HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-34-96REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # __ - 4 ) �r # Date: December 9 Res. C.. By -Law Report #: ADMIN . 3 4 - 9r ile #: Subject: Edenfest Music Festival and 1996 Mosport Activities Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN. 34-96 be received; 2. THAT staff continue to meet with Mosport Park Limited in order to ensure that the noise abatement program be put in place as agreed between the parties; and 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. B. Kamin of Mosport and Mr. Clay Taylor of the North Clarington Ratepayers Association, BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: 1. During the 1995 Mosport season the Municipality of Clarington contracted the services of John Swallow Associates, Acoustical Engineers, to carry out sound measurements made in and around Mosport Park to determine the. sound levels due to rock music originating from a bandstand situated in the infield of Mosport Park. The data obtained from these sound measurements were to be used by the Municipality to assist in establishing an acceptable level of sound from future concerts. A copy of the Swallow report was sent to Mr. Bernard Kamin of Mosport Park Limited to assist Mosport in readying themselves for future discussions on the issue of concert noise at the facility. 1.1 In the Spring of 1996 Mosport Park advised the Municipality of Clarington, that they intended to stage a major rock concert at Mosport Park in July of 1996 to be known as Edenfest Music Festival. On April 18, 1996, municipal staff met with YourShow Productions, representing Mosport Park Limited, as well as staff representing a number of Regional services, to be briefed on the preliminary plans for the Edenfest concert. 1.2 On May 13, 1996, a further meeting was held between municipal staff and representatives of Mosport Park Limited in an attempt to reach some type of an agreement pertaining to acceptable sound levels from both concerts` and automobile racing at Mosport. Mosport was advised that there would again be sound monitoring of a rock concert and automobile races occurring over the May 18th week -end at Mosport and it was at that meeting that Mosport advised that there would be a different stage location for the Edenfest concert. RECYCLED PAPIER ��. 2 1.3 Under date of June 10, 1996, Council was presented with Report # CD -31-96, (attachment A) advising that Staff was awaiting information from Mosport in support of their request for a special events permit regarding Edenfest Music Festival. 1.4 Under date of June 24, 1996, Council was presented with Report # CD -36-961 (attachment B) requesting permission to issue a special events permit for the Edenfest Music Festival upon receipt of all required documentation and clarification of the issue of parking. 1.5 This report spelled out an agreement between the parties limiting the "acceptable" noise levels for both concerts and motor racing. It also addressed a number of actions to be taken by Mosport prior to the 1997 motor racing season that would see the reduction of noise levels from the oval track. 1.6 Representatives of the North Clarington Ratepayers Association appeared in deputation at the Council meeting of June 24, expressing concerns over the upcoming event with specifics to parking and noise. 1.7 On June 26, 1996, a public information meeting was held at the Tyrone Community Centre, with the Durham Regional Police presenting a safety plan to cover the event. 1.8 Under date of July 8, 1996, Council was presented with Report #, CD -42-961 (attachment C) addressing by-law enforcement matters surrounding the Edenfest Music Festival. 1.9 Under the same date Council was presented with an addendum to Report # CD - 42 -96, (attachment D) requesting approval of the expenditure of $18,000 from Contingency Account # 7007-X-298 to cover the cost of monitoring noise from the Edenfest concert, as well as costs of municipal - employees who would be working to carry out by-law, enforcement, and perform certain duties on behalf of the Municipality during the course of the event. 1.10 Council questioned the need of the Municipality paying the cost of monitoring noise from the concert, suggesting that such a cost should be paid by the promoter of the event. When asked the question, the municipal solicitor advised Council that the results of the monitoring of noise by the Municipality could be used in a court of law, should the Municipality decide to go to the courts regarding future events . ' After questioning the solicitor on this point, Council approved an expenditure not to exceed $18,000. 1.11 A number of meetings took place between the promoters and all of those departments involved in monitoring and working the event such as police, ambulance, fire, by-law, health, etc. It was at these meetings that the promoters presented the details of their program covering the event, and the different departments indicated what must be done to satisfy any concerns that they had in order that they would be able to "sign -off" prior to the Municipal Clerk issuing an event permit. It was also made clear as to what role the specific departments would play during the week- end of the festival in order to ensure a safe event with as little adverse impact as possible on the surrounding neighbourhood. 