HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-01 minutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee February 1, 2018, 6:30 P.M. MAC Meeting Room 3C If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford (Chair) Andre O'Bumsawin Maureen Reed Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Also Present: Andrea Nicholson —Accessibility Coordinator Rob Maciver — Municipal Solicitor Regrets: Jacqui Watchorn Councillor Partner The meeting was called to order at 6:38pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Sally Barrie That the minutes of the meeting of January 4, 2018 be approved as amended with the meeting start time amended from 7:45pm to 6:45pm. . Carried 2. Presentation Rob Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, presented on the Municipal Solicitor's role, including its relationship to accessibility and the Committee. 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Autism Home Based Durham presentation Autism Home based Durham will present to the Committee at the April 5, 2018 meeting. The presentation topics will include communicating with a person with autism and support services. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - February 1, 2018 Advisory Committee (b) Update regarding elevator audio speech synthesizers Andrea Nicholson reported that both the MAC elevator and the Clarington Pubic Library Main Branch elevator have now been upgraded to include audio speech synthesisers. It was noted that due to different elevator manufacturers, each of the audio voice synthesizers is slightly different and both offer assistance to people with vision loss. An official unveiling event with Mayor Foster will be held in the coming weeks. The Committee was supportive of a daytime event as it will allow easy access to both elevators. (c) Accessible Housing The Site Plan Review Sub -Committee is advocating for an increase in accessible hours in in new developments. Andrea Nicholson reported that she met with David Crome, Director of Planning, to request information regarding Planning Services and accessible housing, and noted that while the Committee may make a general recommendation, the Committee could not stipulate a recommended percentage of accessible housing. The Municipality has an incentive program for developers to build apartments, which require 15% of units to be accessible. The Committee mutually agreed to have someone from Planning Services come to a future Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting to discuss accessible housing. (d) Shoppers Drug Mart Newcastle The AAC minutes from April 6, 2016, were reviewed and it was noted that the Committee has already addressed the issue regarding Shoppers Drug Mart Newcastle. Shea -Lea Latchford reported that the Committee has previously completed work regarding this issue and recommended that Committee close the issue. The Committee mutually agreed. 4. New Business (a) Lakeridge Health planning focus group Andrea Nicholson facilitated the focus group and recorded the Committee members responses to the questions provided in the Lakeridge Health Master Planning Conversation Toolkit. (b) Dynamic Symbol of Access Deferred to next meeting Page 2of3 Clarington Accessibility - 3 - February 1, 2018 Advisory Committee 5. Regional Update Andre O'Bumsawin reported that the Regional AAC discussed the dynamic symbol of access. There will be a presentation on the topic at the next Regional AAC. 6. Other Business There was no other business. 7. Date of Next Meeting Thursday March 1, 2018 at 6:30 pm MAC Meeting Room 3C (new temporary room) 8. Adjournment Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, and seconded by Maureen Reed That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:15pm. Chair Secretary Page 3 of 3