HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-23-96REPORT #9 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE A :161 not' Meeting: covrrczL File # � •� Date: JULY 8 .. 1'9 9 6 Res. # Report #: ADMIN. 2 3 - 90ile #: By -Law # Subject: OLDER ADULTS CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN. 23 - 96 be received for information. BACKGROUND: At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held on June 17th 1996, Report ADMIN. 15 - 96 was received for information. At that time, staff reported that the Older Adults Centre Committee have approved in principle the floor plan layout as presented by Vanstone Mills Inc. The next step was to prepare an Agreement to incorporate the turnkey project between the Municipality and the Developer. The Municipality's solicitor is in the -process of drafting an Agreement which, unfortunately, will not be available for acceptance at the Council meeting of July 8th 1996. The Municipality is still waiting for drainage and grading plans from Vanstone Mills Inc., in order that the Public Works Department can review and make appropriate comments. It is the understanding of staff that this is forthcoming and which incorporates conditions by the Ministry of Natural Resources and CLOCA. Since timing, is crucial to the commencement of the project and to avoid winter construction costs, it is important to deal with the Agreement once the Solicitor has it prepared. Staff is expecting the Agreement shortly and will inform the Clerk when it is available, in the event that Council may be called for any reason during the summer recess. RespectftVily submitted, ah r Fr d� i cH va , Property Manager FH: nof Reviewed by, RPAPER ( ECYCLED PAPIER. �sl tockwell, of Administrative Officer