1.12 The Durham Regional Police provided a number of "pay -duty" police officers to the event with the promoters paying the cost of same. Both the "pay - duty",, and "on -duty" officers carried out- the normal policing of the event as well as traffic control of the surrounding roads during the time up to, during, and following the event. Municipal staff was responsible for by- law enforcement, illegal parking, the monitoring of noise from the concern, and fire protection. Through pre -event negotiations, the promoters paid the cost of erecting "no parking' signs on the municipal roads surrounding Mosport, as well as covering the cost of most staff during the event. 1.13 During both the Edenfest concern, and the Warped Tour concert, two telephone lines were installed in Fire Station #5 (Enniskillen) at Mosport's cost. The Clerk's Office placed an advertisement in local papers ( attachment E) providing information surrounding the Edenfest event as well as the telephone numbers of the municipal headquarters, on-site police office, and Mosport's community help lines. The promoters of Edenfest distributed an information flyer providing the same information throughout the neighbourhoods surrounding Mosport Park, (attachment F). 1.14 The Clerk's Office also placed an advertisement in the local papers prior to the Warped Tour providing the Community Help Lines telephone numbers (attachment G). 2.0 THE EDENFEST MUSICAL FESTIVAL EVENT MUNICIPAL STAFF 2.1 On the week -end of the Edenfest Music Festival, (Thursday to Sunday), fourteen members of the municipal staff worked on various shifts for the purpose of tagging and towing vehicles and enforcing the Hawkers/Peddler and Refreshment Vehicle By-laws. During that time the municipal "hotlines", established at Fire Station Five were manned by members of the Fire Department on Thursday, July 11, from noon to midnight, and Friday and Saturday from ten in the morning to. midnight and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2.2 On Thursday, July 11, sound measurements were being done in the communities surrounding Mosport Park, on a complaint basis. From 5 p.m. until midnight on Friday and Saturday, sound measurements were taken at four properties surrounding Mosport Park, as well as the "sound mixer", located in front of the stage, and in the community, on a complaint basis. These sound measurements were carried out by John Swallow Associates with assistance from municipal staff. 3.0 PARKING 3.1 Following a meeting with the North Clarington Ratepayer's Association on June 21, 1996, the promoters were advised that all parking for the concert must be accommodated. on properly zoned land. It was brought to staf f ' s. attention that Mosport Park had acquired a piece of property directly south of the park on which all vehicles would be directed to park. Upon checking the zoning, the promoter was advised that the land did not comply with the proper zoning to be used as a parking lot. Upon reviewing this news from staff, Mosport Park filed a rezoning application. As is the Municipality's practice, no charges were laid relating to the use of the property for parking as the application had been submitted. 4.0 TRAFFIC 4.1 The first problem surrounding the Edenfest Music Festival took place in the late afternoon, and early evening of Thursday, July 11. The original operational plan called for. the opening of the major -parking lots to be at noon on Thursday. Unfortunately, the parking lots were not opened until 8 p.m., creating a major traffic jam that plugged the community roadways leading to Mosport Park, and was the subject of a number of calls to the police event headquarters. t Il 5.0 RESIDENTIAL'SECURITY 5.1 According to the Durham Regional Police Service, a number of calls received by them complained of the fact that the promoters had promised a number of residents that they would be supplied with private security for their residential property, and as of the Thursday evening, the security was not in place. We understand that this was apparently corrected later during the week -end. 6.0 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 6.1 The high-profile of the municipal staff that worked the event was effective in controlling both illegal peddlers and illegal parking. Very few citations were issued over the week -end with only one vehicle being towed from the surrounding roads. 7.0 COMMUNITY HELP TELEPHONES 7.1 As previously stated, municipal staff established a Clarington Command Post at Fire Station #5, and provided two Community Help telephone lines during the course of the event. Considering the magnitude of the event, there were very few calls registered over the course of the week -end. In the early stages of the event, the majority of calls related to ticket information and event passes. Complaints regarding by-law, traffic, and noise were passed on to the appropriate authorities. 8.0 NOISE MONITORING 8.1 As previously stated, sound monitoring of the Edenfest Musical Festival was carried out at four specific locations surrounding Mosport Park, as well as at the "mixer board" in front of the stage and mobile units responding to specific complaints received by telephone. A copy of the preliminary report from John Swallow Associates, dated July 17 1996, is attached for Council's information (attachment H). 