HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1971 -l MINUTES OF REGULAR .MEETING OF COU1lCIL - Aw<ust 9th. 1971. Keating was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunninghaa, Councillors Frank Boar, Fred COUCh, Alfred Gray and Hargaret Brereton. .. es.414 Moved by Counoillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the . minutes of meetings held July 12th and 21st be adopted as printed. Carried. Res.415 Moved by Councillor Boar, Seco.ded by Counoillor Couch that the Ontario-Quebec II1ssion of !he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints be granted permission to use the Community Park for family fila entertainaent on August 26th, weather permitting. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from Soott Fennell advising that Counoil will be willing to discuss the matter referred to in his letter at a meeting arranged at a convenient time for l'lr. Fennell and Council. Res.416 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Friday afternoon, September lOth, 1971 be proclaimed a Civic half- holiday for Public School children to attend the Durham Central Fair in Orono. Carried. Res.417 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the 4It Newcastle Juvenile Baseball Club be granted permission to use the Community Park on Labour Day, September 6th from 6 p.m to the completion of a ball game. Carried. Res.418 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by CounCillor Brereton that Harold Couch be granted a raise of $~OO.OO for 1971 and that he be advised that Council request a meeting with him to discuss garbage pick-up for 1972 on oneat the following dates, September 7th, 9th or lOth, 1971. Carried. Res. 419 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that accounts amounting to 815,145.56 be approved for payment. Carried. Res.420 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillir Boar that the Fire Department be given permission to have ten new-type fire phones installed. Carried. Res.421 Moved by Councillor Boar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the reports of the Fire DepartmentpBuilding Department be accepted. Carried. . The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Casey of Custom Glass Limited, Mr. Benson of A.V.P. Extrusions Ltd, and Mr. Riokard of Ceresdale Fertilizers to arrange for a meeting with Council. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Silas Corporation in Detroit, Michigan offering Council's co-operation regarding industrial location in Newcastle. Res.422 Reeve Cunningham vacated the chair and the following motion was passed: Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by CounCillor Gray that Councillor Couch be appointed Acting Reeve for the reading and passing of By-Law No. 71-18. Carried. Res.42) Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 71-18 being a by-law to accept the one foot reserve deeded to the Village of Newcastle by the Newcastle Development Company on November 4th, 1960, and to deem a portion of the one foot reserve as Village road, be read a first time. Carried. Res.424 Moved by Councillor Boar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 71-18 tit be read a second time. Carried. Res.425 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Boar that B1-La~ 71-18 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Res.426 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Boar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Clerk Reeve . . . . JULY ACCOUNTS 1971 PAID ACCOUNTS Merril Henry - Salary and Vacation pay Jean McCullough - Clerk'S Salary Gertrude Gray = Office Salary H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Receiver-General of Can. Deductions Receiver-General of Canada. U.E.I. Ganaraska Region Cons. Authority C.I.B.C. Debenture By-law 682 Newcastle Recreation Corom. W.B.Bennett Paving Newcastle Fire Dept. Jack Gray - Property Kurt Swinghammer - Roads UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office E. Vierhout - Bldg. permits Bell Canada Cooks Office Equipment Ltd. Grand & Toy James Publishing Co. Municipal World Ltd. Fire Department Bernard's Garage Bell Canada P.U.C. Newcastle Fire Dept. Roads W. B. Bennett Paving Leland Payne Harold Couch William Couch Merril Henry Property Merril Henry William Couch II II - Garbage Harold Couch 11 11 - Weed cutting E. Vierhout Miscellaneous P.U.C. - Traffic Lights Street Lights Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. Insurance $501.43 353.41 203.94 200.00 127.33 9.52 447.50 3,440.00 1,500.00 139.65 15.00 182.00 9.00 $ 34.00 13.18 1.58 12.24 (,.).i3:?~1~ 20.29 $ J5.3-:2"i 143.(, / $ 6.98 37.~7 8.68 15.00 $ 67.83 67.83 30.94 48.00 203.00 22.50 22.50 326.94 $ 30.00 32.50 10.50 73.00 65.00 95.80 306.80 7.84 430.32 4.333.44 $4.771.60 TOTAL UNPAID To'rAL ACCOUNTS ~d<~ ~~ $7,128.78 :>,~ " .U $5-. !i.:t6. 5lS $~2 Ss<.5 .16 /a,74.5-' S t ";:;,4uO' co 0 /,j- /4;'- . st 1