HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/1968
Hes. 26S
"'es. 266
he s .267
Res. 268
Hes. 269
Hes. 270
.H~S. 271
Res. 2'12
Hes. 2?J
NINUTHJ O~' riEGULAH COUNCIL NEKJ'ING - j).D0ill.illER 9, 1968.
'i'he Council meeting was held in the Council Ghamber of the
Communi ty Hall on December 9th, 196~ ~.t 8 p..~."
1:'resent were Heeve Cunnlngham, CouncllJ.ors ~rlth, (jauch, Jeray
and Hoar.
Noved by Con. GrlY, Seconded by Con. Couch.
that Mrs. I. McCullouRh act as Clerk for this meeting in the
absence of Mr. nughes: Carried.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar.
that minutes of meeting of November 11, 19b8 be adopted as
nrinted. Carried.
Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that minutes of meetinG held on November 18, 1968 be ad01}ted
as printed. Carried.
Moved by Co~. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that the minutes of meeting of November 22nd, 1968 be adopted
as printed. Carried.
J'loved by Con. H03r, Seconded by Con. ji'ri th
that minutes of a joint committee of the Village Council and
the Hall Board, held on November 2Sth, 1968, be adopted as
printed. Carried"n.~ ~(~A!\
"",,<I. ~' 9QJ-'-' ~
Hr. Jack Adams addressed Council and presented^Ul.:-m ',:ith a IQ.
petition signed by ratepayers, protesting the proposed cost
of the sewage system. Huch discw3sion followed, the Reeve
advising him that Council have not accepted the proposed
estimate from the Ontario,{ater Hefwurces Commission.
Mr. Lrwin Colwill addressed Council with respect to a piece
of land o\,ned by Durham Co-op 8nd advised that this Company
was willing to sell same to the Village for $1.00 with the
understanding that 8 legal aGreement would be drawn up by
Council to '()rotect .ourhar. Co-Op against ditching.
A letter from Hr. lJo....glas 4ri,jht was read,
aprointment on the Nanagement Board of the
Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that Mr. Wright's resignation be accepted.
A letter of aDDreciation to be sent to Mr.
resigning his
;'ie',"Gastle Arena.
fright for Dast
I'loved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. \iray
that letter from Canadian lransport Commission re notice of
hearing be filed to be dealt with at a later date. Carried.
.Letter from b;.
Clerk to 'cri te
for ins'()ection
R. Lovekin was read.
I'r. Dovekin informing
of plumbing rests with
Council instructed the
him that the resnonsibility
the Health Unit.
Council instructed that a letter fromP.U.C. re underground
services be filed to be dealt with at a later date.
Letter frOln Hen tal Health Assoc. is to oe filed,mtil the
January meeting.
Letter from Associated ~ental Co-Operative is to be answered
by the Clerk.
Letter from Incinerators Inc. to be filed.
Eoved by. Con. Couch, Jeconded by Con. Gray
that the .:JiS,OOO. requested by the :Public ;School Board should
be paid to them. Carried.
Hoved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Gray
that accounts amounting to $SS,114.14,be paid. Carried.
.Hes. 2'14
lies. 275
Hes. 2'16
Jies. 277
Jies. 278
Res. 279
Hes. 280
. nes. 281
Jies. 282
. Ees. 283
NlNU'rES Oi H1>GUbAR COUNCIL HE1>nNU - December 9, 1968 Page 2.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that By-law 68-15, sale of land to Benson, be read a first time
Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Frith
that it be read a second time. Carried.
Moved by Con. Jray, Seconded by Con. Couch
that it be read a third time and fi~ally passed. Cqrried.
hoved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that By-law 68-16 re sale of land to Ceresdale be read a first
time. Carried.
Hoved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. l"ri th
that it be read a second time. Carried.
Noved by Con. Hoar, ;3econded by Con. Couch
that it be read a third time and finally passed. Carried.
Councillor HO"lr read the report of the ~'ire Department.
Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. irith that the report
be accepted. Carried.
!'loved by Con. 'Jray, Seconded by Con. Pri th
that Nr.rurk be a,PPointed to the l'Iana[!;ement 30ard of the
Newcastle Arena. Carried.
rhe Clerk was instructed to send a letter to !fir. Turk in
this regard.
Councillor Couch, Cl18irman of the Pro:!",ertj Camilli ttee thanked
Nr. Hessenger of the 1'. U. C., who \flaS in a ttend8nce, for
installing the ,18corative liC;hts in the 'VillaGe.
Councillor 7rith sU,;:;ested that Council instruct the Clerk
to write Dr. Horner for information regarding Council's
authority in passing of By-laws :!",rohibiting the use of
outdoor plumbing within the Village. ~his is to be done.
J''1r. Albert Pearce, Chairman of the Hall Board, addressed
Council regarding tenders for oil Service for the Hall.
Hoved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. j<'ri th
that Council invite tenders for sup)lying oil to the Comnunity
Hall, Newcastle Arena and Fire Hall. Carried.
I'loved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
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