HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-11-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: COUNCIL Date: MAY 279 1996 Report #A DMIN-11-96 File #: Subject: YOUTH SOCCER USER FEES REPORT #4 File # ��- Res. # By -Law # Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN -11-96 be received; and 2. THAT all soccer fields currently reserved for the Darlington Youth Soccer League be permitted to any team, organization or individual willing to pay the current fee.on a first come first served basis; and 3. THAT non permitted fields be no longer maintained at the sport Meld level but returned to a level of maintenance compatible with the park or school in which they are located; and 4. THAT the lighting of the two soccer pitches at the Darlington Hydro Fields be delayed indefinitely. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Subsequent to Council direction, staff met with representatives of the Darlington Youth Soccer League on Wednesday, May 22, 1996. In attendance were the following: Steve Merringer - Courtice Soccer Assoc. Sherry Bonazza - Secretary DYSL Lorn Wright - Tyrone Athletic Assoc. Oleh Perun - Vice President DYSL Larry Nichols - President DYSL Murray Hutchinson - Referee in Chief DYSL Gard Lowery - Orono Soccer Conveyor Jim Cameron - Public Works Staff Bill Stockwell - CAO George Kennett - Community Services Staff Joseph Caruana - Community Services Staff Pat Pingle - Councillor ../2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPER RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT ADMIN -11-96 - 2 - MAY 27,1996 1.2 The meeting was chaired by Mr. Stockwell who outlined the purpose of the meeting and again offered the following proposal which staff was prepared to recommend to Council in an attempt to find a positive solution to the use of permit fees. 1.2.1 Fees for soccer permits to the Darlington Youth Soccer League would be capped at $6,400.00 for the 1996 season only. This figure represents the amount equal to the calculations used by the Municipality (ie approx. 1,600 hrs. @ $4.00 per hr:) in determining our 1996 revenue budget. 1.2.2 Discussions regarding field maintenance responsibilities could be dealt with over the summer as the concept is complicated and there are a number of issues (legal, insurance, existing contracts) that would need to be addressed. The Municipality's proposal for a capped fee and further meetings to address field maintenance was rejected by the representatives in attendance at the meeting. 1.3 During the course of the meeting, information was exchanged and a number of questions were asked by the Darlington Youth Soccer League of staff who provided answers and explanations to the various inquiries. 2.0 DARLINGTON YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE PROPOSAL 2.1 Towards the end of the meeting, Mr. Oleh Perun spoke on behalf of the Darlington Youth Soccer League and provided a prepared statement (attachment #1) which outlined the following recommendation. 2.1.1 That implementation of Soccer user fees for the 1996 season be rescinded. 2.1.2 That the Municipality defer user fees until October, 1996, when better communications between the Municipality and the local clubs can be established. 2.1.3 That the Municipality assign the job of user fee collector to a department, that would also be responsible for operating the soccer program for them.* 2.1.4 Let the Darlington Youth Soccer League soccer executive carry out and finish the season without undue pressure from the Municipality. 2.2 At that point in the meeting Mr. Stockwell advised that we would be reporting p g back to Council and adjourned the meeting. REPORT ADMIN -11-96 - 3 - MAY 27,1996 3.0 FIELD SCHEDULING AND MAINTENANCE 3.1 It is quite apparent that the impasse between the Darlington Youth Soccer League and the Municipality is not able to be solved to both parties satisfaction. 3.2 There is .also no indication that the Darlington Youth Soccer League is willing to move from its original position of refusing to pay the. fee for use of fields. 3.3 Clarington's approximately 40 soccer pitches are located for the most either parkland or school yards. Soccer pitches receive an additional higher level of maintenance than the park or school yard in which they are located. This, maintenance is required to enhance the level and quality of play, insure the safety of the participants and the durability and recovery of the fields from daily wear and tear. The apparent disbanding of the Darlington Youth Soccer League leaves in doubt the need for the same number of fields or the special care and maintenance they now presently receive. 3.4 As a result, subject to Council approval, staff will attempt to isolate all existing adult teams on one or two of the soccer pitches and continue to maintain those fields to current sport field standards. Staff is further recommending that all other soccer pitches receive the same standard of park maintenance that would be performed on unstructured parkland. 3.5 The Municipality, in accordance with Council's prior wishes, has recently tendered the lighting of the two main soccer pitches at the Darlington Hydro Fields. These fields were intended to be used for the highest level of competitive play. In light of the uncertainty of soccer in 1996 it would seem wise to delay indefinitely this project. 3.6 In view of these facts, it is proposed that; 1) the unpermitted soccer pitches be maintained at the existing level of unstructured parkland. 