HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1969 .- Res. 124A Res. 125 Res. 126 Res. 127 . Res. 128 Res. 129 Res. IJO . Res. IJl Res. IJ2 Res. IJJ .. HINUTBS o:e liEGULAR COUNCIL l'lEETING - June ,9, 1969 Meeting held in Council Chamber at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Joan Frith, Fred Couch, Alfred Gray and Frank Hoar. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that minutes of Council meetings held on May 12, 29, JO and June J be adopted as printed. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Frith that permission be given to George Bonathan for separation of a lot 62' by 185' approximately, being part of Lot 29, Concession 1, Baldwin Street, subject to the approval of the Department of Hunicipal Affairs. Carried. Hoved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar that leave 1le granted to introduce By-Law 69-10 being a By-Law to amend By-Law 80J making Robert Street one-way eastbound from Mill Street to Beaver Street, and Beaver Street one-way northbound from Robert Street to James street, and that it be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Frith that it be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that it be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. ~IT. Munro addressed Council with regard to the possibility of water extension south of 401 in the future as he is contemplat- ing the drilling of ~ well. He was advised by Council that he would be charged water frontage when and if the water went past his property, regardless of his well. fITs. Brereton inquired if the Village had a Litter By-Law. Con. Couch will speak to Mr. Glanville regarding the litter caused by his store next to the Brereton property. Moved by Con. Frith, Seconded by Con. Hoar that a grant of $50.00 be given to the Newcastle Horticultural Society. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Clerk write a letter to Russel Honey, M.P. regarding exemption of the federal tax on the new compressor being purchased for the Arena. Carried. Moved by Co~. Frith, Seconded by Con. Hoar that any member of Council wishing to attend the Ontario Community Planning Association Conference on June 18 and 19 be allowed to do so. Carried. The Clerk was instructed by Council to complete the Questionnaire from the United Counties regarding administration of welfare, moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray. Carried. A letter from the Department of Highways regarding an easement for storm sewer8 to be dealt with at the next regular Council meeting, the Reeve to talk to the property owner affected by the easement. Reeve D. J. Cunningham vacated the chair and moved that the answer be "No" to the question from the Association of Ontario ~Iayors and Reeves: "Are you in favour of the Provincial Govern- ment taking over the municipal assessment function." Seconded by Con. Gray. Carried. Res. 134 . Res. 135 Res. 136 Res. 137 Res. 138 Res. 139 . Res. 140 Res. 141 . . MINUT~S OF COUNCIL }illBTING - June 9. 1969 -- page 2 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Frith that anyone interested in attending the 71st Annual Ontario Municipal Association Convention August 17-20 be allowed to do so. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that a license be~anted to Tony's Refreshment Service, subject to the approval of the Department of Health. Carried. Moved by Con. Frith, Seconded by Con. Gray that the follow- ing letters be received and filed: Department of Correct- ional Services, Custom Glass, Atlantic International Company Investments. Carried. l'loved by Con.. Couch Seconded by Con. Gray that accounts amounting to $12,484.15 be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Frith that the reports of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit and the Building Inspector be accwpted. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that the report of the Fire Department be accepted. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write Bell Canada requesting that they give the Village of Newcastle the first right to purchase the property owned by them when this property becomes available. Con. Gray advised Council work had been started at Bondhead Cemetery. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch that a donation of ~50.00 be given the Lions Club for fireworks display. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. lp' ~~ ftjrj ....~:... . . ~. ;?;'J.< ~-{.,(~~. . . A<<ting Clerk . .- .- e- .- ..,- pLAY ACCOUNTS - 1969 !1ill! Gertrude Gray (Office Salary) Gertrude Gray (Holiday Pay) Glenholme Hughes (Clerk's Salary) Glenholme Hughes (Clerk's Salary) M. Henry (Caretaker's Salafy) .E. .. Vierhout (Buildin~ Inspector) H.d.Britton (Pension) Receiver General of Canada) postage re tax bills Canadian Federation of ~~yors & Nunicipalities Chq #824 Direct Welfare (rent) Chq #0787, 0815, 0819, 0829 (D.~elfare) Chq #0788, 0816, 0820, 0830 (D.Welfare) Chq #0822, 0831 (Direct Nelfare) P.U.C. (Direct Welfare) Newcastle Fire Dept. (practice) Newcastle Recreation Committee The Franklin Press (Capital & Loan Acct) UNPAID Office Receiver General (Inc.Tax deduct.) Receiver Jeneral (Canada Pension) Unemployment Insurance (M.H. ~ G.H.) James Publishing Registry Office Bell Canada Fire Department Goodes Hardware Safety Supply Company Fire Hall, P.U.C. Property Davey Tree Expert Co. Goodes Hardware \'iilliam Couch G1i!:rbage .. V(illiam Couch Welfare 'Toms & Sons Ltd. Goodes Hardware Dept. of Health (insulin-J.HcHullen) Roads Douglas \vright Pedlar People Ltd. Peterborough Lumber Co. Harnden &; King VVilliam Couch Harold Couch JVJiscellaneous Reeve & Councillors salaries (6 Firemen--extra pay for fires Dunwoody & Company (re Audit) P.U.C. Street Lighting P.U.C. Traffic Lights Ontario Water Resources Ontario Water Resources $233.55 84.00 166.66 111. 3 0 316.61 62.50 200.00 36.00 5.17 150.00 300.00 60.00 }O.OO 31.62 10.00 350.00 319.79 $ 2,467.20 73.15 26.30 16.48 6.00 2.40 22.52 146.85 .32 4.60 .00 194.75 4.06 20.00 9.92 4.00 218.81 6.90 6.90 161. 92 1.67 .62 164.21 15.00 208.55 19.88 1,933.00 20.00 158.00 2,354.43 mons.) 1150.00 444.40 1,750.00 352.61 6.82 363.00 3.045.00 'i'OTAL ACCOUNTS --.:7,111.83 12,484.15