HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-27TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: December 27th,'1978 li SUBJECT: Oshawa Times Article Following the appearance of the A ticle in t �e Oshawa Times on December 21st, 1978, regarding comment) suppositi ely made by the Planning Director several calls were m de by Memb rs of Council and the Public regarding these commen:this s. Since the appearance of Arti'le a"thorolgh discussion was held with the Planning Director, and I find khat in fact Mr. Kristof did grant the Reporter an Interview which lastedlapproximately one and a half hou�r;i,during which time the bulk of th'' discussion was regarding the Courtice Heights Subdivision Secondary Access problem. The Planning Director also statedlthat he got) involved explaining basic Planning Theory and planninglpro 16ms in areas which started to deelop on'urban fringe areas before full planning controls apply. The article which -appeared newspaper ed i the news a e does not reflect the comments it made by the Planning Director because it was drastically abbreviated and, L comments were taken out of context and some of the quotes reflected,by re misquoted and in articular "Pioneers to Blame".": the Reporter we q P The Planning g Dir ector also states that not mention an he did Y Ratepayers 'or any Members of Council by name. The reference to Councillor Cowman's appearance before the .Ontario Municipal Board wase. strictly the Reporter's own comments. The Planning Director feels that the way the article was written is misleading and he is very apologetic to the Council and the Public for creating such havoc.; In the short time Mr. Kristo£ has,been on staff he has assisted Council in solving many planning problems in the Municipality. Throughout my investigation I ascertained that the Planning Director did not express any Policy Statement, because it is a standing rule in this Municipality, that Policy Statements are made by Council not by Staff. /��