HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-01TM -30-78 TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: May 1st, 1978 SUBJECT: Planning Department Due to the resignation of the Planning Director on April 10th„ 1978, I feel that it is necessary to review our Planning Organization. In early 1977 Council was concerned with the overall operation of the Municipality and commissioned the Stevenson and Kellogg Report and in this Report the Consultants outlined various concerns regarding the Planning Department and I would draw your attention to the following comment: - " The monk toad on the Dihecton o4 Ptann ng and ,the Assistant Ptanne,t is veny heavy. They ane pnocnsing bouA O66iciat Ptan Amendment Anpt,ications, 13 Zoning Apptications and 14 Subdivision Appt.icatio", in addition to many otheh duties. They cute being asked to Aepont to .two Committees -- the Ptan ing Advisony Committee and .the Ptanning Admin.ivs c tion Committee. The adminLsPtative toad putmits time timee to be devoted to devetopme.nt o�, needed D.v.,tn,i.et Ptans ()on Uhban Aneas." The Report went on to recommend the make up of the Planning Department and recommended a time frame that should be as follows: (Town �Manager Planning lil�irector Director Development Control - Planner (Studies) - Planner (Subdivisions) Development Engineer - Assistant Planner Engineering Technician - Clerk/Typist y-Law.Enforcement Officer Parking Animal Control Building Inspectors Plumbing Inspectors Clerk/Typist During November and December it was decided that we would advertise for a Planning Director and no major decisions would be made regarding existing Staff until the new Director had an opportunity to assess the situation and report on his staff requirements. -2 - This particular matter has not been resolved and before a new Director is hired an organization chart for. the Planning Department should be approved and a decision made as to the placement of existing staff within the new organization if they possess the required skills. If the required skills of the present employees do not fill our requirements they should be replaced. During discussions on wages the question was raised as to the placement of the Building and Plumbing Inspection under the control of the Planning Department and I feel at this time it would be wise to consider this move. In reviewing the suggested organization by Stevenson & Kellogg it was their opinion that two Departments be created as shown in the previous chart and as this recommendation has been rejected I would suggest the following organization chart: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (Responsibility & Accountability Chart not Salary Levels) Chief Building Inspector Building Inspectors (2) I Plumbing Inspector (1) Director o Planning & Secretary Planner Current Operations 9 Planning Technician 6 Draftsman ,Clerk -Receptionist Secretary to __ Committee of Adjustment Planner Long (Part time) With the major back log of work in the Planning Department and the immediate requirement to complete the new Zoning By-law, preparation of District Plans, review of the Regional Official Plan and the ongoing Planning and Development pressures it is critical that we organize and staff this Department with the best professional and technical staff available. <"! -3- You 3_You will note in the suggested chart that I am recommending the hiring of two senior Planners, a Planning Technician and a Draftsman which will increase the size of the. Department to seven people at a total, yearly salary cost to the Municipality of approximately $145,000. The actual, cost for 1978 would be approximately $90,000., as we would only be hiring additional staff for a portion of the year. I would recommend the following time table be used to fill the actual positions as recommended in the Charts Position Date Planning Director May 15th, 1978 Draftsman June 30th, 1978 Planning Technician June 30th, 1978 Planner - Current Operations July 31st, 1978 Planner - Long Range September 30th, 1978