HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-20 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting February 20, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Tracey Ali, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Mark Stanisz, Peter Vogel, REGRETS: Victor Suppan, Robert Malone and Councillor Hooper STAFF: Faye Langmaid and David Addington, Planning Services DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 18.09 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the agenda for February 20, 2018 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 18.10 Moved by T. Ali, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the minutes of the Meeting of January 16, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — No news to report. Goodyear Property — Planning Department staff met with real estate representatives of the property owner last month and recommended that an HIA be completed to determine which buildings are the most significant and for them to participate in the Secondary Plan study. Hollingshead Property — No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES 1 1 P a g e Bowmanville Community Improvement Program — F. Langmaid reported that the Bowmanville CIP group met on January 17, 2018 and the following was discussed: xAmendments to the CIP passed on January 15, 2018 and the results from the annual report; xGrants added include the accessibility grant and signage grant; and xThe outdoor patio downtown pilot project has one Bowmanville restaurant eligible that meets liquor license requirements which is Kitchen Three -Six. Newcastle Community Improvement Program — F. Langmaid reported that the Newcastle CIP group met on January 18, 2018 and the following was discussed: xAmendments to the CIP passed on January 15, 2018 and the results from the annual report; xThe accessibility grant was added; and xThe outdoor patio downtown pilot project has one Newcastle restaurant eligible that meets liquor license requirements which is the Snug. General to each CIP group, F. Langmaid informed the committee that the next step in review of the CIPs is to examine the role and membership of the liaison groups. Having a heritage committee representative on each CIP liaison groups is not critical. Much of the work of the CIP liaison group is to raise awareness of the various CIP grants with businesses within each CIP area and advise Planning Services on issues that the CIP could address. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — T. Ali reported on the following ACO activities: xPlanning is ongoing for the 2018 Doors Open event which will focus on the east end of Clarington; 25 potential sites have been identified so far; xVice President Jason has written an article on Camp 30 which might be published in the Acorn newsletter or used for tours; x2018 Jane's Walk, will partner with Camp 30 again, offer is out to other tour leaders; xMaple Fest is on May 5t" and there will be advertising for Doors Open; xThree members have signed up for the Lakeridge Health Master Plan presentation on February 21 st with specific interest in the future of the nurses residence; xNext meeting is in April, 2018 at the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society Newcastle Village & District Historical Society — In R. Malone's absence, F. Langmaid reported on the following: xJane's Walks are taking place on May 4t" -6t" and can be at any site in Clarington — B. Malone indicated that NVDHS may have an interest and he will raise advise Jane Clark (the Durham co-ordinator of Jane's Walks); xMyno has been providing tours of the Newcastle Community Hall which have been very successful and well attended. Museum — K. Warren reported on the following Museum activities: xThe Family Ties: Clarington Connection exhibit up and running and includes items on loan from the Archives of Ontario for the next few weeks while the exhibit itself will 21 Page run through the summer; the exhibit is mostly local history with some indigenous artifacts; xK. Warren has been collecting research on the Nurses residence, and information for other walking tours in the hamlets of Clarington. PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee — F. Langmaid reported on the status of the properties that were recently recommended to be added to the Register, as follows: x Nurses Residence: F. Langmaid met with representatives from the Lakeridge Health group. A specific plan for the hospital expansion has not yet been completed. F. Langmaid recommended that they complete a HIA for the Nurses residence. x 3347 Liberty St N: a meeting is scheduled with the property owner in late February x 143 Queen St: The issue of ownership of the Scugog St. road right of way over a portion of the property needs to be addressed, the owners have a request into the Municipality which should be responded to in advance of recommending the property be added to the Register. x 26 Concession St. W: The owner is to complete an HIA as part of a Land Division application that was previously tabled. The process for advancing reports to Council concerning properties that the Committee has evaluated and recommended for addition to the Register was discussed. F. Langmaid described the process, as follows: x After the Committee has recommended the