8.2 During both the Friday and Saturday concerts very few noise complaints were received at the Community Help Lines. However, during both concerts calls were received from Mr. Lorne Butterfield who complained of excessive noise during both presentations. All complaints were checked out by mobile sound monitors and, on both nights, Mr. Swallow reported excess sound levels at the Butterfield property. This particular problem will be addressed prior to any future events. However, given the location and the construction of the Butterfield residence, this specific problem will be difficult to avoid. 8.3 On reviewing the preliminary report of July 17, from Mr. Swallow, it can be seen that the promoters adhered to the agreed sound levels during the Friday concert but did not respond to municipal staff requests to reduce the sound level during the Saturday concert. 9.0 EVENT CURFEW 9.1 One of the items agreed to between the municipality and the promoters of the Edenfest Music Festival was that there would be a midnight curfew on all concerts being staged over the event week -end. The Friday night concert ended at midnight as per the agreement, however, as stated in the John Swallow Associates letter of July 17, the Saturday night concert went over the agreed curfew by thirty minutes. 5 9.2 As a result of the excessive noise levels and the breaking of the agreed curfew, municipal staff advised both the promoters of the event, and the operators of Mosport Park, that municipal staff would not be recommending the issuance of a permit for the Warped Tour that was scheduled for July 27, 1996. On July 16, 1996, the Municipal Clerk wrote Mr. B. Kamin of Mosport confirming this decision and advising that, "We would like the opportunity to meet with you in an attempt to address this issue and to arrive at an agreement which can be guaranteed by the promoters of future events. Once this has been accomplished, the Municipality will once again consider the issuance of a licence." 10. POST EVENT CORRESPONDENCE 10.1 Following the Edenfest Music Festival, correspondence was received by the Mayor's office from Mr. Bernie Kirck of Pontypool, to which.Mayor Hamre responded. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson of Kendal corresponded with the Chief Administrative Officer who replied directly to the Thomsons. 10.2 However, letters from Mr. Clay Taylor, Nellie Mereweather, and Gordon Mills, appeared on the Council agenda of September 25, 1996, and Council referred these letters to the Chief Administrative Officer to be addressed in the final report on the Edenfest Music Festival. 10.3 We have attempted to address most of the items referred to in the above- mentioned letters. However, as there will be ongoing negotiations with the operators of Mosport Park before any permits are issued for 1997 events, we intend to address all of the specific questions during the course of these negotiations with a view of attempting to avoid a repeat of these problems, should future concerts take place at Mosport. 11. MUNICIPAL COSTS 11.1 On September 16, 1996, Council passed the following amendment to Resolution #C-701-96, "and that the report prepared by the Chief Administrative Officer address what tasks staff performed and a breakdown of actual costs to the municipality." 11.2 As previously stated, fourteen municipal staff members worked the week -end, of the Edenfest Music Festival performing specific duties of by-law enforcement and sound monitoring. Three union employees carried out their normal duties while the -balance of the staff performed monitoring duties throughout the week -end. This staff offered services beyond their normal municipal duties and were paid an hourly rate based on an average salary of the group. The union employees were paid the normal overtime costs. 11.3 The total employee costs totalled $9,818.68. This, together with .$14,910.45, covering the -costs of John Swallow Associates, brought a total cost of $24,729.13 for the week -end. The $6,72913 over and above the $18,000, previously approved by Council, was paid by Mosport. 11.4 The above amounts do not include costs paid by Mosport for works covering the erection of traffic signs and road, clean up carried out by the Municipal Works Department, as previously reported to Council. 6 12.0 THE WARPED TOUR 12.1 Under date of July, 8, 1996, Council received Report #CD -40-96, (attachment I), directing staff to issue a special events permit for the staging of a concert on July 27, 1996, known as the Warped Tour. 12.2 As previously stated, Municipal staff advised Mosport that as a result of the breaking of the agreements pertaining to the sound levels and curfew at the Edenfest concert, staff would not be issuing the, Warped Tour permit. Upon receiving the Clerk's letter of July 16, 1996, Mr. Kamin of Mosport requested a meeting with staff to address the problems identified during the Edenfest concert. 12.3 On July 24, 1996, a meeting was held between Mosport and representatives of the police,ambulance, health, Public Works, the Municipal Clerk, and the Chief Administrative Officer, during which Mosport addressed the identified problems and presented a plan to ensure that those problems would not be repeated. As all of those in attendance were satisfied with the presentation, staff agreed to issue a permit for the Warped Tour on the agreement that representatives of John Swallow Associates would monitor the event, as well as the municipal telephone lines be put in place with all costs being covered by Mosport. The concert resulted in few problems. 