HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1971 (Special) . MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - May 26th, 1971 Meeting was held in the Munioipal Offioe at 8 P.mI Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Counoillors Frank Hoar, Fred Couch, Alfred Gray and Margaret Brereton. Res.J79 Moved by Counoillor Gray, Seconded by Counoillor Brereton that the Clerk request prices for the advertising of the Finanoial Statement from The Reporter and the Canad&an Statesman, the lower prioe to be aooepted, subject to the submission of a proof reading of the statement before publioation. This statement to be published during the week of June 6th, 1971. Oarried. Res.J80 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seoonded by Counoillor Couoh that the meeting adjourn. Carried. . () J:?7~4////fi-J/ Clerk? IJiJI/MAAA~7~A~ .