HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1969
Res. 142
Res. 14)
Res. 144
Res. 145
Meeting held in Council Chambers at 8 p.m.
Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Joan
Frith, Fred Couch, Alfred Gray and Frank Hoar.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that minutes of Council meeting held June 9th be adopted
as printed. Carried.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that approval be granted to Ontario Hydro for the nurchase
of 2.014 acres of land from Irwin Morris Colwill, being
part of lot 26, Conc'lssion 2, Tovmship of Clarke, now in
the Village of Newcastle. Carried.
Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch
that Stella Gujda be granted permission to separate
120' x 67' from the following parcel of land:
ALL AND SIiJ,WLAR that ce:rtain narcel or tract of
land and premises situate, lying 'lond being in the Village
of Newcastle, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, being
composed of part of Lot 27, Concession 2, Township of Clarke
now in the said village of Newcastle, the boundaries of said
parcel are described as follows:
Premising that the King's Highway No.2 in front of
said Lot 27 has a bearing of North 71 degrees 14 minutes Last
and relating all bearings herein thereto.
C01';;rBNCING at a Doint distant 120.00 feet measured
South 71 degrees 14 min~tes Jest from a point in the East
limit of said Lot 27, Concession 2, distant 177.00 feet
measured North 18 degrees I) minutes Jest therein from the
South East angle thereof;
'.:'H.t;;HC.t; South 71 degrees Ii, minutesclest a distance of
179.92 feet to a point;
TliblWi; North 18 degrees 17 minutes ilest a distance
of 21.00 feet to thp South East angle of Lot 4 as shown on
Registered Plan lio. 660;
TH~NCL North 18 degrees 15 minutes Jest along the East
limit of said Lot 4 a distance of 46.00 to a point;
TH~.WE loiorth 71 decrees 14 r,Jinutes East a distance of
179.97 feet to a point;
THE~C~ South 18 degrees I) minutes East a distance
01' 67.00 feet to the point of cOillnenceoent. Carried.
Moved by Con. Yrith Seconded by Con. Hoar
that Stanley Gujda be Granted perr~ission to separate 120'
by 67' from the following parcel of land;
ALL AND SIliGULiili that certain uarcel or tract of
land and nremises situate, lying and being in the Village
of Newcastle, County of Durham, .Province of Ontario, being
composed of part of Lot 27, Concession 2 Township of Clarke
now in the said Village of Newcastle, the boundaries of
said parcel are described as follows:
. PRENISING that the King's Highway No.2 in front of
said Lot 27 has a bearing of North 71 degrees 14 minutes
bast and relating all bearings herein thereto;
COI'JI"j,NCING at a point distant 120.00 feet measured
South 71 degrees 14 minutes ~est from a noint in the East
limit of said Lot 27, Concession 2, dist~nt 110.00 feet
measured North 18 degrees 1) minutes West therein fron the
::'outh East angle thereof;
THE:W:C; South 71 degrees 14 minutes "vest a distance
of 179.8) feet to a point;
THENCE North 18 degrees 17 minutes West a distance
of 67.00 feet to a point;
'.i'H.t;NC.B loiorth 71 decrees 14 minutes East a distance
of 179.92 feet to a point;
THENCE South 18 degrees I) minutes East a distance
of 67.00 feet to the point of Commencement. Carried.
Page 2.
Hes. 147
Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that l'lr. Bolahood be given permission to obtain the cost
of an easement for a drainage course along the west side of
the Park, through the Hoogkamp property to the existing creek,
and that a joint meeting be arranged between Hr. Bolahood,
The Department of Highways and the Village Council. Carried.
!'loved by Con. ,}ray, Seconded by Con. Couch . .
that uermission be granted to dtrathben Investments L~m~ted
to separate a lot 75' x 150' being part of Lot 29, Concession
2, in the Village of Newcastle. Carried.
Res. 146
Hes. 148
Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded b~ Con. Frith . .
that permission be granted to btrathben Investments L~m~ted
to separate lots 2 and 3 on North street, being part of Lot
29, Concession 2 in the Village of Newcastle. Carried.
Mr. George Finney from the County Road Office approached
Council regarding lots on Manvers dtreet affected by the
widening of the road by the County.
Res. 149 Hoved by Con. Frith, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that Lot 14, Block "K" owned by John DeJong and Lot 6,
Block "J" owned by Dverard Joll, be all proved as building
lots after the size of these lots are reduced somewhat
by the County Hoad, subject to the approval of the Dept.
of Health. Carried.
11e8. 150 Hoved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch
that a meeting be arranged with Mr. Ken Jitherten of
the Bell Telephone Company with regard to the numbering
of houses in the Village. Carried.