13.0 FUTURE EVENTS 13.1 Prior to any permits being issued for 1997 motorsport or concert events, staff will be meeting with the operators of Mosport Park to address the commitments made by Mosport covering noise abatement policies. During these meetings, staff will address all of the issues brought forward by concerned citizens as a result of the 1996 entertainment program, in an attempt to ensure that these problems are not repeated in any future Mosport events. 13.2 Staff will continue to keep Council informed regarding these meetings and any future plans that the operators of Mosport may have pertaining to both motorsport events and concerts. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:nof ATTACHMENT "A" TO REPORT:ADMIN..34-96 THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN___ REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Res. # Date: JUNE 10, 1996 By -Law # Report #: CD ---41 -96 File #: Subject: ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT - EDENFEST MUSIC FESTIVAL - MOSPORT PARK - JULY 12.TO 14, 1996 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT ' Report CD -31-96 be received; 2. THAT staff continue to liaise with the promoters of Edenfest respecting the issuance of a special events permit and report back to Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting; and 3. THAT all interested parties be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: A music festival which is being called "Edenfest" is being planned at Mosport Park for the weekend of July 12 to 14, 1996. In accordance with the Municipality's By-law 91-56 (.regulating and licensing of certain exhibitions held for hire or gain), the promoters of the event have submitted an application for a permit to the Clerk's Department. As of the writing of this report, the following matters have not been resolved by relevant staff: 1. Insurance - The promoters have sent a facsimile copy of a policy which indicates that the policy number is "UNASSIGNED". The promoter has stated he will clarify this matter with the insurer and also provide a.certified copy .of the policy as stated in the by-law. 2. Medical Officer of Health - The Medical Officer of Health has not yet approved a detailed plan addressing the public health issues. 3. Durham Regional Police Services - The police department has advised that -ongoing consultation is taking place with the promoter, however some details are still to be worked out ( mainly in the area of traffic control) . PAPIER RECYCLED PAPER RECYCLE Meeting: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIF REPORT COUNCIL ATTACHMENT "B" TO REPORT 34=96 File # Res. # Date: JUNE 24, 1996 By -Law # Report #: CD -3 6 - 96 File #: Subject: ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT - EDENFEST MUSIC FESTIVAL - MOSPORT PARK - JULY 12 TO 14, 1996 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Report CD -36-96 be received; 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to issue a special events permit . for the staging of the Edenf est . Music Festival at Mosport Park scheduled for July 12 to 14, 1996, upon receipt of all required documentation and clarification of the issue of parking; and 3. THAT all interested parties be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the meeting held on June 10,.1996, Council considered Report CD -31-96 and instructed staff to liaise with the promoters of Edenf est respecting the issuance of a special events permit and report back to Council on June 24. Since that time, the following activities have taken place:. 1. Insurance - The promoter has indicated verbally that a. policy number has now been assigned to.the required insurance. As of the writing of this report, the certified copy has not been received, however, the promoter has advised the municipality that it will be delivered June 24. RECYCLEDPAPIER PAPER & RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Report CD -36-96 - 2 - June 24, 1996 2. Medical Officer of -Health - The Medical Officer of Health has advised that two consultants have been hired by the promoter --one to coordinate the issue of sewage and one to - coordinate food services. He has indicated that everything seems very positive and an.agreement has been reached, in principle. It is anticipated that a letter of approval will be forwarded to the municipality by the end of the month. 3. Durham Regional Police Services - The -police department has now` approved a plan ' with respect to traffic and security. Additionally, a public information meeting is being held Wednesday, June 26, 1996 at the Tyrone Community Centre to apprise residents of the security plans. which have been implemented. 4. Indemnity Agreement - Verbal confirmation has'been received that an indemnity agreement has been executed by Mosport Park, as the owner of the site. Again, the promoter has advised that this agreement will be delivered June 24. 5. Buildings - The Chief Building Official has indicated that a Building Inspector has been on the site three times a week and has confirmed that no building is taking place as of yet. He has been advised that drawings will'be submitted within the next few days, for -review in issuing. the required permit. 