HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-9-96THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE V 4:01 N11 Meeting: COUNCIL Date: APRIL 29 1996 Report #: ADMIN. 9 - 9 6File #: Subject: Clarington Place Limited Purchase of lands from the Municipality of Clarington Recommendations: File #--- Res. # By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 9 - 96 be received; 2. That subject to written concurrence of Clarington Place Limited to an extension of the closing date being received by the Municipality prior to April 29 1996, the closing date of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality and Clarington Place Limited, which was authorized by Council's approval of Report PD -58-95, be extended to May 31, 1996, with the other terms and conditions of the Agreement remaining the same; and 3. That Clarington Place Limited be advised of Council's decision. REPORT: We are enclosing herewith a letter from the Municipal Solicitor in connection with the Agreement pertaining to Clarington Place Limited and the Municipality of Clarington, which we believe you will find self-explanatory. We would recommend that Council approve the following resolution: THAT, subject to written concurrence of Clarington Place Limited to an extension of the closing,date being received by the Municipality prior to April 29 1996, the closing date of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between -the Municipality and Clarington Place Limited, which was authorized by Council's approval of Report PD -58-95, be extended to May 31, 1996, with the other terms and conditions of the Agreement remaining the same. Rspectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS : not enc. RECYCLEDPAPER L �PAPJ. ��IER -sl RECYCLE .. DENNIS- C. HEFFERON sarrnisr� & souciron C_/ J TWephons (41,8) 383-2443 FOGSirniie (418) 36 2448 Suits 2600 130 Adolaide StrW Wept TORONT04 ONTARIO M6H ' 3PS TOX , Box 118 BY FAX Mr., Wit K Stockwell thief Administrative Officer Mulic!PalitY of Clarington 4+0 Temperance Street Bowmanvitle, Ontario L1C 3A8 Dear Mr. Stockwell.: April 26j, .11996 fie: Clarington Place Limited Purchase of Lends from the Municipality of Clarington' Your File: L07*CL ,4t its rneetingof March 25, 1996, Council authorized the extension of the closing date of "the above transaction to Apr1*1 30, 1996 by adopting the recommendation contained in Report #Admin 6-96, Attached to the Report was a letter from me dated March 20, 1996 in which ! described the progress that had been made in settling the zoning and various servicing arrangements with respect to the Clarington Place lands. The completion of the above transaction is conditional on the execution of a -development agreement with the Municip�l�ty and other agreements as well 2�s the& 9 oin secun y wl resWt #o the construction of new roads, streetscapin� and storm sewers and security respecting the contribution of Clarington Place Limited to the urbanization of Highway No. 2. Before the development agreement with the Municipality can be signed, a Servicing Agreement between Clarington Place Limited and the Region of Durham must be executed to deal with certain regional works. Unfortunately, IF a problem has recently been identified which must be resolved before the Servicing Agreement with the Region can be executed. It involves some engineering redesign work by the developer's consultant to tike into account an existing fibre optics cable under Highway No. 2, The engineering work apparently has not been completed and will not be completed in sufficient time i - Page 2 - to allow- the development agreement between Clarington Place Limited and the Region to kis executed prior to April 3p., 1596. As a result the development agreement and other agreements with the Municipality which are referred to above, -also cannot b e executed by April 3Q, 19966 accordingly, 1 recommend that Council be asked to piss the following resolution at its meeting on April 29, 1996: THAT, subject to written concurrence of Clarington Plane Limited to an extension of the closing date being received by the Municipality prior on April Z9. 1998, the closing date of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality and Clarington Place Limited which was authorized by Council's approval of Report #PD�58-95, be extended to May 31, 1996, with the other terms and conditions of the Agreement reinino the .same. DCHha: Yours truly, �f4/\1 Dennis C. Hetfe n