HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/1969 .e$; J Res. 4 Land Sep. Res. 5 Land Sen. -~~ lies. 0 . Hes. 7 Res. 8 Library . Res. 9 Hall Board Res. 10 }~ecreation Res. 11 Arena. Jvip,t. Pes. 12 -. He s. IJ MINUT};S OJ!' HEGULlili COUNCIL HEHTIlJil - JjUmAHY IJ, 1969. Meeting held in Council Chamber at 8 p.m. Present were: n.eeve D. J. Cunnincham, Councillors Couch, Gray and Hoar. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar that minutes of' meeting December 9, 1968 be amended by substituting the words 'and withdrew' for 'them with' after the phrase 'Nr. Jack Adams addressed Council and presented'. Carried. Hoved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that minutes of December 9, JO and January 9th be adopted as printed and/or amended. Carried. Mr. B. R. Lovekin addressed Council with regard to land separations for Harry Jose and n.eida Allison. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that Council approve the auplication of Harry Jose to separate narcel of land approximately 16J' x 200' in the North East corner of lot 27. Con. 1, '}'ownsh.ip of Clarke, now in the .fillase of Newcastle, fronting on #2 Highway. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that Council approve the application of HI'S. Reida A.llison to separate parcel of land approximately 60' x 174' fronting on Nt1nrot Street as indicated on Dlan by Donevan and 3'leischman 0urveyors 8.~ld 3ngineers, dated [la;j' 17th, 1962. Carried. I10ved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. G-ra,y that Council does not aunrove the erection of more than one house on lot 52, plan 656, whether or not it has been sub- divided. Carried. Reeve Cunnin-;ham '3.Dy:ointed the following Committees of Council: 1st Il'-'.med to be Chairrlan. Eoads aYJd ;3ridges - iJ. J. Cunningham. Sidewalks - llray .B'ire ;-J,nd ?nlice - Hoar and r}ray iroperty - Couch. i>'inance - 0unCliw;ham an< Hoar ~elfare - Couch and Gray Industriql - Gray and liosr. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch th8t the folloHinc be appointed to the Nemorial .Library -loard: C. R. Carveth - ChairIilan J. DeJon~, Mrs. L. S. Miklos, Jack ~esbitt. Carried. Moved by Con. COUCh, :3econded by Con. Hoar that the following be anDointed to the COEmunit~ 2all Board: A. Pearce, "'red Couch, 11. J.'CunninChaITl, Nn;. A. C.:3. llilliams. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, tieconded by Con. Couch that trle followin,:; be appointed to the ~~ecreation Committee: Earl lloster, f'artin Coolahan, cTack frul1er, ~'rank Hoar, D. cT. Cunningham, j'Tf1. G. NorthruI',~'reasurer, llrs. K. Huttan. j;) ec . Carri ed . Noved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that the followinJ; be appointed to the Arena ]VianR.gement Doard: Alf G'ray, Ch'3.irrnn, Jolm Hickard, 4:n. Call, Cha8. Crowther, Secretary, Lrs. ~'al" Brereton, Treasurer. Carried. 00ved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that Heeve Cunningham ~e appointed as Newcastle Representative to the Ganar'lska Eegion Conservation Authority and I'll'. R. Furray Paterson be appointed Newcastle Hepresentative on the Board of Directors of .Gowmanvillp Xemorial llospi tal. Carried. Eoved by Con. Hoar, i:leconded by Con. Gray that Membership in the following Associ'3.tions be paid: Nayors '" Reeves, - '\20: Good k(oads -in5: 'rhe Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council - $10. Carried. Res. 14 . hes. 15 oalaries Hes. 16 lies. 17 Accts. hes. 18 :Q.y-law ees. 19 Res. 20 .H'. Nace Hes. 21 Ites. 22 Jies. 23 ~, l,-es. .c't . Hes. 25 '. HIliUThS OB' REGFLAR