HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-14 MinutesBOARD MEETING February 14, 2018 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room IA, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Cooke M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh S. Middleton Regrets: H. Ridge (ED) 1. Call to Order: Clarington Museums S. Bobka H. Raj K. Warren (Interim Executive Director) W. Woo S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. H. Raj and S. Bobka were welcomed to the Board. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the minutes be approved as submitted. hKI] IJOIEWk1.7.] 10111 4. Business Arising from Minutes: K. Warren requested an addendum to note that her resignation was received at November board meeting. Noted. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz noted that the spring church supper season is starting soon and that rural churches like Eldad and Tyrone / Enniskillen continue to welcome community at homemade Soup gatherings well worth attending. ■ ■ ■ 0A 111111 , `+■11111 • i i K. Warren reviewed highlights from her report including that the new office computers & server are in; training is underway with passwords now in place. The server now does a daily back up with an extra back up of the hard drive so if it went down, all would be maintained except last day. Performance reviews are underway starting with the goal setting stage FRP SOMEil RtNXffl1QT0F0UCK1NRQlWXW1 1IQ8 ENBMWJ" RIFT FU Attendance records showed 6200 visitors during 2017. Professional development continues including K. Warren attending the GLAM summit on sponsorship attainment from local communities, K. Warren and A. Barron taking safe food handling and K. Warren has completed smart serve. Staff will also attend the SLATE conference regarding programming for single schoolhouses. Young Canada Works and Canada Summer Jobs grants are in. Additional sponsorship has been requested from OPG, Capstone, and St. Marys. Other possible sponsors may include Hydro One, Veridian and TD Bank. Preparing the grant application for Canada Cultural Spaces is underway and requires Board approval for K. Warren to have signing authority on behalf of the Board. WUNINIM EQ1F1SDan accessibility audit has been completed and in May an application for the Enabling Accessibility Fund will be submitted. Quotes have been attained for rebranding, updates and launch from local businesses Brand Ambition, 368 Durham and Joe Andrus Branding. H. Raj asked if Durham College students had been approached as project work for them could save the museum money perhaps. A logo design contest for high school students facilitated by the Museum Youth Council was another idea. A summer student with appropriate background may focus on web development. Property Management items for all three sites were reported, and it was noted that expenses for snow and ice management are higher than usual due to the more severe winter. Bats are a problem in the volunteer building at the Clarke site. K. Warren has researched protocol for cleaning (now complete) and for control recommending that bat boxes be installed. It was suggested that more information from Durham Health may be available as well as from pest control businesses. The staff members have elected Becky as the H&S rep and weekly and monthly checks of equipment are on schedule again. All training required for co-op and summer students, and interns will be completed and K. Warren is reviewing records to ensure police checks are up to date and on record for all staff and volunteers. Work is ongoing to increase membership. Presently there are 21 members including 6 new memberships since the new year, in part due to the newsletter. Members are offered pre -registration spots prior to events & exhibit launches. Collection cleanup continues in the archives. Once complete, J. Steen will provide for Board consideration, an itemized list of her recommendations for de -accessioning. Finance Reports prepared by Bookkeeper, Irene Locke, were reviewed by K. Warren and discussed. Information regarding wills and bequests from the Sturch, Rinch, Lunney, Barber, Vandersaal and Farr families was also provided. The Lunney bequest was specifically provided for a permanent local exhibit. Items from that exhibit previously on display in the Jury House are now housed in the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Site for more visibility. Pearl Barber and the Vandersaal donations were items of value for the collection. It was suggested that it would be appropriate to put plaques by items on display QRW XRQAVTU HvCIIAII others were donations with no specific designation requirements. K. Warren recommended reviews be done on contracts existing for snow clearing, pest control, phone & copier rentals, cleaners, Rogers phone/internet, Swish products, and the Visa terminal. It was also requested that the Board consider getting a Credit Card for approved purchases greater than provided for in Petty Cash. Suppliers not otherwise an option may become accessible resulting in reduced costs for some items purchased. A policy for use would be required and enforced. K. Warren will circulate a draft policy for consideration by the Board. It was reviewed that a motion is already on the EMNVWT SOP EUT S-LRMU processing time for the Bookkeeper. K. Warren was asked to have it set up. Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Financial and Executive Directors Reports be received as presented. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: funds be transferred from the Reserve Funds to the General account for a Visa refund in the amount of $2156. MOTION CARRIED 9. Curatorial Report: Submitted by Jennifer Steen (� Q) IP I6YT7 SI ]IEUU FFIh with a kick off Members Only event. At Waverly Place exhibit plans are underway to feature more period decorating better depicting the history of the home and of the Jury and Fischer IIP IURvU] RENTRQ0Q1-NRQCM [Moped at SJWHC. The quote from James Publishing for W protection vinyl for the 25 back windows, replacing the curtains and foam inserts, is $1834.74. That is higher than the estimate (approximately $1700) with the addition of the upper panels. Work continues on the Collection. Capstone Grant has not been fully used as part of it was intended for the purchase of a digital SLR camera, tripod and laptop. As more volunteers and interns are coming to help, these items are needed as soon as possible. 8 research requests were completed this month. Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the additional money required to pay the final James Publishing invoice of $1834.74 be approved. MOTION CARRIED 10. Programming Report: Submitted by Amy Barron $ ISIH](]1FN-EIB4 [O RQKIB7 K I 11EUJ1J7EFF EIBEFSEW E'❑❑E=ISP HIDDaM0QGH4WFFUVEM1BK=1 attending despite snowy weather. After this event and the Members only opening of E) IP IO❑7 UVAIJOEB&DW ThEOIMRQHU III]IIv��DKHLY_ information from attendees on ideas for future events and exhibits and other feedback. Most exciting is collaborative work by the Youth Council members and ) OP IQ C& M Ham(] CIFDWQW E(W[3 UU LIP P IQT museum studies, to create, decorate and run an Escape Room during March in the Waverly House where three rooms which are being recreated for Jury and Fischer family history exhibits lay empty just long enough to provide space for this unique event. Other partnerships continue to grow with Clarington Central High School English and Technology classes working on a Sharing Stories project, Bowmanville High School students in the Leading Edge (SOLE) Leadership class, DDSB Continuing Education with adult co-op student, Ramona Grechi, who will be working full-time to assist from February to April in an office administration placement (she is a new immigrant gaining training and experience in English), and 3 Fleming College Museum Management & Curatorship students in full-time 14 week internship positions starting in May (two assisting with collections and one assisting with social media and marketing). Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Tourism and Pickering Museum ❑IMJ H� ADM II+Y❑K MW31Q [ElUKEM P fMRiID IXHM ff I[P fHW keep in touch, and Theatre on the Ridge artistic director is considering an opportunity for live theatre at Waverly Place this summer. Bowmanville Older Adult Association (BOAA) with a grant opportunity is working on a year-long photography project pairing students with seniors, is hoping to partner with the museum for some exhibits. 11. New Business: a) 2018 Policy Review ❑2018 CMOG requirements require Governance and Collections policy reviews. K. Warren asked that this item be moved up on the agenda at future meetings to ensure completion as the submission deadline is in May. K. Warren will resend the package of policies that need to be reviewed so all members of the Board have them. Also recommended was that the Board review policies every 2 years rather than the present plan of every 3. b) Elections ❑this item will be deferred to the next meeting of the Board as the two newest members will have had time to meet and consider appropriate nominations for each position. c) Signing Authority ❑Regarding the Canada Cultural Spaces Grant signing authority to allow the Executive Director the authority required. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Bobka THAT: the Board or Municipal or Council Resolution approving the present request for funding and identifying the authorized signing authority for the application if the signatory is other than the Board Chair. MOTION CARRIED 12. In Camera: No items for consideration at this meeting. 13. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held Wed. March 14th, 2018 at 7 p.m Location: Town Hall, TBA 14. Adjournment: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 8:52 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives