HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-05Clarington Council Minutes February 5, 2018 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 5, 2018, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, D. Crome, F. Horvath, M. Marano, R. Maciver, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 Moment of Reflection Councillor Partner led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. Later in the meeting Mayor Foster announced the Clarington Public Library received a Provincial Ontario Public Library Service Award, the Angus Mowat Award of Excellence, for the Winter WonderLearn Festival. 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #C-014-18 Moved by Councillor Traill seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 15, 2018, be approved. Carried - 1 - Clarington 6 Presentations There are no Presentation scheduled for this meeting. 7 Delegations Council Minutes February 5, 2018 7.1 Kim Taylor, Regarding Report CAO -002-18, Potential Locations for Durham Hospice -1 Clarington (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Kim Taylor was present Report CAO -002-18, Potential Locations for Durham Hospice L Clarington. She advised the members of Council that she understands the importance of having a hospice in Clarington. Ms. Taylor advised members of Council she has lived in this area for 13 years and believes there are many issues related to the road that need to be considered prior to determining where the hospice will be located. She explained that the traffic and speeding has increased. Ms. Taylor added that the speed limit being reduced a few years ago did not decrease the speeding. She noted that Cobbledick Road is a main route to the Conservation area and waterfront. Ms. Taylor continued by stating it is very dangerous for pedestrians as there are no sidewalks or road lighting. She questioned how far the hospice will be set back from her property line and how much lighting will be on the property. Ms. Taylor asked about safety precautions during construction and if her well and water table will be monitored. She noted that she is concerned about how much noise will be tolerated by the property owner, if fences will be surrounding the property and how the wildlife will be protected. Ms. Taylor concluded by asking Council for a road review prior to moving forward with this project. Ms. Taylor answered questions from the members of Council. 7.2 Greg Smith, Regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle (Unfinished Business Item 13.1) Greg Smith was present regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle. He noted that the residents of Newcastle have come to Council on several occasions over the last year to request that this development not move forward. Mr. Smith added that although the Places to Grow Act promotes growth he feels that the small town feel of communities needs to be considered. He stated that the developer for this development is not willing to work with the residents. Mr. Smith asked for the Municipality to oppose the development at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing. He added that the residents of this area will attend the OMB hearing to provide their support. Mr. Smith is concerned that the OMB will support the developer. He advised Council that the residents did their research prior to purchasing their home and were advised this would be zoned as residential. Mr. Smith does not feel that Newcastle has the infrastructure to support this type of intensification. He concluded by asking the members of Council to support the residents at the OMB hearing. Mr. Smith answered questions from the members of Council. -2- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 7.3 Margaret Maskell, Regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle (Unfinished Business Item 13.1) Margaret Maskell was present regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle. Ms. Maskell noted that residents did their research prior to purchasing in Newcastle and were advised that these would be single family homes. She stated that Newcastle does not need a six -storey condo building. Ms. Maskell referred to an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing in 1985 where a high density development was denied by the OMB for being too close to Highway 2 in Newcastle. She concluded by asking the members of Council to support the residents of Newcastle. Ms. Maskell answered questions from members of Council. 7.4 Jill Richardson, Durham Hospice Clarington and Mark Murphy, Project Manager, Lakeridge Health, Regarding Report CAO -002-18, Potential Locations for Durham Hospice ❑ Clarington (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Jill Richardson, Durham Hospice Clarington and Mark Murphy, Project Manager, Lakeridge Health, were present regarding Report CAO -002-18, Potential Locations for Durham Hospice Clarington. Ms. Richardson advised Council that they are in full support of the Staff Report. She introduced the members of the Durham Hospice Clarington that were present in the audience. Ms. Richardson asked Council to support the Staff recommendations. She thanked the members of Council for supporting the need for a hospice location within the Municipality of Clarington. Ms. Richardson noted that they will launching a fundraising initiative to increase the number of long beds in Clarington and in the surrounding region. She added that this will be a great resource to the community. Ms. Richardson concluded by thanking the members of Council. Ms. Richardson and Mr. Murphy answered questions from members of Council. Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-015-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Rules of Procedure be suspended. Carried -3- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-016-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Jeff Rickard be permitted to address Council regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle (Unfinished Business Item 13.1) Carried Jeff Rickard was present regarding Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle. He advised the members of Council that he is opposed to this development. Mr. Rickard stated that the zoning has not changed and he believes the developer is waiting for the zoning change to further intensify the property. He concluded by asking for this land to remain R1 zoned and developed as residential. 8 Communications ❑ Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. 9 Communications ❑ Direction Resolution #C-017-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That Communication Items 9.1 to 9.4, be approved on consent, as follows: 9.1 Victor Suppan, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, regarding House of Commons Standing Committee Recommendation Report on 3 U+A-LL SIJ [&D❑DGDV-u FLLYW H Whereas the federal House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development has identified seventeen recommendations to the H(3 --LM R*UP HEM- MQJ H❑F[kWR10LdHG[7E[5 HSRLW❑AYAP SIRYHVgH❑ protection and preservation of Ca❑DCDHL1I1 Whereas Community Heritage Ontario (CHO) is seeking the support of the Clarington Heritage Committee and Municipal Council by writing to the federal Minister of Environment with copies to the Minister of Finance and the members of federal Parliament supporting the seventeen recommendations; Whereas recommendation number eleven for a proposed tax credit for restoration and preservation work on buildings listed in the Canadian Register of Historic Places is emphasized for support as it can assist in the conservation of privately owned heritage properties within the Municipality; M Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Whereas the Clarington Heritage Committee has provided a letter of support for the seventeen recommendations with an emphasis on supporting recommendation number eleven and is recommending that Clarington Council also provide similar written support to the federal government; Now therefore Be it Resolved That Clarington Council supports the seventeen recommendations of the federal House of Commons Standing Committee on ( —"�❑P HF1 D:G6 X"UL:DE(K FNHUSP HAMV FRLA�IT5 HSRlW11EW D-GfJ \NH blU+UVAR-'-RI [& D❑DCD J H-LD❑G[tDCSDLWXQLU FRP P H❑C ❑CI number eleven; and Further that this resolution be circulated to the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with copies to the Minister of Finance and the members of federal Parliament. 9.2 Confidential Memo from Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding OMB Appeal by Tornat Newcastle Limited The Confidential Memo from Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding OMB Appeal by Tornat Newcastle Limited was considered later in the meeting during the consideration of Addendum to Report PSD -090-17. 9.3 Memo from David Crome, Director of Planning Services, regarding CAO -002-18 Report, Durham Hospice location, permission to amend the Clarington Official Plan That Correspondence Item 9.3 from David Crome, Director of Planning Services, regarding CAO -002-18 Report, Durham Hospice location, permission to amend the Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the Consideration of Report to CAO -002-18. (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 9.4 Suzanne Elston regarding, PSD -011-18, Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Study ❑ Terms of Reference That Correspondence from Suzanne Elston regarding, PSD -011-18, Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan Study []Terms of Reference, be referred to the consideration of Report to PSD -011-18. (Item 4 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Carried -5- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Alter the Agenda Resolution #C-018-18 Moved by Councillor Woo seconded by Councillor Partner That the Agenda be altered to consider Report CAO -002-18, Potential Locations for Durham Hospice ❑ Clarington Development Strategy, at this time. (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Report) Carried Item 7 - Potential Locations for Durham Hospice ❑ Clarington Resolution #C-019-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report CAO -002-18 be received; That staff be directed to declare approximately 0.8 hectares (2 acres) of the municipally - owned property south of 1895 Cobbledick Road shown in Figure 1 of Report CAO -002- 18, as surplus and transfer such property to Durham Hospice L Clarington for nominal consideration, subject to the conditions set out in section 2.11 of Report CAO -002-18 Z 1WAKH[Fi[FHSMJ[RI 0\KH[FR❑aME P0AKH DP H -&OIL -J \REEIEHII-IF(XG-GLAMIDFW WI❑ name; That staff be directed to take all steps to effect the transfer; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documentation necessary to effect the transfer; That Council directs staff to initiate an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan to permit a Hospice at 1785 Cobbledick Road; and 7 I -I-W- HUR E❑❑❑[& REE01GEN 5 RDG-EHFTR&HG[RI [& RP P L1 RHIC/ CFFRP P HI GM -1 and all interested parties listed in Report CAO -002-18 and any delegations be advised RI �& RX❑FL0i/-G-Fl2\ R❑ Carried later in the meeting (See following motion) Resolution #C-020-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to Resolution #C-019-18 a second time. Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 The foregoing Resolution #C-019-18 was then carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Neal X Mayor Foster X Alter the Agenda Resolution #C-021-18 Moved by Councillor Neal seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Agenda be altered to consider Unfinished Business Item 13.1, Addendum to Report PSD -090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle, at this time. Carried Closed Session Resolution #C-022-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following: L A matter that deals with litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and F a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 8:32 PM. 0 DEl. HUR 12 D\/)31FXVvHQm[EFU+GEAMNLR❑[LI DFFRLI D-FHu with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. -7- Clarftwa Recess Resolution #C-023-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Council recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:42 PM. Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Unfinished Business Item 13.1, Addendum to Report PS13-090-17, Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle - Continued Resolution #C-024-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PSD -090-17 and Addendum to Report PSD -090-17 be received for information; That the Confidential Correspondence Item 9.2, Robert Maciver, Municipal Solicitor, regarding OMB Appeal by Tornat Newcastle Limited, be received for information; That the Municipality oppose the applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited; That the Municipal Solicitor be authorized to retain outside legal counsel and a professional planning expert; That Staff Report back on cost estimates; That the costs be funded from the Legal Reserve fund; That all interested parties listed in Addendum to PSD -090-17 and any delegations be DCI I Z RX+10/[G+MR❑Ca n d That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department be forward a copy of Addendum to Report PSD -090-17. Carried later in the meeting (See following motion) Clarington Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-025-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #C-026-18 a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-024-18 was then put to a vote and carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Neal X Mayor Foster X 10 Committee Reports 10.1.1 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes 10.1.2 Abandoned Cemetery Committee Minutes 10.1.3 Heritage Committee Minutes Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 11, 2018 Minutes of the Abandoned Cemetery Committee dated December 7, 2017 Minutes of the Heritage Committee dated January 16, 2018 10.1.4 Museum Minutes Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated January 17, 2018 Resolution #C-026-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Advisory Committee Report Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.4, be approved. Carried M Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 10.2 General Government Committee Report of January 22, 2018 Resolution #C-027-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of January 22, 2018, be approved, on consent. Carried 10.3 Special General Government Committee Report of January 26, 2018 and January 29. 2018 Item 1 - Operating and Capital Budget Resolution #C-028-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report FND-001-18 be received; That Council approve the 2018 Operating Budget as outlined in Attachment #1 to Report FND-001-18, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.17% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in Report FND-001-18 with the following amendments: a. That account number 100-19-193-10190-7102 Municipal Election []Data supplies be increased by $102,000 to a total amount of $117,754; b. That the $102,000 increase to account number 100-19-193-10190-7102 Municipal Election ❑ Data supplies be funded from the tax levy in the amount of $70,000 and the rate stabilization fund in the amount of $32,000; c. That Account # 100-28-130-30650-6400 Emergency Services F Misc Revenue be increased by $20,000 to $55,000; d. That Account # 100-32-130-31030-6400 Engineering Misc Revenue be increased by $10,000 to $10,500; e. That the budget amount, in accounts with object code 7165, be reduced by a total of $3,500 at a rate of approximately 10% for each account; That Council approve the 2018 Capital Budget as outlined in Attachment #1 to Report FND-001-18, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.2% with the following amendments: a. That Capital Project 42-421-14800, SCA ❑ Truck Replacement, in the amount of $55,000, be deferred; -10- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 b. That Capital Project 42-421-17601, DSC Walk Behind Scrubber, in the amount of $10,000, be deferred; That the following items, listed as Priority "B", as itemized in Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, be approved: a. Item #3 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Engineering Capital, in the amount of $267,500; b. The contribution to the Future Staff Reserve Fund, in the amount of $125,000, be maintained and allocated to Emergency Services staffing in accordance with the Master Fire Plan; c. Item #4 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Operations Capital, in the amount of $200,000; d. Item #16 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Various Community Improvement Program Changes in the amount of $4,000; e. Item #2 of Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, New Staffing Proposals, two Light Equipment Operators positions ($70,176 for each position), one part-time Building Services I position ($29,366), one part-time Operations Clerk II position ($34,465), the one part -UP HF&aA NVr HSDLW H-AOU ,, -SRVURIw❑❑ai❑❑L47 ❑ Business Development Supervisor position ($103,222), and Community/Customer Services Manager position ($132,510); f. Item #9 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Operations Equipment Reserve Fund in the amount of $25,000; g. Item #8 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Increase to Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund in the amount of $25,000; h. Item #19 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001 i-AH1Y-Ii7FTWEW KM DLK- Electronic Sign at an estimated cost of $28,000, with $25,000 funded from an external donation and $3,000 funded from the tax levy; Item #5 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Community Services Transfer to R/F in the amount of $25,000; Item #11 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Engineering ❑ Safe Roads/Active transportation program in the amount of $13,500; k. Item #14 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Fleet GPS Update in the amount of $7,000; Item #17 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Heritage Grant Incentive increase in the amount of $1,000; - 11 - Clarington Council Minutes February 5, 2018 m. Item #10 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Engineering Admin Studies ❑ tax levy component for the north Newcastle Drainage Study in the amount of $11,500; n. $50,000 to be allocated to Community Services for a pilot youth project in Courtice; That the project include public consultation; and That the public consultation include both Courtice and Newcastle with a view to a youth program being set-up in Newcastle in 2019; That Attachment 3 to Report FND-001-18, be approved as follows at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.20%: a. That the Clarington Public Library 2018 grant funding be approved in the amount of $3,077,044; b. That the Clarington Public Library F1 Capital Tax Levy 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $114,176; c. That the Bowmanville Older Adult Association 2018 grant funding be approved in the amount of $295,000; d. That the