HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-26-96 AddendumTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTATION COMMITTEE Date.: MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1996 R eport #. AIDMTN- 2 ti- tiFile #. Addendum to Report Admin -26-96. Subject: TOTAL_:;.QUALITY„.'MANAGEMENT Recommendations: UNFINISHED BUSINESS File # Hol Res. #G- I � By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to -Council the following: 1. That Report Admin -26r-96 be received. (Addendum to Report Admin-26-96). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: At a Meeting held on September 30th, 1996, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following Resolution: That Report Admin -26-96 be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer to submit a report at the next General Purpose and Administration Comittee meeting to beheld on October 7th, 1996 pertaining to his discussions with'the_-President of the Union regarding the possible continuation of Total Quality Management". As requested, I have met with -.the President of Local 74 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees for the Municipality of Clarington with a view to salvaging the Total Quality Management Committee. The President of CUPE Local 74, Linda Del Grande, has agreed to take this request back to the Union Membership and in turn, to get back to me. I felt,. -that it was a positive meeting .� arid will make._ a further report. in the near future. Respectfully submitted, W. H. STOCKWELL Chief Administrative Off icer RECYCLEDPAPIER PAPER RECYCLE 1305 THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 Res. #C44— 4jcK7-9(o- A By -Law # Report #: AnMiN-26-91file #: Subject: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report # ADMIN -26-96 be received; and 2. THAT Council approve the concept of establishing a staff working committee pending a subsequent report outlining the committee's terms of reference. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The progress of the Municipality of Clarington towards the adoption of the principals of Total Quality Management (TQM) was outlined in a memorandum to Members of Council in June of this year. this report is intended to provide, without analysis, a final chronology of the TQM program. ' 2.0 HISTORY: 2.1 The concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) was first brought to Council's attention in 1992 as one of the 26 recommendations brought forward in the final report of the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development. Over the next couple of years, Mr. Walter Evans (the then Director of Public Works) became the champion of the TQM process and spent a significant amount of his own personal time to learn more about TQM and to share his knowledge with the Department Heads and Managers of the Municipality. 2.2 Mr. Evans made a series of presentations and, in fact, the topic of TQM became a regular topic of the bi-weekly Joint Managers meeting. As a result a budget proposal was created in the fall of 1994 and was presented to Council for approval during the normal 1995 budget deliberation process. Once Council's approval was received preparations were made to initiate an in-house training program. ../2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE 1-306 THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER a REPORT ADMIN -26-96 - 2 - SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 2.3 The first session was held in May/June 1995. This session involved Department Heads and Managers attending 1/2 day sessions, one day per week for a 10 week period. The thinking at this time was to start with the management team to ensure management buy -in and to gain their assistance in promoting TQM to the staff in their department. As the program progressed it was realized that this method was not in line with some of the basic tenants of TQM. Total Quality Management is based on the concept that information flows from the bottom up and, therefore, it is important that all employees, regardless of position in the hierarchy or affiliation, participate in the development of the process together. Upon realization of this, two additional training programs were planned to which all employees were invited to participate. Two separate classes were set up and participants attended the program one full day for 5 weeks. It should be noted that the cost of providing the TQM awareness programs was subsidized by funding that Mrs. Nancy Taylor, Deputy Treasurer, was able to secure from the Province of Ontario. 2.4 Another action step resulting from the first round of training was the appointment of a Process Co-ordinator (volunteer) who would act as the process caretaker to facilitate the evolution and implementation of the quality process. Interested individuals were asked to indicate their interest and Jennifer Cooke, Marketing and Tourism Officer, was appointed. Towards the end of the second set of training, it was identified that there needed to be some sort of steering committee in place to work with the Process Co-ordinator to follow up on the ideas and suggestions that had already been received. It must be clearly understood that the committee size (maximum 11 people), composition and process of appointing (modified election) was proposed and agreed to by all those involved in the training. It was a difficult process in that 29 quality people volunteered to be a part of the committee. 2.5 Once the training were completed, the Steering Committee met for the first time in November 1995. Between November 1995 and March 1996, the Committee was able to accomplish a number of significant tasks. Some of these actions were: (a) Renaming of the Committee to CHOICE Clarington Handles Opportunities &Improvements with Continued Excellence (b) Creation of a Vision Statement "CLARINGTON ... Proud to be the Municipality of choice in Southern Ontario providing demonstrated commitment to leadership, team work and quality." (c) Development and distribution of a monthly employee newsletter ../3 1307 REPORT ADMIN -26-96 - 3 - SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 t (d) Facilitation of the Employee Suggestion program that resulted in over 300 money saving ideas that were submitted to Council to help offset the funding shortfall caused by the recent cut in Provincial funding. 2.6 Despite the early successes of the Committee, and of the entire staff in general, the Committee reached an impasse at the March meeting. Subsequent to this a letter was received by the Process Co-ordinator from the President of the CUPE Local 74. In her letter, Ms. Linda Delgrande indicated that the membership of this local had decided to "remove their representation from he CHOICE Committee (TQM)" - note a copy of this letter was circulated to Members of Council previously. Upon receipt of this letter the Process Co-ordinator met with the Chief Administrative Officer to determine what course of action should be taken. Since TQM was not intended to be a "union -management" issue (as it was intended to strengthen the relationship on a co-operative basis) and since the letter was written on the behalf of the Union staff (representing approximately 90% of the Municipal work force), it appeared that the decision had already been made. Not all union staff were in total agreement and some did try to have the Union Executive reconsider this action but, unfortunately, the resolution to withdraw was upheld and the TQM process ceased to proceed at this point. 