HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-08 MinutesBOARD MEETING November 8, 2017 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room IA, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Cooke W. Woo M. Morawetz K. Warren Regrets: S. Elhajjeh 1. Call to Order: S. Middleton H. Ridge (ED) S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: W. Woo Garingon Museums Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the agenda be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: None. 4. Correspondence: Letter from the Municipality regarding the Budget request for 2018. 5. Announcements: M. Morawetz stated that there were still tickets available for the Tyrone United Church Annual Beef Dinner is to be held on November 18th in Tyrone. S. Cooke reminded all that the Edwardian Christmas event at the museum would be Dec. 1 st following the tree lighting ceremony at Town Hall. All Board members are encouraged to attend and volunteer if possible to help. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W.Woo THAT: the Board minutes from September 20, 2017 be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: No items for discussion. 8. New Business: H. Ridge is on parental leave with the early arrival of her son which resulted in the Oct 2017 Board meeting being cancelled. Both are doing well. a) Financial Statements YTD S. Cooke presented for discussion and review as prepared, the Statement of Financial Position 2017 & 2016 as of September 30, 2017 as well as the Statement of Operations — Actual vs Budget (Summary) January through September 2017. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Financial Reports be received as submitted for information. MOTION CARRIED b) 2018 Budget Approval for submission to Municipality of Clarington Discussion followed on several items to accommodate capital upgrades needed specifically in 2018 and to more closely reflect actuals from 2017. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Budget be approved with an increase in Salaries, Wages, & Benefits to $260,000, And THAT: General Office Expenses be increased $5000 for the computer upgrades necessary in 2018. IaulI [IWEV ti ti 191 a c) Technology Upgrades Prior to her leave, H. Ridge secured quotes on computer upgrades as recommendations. Past Perfect software which is used at Clarington Museum & Archives is outdated and no longer supported. Several options were explored and J. Steen is asked to continue preparing a list of needs for the 7 computers presently in use searching out services that are mobile friendly as well, prompting the increase added to the General Office Expenses in the 2018 Budget proposal. d) Program Report and e) Curators Report S. Cooke presented the reports which included the Curator's submitted by Dr. Amy Barron, and the Program Coordinator's submitted by J. Steen. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: Curator and Program Coordinator reports be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. f) Interpreter Hiring Update H. Ridge had prepared a Job Description prior to her leave that was used to interview and hire four new interpreters. Training will take place Nov. 16th by the HR department of the Municipality of Clarlington along with H. Ridge. HR items and security are among the items that will be included followed by a Spirit Walk if there is time. g) Christmas Event As mentioned Dec 1 st is the Edwardian Christmas event at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre along with tours offered at the Bowmanville Museum Jury House. Volunteers are still needed so Board members were encouraged to attend and help out. h) Signing Authority for Bank Account Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: Marilyn Morawetz be added to the list for signing authority. MOTION CARRIED. i) Signs for Museum Sites S. Middleton requested an update regarding the process of updating signage for the three sites creating a consistent brand, offering to assist. S. Cooke is to speak with F. Horvath in Operations regarding this matter. 9. In Camera: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton That: at 8:00 pm in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that deals with b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, and f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 8:35 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED Outcome: The Board will ask Anne Greentree to post for positions needing to be filled to bring the board back to the intended number of seven members. Discussion followed with regards to the importance of holding Board members to the attendance requirements of the position as regardless of the reasons for missing meetings, inconsistent attendance impairs the work of the Board. 10. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held Wed. Dec. 13, 2017 at 7 p.m. Location: Town Hall, Room 1 A if available. 11. Adjournment: S. Middleton moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives ClaringLon Museums BOARD MEETING December 13, 2017 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room IA, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Cooke M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh (7:27 pm) K. Warren (Interim Executive Director; IED) Regrets: H. Ridge (ED) W. Woo S. Middleton 1. Call to Order: S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Consensus to accept agenda as prepared. 3. Approval of Minutes: Consensus to receive minutes for information. 4. Business Arising from Minutes: No items for discussion. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: Wishes were expressed for a Merry Christmas and good break for the season. 