inclusion of a property to the Register, Planning staff contact the property owner by phone or email to give them notice of the intention to add the property to the Register; x This initial contact may lead to an in-person meeting with Staff and property owner. The purpose of any such meeting or phone call is to clarify what adding the property to the Register means so the property owner has a good understanding before a report is advanced for Council's consideration; x This initial notification is not mandated by the Ontario Heritage Act; however, past experience of recommending properties to the Register has shown that Clarington Council expects the property owner to be notified by staff and informed of what the potential inclusion on the Register means; x A letter notifying the property owner of the intention to add the property to the Register and indicating the date that the report will be on the Planning and Development agenda will be sent to the property owner when the report is going forward to Committee. Public Outreach and Education Committee — T. Ali reported that the subcommittee met and discussed the following items: x The committee is in the process of drafting a pamphlet that includes more detailed information about the Municipal Register and is intended to be used to educate property owners; 31 Page x The subcommittee can work on building content for the new heritage website to have it ready to be uploaded when the site is being updated, later this year; x The subcommittee discussed events and possibly having the Heritage Committee boards at various community events like Orono Fair, Doors Open, etc.; x K. Warren displayed a desk calendar that may be used as a potential template for the design of the Heritage Committee's own desk calendars. NEW BUSINESS Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan — D. Addington reported that the privately initiated Secondary Plan study has commenced and the draft terms of reference includes a heritage analysis as one of the studies to be completed. The heritage committee will be consulted on the heritage analysis once received. Members of committee have the opportunity to attend the public information centres to offer their input over the course of the study; registering as an interested party is the best way to stay informed. 2018 Durham Heritage Committee meeting — D. Addington reported that the Durham Region Heritage Planners group are seeking a municipality to host the 2018 Durham Heritage Committee meeting. The event is expected to be scaled down this year with the election in October. The event is expected to consist of guest speakers with some light snacks. Guest speakers can be suggested and arranged by any of the municipalities in Durham. So far no municipality has offered to host the event. Committee members discussed potential of hosting the event and would be open to hosting only if no other municipality volunteers. The committee suggested that the best date would be a Saturday morning in late September. D. Addington will communicate this decision to the Durham Heritage Planners group. 1598 Baseline Road (Jesse Trull House) — The Committee discussed an inquiry made by Madge Trull to Councillor Hooper regarding the protection of the Jesse Trull House on the Dom's Auto Wrecker site at 1598 Baseline Road, Courtice. The house was recently added to the Municipal Register. The house is located in an area designated as Industrial in the Official Plan therefore the intended future use of these lands would be industrial not residential. The Official Plan contains policies encouraging non- conforming uses such the residential use of this house to relocate so the land is used in conformity with the Official Plan. It is possible to designate the Jesse Trull House under Part IV of the Heritage Act. However, long-term protection will require adaptive re -use to conform with the industrial policies of the Official Plan. It was suggested that it would be a good idea to capture Madge Trull's recollections about the history of the property possibly through the Museum's `Sharing Stories' forum. It was noted that the John C. Trull house was removed in 2005 from a property just to the east on Baseline Rd. to make way for the Highway 418 construction. Edna Thompson Daycare — F. Langmaid spoke of past efforts to designate this house which is currently owned by the Region of Durham who are intending to move the Edna 41 Page Thompson Daycare. F. Langmaid has communicated with the Regional Works Commissioner and is awaiting a response regarding their opinion of designation. This property is a primary resource on the heritage inventory but has not yet been formally evaluated under the new process. The sub -committee will provide an evaluation. Clarington Book of Barns — T. Ali reported on a motion (12.28) from 2012 that endorsed the proposal to create a book of Clarington barns. The photography and some research of the barns had been done. Should the Committee wish to move forward with this project an overall project plan and timeline will have to be determined. T. Ali will contact Kim Vaneyk to see if she has the past research conducted on the barns and her interest in reactivating this project. Next meeting: March 20, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 3C 51 Page