HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-17 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting October 17, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Victor Suppan, Tracey Ali, Katharine Warren, Robert Malone, Steve Conway, Councillor Hooper, Peter Vogel REGRETS: Filip Aleksanderek STAFF: Brandon Weiler, David Addington DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.36 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by K. Warren THAT the agenda for October 17, 2017 be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.37 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by V. Suppan THAT the minutes of the Meeting of September 19, 2017 be accepted. "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — B. Weiler reported that a report recommending the intention to designate the property including six buildings at 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville (Former Boys Training School/Camp 30) under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act will be forwarded to the October 23, 2017 Planning and Development Committee meeting. The designation would apply to the entire property. In the process of determining the future use of the property, the property owners have been in conversation with the Municipality and Jury Lands Foundation and are aware of the intention to designate the property. 1 1 P a g e The Committee engaged in a discussion regarding how the designation would affect the future development of the property including how the designation over the whole property would impact on the owner's ability to develop the lands in the future. The possibility of amending the designating By-law for the purpose of enabling context - sensitive development was discussed as a course of action that the owner could proceed with. The Committee noted that if 2020 Lambs Road becomes a designated heritage property, all new development on properties adjacent to 2020 Lambs Road would require a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), as per Official Plan policy concerning development on properties adjacent to a designated heritage property. This item was received for information by the Committee. Goodyear Property — B. Weiler reported that Community Planning staff will be undertaking a review of the Bowmanville East Town Centre Secondary Plan within which the Goodyear property is situated. A heritage evaluation will form part of the review and the Goodyear property will be included in this review. There are currently no timelines for the review's completion. Hollingshead Property — No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Programs — No meeting to report. Orono Community Improvement Program — P. Vogel reported that the Orono CIP group met on October 4, 2017. Results from the survey of past CIP grant recipients was very positive in that over 50% of grant recipients responded. Orono CIP statistics were communicated including how much money had been used and the number and types of grants issued. These statistics together with other background work will provide the basis for recommendations for a proposed amendment to the Orono CIP. The proposed amendment to the CIP would be the second amendment to the CIP and would include increases to the value and types of grants, terms limits to Community Liaison Group members and a sunset clause for when the grants should be reviewed. The intention is to have the proposed amendments to three CIP's at a single Planning and Development Committee meeting, likely in January 2018. Also discussed were possible options for a public washroom, a `Win This Space' contest as an incentive to fill vacant commercial spaces, a lack of downtown parking and an entry feature across from the Cenotaph and other maintenance issues. 21 Page Newcastle Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report. The Committee highlighted that there is currently no representative from the Heritage Committee on the Newcastle CIP group. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — T. Ali reported that the ACO Annual General Meeting was held on September 25, at the Sarah Jane Williams Centre. Marilyn Pearce was the guest speaker presenting on the Farm Connections Canada 150 Heritage Project which focuses on families in Clarington that have been farming in Durham for 150 years or more. Elections were held at the AGM. Tracey Ali remains the President; Jason Moore was elected Vice President; Scott Storey remains the Treasurer; and Bernice Norton remains as Secretary. Catherine Naismith is president of the ACO provincial organization. Many people came out for the September walking tours. The ACO is also helping the Jury Lands Foundation with walking tours which will involve learning about Camp 30. ACO had a booth at Apple Fest and there was a good amount of interest in their booth. ACO will be participating in Doors Open at Port Granby and Newtonville on June 10, 2018. The next ACO meeting is on December 4th when Josh, a grade 6 student, will be presenting a speech on the Jury Lands. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society — R. Malone reported that the fall newsletter came out on Friday, October 13th. There are four newsletters released per year with a fee of $15 for hand delivered copies and a $10 fee for electronic copies. The Newcastle BIA held its Fall Harvest Festival on October 7th was well attended with 180 people. There were many activities, local vendors and exhibits on hand including a Newcastle Historical Society display. Planning for the Santa Claus parade has begun and the Historical Society will have a float. This is one of the most successful parades in the area with approximately 10,000 people attending last year. It is scheduled for Sunday, November 19th The streetscape and entry signage into Newcastle projects are well underway which will help the appearance of Newcastle. Museum — K. Warren reported that the Museum meeting did not take place this month as the Executive Director had a baby and will be on maternity leave. The Interim Executive Director has not yet been named. 31 Page The museum will be hosting spirit walks for the month of October and a paranormal event on October 27. Heritage Week Working Group — No news to report Heritage Conservation District — No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville (Former Boys Training School/Camp 30)— A Report to the October 23, 2017 Planning and Development Committee meeting recommending the intention to designate 2020 Lambs Road under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act was addressed earlier in the meeting under the Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) `Business Arising' section of the agenda. 