8. Executive Director's Report: Katharine Warren, IED, reviewed the report as prepared highlighting professional development for J. Steen regarding the new software so she can train all museum staff, and for K. Warren registered to attend the GLAM (Libraries and Archives) summit Jan 30, 2018 in Toronto on how to connect with communities (free, Go Train only expense). K. Warren will also take webinars online at CMA about inclusivity and diversity in museums in 2018. Grants & Sponsorship was discussed with the Young Canada Works (Summer students) application due Jan 15; application will be for two students to help J. Steen in collections and archives. K. Warren has met with Municipality HR department regarding the potential impact of the union agreement on student workers during the summer months. An email regarding intentions has been sent to CUPE. The Canada Summer Jobs (Summer students) is not yet online but will be applied for as well. Both grant programs were helpful in 2017. Capstone Grant ($6,785 in 2017) was used to improve the collection storage at the Clarke site. The Capstone logo is included on the museum website and is on the signage at that site thanking them for their community enhancement contribution. CMOG (Community Museums Operating Grant) was submitted June 30, 2017 and has been approved with funding for the 2017/2018 year. Local grants and sponsorships were down in 2017. K. Warren will revise donation letters for 2018 and work to regain some major sponsors. Marketing and Promotion continue online and staff had a meeting with Brand Ambition, Bowmanville, to discuss new logo ideas and ideas for re -launch in the fall when H. Ridge returns and resumes the planned schedule. James Publishing prepared the front window images now on the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. A -frame sign inserts promoted fall and Christmas events, and have been made generic so they can be reused annually to reduce costs. Upcoming Events and Programs for Dec and Jan were reviewed with a number of outreach opportunities noted in 9. Curatorial Report and 10. Programming Report. A. Barron, Program Coordinator, updated the Board on continuing work for the Sharing Stories project working with Clarington Central Secondary School and the acquisition of a double school desk similar to the ones currently at the Clarke schoolhouse to increase the classroom capabilities to a full three rows of seats for increased future programming there. She introduced a new volunteer who is helping to refinish the new desk at Clarke, and reported on orientation held Nov 16 for the new interpreters. J. Steen, Curator, reviewed exhibition plans for 2018 and updates regarding the collection, including the addition of a washstand donated by James Graham. She also reviewed the Collections Management Policy and offered recommendations to update it. Without quorum, this will be held over for discussion to the next meeting in Jan 2018. K. Warren recommended the inclusion of committee reports in the ED report monthly during her tenure as the Board is presently acting as a whole for all committees. Updates regarding Property Management included a list of items needing attention. K. Warren has been working with the Municipality and consultants when advised, regarding these to gather information and quotes. The Municipality will conduct an Accessibility Assessment as none can be found presently. K. Warren hopes to use the data to apply for an "Enabling Accessibility Fund" when applications open. Cleaning and clearing the archive rooms in SJWHC is underway. A dumpster bin is required to be able to dispose of the huge volume of material deemed as waste. A quote for such a service was presented but held until next meeting due to lack of quorum. K. Warren also reviewed the Health and Safety Manual and has asked the Municipality to go over the Fire Safety Plan. A fire drill will be planned as well. Ladder safety training is scheduled for Jan and the bulletin board has been updated as required. All staff will review complete policy in Jan and must complete a 30 min online training offered by the Min of Labour. Board members should also complete this training. Membership and Fundraising has been less active than appropriate, so A. Barron has some ideas to revitalize this committee, and as noted the Collection and Archives is being sorted and cleaned out. A de -accessioning list will be provided by J. Steen once complete. Financial Report was reviewed in detail. A number of items were explained with detail provided from a master copy. Several line items were renamed or pulled out of broader groupings to be more visible and informative. The report was received for information only without quorum. K. Warren will continue to bring a master copy of the Financials to meetings and can make copies for any Board member who would prefer those. 11. New Business: a) 2018 Policy Review — Required this year for CMOG funding. As funding depends on meeting this requirement in 2018, K. Warren proposed looking at several policies each meeting during the year starting with Petty Cash, Accessibility, Human Resources, Compensation, Code of Ethics, Learning (with recommendation to use the more acceptable title Education & Interpretation), Collections Management, and Purchasing Card "PCARD" policies. K. Warren, A. Barron and J. Steen contributed recommendations proposed for discussion by the Board to update these policies based on the municipality standards, making note of any items that the collective agreement now in place might impact. Without quorum, these items will be held over for the Jan 2018 meeting. 12. In Camera: No items for consideration at this meeting. 13. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held Wed. Jan. 17th, 2018 at 7 p.m K.Warren will email a notice of change regarding the meeting date to all Board members. K. Warren and M. Morawetz will both be away on vacation during the second week of Jan. so the meeting will take place on the third Wed instead of the second, hoping to achieve quorum. Location: Town Hall, TBA S. Cooke will book a room as available during renovations. 14. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives