HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/1969 , MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING November 10. 1969 Meeting held in Council Chambers at 8 p.m. . Res.227 . . Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Counc~llor Fr~th that the minutes of the meeting held October 14th be adopted as printed. Carried. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Joan Frith, Frank Hoar and Alfred Gray} Mr. Bolahood approached Council and submitted an easement obtained from Mtss Cora Butler for the storm sewer and~ainage of Orchard View Subdivision. Plans for the storm~wer and work to be done on the roads and ditches in the sub-division, prepared by Totten and Sims, were also submitted for Council's approval. Res.228 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Frith that provided the roads, ditches and storm sewers are completed in accordance with the plan submitted by Totten & Sims Limited to Realty Management Services, and the roads and ditches are approved by the Road Chairman, building permits may be approved for the construction of 10 houses. If such permits are requested before this work is completed, a cheque for the estimated cost of 84,550.00 will be given to the Village as . . a retainer. Carried. Res.229 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Frith that the P.U.C. be instructed to install a street light in front of the property owned by Jacob DeJong. Carried. Res.230 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the Lease be renewed with the Department of Public Works, re Provinoial Court for space in the Cowmunity Hall to January 1, 1971. Carried. Res.231 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Council endorse the Resolution of the Town of Mississauga of October 14th, 1969 with regard to Cable Antenna Television Companies. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the letter from the Department of Transport regarding a Crosswalk at the corner of Be~ver Street and No. 2 Highway to Mr. Ronald Munro, Principal of the Newcastle Public School. Carried. . Reeve D. J. Cunningham appointed Councillor Gray to the Community Hall Board to fill the vaDancy of Mr. Fred Couch until December 31, 1969. The Clerk was instructed to anewer Mr. Schofield's letter and advise him that Council will make no decision at this time with regard to the separation of Lot 1, Block 2, King Street West for the purpose of erecting an apartment bUilding. Res.232 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that anyone wishing to attend the Lake Ontario Regional Development Council's conference on December 5th be allowed to do so. Carried. The Clerk WaS instructed to reply to the letter ~rom the Newcastle Horticultural Society regarding the planting of trees, east of the Community Hall on the west side of Mill Street and advise that because this street will be widened, trees could not be planted. The following letters were to be filed: Ontario Good Roads Association, Department of Municipal Affairs, Lake Ontario Regional Development Association, and the Department of Highways. . Res.233 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Frith that accounts amounting to $35,186.91 be approved for payment. Carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -- November 10. 1969 Cont'd Res.234 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Frith that the reports of the Building Inspector and Fire Departments be accepted. Carried. . Res.235 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Village of Newcastle and the Public Utilities Commission enter into an Agreement with William F. Rickard to extend water services to his property, and the Clerk and Reeve and P.U.C. ~aEa~~ be author- ized to sign this Agreement. Carried. (;NIIIKII.7i1/ Res.236 Move~by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor HOar that Reeve Cunningham arrange to meet with Calvin Wilkins to discuss the possibility of Mr. Wilkins servicing the Village with taxi service. Carried. Res.237 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Frith that the Report of Expenditures for Roads and Streets be authorized for Road SUbsidy. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Recreation Committee again with respect to the appointment of a new member. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Fire Department and the P.U.C. th~ing them for Hallowe'en Policing. . Res.238 Moved by Councillor Frith, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. {t~ .......: ~w-?. .. o.&;;~~~~~"~'''' Affi~g Clerk . .- -e -. -. .. OCTOBER ACCOUNTS 1969. PAID ----Jean McCullough, Clerk's Salary 323.74 Gertrude Gray, Office Salary 192.51 Nerril Henry, Caretaker's Salary 316.61 hyetet Vierhout, Bldg. Insp. 102.00 H. S. Britton, Pension P.U.C. 200.00 Receiver-General - Deductions 100.53 Receiver-General - U.B.I. 8.24 Welfare chq. 1115 15.00 << <<1100, 1106 30.00 << <<1076,1099,1103,1118 120.00 Glenho1me Hughes, 48.72 Joseph Bezubiak, Tax regate 20.14 N.D.County Bd. of Ed. re levy 20,000.00 Arena F~t. Bd. re Estate 1,000.00 Newcastle Recreation Committee 500.00 Onto Education Cap.Aid Corp 10,362.50 Jack Gray - Property 75.00 Newcastle Fire Dept. 10.00 Madeline Williams - Rabies Clinic 5.00 Irene Whincop - " " " 5.00 33,434.99 UNPAID Office llell Canada Hooper's Jewellery Grand &. Toy Reporter Goode's Hdwe Le~al & Re~istrar E. Richard Lovekin Registrar, West Durham Riding Election Curtis Letter Supply Co. Fire Department Bell Canada Rickard's Fuels R. B. Rickard Plumbing Wilson &. Cousins Roads Goode's Hardware F. H. Graham William Couch Harold Couch Property Robin Rickard Toms &. Sons Ltd. William Couch, Garpage Welfare Lome Johnson Drugs The Lodge Nursing Home Sunset Lodge Nursing Home Street Lights TOTAL ACCOUNTS 24.10 16.96 11.58 6.00 1.00 22.50 5.40 8).91 38.33 4.59 17.37 7.00 3.15 2.00 20.00 490.00 51. 00 9.40 5.70 9.92 395.90 173.50 59.64 27.90 83.91 67.29 515.15 66.10 579.32 352.61 $33,434.99 1.751.92 35.186.91