HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-23TM -8O-78 TO: Chairman and Members of the Finance and Admi.nistr.ation Committee FROM: A. C. Guiles, Town Manager DATE: October 23rd, 1978 SUBJECT: Mrs. Mackie, RR#2, Bownnanville Re: Sol.ina Investments As instructed by Council I met with Mrs. Mackie to discuss her presentation to Council. on October 10th, 1978 regarding; the building of the Capital Equipment Buil.diny, five feet too close to her property line. In her presentation to Councilshe stated that on severaloccasions she had drawn this matter to staff's attention and in further conversation I find she called Miss Forrest during the week of June 19th to June 23rd, 1978 but was not sure of the exact date during the week. j ss Forrest states that she did receivesuch a calland notified the Building Inspector of the inforn(ation. . The Buil.ding Department received an application from SoliiA Investments in May of 1.978 and after A review of the drawings Mr. Zachanowich issued a permit to the Owners. "On the drawings retained by the Building Department it shows that the Inspector noted the correction of the side yard requirements from 20' to 25'. The Building Department gave a set of corrected drawings to the Owner with the Building Permit and in checking the !evised set of drawings given to the Owner it would appear at first glance that the correAtions were not: mrdle on this set. In further discusslrnn with Mr. Wight he advises that the copy returned to the Owners is the se.t used for plan examination any corrections or notes are made on this set and then transferred to the Office Copy. In this particular situation the inspector used the set of drawings certified by the M�ni.stry of Labour with their notes and corrections noted thereon. For Committee's informaton'Mr. Wight sent down a copy of the plans to me to check and see if the plans met the requirements of the development agreement. Afternoting the corrections that had been made to the plans Mr. Wight %aas authorized to issue the Building Permit. The morning after Mrs. Mackie appeared before Council l attended at the Building Department Office and reviewed the drawings with Mr. Wight and his staff and was satisfied that the corrections as shown on the drawings and the notes on the Building Permit shoed the required 2.5' side yard requirements and this was drawn to Mr. Gay's attention by the Building Inspector, Mr. 7.achanowi.ch when the permit was applied for. !' t During the discussion with Staff, Mr. Wight suggested that it would be of assistance to me to look at the set of drawings which had been returned to the Owner. I contacted Mr. Cay and these drawings were returned and at first glance it appeared that the corrected side yard requirements were not shown on the plans. Mr. Wight was notified that the Pans were received and asked to attend at my office at which time a careful examination of the plans was made. If you carefully examine drawing; #1 (Site Plan) it appears that the notations made by the Bui.ldi_ng Inspector have been erased. I would respectfully recommend to the Finance and Administration Committee