HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-12-96i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE � File # Date: JUNE 39 1996 Res. # By -Law # Report #: ADMIN -12- le #: Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN -12-96 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse the Former Township of Clarke Bicentennial Celebration scheduled for Saturday July 13, 1996 at the Bond Head Parkette; and, 3. THAT Council approve an allocation of $ 2,500.00, to be drawn from Unclassified. Administration Contingency (Account # 7007-X-0298), for the purpose of covering the ur p g associated costs of this special event as outlined in this report. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At the May 13, 1996 meeting of Council correspondence was received from Mr. Mark Jackman- on behalf of the Clarke Museum and Archives Board of Directors. In this letter (Attachment #1) Mr. Jackman advised Council that 1996 marked the 200th anniversary of the former Township of Clarke. He asked Council to endorse and support a special Bicentennial Celebration as it did in 1994 for the former Township of Darlington. 1.2 This report will review the plans that the organizing committee (identified in Mr. Jackman's letter) have developed and will outline all budgetary requirements. 2.0 BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: 2.1 In October of 1994, the Municipality in co-operation with the Bowmanville Museum and a private citizen celebrated the 200th anniversary of the former Township of Darlington. For this special occasion a two day event was planned that showcased local performances and finished with a formal reception and plaque unveiling at the Bowmanville Museum. When RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER • REPORT ADMIN -12-96 - 2 JUNE 39 1996 the Marketing & Tourism Officer was approached about the Clarke Bicentennial the idea of doing a similar program to that done for the Darlington Bicentennial was discussed. For a number of reasons, it was agreed the Clarke Bicentennial would be best served by a simple reception and plaque unveiling. . 2.2 In recognition of the site where the first settlers were mostly likely to have arrived, the Bicentennial Celebration has been planned for the Bond Head Parkette located south of the Village of Newcastle. The date of this special event is Saturday July 13, 1996 (starting at 11:00 am). The Marketing &Tourism Office will be sending a letter to all residents in the Bond Head Parkette area to advise them of the event and to invite them to participate. This is intended to maintain good community relations by keeping the community advised and involved in events planned in their area. 2.3 As was done for the Darlington Bicentennial, a special plaque has been requested to be permanently sited in the Bond Head Parkette area. The wording for this plaque is provided on Attachment #2 for Council to review. 2.4 To further commemorate the Clarke Bicentennial (as well as the Darlington Bicentennial) a special pin has been designed by Gavin Stephenson (Secretary, Clarke Museum Board). An enlarged copy of the pin's design is attached for Council's information (Attachment #3). This pin will be available at the Bicentennial reception and in both the Bowmanville Museum the Clarke Museum &Archives and the Municipality's Tourist Information Centre - they will be sold for $ 2.00 each including all applicable tomes. 3.0 BUDGET REQUIREMENT: 3.1 Given the economics of the day the Bicentennial Committee has focused on keeping costs reasonable without reducing the focus and quality that this special event merits. Inline with this philosophy and with the budget established for the Darlington Bicentennial, the Committee requests that a total of $ 2,500.00 be set aside for the purpose of hosting the. Bicentennial Celebrations for the former Township of Clarke. This request will be used to cover the following expenses associated with the event. Budget: Bicentennial Pins $ 855.00 Catering $ 1,000.00 Plaque $ 800.00 TOTAL REQUIRED $ 2,655.00 TOTAL REQUESTED $ 2,500.00 1102 45 REPORT ADMIN -12-96 - 3 - JUNE 39 1996 The Committee is confident that the sales of the Bicentennial Pin will cover the difference between the amount required and the amount requested in order to host this event. 3.2 By way of this report the Clarke Bicentennial Committee requests Council's support and approval of the proposed Bicentennial Celebration so that final arrangements for this event can be confirmed. 3.3 The Committee would also like to invite Members of Council to attend and participate in this very special milestone - please make note of the date Saturday July 13, 1996. A draft of the event's program schedule is provided (Attachment #4) for Council's information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Jez JJC:sa Attachments A) W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer 1103 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN -12-96 CLARKS MUSEUM 8i ARCHIVES ' Municipality of Clarington P.O. Box 152 ORONO, Ontario LOB IMO 905-983-9243 E -Mail TRILL. CTMA 7086 Old Kirby School Road, Hwy 35/115 at Region Rd 9, Kirby, Ontario 10 May 1996 Mayor & Council The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 5 -- L1C 3A6 Your Worship, Councillors RE: CLARKE TOWNSHIP BICENTENNIAL, 1996. I am writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Clarke Museum & Archives to request that the Council recognize, endorse and support the Bicentennial celebrations being planned for Clarke Township on Saturday, July 13th, 1996, as you did for Darlington Township in 1994. A small committee comprised of Jennifer Cooke, Marketing & Tourism Officer, Charles Taws, Curator, Bowmanville Museum and Mark Jackman, Curator, Clarke Museum with Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lovekin have organized a plaque dedication ceremony for Saturday July 13th, 1996. A full report from Ms. Cooke will follow this letter., Thank you for your time and consideration of the Board of Directors request. On behalf of the Board, I remain,,. inna ely yours DoRobins,'Chairman ' Clgton Museums/Clarke Museum & Archives /m c J. Cooke, Marketing & Tourism Officer, Mun. of Clarington C. Taws, Curator, Bowmanville Museum R. Lovekin M..Jackman, Clarke Museum ATTACHMENT /!2 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN -12-96 CLARKS TOWNSHIP BICENTENNIAL PLAQUE The first European settlers in Clarke Township were the Lovekins and the Bates arriving within weeks, possibly days, of one another. Richard Lovekin Sr. arrived from County Cork, Ireland, via the United States and Niagara -on -the -Lake early in 1796 to clear some land. and build a dwelling for his family whom he brought to his holding the following Spring. At much the same time Roger Bates arrived from Vermont, via Quinte, with his family. They cleared enough land for a dwelling and a planting of oats. These founding families paved the way for other pioneers who cleared the forests and built prosperous farms and thriving communities in all corners of the Township. Throughout its history Clarke Township has produced its share of statesmen, doctors, lawyers and influential people in all walks of life - people who helped mold the nation as a whole. During this Bicentennial year of 1996, we not only celebrate 200 years of settlement in Clarke and the accomplishments of its people but 200 years of commitment by one of our first settler families, the Lovekins, who still reside on the original homestead lands in Lot 35 and still take pride in Clarke Township. 1105 �o 0 96 6t4 64000�1 � ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT NO. ADMI N- 12-96 1106 (PROPOSED) ATTACHMENT #4 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN -12-96 CLARKS BICENTENNIAL PROGRAM SCHEDULE 11:00 AM ARRIVALS 11:15 AM WELCOME 11:20 AM INTRODUCTION OF GUEST SPEAKERS Honourable E. Richard Lovekin 11:35 AM GREETINGS FROM THE MUNICIPALITY 11:45 AM UNVEILING OF THE PLAQUE (photo opportunity) 11:55 AM CLOSING REMARKS/RECEPTIONS