HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-21-96THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ISO] 4ael maii i Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: July 2 1996 Report #: ABMIN. 2 F ft##: Subject: BELL MOBILITY Recommendations: File # 4�"& Res. ,- 43,�`��� By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 21-96 be received for information; and 2. That the matter be referred back to the Chief Administrative Officer for appropriate staff to meet with Bell Mobility in order to compile a detailed report for -Council. BACKGROUND: Please. find enclosed herewith a letter dated June 20 1996 from Bell Mobility drafting details of a Bell Mobility Proposed Wireless Telecommunication Site. We have no further information other than this correspondence and as they are asking Council to appoint appropriate persons to meet with them 'for discussions purposes, we suggest that Council refer the matter .back to the Chief Administrative Officer with direction to have the appropriate staff meet with Bell Mobility in an attempt to deal with their proposal and report back to Council. Respectfully submitted, W1/001LA W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:nof enc. RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER V4Y RECYCLE 116 THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Bell. Mobility June -20,,,1996. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance Street B ovcwmanville, Ontario UC 3A6 Attention:, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative .Officer Dear Sir; - Bell Mobility Proposed Wireless, Telecommunication' Site J I am -'the Deal Estate Manager for _Bell .,Mobility in connection, with the development of wireless telecommunication 'facilities in your municipality. I am corresponding with you to advise Council, �of our intention to - enhance our wireless system in this area, to send you information on our intentions and to ensure • that you -have, complete disclosure of the l regulatory; system governing wireless communications.. As well,'- I well be asking Council to ; designate an official to meet with us so that we can take -the municipality's considerations into f account In our development program. - L Background:; Bell Mobilit and Wireless Communications _y (a) Tower'Siting Considerations - ,Success in the wireless telecommunications industry, is. closely related: to the quality of coverage a company -offers its .subscribers, both -today and for the future..Co." -e means; the geographic area in which subscribers ;can use their wireless-telecormm�icatons equipment. Bell. Mobility operates one. of the -longest,, service corridors,. in ;the world,. stretching 15800 kilometres from east to west and covering a- total. of 157,000 square kilometres. Our wireless- services are provided by transmitting electrical energy as, radio waves from'a : network of 'telecommunication towers. In, the case of cellular, -the radio wave is received and interpreted by ,a cellular phone that- may be found in a car,boat or other vehicle, As acellular f phone 'is moved through the network, Bell' Mobility's service. is- able to ' continue the transmission in, an uninterrupted manner by changing the tower that is transmitting the: signal. As* the cellular phone. rooves out of the range of one tower, the next; tower in the network : completes the . signal.. Should a; gap in the network occur, such that a cellular telephone is 2 ONRc CELLULAR 20 Carlson Court, Etobicoke, Ontario,, M9W 6V4, Tel:` (416) 674-2220 .1 AAFEP -2- moved out of the range of one. to without simultaneously moving into" the range of a new tower, the cellular telephone service is disconnected. The towers in our network are essential to the provision of continuous. wireless services. - The, siting of wireless telecommunication towers: is acomplex process. A .potential wireless telecommunications site, i ' chosen when � _it Ives Bell Mobility,the ability" to expand- or im rove its, 'coverage., Researc , n � , otential sites involves anal sin a wide range of pg p Y g g _ information,, such. as '_ `ghway' access,'- geographical and- topographical ' data, urban or- rural,' surroundings, , permanent population, economic activity" the configuration of the existing network and more. Based on this anal sis site search areas are identified_ b Bell Mobilit ' J _Y Y Y_s i ,En ineerin Division and forwarded to the Bell Mobility Real Estate Services Group , . g g Y p Before selectin a final site Bell Mobility Real Estate Services considers several alternative - Before � Y locations As a result- if one location becomes unsuitable due to physical constraints- or rental restrictions.another site .within _the design' search area would then be considered., Asa, matter of course we consider land owned by 'gunici al overnments ahead �of land held in private, p ownership. B don so,- we, are able to ensure that the- local communit directl ' benefits • from p Y g Y Y our expansion through the receipt of . rental income. we are pleased, to be able to offer, enhanced wireless services "in this area., In,our- experience wireless -communication facilities are an •integral part of the development of local economies. We have J included , for your'), review a- copy of. a, recent report that correlates economic development, with the improvement of wireless -services. (b, Bell Mobility' s Commitment to ;Consultation , Bell Mobility is committed •to consultation -with municipalities at the earliest stage of its= site selection ' process. -_B thiswe,\ mean that we are re ared ' to work With ou -toJ .ensure that we p Y _p p Y Y. give your -views proper consideration ` with respect to the location telecommunication g- Y p p p - structures and -site desi n. Of course this is,.`subject to - ractical, matters related to -the - provision of service to " our, customers, cost and our ability , to enter appropriate lease arrangements. Bell Mobility's commitment' to consultation is 'consistent with Industry , Canada's , requirements:= Industry Canada licenses, Bell Mobility's facilities -pursuant to the provisions of the Radio Communications Act. As a result, we are' not required to,. comply with municipal regulations such as zoning bylaws.,. we have attached for your. convenience, a copy of the Cliento � - a , Procedure Circular ublished b Indust Canada that de r p y ry sc ibex the wireless communications licensing process including -Industry Canada's expectation for, municipal consultation.. - Accordingto Indust Canada the ''purpose, of munici al 'consultation is to, ensure that land . IndustryCanada, p rp p _ use authorities are aware of sip p nificant antennas. proposed within their boundaries.. We. share g Industry Canada's belief 'that local land use concerns are important and appropriate to `the consideration -of radio, license;- approvals. However, Industry ,Canada does not :intend the consultation to be'an, abdication ,of Federalj urisdictio'n. We share :Indust Canada's views in ` that regard. 2. Our Request ffor 'a Designated Official In order ', o'ermit us to effectively consult with your municipality on matters such as. site •p _ design and tower location, we request l that an appropriate official be designated by Council for lhi-su ose,. In other municipalities we "have found that the Chief Building Official; the p rp Commissioner of Planning Or the -Commissioner - of ,Public , Works are appropriate choices. Similarly9 Bell Mobility has designated a 'specific person to coordinate its expansion in this municipality. That person -is MV . ' Susan Sauhan mel at, (416)798=5145. Please feel free to contact me at (416)798=5114 or Ms. Sauhammel by telephone should you require further information. : As well we request that you forward to us copies " of your policies .related to the provision of, wireless communications and related services including _ Council resolutions,,- Official. Plan - olicies and Zonin B •-laws. If there is a fee for this re uest we. would be leased to honour _ p g y ,. q p . your invoice. We look forward to receipt of confirmation- that council has nominated an, appropriate person to fulfill, Industry Canada's requirements. Yours very truly, - I , I John -R. (Grant Manager, Teal Estate Services Bell Mobility r - 'Enclosures I (9,