HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1969 ". Res.239 . Res. 240 Res.241 Res.242 . Res.243 Res.244 '. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - DECEMBER 8. 1969 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Frank Hoar, and Alfred Gray. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the minutes of meeting held November lOth be adopted as printed.Carried. Members of the Recreation Committee and the Hockey Mothers' Assoc- iation were present and approached Council in an attempt to resolve some of the problems existing between the two organizations. Much discussion followed. It was the feeling of Council that represent- atives from Council and the Hockey Mothers' Association should meet with the Recreation Committee as soon as a meeting could be arranged. Mrs. Keith Rogerson representing the Hockey Mothers' Association requested space in the Community Hall to store hockey equipment in the off-season. This is to be arranged. Mr. Finney of the County Road Office in Cobourg approached Council regarding the proposed construction on North Street at the C.P.R. subway which will affect property owned by Mrs. Reida Allison, who was also present. Mr. Finney advised Council that the County would not allow six exits to the road so close to the subway. The County Engineer, therefore. submitted a plan changing Mrs. Allison's previous plan for this property so that one exit only from these lots would be to the County Road (North Street). Tentative approval was requested of Council for this plan so that Mrs. Allison could proceed with a survey and plan which would be submitted to Council at a later date for approval. The following Resolution was there- fore passed: Moved by Councillor Hoar. Seconded by Councillor Gray that the plan presented by Mr. Finney of the County Road Office in Cobourg for land owned by Mrs. Reida Allison. Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, North Street, be accepted in principle. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Village of Newcastle endorse the Resolution of the Corporation of the Town of stoney Creek made on the 11th of November, 1969 with regard to illegal gatherings and civil disobedience. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that approval be given to Mr. P. G. Cockburn, Director of Project Development of The Ontario Water Resources Commission for the procedure to be followed with respect to the processing of the application to the Ontario MuniCipal Board for ~he proposed Sewage Project as set out in the second paragrap, q! ~ let~of November 12th, 1969. Carried ~. 1'''''''' [).S, C. l-Y Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that The Ontario Water Resources Commission be advised to proceed with alternative 3 namely "Explore the possibility of constructing a mechanical sewage treatment plant which would involve a smaller area of land," in accordance with their letter of November 27th, 1969. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that accounts amounting to $66,2)).17 be approved for payment, and that Lloyd Bolahood, Realty Management Services be billed for $10.50 for the cost of registration of the Easement from Miss C. Butler. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to file the fx[lowing letters: Kilborn Engineering to O.W.R.C., Newcastle Recreation Committee (2), Ontario Municipal Board and Mr. Fred Glanville's resignation as Fire Chief, Mr. Glanville's letter to be dealt with at the first meeting of the new Council in January 1970. Rea. 245 -~" Res. 246 -' Rea.247 Res.248 Res.249 . . ,~, MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - DECEMBER 8. 1969 Contrd Moved b1 Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gra1 that the reports from the Health Unit, Building Inspector and Fire Department be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded b1 Councillor Hoar that By-Law No. 69-17 amending B1-Law 80) providing for 15 minute parking on that aide of King Street adjacent to the Poat Office be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gra1 that By-Law No. 69-17 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law No. 69-17 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. !f.J.fM"~7L-" "- 2ti::::~k/~yL "" NOVEMBER ACCOUNTS 1969. PAID ACCOUNTS Merril Henry, Caretaker's Salary Jean McCullough, Clerk's Salary ~". Gertrude Gray, Office Salary Receiver-General - U.E. Insurance Receiver-General - Tax Deductions Ohqs.1152,1156,1164 - Direct Welfare Chqs.l150,1123,1154,1165 n II II 1120,1151,1155,1166 II n Chq. 1167 - Direct Welfare H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension E. Vierhout - Bldg. permits Florence Tillson - D.R.O. Elections ~~deleine Williams D.R.O. II Isobel Wright - D.h.O. II Jaqueline DeJong - P.C. II Reta Chard _ P C. 11 Helen Hobbs - P.C. 11 C.I.B.C. - Debenture & Coupon Acct. United Counties - County Rate Jean McCull~ugh (Petty Cash) Sunset Lodge - Welfare Institutional Royal Canadian Legion - Poppy fund .. Newcastle Fire Dept. - practise ~ UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office James Publishing Co. Ltd. Merril Henry - Salary By-law Off. 1969 Bell Canada Receiver-General - Box rent Newcastle Reporter Legal & Registrar Registrar E. R. Lovekin - re Easement -. Elections Municipal World Orono Weekly Times Geoffrey Bonnycastle Fire Degartment Bell anada Rickard's Fuels Newcastle Fire Dept. - practice Canox Newcastle Garage Goode's Hardware P.U.C. Bernard's Garage Firemen's salaries and extra pay Roads Harold Couch Wm. Couch Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill The Pedlar People Ltd. Bernard's Garage - re truck Leland Payne Dept. of Highways - clean up Garbage Harold Couch 'lim. Couch . Welfare Sunset Lodge Nursing Home - Institutional Direct - Lorne Johnson Drugs Dr. J. Hudson $316.61 323.74 164.16 8.24 92.23 45.00 120.00 103.00 41.50 200.00 38.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 6,450.00 24,600.22 15.65 103.50 17.75 10.00 $)2,745.60 15.43 288.50 21.42 5.00 22.00 3 352..5 2.80 10.50 13.30 18.91 16.46 3.00 38.)7 37.17 19.23 10.00 9.06 1.50 3.66 4.00 17.58 647.50 749.70 247.50 67.50 161. 25 166.84 718.32 211.00 153.39 1,725.80 500.00 6.90 506.90 320.00 U.72 20.00 352.72 . NOVEMBER ACCOUNTS - 1969 - Continued UNPAID ACCOUNTS Councillor's Sararies and allowances. .. D. J. Cunningham Joan Frith i'red Couch Frank Hoar Alfred Gray J.\liscellaneous Frank Cowan Co. - truck ~nsurance Memorial Library Levy - balance North-Durh. Board of Education balance of levy O.W.h.C. - 6-00)8-59 O.w.R.C. - 6-0120-6) P.U.C. - traffic lights P.U.C. - street lights Total Unpaid Accounts Total Paid Accounts $ 375.00 100.00 112.50 225.00 225.00 $ 1,0)7.50 11).00 776.50 24,054.00 ),045.00 )6J,.00 6.82 352.61 28.710.93 TOTAL NOVE~ffiER ACCOUNTS . . . t;.8 7.5"1 $)),9)'j1.~'jl 32.745.60 :J.3B./7 $66."'-8.'&. '8Y