HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-21 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting November 21, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Victor Suppan, Tracey Ali, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Councillor Hooper, Mark Stanisz REGRETS: Peter Vogel, Robert Malone STAFF: Faye Langmaid, David Addington DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.42 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the agenda for November 21, 2017 be adopted as amended. -&$55,( ❑❑ I'_110129[a]►to] ANll►lljt�� 17.43 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the minutes of the Meeting of October 17, 2017 be accepted as amended. Mark Stanisz is a new Heritage Committee member. Mark introduced himself as a Courtice resident of 17 years who is in the process of writing a book about the history of Courtice. He has been in involved in community affairs through forming a ratepayers association and running in local elections. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Ray and Doug Pickle regarding 1350 Courtice Road (property adjacent to future GO Train station property) - The Pickles met with the committee to communicate their intention to demolish the home on their property at 1350 Courtice Road. The portion of the property south of the home has been sold to facilitate the future Metrolinx Go station site. The Pickles stated that the house has been vacant for the past 7 years and that they were raised in the house. In the 1878 Atlas it was the Annis home which is the Pickles mother® side of the family the house is estimated to be about 160 years old and 11 age is double brick construction. They will be selling the property. They stated that Metrolinx has no interest in using the house. D. Pickle circulated photos of the interior and exterior of the home to the committee members. The home has been vandalized extensively and trespassing is an issue. The roof is open in various places. The Pickles explained they will be seeking a demolition permit as they are concerned about safety and liability issues related to the house remaining on the property. The Pickles stated that some of the flooring is hardwood and they tried selling some interior elements and woodwork to an architectural salvage company but have not had an interested buyer. They stated that they have removed some interior features of the home that were important to them for their own use when they moved out. BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) ❑ F. Langmaid indicated that the report recommending the intention to designate the Camp 30 property including six buildings at 2020 Lambs Road was approved by Council on November 20. Staff had refined the total area of the Camp 30 lands intended for designation to more closely follow the ring road and include all the buildings. A letter ILM WIMROC2❑ L wwas provided for the Council meeting stating an objection to the intention to designate. Goodyear Property F. Langmaid reported that the upcoming review of the Bowmanville East Town Centre Secondary Plan within which the Goodyear property is situated will include public input as well as staff working with a project consultant in regards to assessing redevelopment opportunities and heritage matters for the property. Hollingshead Property -1 No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Programs []Councillor Hooper reported that the Bowmanville CIP group met on October 24th. Councillor Hooper reported that the group discussed the recommended amendments to the Bowmanville CIP. The proposed amendment to the CIP would include adding a signage and accessibility grant, allowing the grants to be available to the same address after a 10 year period, terms limits to Community Liaison Group members and a 10 year sunset clause for when the when the CIP should be reviewed. The intention is to have \NHSURSRvHQ_DP HCS HC WARAKU-H[& , 3 VDMO L I 03 OQJ DQGIEI HLHUSP HC W Committee meeting on January 8, 2018. The CIP plans will be posted at the beginning of December so that the public will have the opportunity to review them before the public meeting. A public information centre was held on November 7th in Council Chambers for the VO+M FDSHIP SLR -:HP HCMDIItABMERFUM VIKSDIXU WI'lu [u LQJ [6 W+q D\&W 141❑ 2 1 Page consultant group and staff were on hand to answer questions about options to refurbish the space between the Olympia restaurant and James Insurance. Additionally, staff attended the BIA board meeting to answer questions. Orono Community Improvement Program No meeting to report. Newcastle Community Improvement Program ❑ F. Langmaid reported that the Newcastle CIP group met on November 2nd. The group discussed the recommended amendments to the Newcastle CIP similar to those outlined for the Bowmanville CIP meeting detailed above. The main recommendations for the Newcastle CIP is the proposed adjustment to the CIP area boundary in Newcastle and the addition of an accessibility grant. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch ❑ T. Ali reported that the next ACO meeting is on December 4th when Josh, a grade 6 student, will be presenting a speech on Camp 30. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society ❑ D. Addington presented comments emailed from R. Malone. R. Malone reported that the NVDHS had a float in the Santa Claus parade on November 19th. B. Malone and other volunteers walked alongside the float and handed out candy canes. It was estimated that the crowd numbered 12,000 people. Museum -1 K. Warren reported that beginning December 1St, she will be the Acting Executive Director while covering for a maternity leave. The museum is updating their archives and is looking into obtaining new software to enable a searchable, computerized database. K. Warren also reported that the museum is looking to make a P LC LP RC3- CLC 4DL1 DAddVKR, KR-ii(DHu D JM H1ClV'Q iiii❑❑MDOG&ELOQH❑❑❑N�iL, They are looking for businesses to potentially donate funds, and in return, their business name can be added to model building. Additionally, they are also seeking volunteers who may be able to help build the models. K. Warren also reported that the museum is hosting their annual Edwardian Christmas on December 1 st, from 7-9pm (after the tree lighting). Admission is free but donations to local food banks are accepted. K. Warren also noted that the Christmas wreath making workshop on November 25th and it is sold out. CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS Belmont Residence []The Committee discussed the possibility of having the developer of the Foster North West subdivision in Newcastle (Halminen Homes/Garthwood) meet members of the Committee for a tour of the property. The Committee stated that they would like to go for a tour on-site first and then have a discussion with the developer at the Committee meeting afterwards. 3 1 Page 483 King Avenue East (Walbridge House) proposed sunroom construction ❑The application submitted by Brian Jose to construct a sunroom addition to the rear of the home was approved by Council on November 20tH PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee ❑ V. Suppan reported that the subcommittee met November 201h. T. Taylor circulated photos of two houses in Bowmanville that were evaluated using the Heritage Building Evaluation System for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register - 143 Queen Street and 3347 Liberty Street. T. Taylor reported on the results of each evaluation as follows: 143 Queen Street (Mark Williams house): T. Taylor reported that this house is believed to be originally built as one of two common schools planned for Bowmanville. It was bought by Mark Williams who operated a furniture store out of the building and later an undertaking parlour which was operated by his son. T. Taylor reported that it is very distinctive architecturally and scored a Group 1 rating on the VLEFRP P LWI6hIVOvaluation criteria. 3347 Liberty Street North: T. Taylor reported that this home is small Regency cottage built of fieldstone circa 1860. It is the only Regency cottage in Bowmanville that was built of fieldstone. It is in very good condition and scored a Group 1 rating on the subcomP BW[VLHEDC05ZaFL1Wria. 17.44 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by T. Ali THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the property at 143 Queen Street, Bowmanville and the property at 3347 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register. &$55,( ❑❑ Public Outreach and Education Committee ❑ No meeting to report. K. Warren VILJ J HWM GAFF -I HIW DLF RI F❑LMQ1 V and that they be desk mounted calendars. D. Addington will look into the sales figures for the calendars. NEW BUSINESS 1350 Courtice Road []The Committee discussed the presentation made by Ray and Doug Pickle in regards to whether they proceed with an evaluation to potentially add the building to the Municipal Register. 41 Page 17.45 Moved by F. Aleksanderek, seconded by K. Warren THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee opts not to evaluate the property at 1350 Courtice Road, Courtice for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register. -&$55,( ❑❑ 105 Queen Street -]proposed plaque ❑ D. Addington circulated a rendering of a proposed commemorative plaque for the Bowmanville High School that is intended to be placed on the new Bowmanville Creek Retirement Community building. The Committee reviewed the rendering provided and was supportive of the plaque. S. Conway noted that it would be preferable if the plaque was placed in an area where it would be visible to the public. Nurses Residence at Bowmanville Hospital LI The Committee discussed the hospital expansion program and its possible impact on the Tudor Revival nurses residence building located on the hospital property. T. Taylor reported that the subcommittee will be evaluating the house and will present its results at the next meeting. Budget Update -1 D. Addington reported that the current balance for the Heritage UP P LWti s own funds is $8,222.11, the Heritage Week account is $6,979.99. How much was spent in 2017 from the Council approved budget was also reported. The Committee noted that they would like funding to for educational opportunities such as the 2018 Ontario Heritage Conference to be held on June 7-9 in Sault Ste. Marie. The Committee asked for a $1,500 budget for their funds for 2017. Heritage Website V. Suppan noted that the heritage website should be updated and used as a resource in promoting heritage -related items. F. Langmaid reported that the calendar sales have been taken off the site and that the site is scheduled for an overall upgrade in 2018 which will include making it accessible. F. Langmaid encouraged the R_ U-DFK FRP P BMHI_\RaA:N SIU F EVLWRUDNICR_& ®IIIDJ URIVI_I website. Budget Preparation for 2018 ❑ The committee was asked to consider the projects they would like to undertake in the coming year and the requirements from the Heritage & RP P LW V[EEGJ MW December meeting CThe Committee decided to forego the December meeting. Next meeting: January 16, 2018, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 3C (meet in lobby downstairs by room 1 C) 5 1 Page