Res. 151 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that a grant to the i.:ireat Pine H.idge ~'estival of the
Arts be refused at this time. Carried. At the reQuest
of C(1O. F'ri th, a recorded vote was taken as follow~:
In favour of the motion: Con. Frith - No
Con. Hoar - No
Con. Gray - Yes
Con. Couch - Yes
Heeve - Yes
Res. 152 Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch
that J!'riday p.m., September 5, 1969, be declared a Civic
half-holiday to permit the school children to attend
the Durham Central }.'air in Orono. Carried.
Hes. 153 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that ~650.00 be paid to the Memorial Library Board.
!tes. 154
Hoved by Gon. Gray, Second}jd by Gon. :t'ri th
that Mr. Harold Gouch's:?et for supplying and maintaining
the dump be increased to $600.00. Carried.
Res. 155 Hoved by Gon. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray
that the following letters be received and filed:
Ontario ,later llesources Commission re Sewer Project
Dept. of Public darks re Justice Provincial Court '
Canadian Assoc. of .I!'ire Chiefs re Hegistration of' ~'ire Chiefs
Departrnen~ of J:Junicipal. Affairs re Proposed Assessment law ch,~nges
Dept. of l'1Un~c~pal rl.ffa~rs, re .Lntroduction of the Assessmemt
Act 1968-1969.
ReS. 156
Res. 157
Res. 158
J:{eS. 159
I'lINUT.c;S O~' REGUL,u{ HliliTING - July 14. 1969.
Page 3
Moved by Oon. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that accounts amounting to .;;17,.894.28 be approved for
payment. Carried.
Moved by Con. Hoer, Seconded by Con. Couch
that the reportH of the ~'ire Department, The Northumberland-
Durham Health Unit and the Building Inspector be accepted.
Noved by Con. ,fray, deconded by Con. Hoar
that permiHsion be granted to the Lions Club to hold a
parade from the Ne'Ncastle Public School north on Mill Street
to .bmily citreet, /fest on Emily St. to Church St., North on
Ohllrch Cit. to No. 2 Highway, East on jJo. 2 highway to the
Park on Monday, August 4, 1969.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Oon. Frith
that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
. ()jh.(~f-;((<7'.~...
~Lng Clerk.
Merril Henry - Caretaker's Salary $316.61
Gertrude Gray - Office Salary 50.87
Jean McCullough - Clerk's Salary 328.23
Jean McCullough - Car Allowance 41.66
H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension 200.00
Receiver - Gen. Deductions 49.66
Receiver - Gen. U.E.~surance 8.24
Newcastle P.U.C. - ~elfare 26.78
Wm. H. HcNurtry -,{elfare rent 100.00
Mark Tomina - Welfare rent 250.00
Cheque #909 - Welfare 65.00
Cheaues #833, 889, 897 - Welfare 45.00
"1891,887,834,896,907 -delfare 75.00
";1835,888,890,895,908 -delfare 385.00
hrs. Jack White - Property 3.00
Jack Gray - Roads 72.00
Bennett Paving - Roads 76.88
Zory Lesnik - refund sewage per. 3.00
Can. Imp. Bnk of Comm.- repay 10an8000.00
Newcastle Horticulture Society gr. 50.00
D.Wright, Lions Club Grant 50.00
Newcastle Garage - Fire ilept. 88.11
Bell Canada - Fire Dept. 37.43
A. Naylor, Sec. - Fire Dept. 10.00
P.G. Newell - Property 27.JO
~ITs. F. Ferguson - tax refund 8.40 PAID
'Total Accounts
James Publishing Co.
Bell Canada
Caribonum Canada
Legal & Registrar
Registrar May & June
E. R. Lovekin - re Custom Glass
];'ire Department
Bell Canada
Newcastle Garage
William Couch
Harold Couch
Miller Paving Ltd.
Township of Clarke
Leland Payne
Bennett Paving ~ Mat. Ltd.
Th&Pedlar People Ltd.
Prop erty
Doug '{right
P. G. Newell Lumber
Jilliam Couch
William Couch
Preston Moving ~ Storage
Toms u Sons Ltd.
Lorne Johnson Drugs~my & June
Town of BOWfficillville May & June
~ii7 5.80
399.97 ~J,209.98
Y.U.C. Street Lightfl 352.61
Workmen's Compensation Bd.Reo. 18.90
Town of Bowmanville - Dog oontrol 180.00
Can. Imp. Bnk of Oomm- cichool :}l6o...2.o ::S7 l' 51
Degenture By-law 682 -- - ~