6.. Sound - As a result of continuous complaints from the residents surrounding Mosport Park pertaining to noise from park concerts, staff hired the services of John Swallow Associates, Acoustics, Noise, and Vibration Control experts, to monitor noise levels resulting from activity in Mosport Park, and -what effect it had on surrounding residents. In August of 1995, Swallow and Associates monitored a concert held at Mosport and found noise levels to be in -an "accept -able limit". Again, on May 18, 1996, sound was monitored from both a concert that was held on the grounds, and car races taking place on the oval track within Mosport. The results showed an. "acceptable" level of noise from the concert and higher levels of noise from the oval track races. Report CD -36-96 - 3 - June 24, 1996 For the -past number of months, municipal staff, including the municipal solicitor and John Swallow, have -been meeting. with representatives from both Mosport and the promoters that are staging the July 1996 event in an attempt to reach some type of agreement that would not only result -in a modified level of noise. from the . July event, but would also see considerably less noise coming from all future car races being held on the oval track. Asia result of these meetings, we .have been successful -in reaching an agreement that would limit the concert noise during the three day July event to sound levels at the Mosport property line between 60 and 70dBA, as -shown on the attached chart (Attachment A). Assuming that these -noise levels are not exceeded, the noise in the surrounding ..neighbourhood during a period of time between.9:30 p.m_ and midnight , . both Friday and Saturday, will. not exceed the .usual noise -level of ' the oval.. track . The -balance of the time, noise will -be less than experienced from the oval track. As a result of this agreement! Mosport has committed to reducing the noise from the oval - track by an .average of 50 percent, starting in 1997, by means of demanding mufflers on all racing vehicles, and.the erection of noise barriers. Swallow and Associates, along with municipal staff, .wi.11. be attending the July.event, monitoring -noise in the community. A communications network will be set up with the .operators of the sound equipment during the event in order to'ensure the noise will not exceed the levels.agreed to.. Meetings are also planned between -the parties during the course of the weekend event. All of these negotiations have been discussed between staff and the ratepayers in the Mosport-area,-who-will be appearing in deputation at Council during consideration -of the issuance of the permit. Although this agreement does not totally solve the problem of noise in the community, staff is of . the opinion that it is a step in the right direction to allow both Mosport and the -municipality to continue to monitor the noise problems and search for additional methods to overcome same. Report CD -36-96 - 4 - June 24, 1996 7. Parking- During a meeting with the North Clarington. Ratepayers on June -21, 1996, the subject of parking was raised. The promoters have been advised that all parking must be -accommodated on properly zoned:. land . The promoter has verbally indicated that this has-been accomplished and will provide -the details in writing June 24. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer. Individuals to be advised of Council's decision: Derek Joynt Yourshow .Productions Inc. 772 Warden Avenue Scarborough, Ontario M1L 4T7 M. J. McQuaid Weir & Foulds Barristers & Solicitor Exchange Tower. Suite 1600, P.O. Box 480 2 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X 1J5 Brian Devitt Director, Environmental Health Regional Municipality of Durham Health Department .Suite 210 1615 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario L1N 2N1 Clay Taylor North Clarington RatepayersAssociation R..R. #3 Pontypool, Ontario LOA 1KO Inspector J. Adams Officer in Charge 16 Division Durham Regional Police Service 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4B7 - a 4 1 t.51C1�Zr COULTER HEEUC EN Attachment A 04 ATTACHMENT "C" TO REPORT ADMIN. 34-96 . Meeting: THE CORPORATION OF THE TO' REPORT Report to Council Date: Monday, July 8, 1996 Report #: File #: Subject: PROPOSED EDENFEST CONCERT, MOSPORT PARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Report CD -42-96 be received; and File #4) Res. # e- By -Law # 2. THAT the By-law attached to Report CD -42-96 be passed; and 3. THAT Derek A. Joynt, Vice President of YourShow Productions be advised of Council's actions. Plans for the proposed EdenFest Concert at Mosport Park are proceeding. Certain items must be dealt with in order to prepare for the Concert. YourShow Productions have asked for the Municipality to consider enacting certain By-laws for the duration of the Concert. By-laws were requested to prohibit hawkers and pedlars, refreshment vehicles, camping on municipal land and to restrict and prohibit parking in the vicinity of Mosport Park. These items were referred to staff for consideration and report. Staff have reviewed the Municipality's current Hawker and Pedlar and Refreshment Vehicle By-laws. By-law 92-230 presently prohibits all unlicensed hawkers and pedlars anywhere within the Municipality. Any