2. that the lighting of the two soccer pitches at Darlington Hydro Fields be delayed indefinitely. ../4 *REPORT ADMIN -11-96 - 4 - MAY 2791996 4.0 COMMENTS 4.1 The situation surrounding youth soccer user fees is unfortunate. However, staff is confident that they made every attempt pr *ding a compromise to allow p p g p soccer to continue for the 1996 season. Staff will continue to be available, should the opportunity for renewed discussion arise. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockvfell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:JPC:SV:dm Attachment Jos;�p�. Caruana, Director Community Services Department 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - 14-� -- Steve Vokes, Director Public Works Department i , May 22, 199f> Attachment # 1 , r to Report ADMIN -11-96 '. ­ - V; All persons, attendingtheMay 22 meeting at 7#oo P. M. in the " iacar# c� f the he �i.uniei al Administrative Centre, Bowmanville. (YIn�ltt b. Re: Rc,.,solve the issues related to the implementation of the $4.00 per hour user tet: for the use at soccer fields. The 1%. soccer season started out on a pos"tive note in Oct. 95. Mcny f conquered andpicke(I-upby- the �� an � volunteers. Ley l�t�rdl�s � erg c.on��� �' registration i f -mea there was allot of enthusiasin from all or our tne-mber clubs. Courticehas even started a competition, and asked the whole Charington community o t participate. Peoplc through -out tile. c olTitilunities 11"ve p � volunteered Bred (;arl - in our season to hel the children lay soccer. rI'�ey diel not volunteer to i;he DYSC to collect user Fees,. which have: been placed upon our club,just belbre the ones are to begin. People lave assisted Clubs, by �.I s t�nsori � t �arY�s, donating ti* ` and monc;y, for kids to play soccer, Not one person has donated their services to c�ollev. user fee s f it �`lat`ington, that I a aware of, Most have been dis-heartened with Clarington's implenientation of soccer e :tees. Someparents will not ally -)w them' children to play at the so�� us r � parks:,until -this issue. is resolved. Sotne children have withdrawn from the DYSC because of the implementat ton of user fees. Next year, volunteers are Clarington, ifgoing to he harder to find, to run esoec�c;r sports programs its user fees be(tome i mpleniented. To date, no other tnwiicipality is charging youth,,,iocccr, user fees, anywhere in ORight nextdoor, Oshawa municipal Council has .deferredregarding user Fees ,5oryouth soecrer until l999. a.n�� n�otlo�s reg � Oshawa haisi figures showing that if all vc� ILItltCCrS were to he paid tthe,�v� ` iit would cost Oshawaover 7 MILUON r�a�ntr�ut� wage for theirs�ryces not be far behind, if that were the C."as;e here dollars. Our or�a�-���attc�rx would. also, .1 j are here to resolve the issues related to the At th..s meeting. e irnplernenta ' �$4.00, lour c�se�- fee for the case ofsoccer` fields. Lion of the per tidiscrepancies of ct�sts for field permits . �� by the Why and �� .:�.at tyre the •fees on soccer fields vas not on the CII f. t soccer suh�cet of ��ser rnectalg`? +- uiaand all the that could A le1jer was setit out by Mr. Joe Cam, attend this inect my are here,, Tose that are not Dere, for whav ever persona - . . q IE' — T _ s w"th all facts and statements presented by reasons, are 1*,*,L-i total agreement i Oleh 'Pcrun Vice- President of the DYSC All of -you have received a letter of correspondence from Ms. Leslie Avery. Fler views stated clearly. If someoric would like, I can read the letter oUt MAI(. The DYLSC executive was established to run youth soccer for the children of Clagto rinn. We do not, did not and Nvill not collect user fees from the children 11 ')r )r Clarington.. In a pc3rsonal conversation with Mr. Caruana, May 14, 96, we discussed th-W letter sent out by his dept. I.t was cstablished that the $6,400.00 i capped fee d.-Nided by the approx. 2,200DYSC children, words out to $2.90 per child. I have spoken personally with all the% executive inembers of the DYSC and the socc,.r Convenors frons all invited clubs. The Sports Associations of Claringrtoa would like to reconuii.end to council the I'Alowing: 1) ""hat the implementation of Soccer user fees for the 1996 season., be r(j.1,scinded. 2) That the municipality defer user fees until October 1996, when better comiy;:-illnications hetwcen the municipality and the local clubs can be. established* 3) That the munic'ality kissign the job of user fee collector to a 1P perating the soccer program department, that would also be respons'ble -for o for them. 4) Let tfie 1996 l DSC soccer e-Xecutive carrv-out and finish the scason, ithcntt undue pressure f`roni the niunicipality. We hope that the niunicipalit y will be fair to everyone who Uses these fietds, AIR fiii:dilds �tre. open 24 hrs a day and tire used by many grOLIps both organized a1 rid private+ The taxpayers have, already paid for these fields, Some fields have seven been donated to the municipality just for kids to play soccer. to take back hOUldwe 1.3-0 out and ask these communities and b����sfticsscs r these prope]-fies? We know that the municipality does not have a youth recreational pro in place. ale are willing to do 1996���onth soccer season for free, wiv:i no user fees. Push user fees down our throats, so late in the VC11r, then y -1,)u can run the YOUth soccer p-Irogrimi for 1996, Everyone should be treated f Air and equal: xivenors of Alinargton by ��leh -Prese-..i-ited on behalf of the soccer ci, Penin, Convenor for Zion Park.