HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-13 MinutesBOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 P. M., on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Chris) Bromley (Nerivon) Members: Lucas, Holmes, R. Hooper, Rezazada Absent: C. Hooper, Barry The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that Chris Bromley from Nerivon was present to determine if the Board had any questions or concerns about his service. Bromley reported that there is no way to stop any scams on our website. He then noted that the animated clips need to be up -dated and that he agreed to change some of the photos.. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by R. Hooper, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington (2) Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Holmes, That the correspondence be received and filed. 4`Cjt6"ED' The Treasurer presented his report as follows: CunentAccount $429108.76 GIC # 1 GIC#2 Total $429108.76 Page 2 He further noted that this balance included the recite of the advance on the 2018 Budget. Moved by Rezazada, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented., 'CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that the proposed Outlet Mall planned for Waverley Road and 401 Highway has been cancelled. He went on to report that snow removal in the Downtown this year is a problem as the Budget for this expense has already been exceeded. Events: No report. Membership Relations: No report as McDonald has resigned from the Board due to the fact that she has closed her business, Streetscape: No report, Communications: Holmes stated that businesses on the website should check to ensure that they are not being scammed by someone trying to mimic the BIA, asking for businesses to pay invoices from the BIA. Board of Trade.* No report. Web Site: No report. Media Relations: R. Hooper reported for C. Hooper that she is just answering questions received on Face Book, There was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", the Chairman requested a motion from the floor to approve the decision made at the January meeting to hire Andrew Atkinson to make the poles for the lamp post banner hangers* Page 3 Moved by Rezazada, seconded by R. Hooper, THAT Andrew Atkinson's quote to make the poles to hang the lamp post banners on, be approved at a cost of $165.00 per pole for a total of 55 poles. "CARRIED" Next the question of who would be hired as the new Manager of Operations was tabled for discussion. Two people were identified as being interested in the posi*ti*on----(j'erri Lucas and Cathy Holmes. Gilpin stated that because Holmes was experienced in most of this role, that she was the most logical one to fill this position. He also stated that in reviewing Lucas's resume that she would be more suitable as the Treasurer. He then announced that he would be willing to resign as Treasurer, effect January 1, 2019 so that Lucas could assume this role. He said that he would stay on as the Board Secretary and train Lucas in the role of Treasurer. (The Chairman confirmed by telephone the nem day that this arrangement was agreeable to Gerri Lucas.) Moved by Rezazada, seconded by R. Hooper, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 13, 201$ in Committee Room Z -C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:3 0 p. m.