person intending to sell goods requires a license issued by the Municipality. Without that license the vendor is subject to .charges . If the vendor wishes to apply for a license to set up a booth or location to operate, it will be necessary for the vendor to find land which is zoned for commercial sales. The lands in the area of. Mosport Park are zoned agricultural, and therefore do not meet the required licensing criteria. The same holds true for any refreshment vehicles. Staff are not able to control camping on private land, however, any camping on municipal land will -be dealt with as a trespassing offence. This leaves the matters related to parking. The Concert organizers have asked staff for permission to use an area at the north west corner of the Mosport property for overflow staff parking. This property is part of Mosport's holdings. It is the same area that the Regional Police will be using for their Mobile Command Post and parking for their own vehicles. Staff therefore do no have a concern with this use. RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Report CD -42-96 Page 2 Parking enforcement duties around the property will be handled by staff. Due to the extended hours involved, additional enforcement staff will be required. At present, the Public Works supervisors are sworn in for parking duties only as they apply to snow removal. The attached By-law will repeal their present appointment By-laws and replace them with appointments for all parking duties and add Ronald Baker as an enforcement officer. Firefighters have agreed to assist with enforcement during the Concert and are therefore included in the appointing By-law. Their inclusion in the By-law will also allow them to tag illegally parked vehicles which interfere with their duties at fire scenes. Once the By-law has been passed and the officers are sworn in, staff believe that there should be sufficient staff to handle the required duties for the Concert. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, LC*PB*mh W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer l t t _ ti S THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 96-136 Being a By-law to appoint certain persons Parking Enforcement Officers and to repeal By-laws 93-180, 93-181 and 93-182 WHEREAS Section 20 of The Police Services Act RSO 1990, Chapter 10, Section 15 (1) , authorizes a Council of any Municipality to appoint one or more By -lay; Enforcement Officers, who shall be Peace Officers for the purpose of enforcing the By-laws of the Municipality; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to repeal By-laws 93-180, 93-181, and 93-182 and replace -them with a By-law appointing certain persons as Enforcement Officers; and NOW THEREFORE, the Council o= the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. Those persons named on Schedule A, which is hereinafter attached and forming part of this By-law, are hereby appointed as By-law Enforcement 0 f f icers for the purpose of enforcing the Traffic By-law of the Municipality of Clarington. 2. By-laws 93-180, 93-181 and 93-182 are hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 8th day of July 1996. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of July 1996. Mayor Clerk SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW 96-136 Ronald Robinson Philip Broome Ronald Bake-1- Michael akerMichael Creighton William Hesson Mark Berney Graydon Brown Donald Chambers Gary Oliver Robert Payne. Gordon Weir � t 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUN REPORT- Meeting: COUNCIL Date: JULY 81 1996 ADDENDUM TO Report #: RE Iffftl�-96 l�__ Subject: PROPOSED EDENFEST CONCERT, MOSPORT PARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Addendum t o Report CD -42-96 be received; and 2. THAT, in order to allow f or staff to monitor the events associated with the Edenfest Concert at Mosport Park on July 1-2, 13 and 14, 1996, funds in an amount not to exceed $18,000 be drawn from, the Contingency Account 7007-X-298.' BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: During the Edenfest Concert which is being planned for July 12, 13 and 14, 1996, municipal staff are intending on monitoring such issues as by-law enf orement , illegal parking and sound complaints. In order to adequately do so, it will be necessary to hire acoustics engineer (s) to mon for the noise, supported by municipal staff who will also be carrying out by-law enforcement duties. The total cost associated w r th these activates has been estimated at approximately $18,000. It is respectfully requested that Council approve this expenditure with the funds to be drawn from Contingency Account 7007-.2-298. The Treasurer has concurred with this funding request, Respectfu sub pitted Reviewed by 'BarrA.M.C.T W.H. Stoc��well Otti 0 le Chief Administrative Officer RECYCLED PANED PAPER RECYCX T}HtS tS PPINTED ON RECYCLED PA -E-7 THE MUNICIPAUTY OF S I DIANE HAMRE, MAYOR ATTACHMENT "E" TO REPORT ADMIN. 