HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-33-96REPORT' 02 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL MEETING File # Poq_c) _ Date: NOVEMBER 25, 1996 Res. # By -Law # Report #: A n 4TN J3,%Ie #: Subject: OLDER ADULTS CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN -33-96 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality terminate all further negotiations with Vanstone Mills Inc. for the construction of an Older Adults Centre; 3. THAT Council reaffirm its commitment to use $1.3M obtained from Martin Road Holdings Limited and West Bowmanville Developments. Ltd. for the purposes of an Older Adults Centre in the Bowmanville area; and 4. THAT Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer and appropriate staff to investigate alternative sites for an Older Adults Centre and report back to Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington invited proposals for the construction of an Older Adult Centre in the Bowmanville area last Fall. Staff presented Report ADMIN -34-95, (Attachment #1) on December 4, 1995, which recommended negotiations with Vanstone Mills Inc. and to report back to Council. PAPER RECYCLED 1.2 Staff met with representatives from Vanstone Mills Inc. and the Older Adults Committee to finalize floor details which was accomplished in early the spring of 1996 and reported to Council under Report ADMIN. 23-96 dated July 8 1996 (Attachment #2). 1.3 The conceptual site plan was then circulated to respective Departments and Agencies for their review and comments. These concerns were forwarded to Vanstone Mills Inc. in August. Some of those concerns have been addressed while others remain outstanding. 1.4 Two major issues outstanding at this time is the design of the internal roadway from Scugog Street as well as a main drop-off zone in front of the building on Scugog Street at the intersection of Church Street. We have attached a sketch of the proposed driveway and drop-off zone prepared by the Clarington Public Works Department. (Attachment #3). 1.5 The design of the interior roadway from Scugog Street to the Seniors building parking area, which is below the grade of Scugog Street, has been a major problem, given the steepness of the grade and the fact that the entrance will be shared with commercial development to the south of the Seniors' building. 1.6 After numerous meetings with our Public Works Department, Vanstone Mills Inc. has not satisfied the Municipality that the severe grade of the entrance will not be a safety problem for the Seniors. Given the limited size of the site this problem seems to be insurmountable. 1.7 The drop-off area for the Seniors' building is designed to be on the west side of Scugog Street directly opposite the Church Street/Scugog Street intersection. Considering the existing traffic volumes at this intersection, combined with the additional traffic movement to be associated -with both the proposed drop-off area and entrance to the development, staff is of the opinion that this would create an unsafe situation for the seniors using the facility. 1.8 Upon completion of the entire site, development there will be limited access from King Street, leaving Scugog Street driveway as the primary entrance to the site. 1.9 This issue was not clearly understood by the representatives of the Older Adult Committee at the time of their selection process. r 4 With the information on hand, representatives of the Older Adult Centre are in full agreement with staff that the traffic flow problems represent an unsafe condition for the seniors using the facility. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS: 2.1 As the issue of design and access of the interior roadway leading south from Scugog Street cannot be addressed in a safe manner, and as the construction of a drop-off bay on the front of the building at Scugog Street will be less than adequate, it is recommended that the Municipality terminate all further negotiations with Vanstone Mill Inc. for the construction of an Older Adult Centre on their site located at King Street and Scugog Street in Bowmanville. This recommendation has been discussed with the representatives from the Older Adult Committee who agree with same. 2.2 It is further recommended that Council should reaffirm its commitment to use the $1.3M obtained from Martin Road Holdings Limited and West Bowmanville Developments Ltd. for the purpose of a Older Adult Centre in the Bowmanville area, and staff should be directed to investigate alternative sites and report back to Council. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer att. ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 33-96 DN: ADULT.REP THE.CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, December 4, 1995 Res. # Report #: AnMIN q4-QF;FiIe #: By-law # Subject: PROPOSAL CALL FOR OLDER ADULT CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended' that. the' General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the. following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN 34-95 be received; 2. THAT the selection committee * b°e authorized to negotiate an agreement with Vanstone Mill Inc. and to report back to Council. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 Council has earlier authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to -proceed -to discuss with various property Owners as to their interests in building an Older Adult Centre for the Municipality. As a result, discussions were held with representatives of Vanstone Mills Inc., Windleigh Development- Inc. ano Jourdan (1100719 Ontario Limited) . - All three co m p.an i es expressed an interest and all requested the opportunity to bid on the project. 1.2 As a result, a proposal call document was drawn up by staff and all threeP arties were invited to bid on the proposed Older Adult Centre. I I n 4 REPORT NO.: ADMIN 34-95 PAGE 2 1.3 The proposal call document is drawn up based on a "turn -key" project, ie. cash for key and describes the objectives and requirements of the Municipality for the Older Adult Centre. It provides the terms of reference under which the parties were to prepare their submissions. 2. THE SUBMISSIONS: 2.1 All three parties submitted proposals. Copies of the proposal call document and the three (3) submissions will be distributed to Members of Council under separate cover. 3. THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE: 3.1 The Chief Administrative Officer has struck an adhoc Committee to evaluate the proposals. Members of the committee are: Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Planning and Development, Director of Community Services, and Facility Manager. Representing the Older Adult Committee are Don Welsh and Annabel Sissons. 4. THE EVALUATION: 4.1 The Evaluation Committee first met to determine the evaluation criteria and to agree on a process that follows. 4.2 Eight criteria were considered pertinent and were ranked in the following order of importance: cost, location, access, expansion potential, parking, building design, site aesthetics and ownership. Numerical weighting factors were then assigned to each criteria. 4.3 Next, each committee member was asked to assess the three proposals based on the agreed to criteria and weights. The scores from each member were then added to determine the total scores for each of the three proposals presented as follows: ...3 REPORT NO.: ADMIN 34-95 OLDER ADULT CENTRE PROPOSAL EVALUATION COMPOSITE SCORES PAGE 3 CRITERIA I JOURDAN I VANSTONE I WINDLEIGH COST 176 200 56 LOCATION 168 119 133 PARKING 75 90 70 ACCESS 115 50 105 EXPANSION 75 115 85 BUILDING DESIGN 60 57 36 SITE AESTHETICS 14 46 30 LAND OWNERSHIP 8 24 22 II TOTAL I 691 I 701 I 537 II 4.4 As part of the evaluation process, each party was given the opportunity to present their proposals to the Committee as well as to answer questions. 5. STAFF C O M M E NTS : 5.1 Unlike atendering process where bidders were asked to bid on aspecific project or product, and where the lowest bid price usually represents the most important and often the only criterion for selection, evaluation of submissions to the t, proposal call is somewhat different as other criteria are just as important as cost. This therefore necessitated the ranking and weighting of various criteria as described in Section 4. 5.2 In any event, the bid price (exclusive of G.S.T.) from the three (3) parties are as follows: Jourdan $173001000. Vanston a Mill $112951328. Windleigh Developments $1,729,080. ,,A iinI- REPORT NO.: ADMIN 34-95 PAGE 4 5.3 As a result of the evaluation and the resultant point scores, the Committee unanimously recommend the Vanstone Mill proposal be given favourable consideration. 5.4 Prior to committing to the Vanstone Mill proposal, it is imperative that the Municipality can successfully negotiate an agreement with Vanstone Mill Inc.. Said agreement is necessary to address all details pertaining to the delivery of the project. 5.5 Upon reaching an agreement, staff will bring forth a report for Council's consideration and approval. 5.6 The Evaluation Committee is aware that Council has tabled Report CS -31-95 which deals with the renovation of the old Firehall/Court House building. We suggest that this report should remain tabled until such time an agreement is reached with Vanstone Mill Inc. and duly approved by Council. Respectfully submitted, ,,...r W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer WHS*FW*jip November. 29, 1995 1 0 f THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON X REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL g File # Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 Res. # Report #: CS-31-95 File #: By-Law # Subject: OLDER ADULT CENTREIFORMER FIRE HALL R.ENO`4'ATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following. 1. THAT Report No. CS -31-95 be received; 2. THAT the revised project budget be established at $757,955.00; 3. THAT staff report back identifying a specific source for funding at such time when project tenders have been received; and 4. ` THAT the Clarington Older Adult Association be advised of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 On July 10, 1995 staff was informed by the project architect that the new elevator shaft could not be accommodated within the existing structure. The explanation given was the existing plumbing system and heating, ventilation and air conditioning duct work system for the second floor passes through the proposed elevator shaft. 