Clarington Museums 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $282,643; e. That the Visual Arts Centre 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $210,848; f. That the John Howard Society/Firehouse Youth 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $65,200; g. That the Community Care Durham 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $50,000; h. That the Newcastle Community Hall 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $20,000; i. That the Orono Cemetery Board 2018 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $10,200; That the external agencies, referred to in Attachment #3 to Report FND-001-18, be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request and be thanked for their delegation on January 26, 2018, as appropriate; That attachments outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserve/Reserve Funds be approved as shown in the 2018 Draft Budget binder; -12- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be approved; That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; That Report FND-001-18 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; That the Streetlight LED replacement and the Parking Lot Rehabilitation Programs, identified in the 2018 Draft Capital Budget to be financed from debenture financing, that the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Region of Durham for the necessary debenture, such terms at the discretion of the Director of Finance/Treasurer; and That the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2018 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Carried as amended Later in the meeting (See following motions) Resolution #C-029-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Item #3 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Engineering Capital, be reduced by $100,000 from $267,000 to $167,500; That Item #4 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Operations Capital, be reduced by $100,000 from $200,000 to $100,000; That Item #5 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Community Services Transfer to R/F, be deleted; That Item #8 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund, be deleted; That Item #9 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Operations Equipment Reserve Fund, be deleted; and -13- Clarington Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That for the Council orientation session following the 2018 municipal election, staff present options for dealing with: Li Funding for future staffing ❑ Funding and utilization of the Rate Stabilization Fund ❑ Funding for External Agencies Carried later in the meeting (See following motion) Resolution #C-030-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That foregoing Resolution #C-029-18 be divided to separate the last paragraph. Motion Lost The foregoing Resolution #C-029-18 was then carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Neal X Mayor Foster x Resolution #C-031-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That approval new staff positions (identified as Item #2 of Attachment 2 of Report FND-002-18) be divided from the 2018 operating and capital budget. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X -14- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-032-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Capital Project 28-388-18001, the purchase of the new fire truck for Fire Station 5, be deferred to the 2019 Budget. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster x Resolution #C-033-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the conference expense for Regional Councillor for Ward 1 & 2 Regional Councillor, Account #100-10-107-0024-7201, be reduced by $1,500 to $0. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X -15- Clarington Resolution #C-034-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That the Community Improvement Funding for Courtice in 2018, Account #100-50-000-10530-7548, in the amount of $90,000, be deleted. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X Resolution #C-035-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Darlington Boulevard reconstruction be deferred, with the funds to be allocated to Prestonvale Road/Robert Adams Drive, and that Staff report back to a General Government Committee in May, 2018 regarding the improvements to the Prestonvale Road/Robert Adams Drive intersection. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X Recess Resolution #C-036-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That Council recess for 10 minutes. Carried -16- Clarington The meeting reconvened at 10:06 PM. Resolution #C-037-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That the total parking lot replacement of Garnet B. Rickard and Fire Hall #1, Capital Project 32-000-1801 be deferred, with $50,000 to be authorized for replacement of sections of pavement, and repair of catch basins. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Neal X Councillor Neal Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X X Resolution #C-038-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the replacement of two Operations trucks in the amount of $470,000, Capital Project 36-388-10100, be deferred. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X -17- Garington Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-039-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Operations Department Capital Project 36-388-10150 include the purchase one new plow for 2018. Motion Lost Resolution #C-040-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the tax levy funding for IT Capital, Capital Project 16-162-07100, be reduced by $100,000. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X Resolution #C-041-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Director of Finance/Treasurer be directed to find alternative funding for Item #57 of Attachment 1 to FND-001-18, Legal -tax levy share of OP Appeal costs in the amount of $10,000. Carried Resolution #C-042-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item #55 of Attachment 1 to Report FND-001-18, Mayor and Council Travel, be reduced from $17,230 to $2,872. Carried Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-043-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item #45 of Attachment 1 to Report FND-001-18, Hydro, be reduced by 5% to $308,935. Carried Resolution #C-044-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-42-421-10130-7131, SCA ❑Water/Sewer be reduced by $5,000 to $55,935. Motion Lost Resolution #C-045-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-36-370-10151-7172, MAC R/M Building, by $5,000 to $27,000. Motion Lost Resolution #C-046-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-36-325-10115-7516, Parks MTNCE Park Improvement, be reduced by $5,000 to $115,000. Motion Lost Resolution #C-047-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-36-325-10115-7516, Parks MTNCE Park Improvement, be reduced by $5,000 to $120,000. Carried Resolution #C-048-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-16-162-00000-7160, Info Tech Consulting, be reduced by $5,000 to $41,000. Motion Withdrawn -19- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-049-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-14-130-00000-7161, Legal Admin Prof Fees, be reduced by $5,000 to $70,000. Motion Lost Resolution #C-050-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting to 11:30 PM. Carried Resolution #C-051-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-13-130-00000-7161, Admin Prof Fees, be reduced by $5,000 to $70,000. Carried Resolution #C-052-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That Account # 100-32-130-0000-7167, Eng Admin Design, be reduced by $5,000 to $145,000. Carried Resolution #C-053-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Account # 100-16-160-00000-7160, H/R Consulting, be reduced by $25,000 to $10,000. Motion Lost -20- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-054-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the following New Staff Positions included in Item # 2 Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, be deleted: ❑ Part-time Clerks Department Clerk II ❑ IT Business Development Supervisor ❑ Community/Customer Service Manager. Motion Withdrawn Later in the meeting (See following motion) Resolution #C-055-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution # C-054-18, divided to vote on the Part-time &( LD4 V Department Clerk II position separately. Motion Lost Councillor Traill then withdrew Resolution #C-054-18. Ome [1[%Ti 1140 45R] Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Part -UP HAOIl1tJV _� HSDLR H❑M(BI N:� 1SRv111R11LL1RXG-Id in Item # 2 Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, be deleted. Motion Lost Resolution #C-057-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the IT Business Development Supervisor position included in Item # 2 Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, be deleted. Motion Lost -21 - Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Resolution #C-058-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Community/Customer Service Manager position included in Item # 2 Attachment 2 of Report FND-001-18, be deleted. Motion Lost Later in the meeting (See following motion) Resolution #C-059-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting to 12:00 AM. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-058-18 was then put to a vote and lost. Resolution #C-060-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Item #14 of Attachment 2 to Report FND-001-18, Fleet GPS Update in the amount of $7,000 be deleted. Motion Lost ;M61 RSTiE-114i19ING] Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That Resolution #GG -079-18 be lifted from the table. Carried -22- Clarington Council now had the following Resolution #GG -079-19 before them: Council Minutes February 5, 2018 That Capital Project 42-421-18404, RRC Lobby Digital Display Sign, in the amount of $17,500, be deleted. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-030-18 was then carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X 10.4 Planning & Development Committee Report of January 29, 2018 Resolution #C-062-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report of January 29, 2018 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #7 (as it was considered earlier in the meeting). Carried Resolution #C-063-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting to 12:05 AM. Carried 11 Staff Reports None 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion -23- Clare n Council Minutes February 5, 2018 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle (Referred from the December 11, 2017 Council Meeting) Applications by Tornat Newcastle Limited for a mixed-use development at King Avenue West and Rudell Road, Newcastle, was considered earlier in the meeting. 13.2 Resolution #GG -079-18 (Tabled from the January 29, 2018 Special General Government Committee Meeting) [To be considered with Committee Report Item 10.3] Resolution #GG -079-18 was considered earlier in the meeting. 14 By-laws Resolution #C-064-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2018-009 to 2018-014 14.1 2018-009 Being a By-law Exempt a Certain Portion of Registered Plan 40M-2590 14.2 2018-010 Being a by-law to provide for the establishment and adoption of an Emergency Management Program for the Municipality of Clarington (Item 6 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.3 2018-011 Being a by-law to establish certain lands as public highways (Item 9 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.4 2018-012 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2015-029, a By-law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, its General Government Committee, its Planning and Development Committee, and Special Committees, regarding sections related to changes under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.5 2018-013 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item 8 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) -24- Council Minutes cla n February 5, 2018 14.6 2018-014 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2593 from Part Lot Control That the said by-laws be approved. Carried 15 Procedural Notices of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Other Business None 17 Confirming By -Law Resolution #C-065-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2018-015, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 5t" day of February, 2018; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 18 Adjournment Resolution #C-066-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the meeting adjourn at12:01 AM. Mayor Carried -25- lunicipal Clerk