34-96 The Municipa._ .40 Temperance Street, Clarington, Ontario. L1 C 3A6. , Telephone: (905) 623-3379 PRESS RELEASE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CLERKS DEPARTMENT CONTACT: PATTI BARRIE `MUNICIPAL CLERK 905-623-3379 NOTICE TO OUR RESIDENTS On the 'weekend of July 12, 13 and 14 Mosport Park is hosting a major special concert event. The Municipality of Clarington wishes its citizens to be aware of the Municipality's role in this event. The Municipality of Clarington is responsible for the licensing of -the event. in. accordance with By-law 91-56. This by-law requires that various agencies are satisfied that all aspects under their jurisdiction have been -adequately addressed to ensure the *safety of the , residents of the Municipality. These agencies include: Durham Regional Police- (traffic and security); Durham Region Health Department (medical, food and beverage, and salutation); Clarington Fire Department (fire safety plan), and Clarington Public Works Department (traffic -and. clean-up). The promoters of the Eden Musicfest have hired private. security to work in co-operation with the Police Department to address security and traffic issues. r The Municipality of Clarington will also be monitoring the sound levels throughout the special event in response to the concerns raised by area residents. Municipal staff will be in constant communication with the promoter and adjustments will be made as required. If you wish to report a situation (eg. illegal parking, by-law enforcement concern or a sound complaint), you may do so by contacting the Municipality of Clarington"s SPECIAL. EVENT CENTRE at 905-263-4325 or 905-263-4937. Collect calls will be accepted. For concerns about 'security, please contact the D URRAM REGIONAL POLICE C OMMAND POST at 905-983-5262. The Promoter of the Eden'. Musidest has also established special COMMUNITY HELP LINES at .905-983-6389 and 905-983-X392'' to assist. you with any other concerns. The Municipality of Clarift gton is making every effort to ensure that your concerns are addressed as quickly and effectively as possible. dn:mosport.rcl . i ATTACHMENT "T" TO REPORT ADMIN. 34-96 woSP/+/RT, CANADA'S HOME OF MOTOR RACING July 9, 1996. Dear Friends, As you are most likely aware, the 1996 Eden Musicfest will be taking place at Mosport on the weekend of July 12-14, 1996. On behalf of ICONcerts and Mosport Park, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding for.the extraordinary circumstances that you, as a resident living close to the site, will be facing for the next few days. As a gesture of goodwill, we have delivered to you some tickets to the event (if you wish to accept), a map of the surrounding area indicating road closures and traffic control points, and "area resident" vehicle identification pass, and an offer for security on your property, should you feel it necessary. We have also mapped out the advertised route where the majority of the vehicles will be driving into the park, as well as a suggested alternate route for residents away from the roads that we anticipate will be congested. Should any problems arise during the concert, the following phone numbers have been provided for your convenience: Eden Musicfest Community Line: (905) 983-6389/(905) 983-6392 MunicipRlity of Ciarington Command Post: (905) 263-4325/(905) 263-4937 (for traffic or sound disturbances collect calls accepted) Fire Department (905) 983-5223 Durham Regional. Police Department. (905) 983-5262 (for nonemergencies) Once.again, we deeply appreciate your continuing support for a successful festival. Yours truly, . Bernard J. Kamin, Q.C. Mark Drost Mosport P ark - President & CBO ICONcerts - President THE MOSPORT PARK ENTERTAINIVIENT CORPORATION 825 DENISON STREET, UNIT 16 * MARKHAM, ONTARIO • WR 5E4 - PHONE: (905) 5130550 WEBSITE: WWW.MOSPORT.COM FAX: (905) 513.0566 • Mosport Park Limited - c.o a. Mosport Park • Mosport Resources Inc. • Mosport's Ascot North Inc. - c o P Mosmri 1n1Arna11nni1 grredNv nv . . .. - . - - _ . . .. . .�. 0 a . .. - - . _A /J 1 .._-...__- 1 :.Y2,--1 - nnn'7 nn4 n fl ao%L�j.o. Iw.., I��w.+ww..w.r C.wi.{, c...+L....�..... c.av%m .l ISMA PRESS RELEASE ATTACHMENT "G" TO REPORT ADMIN".' 34-96 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CLERKS DEPARTMENT CONTACT: PATTI BARRIE MUNICIPAL CLERK 905-623-3379 . .FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - WEEK OF JULY 22, 1996 NOTICE TO OUR RESIDENTS 0 The Municipality of Clarington would like to advise residents. that there is a special -meeting between the Municipality of Clarington, representatives of Mosport Park and other agencies. Mosport Park's request for the, appropriate special event permit for the "Warped Tour". concert (July 27, 1996) has been denied by the Muncipality of Clarington as a result of the problems encountered at the recent Edenfest concert. Representatives of Mosport Park ha, ve requested this meeting to discuss the upcoming concert with the Municipality and all commenting- agencies. The Municipality of Clarington is responsible for the licensing of the event in accordance with By-law 91-5G. This by-law requires that various agencies are satisfied that all aspects under their jurisdiction have been adequately. addressed to ensure the safety of the residents of the Municipality. These agencies include: Durham Regional Police (traffic and security); Durham Region Health Department (medical, food and beverage, and sanitation); Clarington Fire Department (fire safety plan) and Clarington Public Works Department (traffic and' clean-up). Should the concert proceed as advertised, residents should be advised that tk�e'`F CQMMUNIfiY HELP ZINGS at `905�.6��-;432x6 -and 905-2G�-4937 vvil� be on t line Saturday July 27, 1996 (from 12 NOON to 8:00 pm) to assist you with any concerns. The Municipality of Clarington is making every effort to ensure that your concerns are addressed as quickly and effectively as possible. an:mcuP«t2.rcl _ ATTACHMENT "H" TO i REPORT ADMIN. 