282 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville — A Report recommending the addition of the property at 282 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville to the Municipal Register is on the October 23, 2017 Planning and Development Committee meeting agenda. At the June 12, 2017 Planning and Development Committee meeting Council referred the matter back to the Clarington Heritage Committee and requested that Committee meet with the owner of 282 Liberty Street North and report back. The Municipal Inventory subcommittee met with the owners, Mr and Mrs. Zakarow and their son Peter, at 282 Liberty Street North on September 12, 2017 to help address the owner's concerns with adding the property to the Register. The owner is aware of staff's recommendation, however, staff have not received a response from the owner to date. PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reaorts: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee — No meeting to report. The subcommittee plans to meet in the coming weeks and report back at the next meeting. Public Outreach and Education Committee — No meeting to report. The subcommittee plans to meet in the coming weeks to prepare a presentation for the Durham Region Heritage Committees event in Whitby on October 28. The topic of the presentation is to be the Heritage Register. No final agenda has been received to date and B. Weiler will follow up and forward the agenda to the Committee once it's received. NEW BUSINESS Budget Preparation for 2018 — The Heritage Committee will need to decide what projects to undertake next year in order to determine the appropriate budget for 2018. The Committee engaged in discussion about potential projects including the possibility of a half -sized desk calendar. The final numbers regarding how much of last year's 41 age budget was used and whether the Committee broke even was discussed. D. Addington will report back on this for next meeting. The Committee also had a discussion around how the municipal election in October 2018 will affect the ability to carry out budgeted projects. The length of committee member terms may pose difficulty in deciding on projects that might carry over past the election period. The Committee expressed interest in seeking a budget from Council for educational purposes such as sending Committee members to conferences which would include travel and accommodation costs. The two main annual conferences are the National Trust conference and the Ontario Heritage Trust which B. Weiler reported as being scheduled for June 7 -9th 2018 in Sault Ste. Marie. The Committee had a discussion whereby it was thought that, in terms of the budget raised by the Heritage Committee, the budget amount from the previous year would be appropriate for the upcoming year. 17.38 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by Steve Conway THAT the 2018 Clarington Heritage Committee budget be equal to the 2017 budget and that the calendar project be included in this budget "CARRIED" V. Suppan discussed the possibility for the Municipality to consider a heritage property tax rebate incentive program for designated homes similar to what is in place in neighbouring municipalities. V. Suppan stated that the program could potentially seek to refund between 10% - 40% of the local and educational portion of the tax bill for designated homes with an easement placed on the subject properties which would be in line with what other municipalities in Durham have done. B. Weiler stated that the option of whether to pursue a tax rebate or heritage grant program incentive program was the subject of a staff report in 2013 which had concluded that a heritage grant would be the most effective incentive option. B. Weiler stated that it is unlikely that both a tax rebate program and grant would be implemented simultaneously with the grant program. The grant program is gaining a foothold with designated owners, there is increasing demand annually. Council did not increase the budget for the grant program for 2017. The heritage incentive grants are available to designated properties similar to a tax rebate but for specific works that address the heritage features of the property. 17.39 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by B. Malone 51 Page THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee encourages an increase to the 2018 budget allocated for the Heritage Incentive Grant Program from the amount allocated in the 2017 budget "CARRIED" 483 King Avenue East (Walbridge House) proposed sunroom construction — The Committee was circulated on the building permit plans submitted by Brian Jose to construct a sunroom addition to the rear of the home by enclosing the deck currently abutting the rear of the home. The members reviewed the plans and had no objection to the construction of the sunroom addition as proposed by the applicant. 17.40 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded B. Malone THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objections to the construction of the sunroom addition to the rear of 483 King Avenue East as proposed by the applicant "CARRIED" Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport Environmental Registry — D. Addington reported that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has a proposed a new guidance document providing advice on best practices to explain PPS (2014) policy changes related to cultural heritage matters. A link to the draft document was forwarded to the Committee members for review. The Ministry is seeking feedback on this draft document by November 17, 2017. The Committee members were encouraged to forward comments to D. Addington who will compile the comments and forward them to the Ministry. V. Suppan stated that the draft document was a very useful tool that should be used by the Planning Department in their review of Official Plan and Secondary Plan policies. K. Warren stated the document was very readable and well laid out making it easy to consult for a given topic. Belmont Residence (Foster Northwest proposed subdivision, Newcastle) — The Committee was circulated on the proposed draft plan for the residential subdivision proposed in the Foster Northwest area of Newcastle for which a public meeting report is scheduled for the October 23, 2017 Planning and Development meeting. The Committee discussed the need for the Belmont home to be clearly linked to the creek to reflect its heritage as the location of the first fish hatchery in Canada. The Committee questioned why the neighbourhood park is proposed to be separate from the Belmont house. The Committee stated that the link from the Belmont house to the creek and open area should be strengthened from the current proposal. The current site plan fails to adequately address this link as the Belmont house is separated from the creek by a 61 Page road and is substantially enclosed by residential lots which fails to enhance the presence of the heritage house. 17.41 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends strengthening the link from the Belmont House to the creek and enhancing the overall character and view of the home by adding a pathway to the creek and increasing the parkland space surrounding the home. "CARRIED" Next meeting: November 21, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1 C. P. Vogel will be away with notice. 71 Page