HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-13U,. TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. Guiler DATE: March 13, 1978 SUBJECT: SALARY RANGE REVIEW As requested at the meeting last Wednesday, I have re -worked Schedule B(1) and B(2) and set out a proposed range on the attached sheet together with a proposed salary increase for 1978 for all non-union employees. As stated in my report to Council on March 8, consideration should be given to overtime worked by the Foremen in Public Works. In Group I the maximum allowable by A.I.B. is 6% and it was divided as follows: 1977 1978 1978 Salary Increase Proposed Salary Clerk 23,760 990 24,750 Treasurer 23,000 1,150 24,150 Director of Public Works 23,116 1,634 24,750 69,876 3,774 73,650 The maximum allowed by the A.I.B. for this group is 6% of 69,876 = $4,192.56 and approximately 10% of this figure is for increased cost of benefits leaving $3,774. to be divided amongst the group. In Group II all employees were given the maximum increase of 6% which is 6% of $53,460 = $3,207.60 of which 10% goes to increase in benefits leaving $2,887. to be divided among the group. In Group III the maximum allowable is 6% of $47,345 = $2,840.70 The position. of Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary and Deputy to the Director of Public Works was established after January 1st, 1978 and cannot be used for A.I.B. calculations. 2 - The amount of $2,840. was divided as follows: 1977 1978 1978 Salary Proposed Proposed Increase Salary Deputy Treasurer & Tax Collector 17,820 180 18,000 Deputy Director of Community Services 11,705 1,395 13,100 Works Super 17,820 960 18,780 47,345 2,535 49,880 The balance of $305. will be charged against this group for increased benefit costs. You will also note that I have not suggested the maximum increase for the Deputy Treasurer as I feel that his work load will be reduced with the intro- duction of the computer system. In Group IV the maximum allowable is 6% of $140,432. = $8,426 of which 90% or $7,583. is available for salary increases. The position of By -Law Enforcement Officer was established after January 1st, 1978 and cannot be used for A.I.B. calculations. The amount of $7,583. was divided as follows: 1977- 1978 1978 Salary Proposed Proposed Increase Salary Program Director 11,880. 620. 12,500 Works Foremen $16,632 x 4 66,528 3,592 70,120 Arena Manager 1 13,500 500 14,000 2 12,285 1,165 13,450 Firefighters 1 12,614 716 13,330 2 11,340 990 12,330 Parks and Cemetery Foreman 12,285 1,165 13,450 140,432 8,748 149,180 O You will note in this group that we are over the A.I.B. guidelines in the amount of .1165, this is due to additional adjustments for three persons, Arena Manager 2, Parks and Cemetery Foreman and Firefighter 2 to bring them in line with the Union Contracts. In Group V each employee was given a $600. increase which does not require A.I.B. calculation for this group. I feel that this proposal is an equitable method of adjusting salaries for 1978 and these adjustments would need to be carried on for one additional year to bring all employees into the salary classification ranges which are proposed.