34-96 'A i 1/ Wk Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Control 1 July 17, 1996 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville Ontario - LIC 3A6 _ Attend onl:_ Mr. Bill. Stockwell RE. Preliminary.Report -Sound Levels:!-- EDEN Concert, July 12th -14th Dear B1 - ea 11, Sound -levels from the EDE - N C n rt oc r e. wee m easur t t ed h a e mix r e l� ti . oca ons infl l , . e d and at four !- lot line locations ;.on both � Friday & Sat day evenin s, Jul 12th & 13Th: Additional data was taken Sunday,,evenYng at the mixer location and at one of the lot line locations. - In this preli nary, report we will concern ourselves. onlywith the highest levels measured which were typically , at , the west lot line, at the Baker residence. Our concern was with measuring the maximum A -weighted hted Slowv son ;- g g sound level as;', per :the agreement with Mosport. Since the ,sound level s measured, were due to rock, music coming from_ the EDEN Concert ,the.' C sound levels tended to vary de 'en din onswhether' the -main-'stage. or the ,,secondarystage was used -,,,(sound levers from the secondary stage were generally less at C the lot line):Also, the articular musical number being played, breaks, intermission's'_ p g p y eaks, and weather a11� affected the sound levels. - - On the Friday evenin' , .at the. 'Baker location, vie found' that the sound levels ,were enerall 1 9 , generally ess t 'ici1; 7v -2 L� v'. t L13at :'�'1 , 1'n �•� .."A4An t�,�r�'� 3�:�� it t�P�rl(� t�1P1'f' ��'�: 1..��.?:``.� V f i,'� br .. 4 . s .. ii. lcar od..casi on. when the sound level Gwent above =-70 dBA''u§ually to 72 or 73 and.. on rare occasions/ 75 dBA. On more_: than one occasion we. spoke to John Coulter Associates staff whol., In turn called to the mixer requesting the sound levels- be`,,Aurned, down and,Andeed We, found the sound levels did reduce over -the next several minutes. ' On. the Friday v,evenin the wind wasfrom the east and ;- g'.,generally thus caused higher sound levels on the west location Baker and lower sound levels on theeast s 5 eas - location, Kreblj.The rock music ended 'gust at;midnight = . On .Saturday July 12th, also at, Bak' r location the sound levels in :the earl art of the evening were similar '�to those measured on the Friday evening.. ;The wind also Was from the east. Later in .} the, evenin between a roximatel 23:00 hr and 23.3 hr ' g, rp y 0 the wind changed from being perhaps JOHN SWALLOW- ASSOCIATES 250 Galaxy Boulevard Etobicoke, Ontario Canada M9W 5R8 Telephone 416 798.0522 Fax 416.213.1079 SWA,LV"!,)W 1 ATTACHMENT "I" TO REPORT ADMIN. 34-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNII T- - ---- ----------------- REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Date: JULY 81 1996 Res. # Report #: CD -4 0 - 9.6 File #: By -Law # Subject: ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT - WARPED TOUR - MOSPORT PARK - JULY 271 1996 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Report CD -40-96 be received; 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to issue a special events permit for the staging of the Warped -Tour musical concert at Mosport Park scheduled for July 27, 1996, upon receipt of all required documentation; and 3. THAT Bernard Kamin be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On July 3, 1996, the President and CEO of Mosport Park delivered an application for a special events permit to allow for the holding of a one -day musical concert to be known as The Warped Tour at Mosport Park on July 27, 1996. The anticipated attendance for the event is ten to twenty thousand. The application filed by Mosport stated that the following information is still to follow: - a certified cheque in an amount equal to the estimated cost of providing adequate fire protection - a certif ied cheque in the amount that, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, will be sufficient to reimburse the owners of lands located within.150 metres of the park for damage a letter signed by the Medical Officer of Health for the Regional Municipality of Durham certifying that allP ublic health and sanitation requirements are likely to be satisfied r RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Report CD -40-96 - 1 - July 8, 1996 a certified copy of a comprehensive general liability policy of insurance for limits of Protection of at least $10, 000, 00,0, naming the mun= cipality as an insured party 1 As the time lines set out in By-law 91-56 have not been met, Council's authorization is required in order for the permit to be issued. Respectfull submitted Patti Barri A.M.C.T Cler Reviewed by F W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Interested party to be advised of Council's decision: Bernard Kamin President and CEO Mosport Park Limited 825 Denison Street Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 5E4 1 3.- 3) - 3) This By-law shall come into force when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this ??th day of May, 1996. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this ??th day of May, 1996. MAYOR CLERK 1029