HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/1971 -~ MINUTES OF REGULAR COm~CIL MEETING - JANUARY II, 1971 Meeting \6S held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Res.233 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that minutes of meetin:>; held December 14th be adopted as printed. Carried. Res.234 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the following be appointed to the Recreation Committee: Sam Br,reton, Robert Shearer, Edward Dwyer, Charles Aquilina, Fred Couch, Margaret Brereton and Evelyn Northrup as Treasurer. These appoint- ments to be effective until the second Monday in January 1972. Carried. Res.235 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the foll.wing be appointed to the Com~unity Hall Board for 1971: F. B. Pidgeon, Douglas Wrie;ht, Pauline Storks, Margaret Brereton and D. J. Cunningham. Carried. Res.236 Moved by Counciller Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the following be appointed to the Memorial Library Board for 1971: C. R. Carveth, Jacob DeJong, Judy Miklos and Jack Nesbitt. Carried. e.Res.237 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by CO'illcillor Hoar that the following be a]1peinted to the Arena ~hnabement Board for 1971: Alfred Gray, John Rickard, William Call and Charles Crowther. Car-ried. Res.2J8 Moved by Counciller Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that D. J. Cunningham be a]1nointed to the Ganaraska Conservation Region. Carried. "e~ ?39 ...~ >.;J. '- Hoyed by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Henry Jose be annointed to the Memorial Rosuital Board for 1971. Carried. (-TINS 'ie".I#Vrnr/ C/H'eELJ..ED I[v FE8RVAA?Y tr# -"'t4'pTE5)~. Res.240 Moved by Co:mciller Brereton, Seconded by CO'.lDcillor Hoar tho.t the an"Oointment of members to the Cemetery Board be held over to the February meeting. Carried. Res.241 Moved by Councillo~ Brereton, Second en by Councillor Hoar that the Committees of Council for 1971 remain the same as in 1970. Carried. Res.242 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar the $15.00 membership fee to the Ontario Good Roads Association be paid and any member of Council wishin8 to attend the Convention in Toronto in February be allowed to do so. Carried. . Res.243 Moved by Cou~cillor Ceuch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the $20.00 membership fee to the Association of Ontnrio Nayor sand Reeves be paid. The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter from the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study asking tb?t the name of jJ[rs. Jean McCullough be deleted from the Implementation Sub-Committee. The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter from the Ganaraska Conservation Region advising that Newcastle's share of the Baltimore project will be raised through taxation. Res. 244 Hoved by Councillor Roqr, Secon<led 'oy Ccnmcil.lor Brereton that the Marching Nothers be granted permission to C'clmT'1.SS t'Le Yillage ror 1"11'1:1", ~.t their ",.nve.lidlce, in January 1971. Carried. Res. 245 Moved by Councillor Gray, Secon1ed by Councillor Hoar that a donation of ~nO. 00 be sent to St. Johns Amb'tlance. Carried. . Res.246 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the letter from Lake Ontario Regiopal Developr1el't Council be filed. C'lrried CO'.illcil Meetj.ng - ,January 11, 1971 - Continued Res. 247 M~ved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor ~oar that letters from W. :De.rcy l'IcKeough, C2.nadia.'1 l'Iental Health Association and tre Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities be filed. Carried. :a.a .....Res. 248 Movec1 by C0uncillor Gray, Seconc1ed b~' COlJl''Cillor Brereton that accounts ar'nunting to $21,8}1.74 be approved for payme'1t. Carried. Res. 249 Moved by Councillor Couch, Sec'mded by CO'lVcillor HfJ:tr that the reports of the 1"ire Derartmel"t, Welfare, Health Department and Building be approved. Car~ied. Res. 250 Moved b~' Councillor Gray, Sp.conded '::' Councillor Brereton that By-Law 71-1, bei~c a By-Law to raise the rate of interest on tax arrears be regl a first time. C~~ri0~. Res. 251 Movec1. by Councillor Hoar, Sece",ded b~' Councillor Ceuch thqt By-La'. 71-1 be rea~ a second ti~e. Carried. Res. 252 J"'ov",d by COllTIcillorCouch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 71-1 be read a third time and finally passpd. Carried. Rp.~. 253 Moved by Councillor Couch, SecfJ"'dpd by Councillor ~ray that By-Law 71-2, being a by-law to ffilthorize borrowing for 1971 be r~2d a first time. Carried. tltRes. 254 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 71-2 We rep~ a second timp.. Carriod. Res. 255 Neved by CO'~1TIcillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 71-2 be re~d a thir~ time and finally passed. Carried. Hes. 256 Moved by COllncillor HoaT, Seconded b~' CO'lTIcillor Brereton that the Clerk be instructed to wri~e to M. G. Fallis of the Ontario Water Resources Commissi.on a.sking for an explanation as tfJ tbe re8qnl'lS for wwtin,Q' to test drill for the Ylew \'1ell on Bot,l ton Street and the property owned by Newton Selby, as both 10cati~n8 are a considerable distance from our present "rater system. Carried. Res. Res. 257 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Council !'Tant an ortion to Ontal"io '-'vater Resources on the CarolinA Street property (lots 11 and 12) for test drillin~ of the new well, the price of this property to be set at ~8,oOO~OO. Carried. 258 Noved by C01.1TIciller Gray, Seconded b~' CO'.lTIcillor Hoar that j'lr. Couch look into the need for street lights on Toronto Street west of Mill Street to the Fertilizer Plant, also one on King Street west of the l~st existinG light. Carried. ., Res. 259 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Mr. Beam's resignation from the Recreation Committee be accepted with regret. Carried. Res. 260 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded b~' Councillor Bl"ereton that the meeting adjourn. Carried. l~' . , .II ir: / . / fi;.;J1 <<.<7- ,; ,P;7~ "n//A--'/ Cler_ _J