1.2- The cost of modif ring the existing duct work would exceed the cost allowed for this portion of the project therefore, the Architect recommended relocating the elevator shaft to the exterior of the building. 1.3 Staff was further advised that the increased cost of an exterior elevator shaft would be offset by the following: o Plumbing and mechanical savings; O Renovations to the second floor would be less extensive; o Modifications to the roof structure to provide elevators headroom clearance would be eliminated; and o Excavation cost would be reduced for an exterior shaft and pit. • •/2 REPORT CS -31-95 - 2 - SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 1.4 On August 3, 1995 staff was again contacted by the project architect and informed that an increase to the budget is required due to the following.- Need ollowing:Need to move elevator shaft to the exterior; O Increases in the construction industry; and o Additional savings in the design could not be found. 2.0 COST ANALYSIS: 2.1 Since that time staff referred the project to an independent cost consultant to verify the estimated project costs and confirm the amount of additional funds required to complete the project. 2.2 Results of that undertaking have confirmed that the project will require a construction budget of $688,400.00 (estimated). 3.0 PROJECT BUDGET; 3.1 The original budget for this project was estimated at $350,000.00 which was the amount submitted when the Municipality made application for the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure program. 3.2 On April 3, 1995 Council approved an increase of $239,995.00 to establish the project budget at $589,995.00 as recommended by the project architect. 3.3 As a result, the current revised estimate for the project is as follows: Construction Costs (Including Contingency) $688,000.00 Preliminary Studies - Soils Investigation $ 15500.00 - Legal Survey $ 11225.00 - Hazardous Substance $ 1,330.00 Hydro $ 91350.00 Architect/Engineering Fees $51,800.00 TOTAL 753,205.00 G.S.T. $ 4,564.00 GRAND TOTAL $757,769.00 CURRENT BUDGET $589,955.00 ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED $1675814.00 3.4 Through discussions with the Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer, alternative sources of funding could be accessed for the additional funds to supplement this project. 3.5 Should Council approve the revised budget, staff will report back identifying a recommended source of financing at such time that a recommendation to award the tender is made. ../3 1 i n Q f ` REPORT CS -31-95 .Respectfully submitted, Josth P. Caruana, Director Co munity Services Department JPC:sa - 3 - SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 Reviewed by, W. H. tockwell, f Chief Administrative Officer j ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN. 33-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN REPORT Moeting: COUNCIL Date: JMY 8 1996 Report #: ADMIN .23 - 90ile #: File # Res. # By -Law # Subject: OLDER ADULTS CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN. 23 - 96 be received for information. 10 BACKGROUND: At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held on June 17th 1996, Report ADMIN. 15 - 96 was received for information. At that time, staff reported that the Older Adults Centre Committee have approved in principle the floor plan layout as presented by Vanstone Mills Inc. The next step was to prepare an Agreement to incorporate the turnkey project between the Municipality and the Developer. The Municipality's solicitor is in the -process of drafting an Agreement which, unfortunately, will not be- available for acceptance at the Council meeting of July 8th 1996. The Municipality is still waiting for drainage and grading plans from Vanstone Mills Inc., in order that the Public Works Department can review and make appropriate comments. It is the understanding of staff that this is forthcoming - and which incorporates conditions by the Ministry of Natural Resources and CLOCA. Since timing is crucial to the commencement of the project and to avoid winter construction costs, it is important to deal with the Agreement once the Solicitor has it prepared. Staff is expecting the Agreement shortly and will inform the Clerk when itis available, in the event that Council may be called for any reason during the summer recess. Respectf ly submitted, Reviewed by, AV I F is va tockwell, Property Manager of Administrative Officer FH:nof TRECYCLED PAPIER PAPER JI�V RECYCLE THIS LSP111NILf) ON flfCYCLEDPAPEA ATTACHMENT -#3 TO REPORT ADMIN. 33-96 u L�o ROAD c..Dt'bV5iv l It -4 6L - bTLca P-0 �Pobe� co nnMv N rrY Cta: ivTR� b4 I �gv�L.t�ltittj L- G QR'YLICINL� 1 _J — � Cxt�-r1NL�. I TOI FfLDM.� I.VNC..,f-S�: � \ A TTAn I Ir-\ I I A A IM\ %/A A Ir,-rPlA I mi Ain