HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1971 (Special)
NIJlTUTES OF SPECIAL NEETING - Je>nuarv 18. 1971,,-
Meetin:?; was held in the Nunicipal Office, at 8 p.m.
J'resent '.^fere: Reeve D. J. Cunninghem, C011.ncillors BrArAton, Couch,
Gray and }loar.
Res. 262
Res. 263
Res. 264
Res. 265
Res. 266
.8. 267
Res. 268
Res. 269
Res. 270
fieB. 271
Pes. 272
.,s. 273
HAS. ?74
Noved by Con. Hoar, SeClollded by Con. BrerAton that By-law 71-3
being a by-1 '?w to amAnd 'be'-law 70-11 regardine; teJ:lCJorary borrowing
pending the sale of Debentures, be read a first time. Cqrried.
Hoved '0:' C(n1/ Couch, RecondeiJ by C0;1. Gre,y the.t By-1El\'l 71-3
be read a second time. C~rried.
Moved by Con. Brereton, seccndAo by Con. HoaT that By-1mv 71- J
be read a third time Rnd finally "lagsed. C'1.rried.
)'coved oy Con. Gray, seconded by Con. H08r that the 1970 revised
Proposal from the O.'4.R.C., for the construction of a mechEmical
sewa~e treatment system, be acceptert and that the b:'-L,ws relating
to this project be prepared. Carried.
Noved b~' Con. (lr'1.;;T, seconded by Con. Brereton that bJ'-law 71-4
being a bv-law to rescind 3Jil-law 69-14 regarding a Se1^faee Rate
under Sections 16A and 42(6) of tbe Ontario Water Resources
Commission Act, be read a first time. Carried.
Hoved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. COlwh tbat by-lqw 71-4
be read a second time. Carried.
Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. G~ay that by-law 71-4
be reed a third time and finally passed. Carried.
t',10ved by Con. Couch, secoY><led by 00]'1. ".'ira~' that B~'-18w 71-5
being a, by-l%' to re8cind by-l"w 69-10 ....esarding a Se\'l'lfe BR,te
under ''lpctions 16a and 42 (6) of the Ontari,o\"ater ~{esources
Commission ~ct, be read a first time. Carried.
)'loved b2' Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. ,Srereton tha.t by-law 71-5
be read a second time. Carried.
~loved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Couch that by-lc,w 71-5
be reed a thirrt time and finally nassed. Carried.
v _.- ~ "
Moved by Con. Hoar, p~conded by Con.
"1 ~57 d' t. t 0 'Il 'J "
l~O. c- rpg:ar_lng OplJ],on 0 ..,"_c.'J.
Caroline ~t. :rroperty, be rescinrted.
Brereton that Resolution
for test drilling on the
l/'oved, by Con. Gra;;T, seconded by CO'l. C0'Jch th8t the Caroline
~)tteet nro;:rerty (;:rt. of lots 11 and 12) be vRlued at ')5000.
FJ,!ld the I-)oHl t0YJ St. l~rO!)ert;y (--"art of lots A. &, B, Bl_ock T.)
be VB lue6 at ,,2500, C8rried.
No'red 'oJ Cor. Couch, 8econded bJ Con. (iray that thw P. U. C.
be given permission to install 6 street li~bts on Toronto Street
and one light on Kinff St. West, at q totql-ap;:rroximate cost of
~250.00. Carried.
Clerk \,^fas i'1structert to advertise for a BJT-la"l :G'nforcement
Officer, apn1ications to be receivad by February 5, 1971.
JIloved by C')n. Brereton, seconrl,ed b~' Con. Hoar that tb p mee tine
adjourn. Carrieil.
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