HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-12 PartnerClarlbgtoa Council / Committee Member �"" Declaration of Interest Form This form shall be completed by the Member for each matter for which the Member is declaring an interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. The completed form shall be provided to the Municipal Clerk, or designate, at the conclusion of the meeting. Note, the details of the declaration shall be recorded in the Declaration of Interest Registry and a copy of the completed form shall be posted on the Municipal Website in addition to the Registry. I, Councillor declare a potential ❑ deemed' / � direct / ❑ indirectz) pecuniary interest on Agenda: R General Government Committee ❑ Planning and Development Committee ❑ Council Details: Agenda Item I Subject matter, Report number: % Date of meeting: za for the following reason: Date Desianaceiji�d by the Clerk�or� Designate}}'' Notes: 'For a "deemed" direct or indirect pecuniary interest see Section 3 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2For an "indirect pecuniary interest' see Section 2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.