hEB'l'INJ. - January 13, 1969 - Page 2. Hoved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that we donate ~10. to the St. John Ambulance Association. Carried. Clerk was instructed to file letters from the P.ll.C.; Ontario Municipal Association; Department of Correctional Services. A 1 ett er from I"lrs. G. Gray was read. hoved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that Ers. Gray De paid at the rate of~2. ;Jer hour for the year 1969. Carried. llloved by Con. G-ray, ::>econded by Con. Couch that the Clerk be authorized to attend Department of Finanoial Seminar in Cobourg on January 16th. Municinal Affairs Carried. Noved by Con. Couch, Seoonded by Con. Gray that accounts amOilllting to $18,279.3~be apnroved for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch that leave be @anted to introduce By-law 69-1, being a by-law to allow temporary borrowing \;oH54,OOO. and that it be read a first time. Carried. I/joved by Con. HO<'lr, Seconded by Con. Gray that it be read a seoond time. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that it be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Con. }ray, Seconded by Con. Couch that the apnlication of B'rank Hace to enlar:se South Haven Nursing Home be held in abeyance until a decision has been made regarding Sanitary Sewers in Newcastle. Carried. Moved by that the adopted. Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray Fire report for December and for the Year 1968 be Carried. Hoved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that tenders for oil supplied to the Village, be onenecL C2rried. Moved by Con. Gray, ~econded by Con. Couch th3\; the.i'ender of Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. at 9. price of' 30.1650 per gallon be accepted, deliveries to be nade by H. B. Rickard, Newcastle. Carried. hoved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ~ c r , . I... ,/ --f!'~ Jjd.'ffiUnhl~ .. .. .. . . .. (~ .)/e;-.0. 10:-:.. .. . Cle(I"' , '6 .- . . . DECEMBER ACCOUNTS /16a PAID ACCOUNTS Newoastle Publio Sohool Mrs. Jean McCullough Traffic Products - Crosswalk Toms & Sons Ltd. - Tax rebate Jacob Oegema - Tax rebate Gray's Tree Service - Property Goode's Hardware - Arena Newell Lumber- Arena Bathe & McLellan - Arena R. B. Rickard - Arena H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Glenholme Hughss - Clerk's Salary Herril Henry - Caretaker's Salary Gertrude Gray - Office Salary Receiver-General - U.E.I. Stamps Receiver-General - Deductions Herb Gibson - Crossing Guard Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce UllPAID Ottioe James Publishing Company Bell Canada LeRal & ReRistrar Registrar - West Durham Nov & Dec. Fire Department Bell Canada Newcastle Ciarage R, B. Rickard Fuels R. B. Rickard Plumbing & Heating Roads Leland Payne Ed Hc.l!'arland W. B. Bennett Paving & Materials William Couch Harold Couch Newcastle P.U.C. - Cross walk Property William Couch - Garbage Welfare Toms & Sons Nov. & Dec. R. B. Rickard Fuels. Lorne Johnson DruBs Town of Bowmanville- Nov. & Dec. Arena Perrin-Turner Ltd. T~aff1C Lights . B. Rickard Plumbing C. G. ~. Newcastle P.U.C. - Street Lights Treasurer of Onto - tines $5,000.00 10.00 549.)2 )).28 )).28 110.00 52.5) 17.28 72.76 957.06 200.00 292.0) )00.6) 112.18 15.20 86.89 48.00 5.000.00 ,/ 10.50 21.11/ $ )1.61 4.80V 4.80 )7.70"- 4.10- 59.770' 2.36.... 10).9) 180.00/ 567.00"'- 22. 50 v 58.00v 440.00" 117.34.... 1,)84.84 5.40/ 5.40 584.47; 9.95" 19.14..-- 58.48 y 672 . 04 1.218.46 1,218.46 -' 14.28v 1.374.24v 1,)88.52 )54.70'/ 224.57..- 579.27 Total Accounts $12,890.44 5.388.87 $18,279.)1