3.0 SUMMARY: 3.1 Based on all of the discussions that have taken place regarding TQM it is apparent that all Municipal staff recognize the significance of quality in the way each does their job. The problem that derailed the official TQM process was not the process itself but the interpretation of what Total Quality Management is and the role that the Steering Committee would play in the continued growth and development of the corporate environment. The TQM process and the role of the Committee were never intended to address or mediate problems/issues that were of a personnel nature. A process for these concerns is already available through the signed Collective Agreement. 3.2 Total Quality Management is a "continuous improvement" philosophy that consolidates a focus on the customer, work processes and continuous learning. Total Quality Management is intended to provide an organization with a competitive advantage that incorporates its most important asset (the employees) into the customer/productivity loop. Based on the information provided in the letter from the CUPE Local President, there is every reason to believe that staff will continue to work towards the achievement of quality and customer service without a specific Committee to oversee it.With the acknowledgement that the employees of the Municipality will continue with a "self-directed" continuous improvement ./a 1308 r REPORT ADMIN -26-96 - 4 - SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 program, this might be an appropriate time to re-establish a working staff committee to address various issues such as long term service recognition, retirements, staff orientation plus others that may be recommended. 3.4 In 1993 the Municipality hosted an in-house training program employees that focused on similar goals as Total Quality Management. One outcome of this program was the creation of staff committees to investigate various ideas raised in discussions. One of these committees investigated the opportunity to recognize employees in terms of long term service and when they retired. A report was written in which an event was planned and a budget recommended but, due to the departure of the Chief Administrative Officer (Mr. Lawrence Kotseff), this report was not submitted for Council review. Part of this report was a policy document "Recognition of Long Term Service and Retirement". Like the report, this policy was not reviewed and, therefore, not adopted by Council. A copy of the policy and a suggested wording for the Long Term Service plaque is Attachment No. 1 to this report. It is recommended that Council approve the concept of establishing a staff working committee with a subsequent report to be forwarded for. Council approval addressing terms of reference (membership etc.). Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stoc ell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:JJC:sda Attachment 130-9 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN -26-96 PAGE 1 OF 4 January 29, 1993 - THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE POLICY: RECOGNITION OF LONG TERM SERVICE AND RETIREMENT LONG TERM SERVICE The Town of Newcastle appreciates and valueos its Staff. In recognition of the contribution of those employees who have given long and faithful service, the Town of Newcastle will hold a wine and cheese party each year on the third Thursday of November. Those invited as guests of the Town are: all present employees who have reached 10, 15, 20 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years of service and their spouse/member of their family/or a guest* As an expression of appreciation, the Town shall make a presentation of a pin to each employee depending on the number-- of years of their service with the Corporation.. The Chief Administrative Officer. will prepare and maintain an up-to-date list of employees to whom presentations will be made and will advise these employees by the first day of November of each year. The Mayor and Members of Council will be invited to the function and, should the Mayor not be available to make the presentations on the evening in question, the Acting Mayor will act on his/her behalf. The Mayor's Office will. be responsible for organizing the function to be held at the Municipal Administrative Centre or other appropriate facility. 131,0 PAGE2OF4 RETIREMENT The Town shall recognize the retirement or resignation of its employees, when appropriate. The Department Head in charge of the retiree or employee who has resigned, shall initiate and organize the function for which the employee has indicated a preference: a) Farewell Dinner b) Wine and cheese party c) Afternoon Tea All retiring employees shall receive a Retirement Certificate from the Town, together with a letter from the Mayor and Members of Council thanking them for their years of faithful service. Any person retiring from the service of the Town of. Newcastle shall, upon, their retirement, receive an endue inclgift with a maximum value of $150.00. The monies for expenditure for the "Recognition of Long Service and Retirement" Policy will be budgeted in a special account under Unclassified Administration., The Town of Newcastle recognizes that employees should be provided with positive motivation and support while preparing for their retirement and that successful pre -retirement planning will help to ensure that employees remain productive during their final years. of service with the Corporation. Basic retirement facts, such as financial planning, health and nutrition, legal issues, 'volunteerism, etc. provide the fundamentals for a pre- retirement planning program as the infusion of An unlimited quantity of free time is the new dimension for a retiree and the individualized adaptation to its use is the key to personal pleasure. 1311 �,.1� PAGE 3 0F 4 The Town of Newcastle will offer Pre -retirement Seminars subject to there being a minimum of 10 employees who have indicated an interest in attending. A minimal fee will be charged to employees of the Town of Newcastle for attendance of the Pre -retirement Seminars. A retiring employee will be given the option of taking any entitled Vacation period prior to his/her retirement date or being paid in a lump -sum upon retirement,, _ PAGE 4 OF 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NAME IN RECOGNITION OF YEARS OF VALUABLE SERVICE AND DEDICATION TO THE MUNICIPALITY MAYOR LONG TERM SERVICE PLAQUE - SUGGESTED WORDING 1313