to Hambly's Beverages Limited to erect a sign
on Coun~y Road 72 in Newcastle (re Murray Walton's Fish & Chip Store).
This letter was filed.
Res. 15 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that
accounts amounting to $6,681.72 be approved for payment. Carried.
Res. 16 Moved
the reports of
by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that
the Fire, Health and Building Departments be accepted.
Res. 17 Moved by Councillor Rickard, Seconded by Councillor Hoar ~at
the new edition of Ontario Statutes together with the subscription to
the Citator for the Statutes (1970) be purchased at a total cost of
$110.00 ~xtax. Carried.
Res. 18 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Rickard that
the meeting adjourn. Carried.
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